How many deaths are necessary before something should be banned?

Your opinion doesn't matter.
Sure it does. Our politicians do what we say. So if the majority of the people in my area agree with me, we may pass legislation that agrees with my opinion.

Let me give you an example. In NYC, you can't own a gun. Or you can't carry a gun. Real strict sentences for people who do. I'm thinking about that NBA player a decade ago who's gun went off in the locker room. He went to prison.

What he did might not even be against the law in your state. But your state is probably turning blue so who knows. Maybe someday.
Sure it does. Our politicians do what we say. So if the majority of the people in my area agree with me, we may pass legislation that agrees with my opinion.

Let me give you an example. In NYC, you can't own a gun. Or you can't carry a gun. Real strict sentences for people who do. I'm thinking about that NBA player a decade ago who's gun went off in the locker room. He went to prison.

What he did might not even be against the law in your state. But your state is probably turning blue so who knows. Maybe someday.
Our politicians do what we say.

Politicians should not be "leading" us. For example, Obama didn't pass gay marriage despite it being unpopular with his constituents. He was against it when he ran the first time.

Then fast forward 4 years. His constituents were now in favor of gay marriage. So Obama got on board. he does what his constituents want.

Republicans like Bush and Trump and Reagan like to say "we made the tough decisions". No guys. What you did was pass legislation that was unpopular. You made the tough decision to lie us into war. You don't get credit for making a BAD decision just because it was "tough"
How high does inflation have to be and how high for the price of energy and how many Illegals are allowed to cross the border before we ban this Potatohead piece of shit?
Instead of banning guns, shouldn't we ban people who use guns to hurt others?

Criminals, dopeheads and crazy people cause the overwhelming majority of gun crimes. If we treated them like what they are then the overwhelming majority of gun crimes would go away.
Logical. But when you do that, you take away that vote.
If we vanished every single gun in America right this instance all the criminals, dopeheads and nutballs that want to hurt people would still be here.
If I had a choice I'd rather live in country with no criminals, dopeheads and crazies than live in a country with no guns.
If we had a better society where people who can't be a part of it aren't allowed in it, and if we had better morals and values and standards then we wouldn't need any gun control.
Logical. But our society in many ways, would rather protect the criminal and use mental gymnastics to justify criminal activity to be lenient on it. Crime is no longer the problem of the criminal rather it is: Capitalism, White Supremacy, Systemic Racism, Economic Disparity, etc.
40 years ago we had a lot less gun crime but we had less gun control. Hell I went bear hunting as a little kid in Colorado with my uncle and the stewardess put our guns in a closet up front of the plane like it was nothing. What changed since then is our society has gotten shittier, that's what we need to fix, our society.
Yep, people are shittier. Some will say "People have always been like this". No, no they haven't. People are becoming more selfish, self-centered, lazy egotistical ass hats chasing the next social media like while existing in a materialistic bubble.
This is the problem with middle class Republicans. They don't understand the goals of their own party. You like social security? Republicans don't.

You’re entirely dishonest. And you intentionally convey disinformation.

What you just posted is a flat out lie. Fuck off.
Sure it does. Our politicians do what we say. So if the majority of the people in my area agree with me, we may pass legislation that agrees with my opinion.
Codified in our constitution and the DoI that our gov'ts work for the people and govern by the people. Unfortunately, most people have lost sight of the purpose and pretty much give no two shits about politics and how our gov't should be ran, and that's the fault of the people and our education system.
Let me give you an example. In NYC, you can't own a gun.
That's tyranny. Our founding fathers would have probably fought over this. So why was the state allowed to pass this legislation? Political and constitutional ignorance. We now have a society that wants the gov't to tell us what to do rather we telling the gov't what to do.
You can say, "well the people voted" and I would say, those people are anti-constitutionalists and 200 years ago would have been considered traitors or treason for trying to implement a law that usurps the Constitution. The fact that even the legislation went through the entire States bill process, shows a lack of constitutional literacy, from the people all the way up to the politicians.
Real strict sentences for people who do.
I don't think anyone would disagree.
I'm thinking about that NBA player a decade ago who's gun went off in the locker room. He went to prison.
Negligent discharge. If no one hurt, not sure prison time is needed.
I am torn. With Americans as crazy as you are, I don't think it's safe to sell us assault rifles. Too many casualties. I get why we should be free to bare arms but god damn.

