How many deaths are necessary before something should be banned?

Just to sum it up.

Based on our research, all six purported homicide statistics in the viral post are FALSE. The significant race-based disparities are also false. In reality, rates of white-on-white and Black-on-Black homicides are similar and remain within 10 percentage points of each other, around 80% and 90%, respectively. Likewise, rates of Black-on-white and white-on-Black homicide remain within eight percentage points of each other, at around 16% and 8%. And police kill Black people at disproportionate and much higher rates than they kill their white counterparts.

LOL twice as much like I said. Your own stats show that to be true and then claim no problem.
Well we may at some point decide that it's too costly for us as a society to allow random Americans to purchase assault weapons. It could happen. Maybe it made sense back then but in the future it won't.
Anything can be labeled "assault". You're handgun or Ruger, can be an assault weapon at anytime if YOU... choose to do so. I can take a fork from my kitchen and choose to assault as many people until I am stopped. That fork is now a weapon that is used to assault someone. I can show you a Ruger, single bolt action rifle that will take 556 Ammo and those 30 Rd Assault Mags. You wouldn't label that Ruger an Assault weapon now would you, because it doesn't look like an AR. Well it's bolt action so therefore can't fire as many rounds per minute as an AR. That's the only difference? Therefore the AR gets the Assault moniker over the below Ruger Ranch Rifle. Come on now.


But Americans have become too nutty to sell them assault rifles. You agree right? Americans in 1800 weren't as fucked up as they are today. Jeffrey Dahmer types. American men are fucked up and getting more and more fucked up by the year.
I don't know where you're from, but the United State of America has the 2A. The primary purpose of the 2A is defense of the federal republic from foreign and domestic tyranny. The ability for the people, when at a time the gov't has ceased to govern for the people, the people have the right to bring down that gov't and establish new. The founding fathers knew that for this capacity, the citizens needed to be armed, and therefore the right to bear arms was given and established as a right.

If a time comes for the people of the US to remove our current gov't, your 6 shooter isn't going to work.
But Americans have become too nutty to sell them assault rifles. You agree right? Americans in 1800 weren't as fucked up as they are today. Jeffrey Dahmer types. American men are fucked up and getting more and more fucked up by the year.
You're making an illogical assumption. The small, vastly small number of shooters who have used a AR style rifle or Carbine are miniscule. The vast majority of gun owners are responsible and law abiding. The "crazies" nor the gang bangers should not be a narrative used to usurp the right of Americans to project our liberty and freedom.
Nope. AR's weren't invented back then. Nor did the constitution mention AR's, or xray guns, or laser guns, or nuclear guns.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

The Court has held that “the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding,” District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570, 582 (2008), and that this “Second Amendment right is fully applicable to the States,” McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U. S. 742, 750 (2010). In this case, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts upheld a Massachusetts law prohibiting the possession of stun guns after examining “whether a stun gun is the type of weapon contemplated by Congress in 1789 as being protected by the Second Amendment.”

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The Constitution protects my right to own and use an AR15, et al.
Your opinion to the contrary means nothing.
Anything can be labeled "assault". You're handgun or Ruger, can be an assault weapon at anytime if YOU... choose to do so. I can take a fork from my kitchen and choose to assault as many people until I am stopped. That fork is now a weapon that is used to assault someone. I can show you a Ruger, single bolt action rifle that will take 556 Ammo and those 30 Rd Assault Mags. You wouldn't label that Ruger an Assault weapon now would you, because it doesn't look like an AR. Well it's bolt action so therefore can't fire as many rounds per minute as an AR. That's the only difference? Therefore the AR gets the Assault moniker over the below Ruger Ranch Rifle. Come on now.

View attachment 876708

I don't know where you're from, but the United State of America has the 2A. The primary purpose of the 2A is defense of the federal republic from foreign and domestic tyranny. The ability for the people, when at a time the gov't has ceased to govern for the people, the people have the right to bring down that gov't and establish new. The founding fathers knew that for this capacity, the citizens needed to be armed, and therefore the right to bear arms was given and established as a right.

If a time comes for the people of the US to remove our current gov't, your 6 shooter isn't going to work.

