HOW LOW WILL HE GO? The Comrade plays Limbo

It's odd to hear Trump referred to as comrade when Obama colluded with Russia.

I never tire of the weeping, and gnashing of teeth, from the tormented leftists. Waited 8 long years for this shit... Boy was it worth it! Tenfold, what I ever imagined it'd be...

So, in your opinion, it's okay if the country goes down the tubes, just as long as the leftists are upset? Real patriotic of ya.
How far down the tubes... From your perspective; has the Trump presidency carried us?

Well, first off there's the fact that he hasn't accomplished any of his campaign promises.

And then there's the fact that our standing with our allies has gone down a bit because other leaders don't trust Trump.

Wanna talk about how Trump is governing via Executive Orders? I thought you guys hated it when Obama did it.
Interesting... Which allies? And to what effect?
Sure. Lets hear your thoughts on the executive orders. Which guys hated it; and what was the response from the people in the Obama camp?
View attachment 147224
Earth to idiot. Polls are usually accurate. They weren't in November because of the incredible factors of Russian involvement and Comey's announcement 10 days before the election.

You fail to take into account the long history of accurate ( but not perfect) polling.

Lol, what about the polls that said your pajama boy was going to win in Atlanta? He lost to a terrible GOP candidate.

You go on and live and die by your polls, it'll be fun to watch you crash and burn AGAIN.
You nor Trump can't stand that President Obama is still beloved in this country by a large % of people.
Obama would have easily won in Nov if he could run.
No president, even Millhouse, ever had such low presidential approval ratings this early in his presidency.
How many presidents have faced millions talking about impeachment only 7 months in?
Keep backing your lame duck incompetent and you'll go down with the ship with him.

Memes, polls, and lies are all that is keeping you from losing your grip on sanity. It's going to really suck for you these next six years or so. Can't honestly say I feel sorry for you though.
Funny you still have no idea what's going on.
Take your nose out of Breitbart and Fox to see what's really happening.
Your meme that all polls are always wrong reeks of someone afraid of the truth.
Everyone sees this guy is not fit in any way for the job. Has no desire to learn either.
The harder Kelly tries to rein him in, the more he rebels with more stupid shit.
It's no secret anymore that this guy is toast

What meme was that again? I don't recall posting a meme that said polls are always wrong.

Admit it, you have been lying so much for so long now that you cannot tell what is real and what isn't. You should seek help.
One big difference between you and me. I never lie. Everyone that knows me say I'm too truthful.
Funny you don't know what's real.
There is loud talk all over this country by the military, Congress and average citizens that DT is unfit to be president.
Did you hear what Gen Mattis said to the troops warning them about Trump?
Stay in your little Breitbart bubble while reality is caving in around you..
No truer words were ever spoken.
View attachment 147224
He's the lowest rated because they poll leftists.

Haven't you figured that out yet?
Yeah no righties ever get polled. Lmao
I see you've worked very hard in achieving total stupidity..

Stupid, is believing polls after they have been so consistently wrong, but you snowflakes need something, anything, to keep your fantasy world alive so you poll each other and feel better.
Earth to idiot. Polls are usually accurate. They weren't in November because of the incredible factors of Russian involvement and Comey's announcement 10 days before the election.

You fail to take into account the long history of accurate ( but not perfect) polling.

Lol, what about the polls that said your pajama boy was going to win in Atlanta? He lost to a terrible GOP candidate.

You go on and live and die by your polls, it'll be fun to watch you crash and burn AGAIN.
You nor Trump can't stand that President Obama is still beloved in this country by a large % of people.
Obama would have easily won in Nov if he could run.
No president, even Millhouse, ever had such low presidential approval ratings this early in his presidency.
How many presidents have faced millions talking about impeachment only 7 months in?
Keep backing your lame duck incompetent and you'll go down with the ship with him.
We have more incompetent childish liberals that whine and loot when they don't get their way.
Liberals stay fixated on polls because it keeps their artificial bubble full of happy gas.

It's part of the silent coup. The leftist media doesn't even care anymore if what they report is true or not, the left polls mostly its own to get the results they want, and they stage a witch hunt looking for things that aren't there. It's all part of the plan to accomplish two things:

1. Prevent Trump from making America Great, because they know he will.

2. Keep their butthurt and still crying base from slipping into a coma.

Lie on national TV, lie with staistics, lie with fake polls, it never matters to the left because their agenda justifies whatever they have to do or say.
Only dictators want to suppress the free press. Only supporters of dictators go along with the sublimation of information going out to the American people.
The press is accurate 95% of the time whereas Trump has been proven to be a pathological liar..
Over 1000 lies documented in 7 months but you're too much a coward to admit it..

Nobody wants to suppress the press. It's only the left that wants to suppress speech.

The press has been lying non stop since Trump got elected. Examples of those lies have been posted in many threads here in this board.