The thread question is a good one. How many deaths before we ban assault rifles from public consumption. What we have now is not enough. It would have to get twice as bad as it is now.

I would allow government to ban glocks with clips that allow more than 5 bullets at a time. That's your home protection weapon. Or a shotgun that holds 5 shots. Or my 450 bushmaster holds 3. 4 if you load a round and then add one more bullet. And I have to cock it between shots.

I know, that won't cut it if China invades. So that's why I'm torn. Maybe it should be that you have to go through extensive training and background checks and mental exams that deny many people assault weapons. Like ex military with PTSD. You got PTSD? Then you can't buy an assault rifle.

Not really.....

-In 2022 there were 7 mass public shootings attacks with rifles out of the 12 mass public shooting attacks that year......according to the Mother Jones Mass Public shooting tracker

54 people were murdered.

AR-15s.... 54
bare hands.....665
clubs and other blunt objects....367

Other years.....murders with AR-15 rifles.....


School shootings...

2015....1 (community college)

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

For perspective......

Deer kill 200 people a year
Ladders kill 300 people a year
Lawn mowers kill 70 people a year
Bathtubs kill 100 people a year
Cars kill 43,000 people a year

There are over 20 million AR-15 rifles in private hands in the United States, and millions more of other semi-automatic rifles.......and yet Deer and lawn mowers kill more people each year than these rifles do in mass public shooting attacks.....

So, that means that deer and lawn mowers kill more people each year than the worst mass public shooting in our history......

Muslim terrorist, in Nice, France murdered 86 people, wounded 435, with a rental 5 minutes of driving. More people murdered with that rental truck than any murdered in mass public shootings in the U.S......

Does this mean we have to ban Deer and Lawn mowers?

And rental trucks?

Muslim terrorist, in Nice, France murdered 86 people, wounded 435, with a rental 5 minutes of driving. More people murdered with that rental truck than any murdered in mass public shootings in the U.S......

US mass shootings, 1982–2023: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
You’re entirely dishonest. And you intentionally convey disinformation.

What you just posted is a flat out lie. Fuck off.
You've been duped into thinking trickle down works for the middle class

It doesn't. You know what created the American middle class? You know who actually MADE America Great Again?


All the things you hate. Now you go fuck off stupid.
You've been duped into thinking trickle down works for the middle class

It doesn't. You know what created the American middle class? You know who actually MADE America Great Again?


All the things you hate. Now you go fuck off stupid.
You’ve been duped into thinking you have any intelligence.
You’ve been duped into thinking you have any intelligence.
Do you have over $500 in the bank? You should. If you are voting Republican and you don't, then you're a bigger idiot than I thought. Chances are you have a secure job that puts you firmly in the middle class so you can afford to be a boot licker to the rich.
Do you have over $500 in the bank? You should. If you are voting Republican and you don't, then you're a bigger idiot than I thought. Chances are you have a secure job that puts you firmly in the middle class so you can afford to be a boot licker to the rich.
See? You do ignorantly believe that you’re intelligent.

No one wants to ban guns. We want background checks and common sense regulations. Same as we do for cars.
If that was true then there would not be bans on the so called assault weapons. Many people say they don’t want to ban guns then follow it up with a list of guns they want to ban
If that was true then there would not be bans on the so called assault weapons. Many people say they don’t want to ban guns then follow it up with a list of guns they want to ban
What if 10 people give or take 2 were taken out in your city every week? Would that be too many deaths? Would you then rethink if everyone should have access to weapons like this? I suspect not. No matter how bad it got.

Are Palestinians allowed to own assault rifles? Why not?
What if 10 people give or take 2 were taken out in your city every week? Would that be too many deaths? Would you then rethink if everyone should have access to weapons like this? I suspect not. No matter how bad it got.

Are Palestinians allowed to own assault rifles? Why not?
So you do want to ban guns? Cracking down on gang activity and stop just giving those who commit crimes with guns a slap on the wrist would go a long way to prevent shootings.
So you do want to ban guns? Cracking down on gang activity and stop just giving those who commit crimes with guns a slap on the wrist would go a long way to prevent shootings.

We had black gang problems before in ghettos. No one ever cared. Today it's happening at schools, malls and to white people. Mass shootings and inner city violence are two different things.

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