You're making an illogical assumption. The small, vastly small number of shooters who have used a AR style rifle or Carbine are miniscule. The vast majority of gun owners are responsible and law abiding. The "crazies" nor the gang bangers should not be a

My ruger isn't an assault rifle because it doesn't have a 20 round mag. I can only load 4 bullets at a time. 3 in the mag and one live round. That's a hunting rifle. Why do you need 20 rounds?
used to usurp the right of Americans to project our liberty and freedom.
I'm just saying if we have turned into a country full of nuts, maybe the 2nd amendment needs to be amended.
Sure you have a right to a car. But you have to take a drivers test. I believe they do a background check on you too before giving you a license. Like, maybe you are drunk driver from Florida. Or maybe you have a suspended license.

I can't go to a car show and get a car/license/insurance for my car without going through the DMV but I can make a straw purchase to own a gun?

See my point?
Yes, you have a nice point to the shape of your head!

I took ONE driver's test when I was 16 and never since. Your point is irrelevant.

How can you legally make a straw purchase? The background check form requires you to say the purchase is for yourself. So you lie! That makes the purchase illegal, does it not? What other kind of law would change that?

Apparently, you know nothing.
My ruger isn't an assault rifle because it doesn't have a 20 round mag. I can only load 4 bullets at a time. 3 in the mag and one live round. That's a hunting rifle. Why do you need 20 rounds?

I'm just saying if we have turned into a country full of nuts, maybe the 2nd amendment needs to be amended.

You need as many rounds as you can have in your rifle because you never know how many you will need to save your life or the lives of your family......
Yes, you have a nice point to the shape of your head!

I took ONE driver's test when I was 16 and never since. Your point is irrelevant.

How can you legally make a straw purchase? The background check form requires you to say the purchase is for yourself. So you lie! That makes the purchase illegal, does it not? What other kind of law would change that?

Apparently, you know nothing.
Huh? If you buy a gun with the intention of selling it to a criminal. Or letting him use it. Here is a new law that hopefully will lower the number of people who are murdered in America every year.

Their son, Ethan Crumbley, who was 15 at the time, allegedly used James Crumbley's semi-automatic handgun to kill four students and injure several others.

Jennifer and James Crumbley are accused of making the gun accessible and failing to recognize warning signs.

So let me give you an example of how YOU could be affected by this even if you don't have kids. Let's say you make a "straw" purchase and sell or loan your gun to an insurrectionist. If we can prove you should have seen the warning signs, we will charge you for the murders they cause. That'll maybe make you think twice about selling guns to your Proud Boy Militia buddies.
Kyle didn't need any bullets. He should have been home. He took an assault rifle to a riot. Wasn't even his home town. Wasn't even his business he was "protecting"

You guys love killin black folk. stupid, lying asshole.......

None of the 3 guys Kyle shot were black...all were democrats, two were felons, one was a serial child rapist............
They tried telling me it's settled and that Republicans would NEVER try to pass a federal law banning abortion. It's a states rights issue and they are happy now.

Liars right?
That's right. But states have the right to ban abortion, and what pisses liberals off is when they do it. There is no desire by most conservatives to have a federal ban on abortion because it would be unconstitutional, just like the Roe v. Wade decision was.
Look at you, unable to meaningfully respond.
As per the norm.

How many black folk did Kyle kill?
That reminds me of the BLM protester who was shot by a Republican. The BLM protester was open carrying. So a Republican nut sitting in his car said he "feared for his life". But the BLM guy was legally carrying a gun and walking down the street. So could anyone have legally shot Kyle for "walking toward them" because he had a gun and was "walking toward them? Is that enough to say you feared for your life?

So Kyle can open carry and shoot BLM protesters but a BLM protester can't open carry?

The guy was found guilty but Texas governor says he's going to pardon the murderer. That BLM guy who got shot wasn't black either. Weird that 2 whites marching with BLM got shot by Republicans and one got away with it and the other one the Governor is going to pardon him?? Fucked up
You need as many rounds as you can have in your rifle because you never know how many you will need to save your life or the lives of your family......
He also fails to realize how piss poor of a shot most Americans are.

I went to a gun range recently, with my kids, and was amazed at how poorly the average person shoots! My family and I were constantly being approached for help by the other patrons. They did not know how to operate their weapons or hit the broad side of a barn.
They should ban cigarettes. The only diff is smokers kill themselves, not their neighbors.

Guns are not regulated enough. We should take them much more seriously. I sell an aftermarket product where I can give the company I buy from the serial number and they can tell me when it was purchased, who purchased it.

Background checks, no straw purchases.

IDK. I just know we could do more.

Republicans want to make it easier for nuts to get guns and then execute them after they kill your mother or child. Too late c*&t.
Apparently, you don't!

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