All of a sudden your left wing hypocrites care about lies after 0bama lied to this country for 8 years straight.

You are a butthurt nitwit snowflake. You have to surround yourself with lies because reality always disagrees with you. No matter how many times you get bitch slapped, you cannot abandon the bull shit you have believed for your whole life.

Must suck to be you.
Lmao. Does videotape lie?
We have caught him on film lying over a 1000 times.
Yet you're not man enough to admit it.
Why do you think there's STILL so many leaks coming out of the WH and dropped right on the press' laps?
They're appalled with how dysfunctional and incompetent he is.
Yet you blame the press. Ha!
Thanks for admitting you're going down with this corrupt ship.
Lol, Trump I made a million dollars last year.
Media, Trump made one million and one dollars last year. He is a liar.
I never tire of the weeping, and gnashing of teeth, from the tormented leftists. Waited 8 long years for this shit... Boy was it worth it! Tenfold, what I ever imagined it'd be...

So, in your opinion, it's okay if the country goes down the tubes, just as long as the leftists are upset? Real patriotic of ya.
How far down the tubes... From your perspective; has the Trump presidency carried us?

Well, first off there's the fact that he hasn't accomplished any of his campaign promises.

And then there's the fact that our standing with our allies has gone down a bit because other leaders don't trust Trump.

Wanna talk about how Trump is governing via Executive Orders? I thought you guys hated it when Obama did it.
I disagree.He has accomplished letting Big Coal pollute ( with immunity) our streams and rivers with their waste.
He has accomplished giving major polluters the green light to spew their carbon producing grime into our air and waters.
He has accomplished hiring Pruitt to head the EPA, someone who sued the EPA 15 times over clean water and air regulations.
He has accomplished angering all of our allies while propping up our enemies.
He has accomplished stocking the swamp with the same types he accused Hillary would do.
He has accomplished presiding over a totally dysfunctional WH as we all predicted he would.
He has accomplished being the laughing stock around the world and all over this country..
Liberals stay fixated on polls because it keeps their artificial bubble full of happy gas.

It's part of the silent coup. The leftist media doesn't even care anymore if what they report is true or not, the left polls mostly its own to get the results they want, and they stage a witch hunt looking for things that aren't there. It's all part of the plan to accomplish two things:

1. Prevent Trump from making America Great, because they know he will.

2. Keep their butthurt and still crying base from slipping into a coma.

Lie on national TV, lie with staistics, lie with fake polls, it never matters to the left because their agenda justifies whatever they have to do or say.
Only dictators want to suppress the free press. Only supporters of dictators go along with the sublimation of information going out to the American people.
The press is accurate 95% of the time whereas Trump has been proven to be a pathological liar..
Over 1000 lies documented in 7 months but you're too much a coward to admit it..

Nobody wants to suppress the press. It's only the left that wants to suppress speech.

The press has been lying non stop since Trump got elected. Examples of those lies have been posted in many threads here in this board.

All of a sudden your left wing hypocrites care about lies after 0bama lied to this country for 8 years straight.

You are a butthurt nitwit snowflake. You have to surround yourself with lies because reality always disagrees with you. No matter how many times you get bitch slapped, you cannot abandon the bull shit you have believed for your whole life.

Must suck to be you.
Lmao. Does videotape lie?
We have caught him on film lying over a 1000 times.
Yet you're not man enough to admit it.
Why do you think there's STILL so many leaks coming out of the WH and dropped right on the press' laps?
They're appalled with how dysfunctional and incompetent he is.
Yet you blame the press. Ha!
Thanks for admitting you're going down with this corrupt ship.
Lol, Trump I made a million dollars last year.
Media, Trump made one million and one dollars last year. He is a liar.
Trump: I have no business with Russia WHILE he planned to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.
DT: I have no business with Russia while Trump Jr. admitted the family make most of their money from Russia..
On and on...
But you're too much a coward to admit what a lying fraud he is.
Liberals stay fixated on polls because it keeps their artificial bubble full of happy gas.

It's part of the silent coup. The leftist media doesn't even care anymore if what they report is true or not, the left polls mostly its own to get the results they want, and they stage a witch hunt looking for things that aren't there. It's all part of the plan to accomplish two things:

1. Prevent Trump from making America Great, because they know he will.

2. Keep their butthurt and still crying base from slipping into a coma.

Lie on national TV, lie with staistics, lie with fake polls, it never matters to the left because their agenda justifies whatever they have to do or say.
Only dictators want to suppress the free press. Only supporters of dictators go along with the sublimation of information going out to the American people.
The press is accurate 95% of the time whereas Trump has been proven to be a pathological liar..
Over 1000 lies documented in 7 months but you're too much a coward to admit it..

