How many deaths are necessary before something should be banned?

As I said:
Save Las Vegas 2017, you cannot specify a single "mass death" shootings -- a term with no actual meaning -- and demonstrate it could not have been equally perpetrated with a pump-action shotgun.
Thanks for the proof.
Uvalde… cops waited hours because there was an assault weapon used

Parkland… same

COPS are afraid of those military grade weapons
Uvalde… cops waited hours because there was an assault weapon used
Parkland… same
And now, your demonstration that the same shooter could not have killed the same number of people, using a pump action shotgun.
COPS are afraid of those military grade weapons
:lol: "Military grade"? :lol:
You don't actually know what this means - and your response will prove it.
Two points:
-All my "assault weapons" are -far- better than "military grade"
-Sounds like these are exactly the sort of weapons protected by the 2nd.
And now, your demonstration that the same shooter could not have killed the same number of people, using a pump action shotgun.

:lol: "Military grade"? :lol:
You don't actually know what this means - and your response will prove it.
Two points:
-All my "assault weapons" are -far- better than "military grade"
-Sounds like these are exactly the sort of weapons protected by the 2nd.
“Far better than military grade”

You think that helps your case?

I repeat

Oh bullshit. A shot gun holds six rounds before reloading and kicks like a mule.

An assault weapon holds 30 or more, reloads fast and has almost no kick… meaning it fires pretty accurately with the twitch of a finger
There are a number of shotguns that use detachable magazines.
“Far better than military grade”

You think that helps your case?

I repeat

Let me tell you a secret, cops and everyone else are afraid of weapons. Show me someone who isn’t afraid of ANY weapon and I’ll show you a fool. The difference between a coward and a brave man is the brave man overcomes his fears and does whatever is necessary.
Try this again with supporting documentation and evidence.

The narrative: 30,000 people die due to guns, guns should be banned.
Drunk Driving kills 13,000. Does that number have to get to 30,000 before we ban alcohol again?

Drunk Driving | NHTSA.

What about 2nd hand tobacco smoke. According to the CDC, 2nd hand tobacco smoke deaths is estimated at 41,000 deaths. Where is the political and social outcry to ban tobacco.

Last I looked drink driving was already banned.

Alcohol actually kills people too.... ie, they drink, then they die, as opposed to they drink, then they kill other people. Your analogy wasn't well thought out.
Uvalde… cops waited hours because there was an assault weapon used

Parkland… same

COPS are afraid of those military grade weapons

AR-15 rifles are not military grade anything…..the military doesn’t use them……..

the military does use 5 shot, pump action shotguns and bolt action deer rifles……

Wrong….the leadership at Uvalde was afraid, several cops tried to go in and were restrained by other cops……,,

then you have to explain the two cops who entered the building and killed the left wing, democrat party supporting transgender child murderer….you know, the left wing, democrat party supporting child murdered who had the AR-15 rifle…….

Then you have to explain the cops who entered the bank and killed the left wing, democrat party supporting, anti-gun extremist who also had an AR-15 rifle…..

Both of those. Events were caught on the cops body cams….,
Oh bullshit. A shot gun holds six rounds before reloading and kicks like a mule.

An assault weapon holds 30 or more, reloads fast and has almost no kick… meaning it fires pretty accurately with the twitch of a finger

And yet shotguns have killed more people in various mass public shootings than AR-15s…..

——The left wing, democrat supporting transgender child murderer killed 3 students and 3 adults with her AR-15


The left wing, democrat party, transgender child killer was stopped by two police officers who immediately entered the building and shot her….

The left wind, democrat, anti-gun extremism with an AR-15 rifle killed 5 of his bank coworkers in Nashville when police officers immediately entered the bank and killed him…..


The killer in Kerch, Russia, Polytechnic school shooting killed 20 and wounded 70 with a 5 shot pump action shotgun….

The police station was 100 yards away from the school….

The Navy Yard shooter…..5 shot, pump action shotgun….

murdered 12 people….

you can watch the documentary series “Active Shooter” on Stars, to here survivors discuss exactly what happened there….

It isn’t the gun or magazine that determines how many people die….it is how much free time the killer has in the gun free zone before a good person with a legal gun shoots back at them.
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When Gabby Giffords was shot in the head they were able to subdue the shooter when he was reloading.

That is when the shooter is vulnerable so yeah.

That is a lie………..

The shooter shot a guy in the head and it grazed his scalp…it didn’t kill him… the killer walked past the guy……thinking he had killed the guy……the guy then got up and hit him with a chair and another guy tackled him……then his magazine came out of the weapon and an old lady who was in the ground trying to play dead picked up the magazine as the two guys wrestled with the shooter…….

And, doofus…….you can load a shotgun without detaching anything like a magazine….it is called a combat reload…… don’t even lower the shotgun to do it… idiot. The shotgun doesn’t run dry, you just keep feeding in new shells…..
Let’s go with a semi-auto magazine Fed weapon firing military rounds

A 9mm handgun is then an assault weapon….which is exactly why you irrational, anti-gun extremists use that definition…..,you plan on using it to ban all guns……..
9mm is a military round too………..
I am on social security and have no desire to end it. Most people I know agree with me. I have no idea where you get your info from. But it ain’t from reality.

As for abortion, I maintain that there is indeed a federal basis for protecting human life. For now, SCOTUS has sent that decision back to the States. I’m not in full agreement with that. However, our views are not as monolithic as simpletons such as you claim.

