How Many Bugs Will Cleaners Find during WH renovation?

How many bugs / hidden cameras will White House Renovation Workers find?

  • Under a dozen

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Hundreds

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • They won't find anything

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
Gee? I thought this below was an error. Seems this may be the final work plan. FFS!


Last time the Resolute Desk was moved from Oval Office - After the assassination of JFK.

President Trump has just given the order for a major renovation of White House including duct work system, plumbing, walls, floors, which is being reported after a story MSM reported a claim of Trump having said, The WH is a dump. I believe the President has employed some highly trained cleaners on this renovation job to uncover anything that should not be there such as spy equipment, bugs, recorders, cameras, etc. One thing is for certain. If the Obama Administration left anything behind? It's about to be uncovered and removed. The White House hasn't been renovated since the 40's according to this news story so it is due for a complete restoration. The timing could not be more perfect to do an internal cleaning at the same time.

White House to become less ‘dump’-like in Trump’s absence

The scuzziness has nothing to do with the current occupant. As Jenny Starrs noted for The Washington Post, the White House is a centuries-old mansion whose original designers and occupants, whatever their foresight regarding matters of governance, never planned for the plumbing, wiring, extensions and HVAC systems that would be tacked on in future decades.

President Harry S. Truman imagined the building was haunted, Starr noted — and so dilapidated that he had the place overhauled in the 1940s.

That was the White House’s last major renovation, and many a smirch has accumulated since. President Bill Clinton had a little asbestos problem in the 1990s — when his family returned from vacation once to find their bedrooms unusable while a work crew finished up, according to the New York Times.

And then there are the maggots.

President Barack Obama was famously beset by a housefly during a TV interview a few months into his presidency, amusing reporters when he killed it on camera.

I'd be more concerned about whether the orange sociopath is having Russian "contractors" put bugs in the White House for their use.

I believe he should have them install surveillance cameras that cannot be shut down - no sound - just visual to see if anyone tries to come in there when he is out of town - to plant something. His phone conversations with the president of did that happen? I'm sure he was alone in the oval office when he had that discussion - it's time to find out what is going on.

Last time the Resolute Desk was moved from Oval Office - After the assassination of JFK.

President Trump has just given the order for a major renovation of White House including duct work system, plumbing, walls, floors, which is being reported after a story MSM reported a claim of Trump having said, The WH is a dump. I believe the President has employed some highly trained cleaners on this renovation job to uncover anything that should not be there such as spy equipment, bugs, recorders, cameras, etc. One thing is for certain. If the Obama Administration left anything behind? It's about to be uncovered and removed. The White House hasn't been renovated since the 40's according to this news story so it is due for a complete restoration. The timing could not be more perfect to do an internal cleaning at the same time.

White House to become less ‘dump’-like in Trump’s absence

The scuzziness has nothing to do with the current occupant. As Jenny Starrs noted for The Washington Post, the White House is a centuries-old mansion whose original designers and occupants, whatever their foresight regarding matters of governance, never planned for the plumbing, wiring, extensions and HVAC systems that would be tacked on in future decades.

President Harry S. Truman imagined the building was haunted, Starr noted — and so dilapidated that he had the place overhauled in the 1940s.

That was the White House’s last major renovation, and many a smirch has accumulated since. President Bill Clinton had a little asbestos problem in the 1990s — when his family returned from vacation once to find their bedrooms unusable while a work crew finished up, according to the New York Times.

And then there are the maggots.

President Barack Obama was famously beset by a housefly during a TV interview a few months into his presidency, amusing reporters when he killed it on camera.

I'd be more concerned about whether the orange sociopath is having Russian "contractors" put bugs in the White House for their use.

I believe he should have them install surveillance cameras that cannot be shut down - no sound - just visual to see if anyone tries to come in there when he is out of town - to plant something. His phone conversations with the president of did that happen? I'm sure he was alone in the oval office when he had that discussion - it's time to find out what is going on.

you should probably worry more about what the orange loon is doing than what people who tell the truth about NON-CLASSIFIED matters are doing.

things that show the loon up for the disgusting inept loser he is are not classified and not entitled to protection.