He loved those reporters today covering him hugging kids, passing out meals and loading pickups with water and MRE's. CNN and ABC had a lot of praise for him. It will change tomorrow he'll call them all fake news. Oh, the horror of USMB righties he was kissing little black and Hispanic kids. He hugged black and Hispanic grown ups. Will he keep DACA after this sweet visit?
He's the lowest rated because they poll leftists.

Haven't you figured that out yet?
Yeah no righties ever get polled. Lmao
I see you've worked very hard in achieving total stupidity..

Stupid, is believing polls after they have been so consistently wrong, but you snowflakes need something, anything, to keep your fantasy world alive so you poll each other and feel better.
Earth to idiot. Polls are usually accurate. They weren't in November because of the incredible factors of Russian involvement and Comey's announcement 10 days before the election.

You fail to take into account the long history of accurate ( but not perfect) polling.

You are dead on! I talked to many people before the election that quoted fake Russian news as reasons they could not vote for her,

This country is now in the dark ages. We will be until the Comrade and his Crime Family leave office.
The more DT lies, the more he proves he's unfit for the job, the more his behavior becomes outright bizarre, the more his bots support him.

I saw an interview with about a dozen trump supporters. Half said they can no longer support him because of his weird behavior and not accomplishing anything.
Two who still stood by him were asked what could he do where you would lose your support in him.
They said," Nothing."
That's just so wrong in so many ways and what we have here at this forum by so many cult members.
He's the lowest rated because they poll leftists.

Haven't you figured that out yet?
Yeah no righties ever get polled. Lmao
I see you've worked very hard in achieving total stupidity..

Stupid, is believing polls after they have been so consistently wrong, but you snowflakes need something, anything, to keep your fantasy world alive so you poll each other and feel better.
Earth to idiot. Polls are usually accurate. They weren't in November because of the incredible factors of Russian involvement and Comey's announcement 10 days before the election.

You fail to take into account the long history of accurate ( but not perfect) polling.

You are dead on! I talked to many people before the election that quoted fake Russian news as reasons they could not vote for her,

This country is now in the dark ages. We will be until the Comrade and his Crime Family leave office.

Yep, sure enough, 3 people I work with changed their votes because of what Comey did 10 days before election.
He's the lowest rated because they poll leftists.

Haven't you figured that out yet?
Yeah no righties ever get polled. Lmao
I see you've worked very hard in achieving total stupidity..

Stupid, is believing polls after they have been so consistently wrong, but you snowflakes need something, anything, to keep your fantasy world alive so you poll each other and feel better.
Earth to idiot. Polls are usually accurate. They weren't in November because of the incredible factors of Russian involvement and Comey's announcement 10 days before the election.

You fail to take into account the long history of accurate ( but not perfect) polling.

You are dead on! I talked to many people before the election that quoted fake Russian news as reasons they could not vote for her,

This country is now in the dark ages. We will be until the Comrade and his Crime Family leave office.
Hundreds of Russian trolls invaded our social media weeks before the election. They targeted the swing states and spread malicious lies about HRC, the same ones we hear on this forum every day.
Samantha Bee went to Russia and interviewed two of them. They said each of those hundred trolls created thousand more bots to stump for Trump and malign HRC.
Richard Clarke mentioned this last month on Bill Maher's show.

Yes indeed we are in the dark ages but unless the Dems get their shit together we will remain there until Bob Mueller releases his findings and the Trump Crime family has their final goodbye.
Liberals stay fixated on polls because it keeps their artificial bubble full of happy gas.

It's part of the silent coup. The leftist media doesn't even care anymore if what they report is true or not, the left polls mostly its own to get the results they want, and they stage a witch hunt looking for things that aren't there. It's all part of the plan to accomplish two things:

1. Prevent Trump from making America Great, because they know he will.

2. Keep their butthurt and still crying base from slipping into a coma.

Lie on national TV, lie with staistics, lie with fake polls, it never matters to the left because their agenda justifies whatever they have to do or say.
Only dictators want to suppress the free press. Only supporters of dictators go along with the sublimation of information going out to the American people.
The press is accurate 95% of the time whereas Trump has been proven to be a pathological liar..
Over 1000 lies documented in 7 months but you're too much a coward to admit it..

He loved those reporters today covering him hugging kids, passing out meals and loading pickups with water and MRE's. CNN and ABC had a lot of praise for him. It will change tomorrow he'll call them all fake news. Oh, the horror of USMB righties he was kissing little black and Hispanic kids. He hugged black and Hispanic grown ups. Will he keep DACA after this sweet visit?
The ONLY reason he did those things today is because the media truthfully pointed out he showed no remorse for the victims or dead his first time in Houston.
It's not like we weren't warned.
The Atlantic only made 3 endorsements for president in their long history.
This is what they said about DT back in October:

Donald Trump has no record of public service and no qualifications for public office. His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of Americas nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read.

They hit the nail on the head.

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