Some of us agree (fully) with some exceptions for any law outlawing abortions. So, again, I don’t believe your claims are based on anything but the propaganda you choose to believe.
This is the problem with middle class Republicans. They don't understand the goals of their own party. You like social security? Republicans don't. Stop voting for them. You think privatizing or letting everyone save their own money is a better idea? No it's not. Tell you why. Inflation. So you get that extra $3 a week and you spend it. Let uncle sam put it away for you. Benefits till you die? Sounds good to me and you. Not to Republicans though. They hate it.

And you just openly admitted what Republicans are trying to keep quiet.

A llie.

The regulations you seek violate the constitution
As it makes no sense to violate the constitution, there's no sense to them.

I am torn. With Americans as crazy as you are, I don't think it's safe to sell us assault rifles. Too many casualties. I get why we should be free to bare arms but god damn.

The thread question is a good one. How many deaths before we ban assault rifles from public consumption. What we have now is not enough. It would have to get twice as bad as it is now.

I would allow government to ban glocks with clips that allow more than 5 bullets at a time. That's your home protection weapon. Or a shotgun that holds 5 shots. Or my 450 bushmaster holds 3. 4 if you load a round and then add one more bullet. And I have to cock it between shots.

I know, that won't cut it if China invades. So that's why I'm torn. Maybe it should be that you have to go through extensive training and background checks and mental exams that deny many people assault weapons. Like ex military with PTSD. You got PTSD? Then you can't buy an assault rifle.
Last I looked drink driving was already banned.

Alcohol actually kills people too.... ie, they drink, then they die, as opposed to they drink, then they kill other people. Your analogy wasn't well thought out.
Missed the point
The right to keep and bear arms, as protected by the 2nd Amendment, is not subject to means end-testing.
That is, it does not matter how many people die from firearms -- they cannot be banned.
Agreed. My point, as I'm sure you understand is if 30,000 gun deaths a year are enough for the MSM and politicians to try and change the 2A, then where is the outcry for all other "Preventable" deaths. Tobacco and alcohol indirectly (meaning drunk drivers and 2nd hand tobacco smoke) kill more people than guns. Where is the public outcry for those deaths?
How about banning cashless bail?
How about banning turning violent criminals loose?
How about banning condoning lawlessness?
How about banning restrictions on expressions of faith?
How about banning neglectful, abusive parenting?
How about teaching personal responsibility, self respect, renewing belief that the body is the temple of the spirit and should not be abused?

That would go much further than banning whatever weapon bad people use to kill innocent people or banning harmful substances that people knowingly use anyway.
Agreed, but doesn't support the current narrative. We can't use facts here, purely emotions because that's the new logic from the left.
Try this again with supporting documentation and evidence.

The narrative: 30,000 people die due to guns, guns should be banned.
Drunk Driving kills 13,000. Does that number have to get to 30,000 before we ban alcohol again?

Drunk Driving | NHTSA.

What about 2nd hand tobacco smoke. According to the CDC, 2nd hand tobacco smoke deaths is estimated at 41,000 deaths. Where is the political and social outcry to ban tobacco.

Collectively , all insignificant to over a million babies killed per year. So if you start banning things, start at what causes the highest number of casualties and work your way down.

As for guns, they don't need banned, they just need legislation to keep them out of the hands of retards that gives them a bad rap.
It's always interesting to me that people are only keen to ban those things they themselves don't personally enjoy.
That's valid. When smoking in bars, restaurants was band in my state I was uncomfortable with it. As much as I hate smoking I didn't like the gov't telling a business, who owned the property they were conducting business in, that they have to restrict smoking in their establishment. I don't like the any gov't telling anyone what they can do on their property if it doesn't hurt the public or in this case those patrons willing to expose themselves to 2nd hand tobacco smoke.

To your point, I bet a lot of people who don't like guns or are afraid of guns, lean towards banning or restricting guns.
Collectively , all insignificant to over a million babies killed per year. So if you start banning things, start at what causes the highest number of casualties and work your way down.

As for guns, they don't need banned, they just need legislation to keep them out of the hands of retards that gives them a bad rap.
Don't disagree. Unfortunately someone can go mental after the fact. That's the one scenario, we will never be able to fully close.
Try this again with supporting documentation and evidence.

The narrative: 30,000 people die due to guns, guns should be banned.
Drunk Driving kills 13,000. Does that number have to get to 30,000 before we ban alcohol again?

Drunk Driving | NHTSA.

What about 2nd hand tobacco smoke. According to the CDC, 2nd hand tobacco smoke deaths is estimated at 41,000 deaths. Where is the political and social outcry to ban tobacco.

Instead of banning guns, shouldn't we ban people who use guns to hurt others?

Criminals, dopeheads and crazy people cause the overwhelming majority of gun crimes. If we treated them like what they are then the overwhelming majority of gun crimes would go away.

If we vanished every single gun in America right this instance all the criminals, dopeheads and nutballs that want to hurt people would still be here.

If I had a choice I'd rather live in country with no criminals, dopeheads and crazies than live in a country with no guns.

If we had a better society where people who can't be a part of it aren't allowed in it, and if we had better morals and values and standards then we wouldn't need any gun control.

40 years ago we had a lot less gun crime but we had less gun control. Hell I went bear hunting as a little kid in Colorado with my uncle and the stewardess put our guns in a closet up front of the plane like it was nothing. What changed since then is our society has gotten shittier, that's what we need to fix, our society.
“Far better than military grade”
You think that helps your case?
No. It illustrates your ignorance.
I repeat
I repeat:
-Sounds like these are exactly the sort of weapons protected by the 2nd.

And now, your demonstration that the same shooter could not have killed the same number of people, using a pump action shotgun.
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