I hope that helps.

besides, the loon doesn't want you seeing all the Russian going in and out of the white house.

or did you and your fellow nutbars think that there isn't a reason he doesn't release the white house visitor's log.

if president Obama did this, you and the other shrieking nutter butters would be ranting and raving lunatics... even more than you normally are.
The 'cleaners' are employed by a private business who employ ex military operatives. This business has been hired by President Trump's personal security firm who'se CEO is a life long friend and supporter of the President..
NONE of these 'cleaners' is a fucking traitor!
They are now going through the WH with an electronic /physical fine tooth comb.

Last time the Resolute Desk was moved from Oval Office - After the assassination of JFK.

President Trump has just given the order for a major renovation of White House including duct work system, plumbing, walls, floors, which is being reported after a story MSM reported a claim of Trump having said, The WH is a dump.

Excellent. Because nothing says "I love America" like "this place is a dump".
And nothing says "We the People" like flaming opulence.

--- or as the French language puts it, "let 'em eat cake".

Here's a shot of the new Twitter Toilet. Built for comfort at 4am ---


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Trump gotta splurge for temporary digs, why not, he's not paying for it...Spend, spend, spend...
You know he doesn't even take a salary don't you?

That would imply actually having what the rest of us call a "job".
Hey, can't break with tradition.

Actually how do we know he doesn't take a salary?
Oh wait that's right, he's gonna release those taxes. Any day now.
The 'cleaners' are employed by a private business who employ ex military operatives. This business has been hired by President Trump's personal security firm who'se CEO is a life long friend and supporter of the President..
NONE of these 'cleaners' is a fucking traitor!
They are now going through the WH with an electronic /physical fine tooth comb.

Has Rump never heard of the "Secret Service"?

Or the FBI?

Oh wait, cancel that last one. :rolleyes:
One thing is for certain. If the Obama Administration left anything behind? It's about to be uncovered and removed.

Ya mean like the way he "uncovered" the Birferism Certificate? Member that? "I have people looking into it right now, it's unbelievable what they found"?

So "unbelievable" that he just ------------ walked away and pretended it never happened? Just like a USMB poster who's been proven wrong and runs away from his thread?

Whatever happened with all that "what they found"? Maybe that's what these White House Plumbers are looking for? It's so "unbelievable" that he forgot where he put it? Yeah that's the ticket.

It's too late to look for bugs anyway. O'bama has had a Spy Roomba running in the White House for six months, feeding data directly into his portable teleprompter. He picks up all important messages through his invisible flag pin, and then writes notes (in Arabic of course) on the inside of his wedding ring.

He's got another Spy Roomba running through Rump's penthouse in Manhattan, looking up Melania's dress.

Last time the Resolute Desk was moved from Oval Office - After the assassination of JFK.

President Trump has just given the order for a major renovation of White House including duct work system, plumbing, walls, floors, which is being reported after a story MSM reported a claim of Trump having said, The WH is a dump.

Excellent. Because nothing says "I love America" like "this place is a dump".
And nothing says "We the People" like flaming opulence.

--- or as the French language puts it, "let 'em eat cake".

Here's a shot of the new Twitter Toilet. Built for comfort at 4am ---



The style is :puke:

Last time the Resolute Desk was moved from Oval Office - After the assassination of JFK.

President Trump has just given the order for a major renovation of White House including duct work system, plumbing, walls, floors, which is being reported after a story MSM reported a claim of Trump having said, The WH is a dump.

Excellent. Because nothing says "I love America" like "this place is a dump".
And nothing says "We the People" like flaming opulence.

--- or as the French language puts it, "let 'em eat cake".

Here's a shot of the new Twitter Toilet. Built for comfort at 4am ---



The style is :puke:

It's astounding the lengths some will go to just to compensate for having tiny fingers and no accomplishments.
The renovation is almost done. Amazing, incredible people working on it.

Here it is

Oughta work out as well as the last time too.
The renovation is almost done. Amazing, incredible people working on it.

Here it is

Oughta work out as well as the last time too.

Should not the pink elephant be a pink bear?
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