How many Democrat senators will vote with Republicans to Impeach Joe Biden? (Poll)

How many democrat senators will vote to remove Joe Biden after the House votes to Impeach?

  • 0, no democrat senator will vote to impeach Joe Biden

    Votes: 32 78.0%
  • 1 - 10 enough to NOT remove Joe Biden, (<67), but not zero.

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Enough to remove Joe Biden totaling 67 or more senators

    Votes: 2 4.9%

  • Total voters
Please. Talk means nothing. Actions are what count. After the Mueller Report, what happened???....nothing. Again, I'd hoped you would send a thank you note to Nancy Pelosi.
Neither the Ukraine phone call (extortion) or January 6th (insurrection, sedition) were policy decisions or directives. One was a overt attempt at abuse of power. The other was (looks like) a straight up criminal act.
The fact you continued to support this corrupt individual instead of just cutting him loose and moving on is very telling about the type of leadership you want and will support in this country.

You don't like Biden's policy decisions???....2024 election just two years away.
Nothing happened after the Mueller report?
It cost Americans 30 million dollars. If there was something there Pelosi should be held responsible for dereliction of duty for allowing the American people to spend 30 million, have it produce evidence of Russian collusion and then do nothing about it.
The most investigated politician in the history of the United States.

2 Impeachments
Mueller Report
A majority that wanted to see him fry.

Yet....not one charge against him.

He is corrupt. You are correct. But he's just the result. We know he's corrupt. He's been corrupt his entire adult life. It's not like most of us didn't know what we were getting.
But he doesn't survive without the undying support of the faithful (and their cash :)).
Guy really hasn't done anything of note in his life. All of his wealth is smoke and mirrors.
His one claim to fame is that his supporters will drop trou for him at a moment's notice....and he knows this. :auiqs.jpg:
It was petty and vindictive when you all did it. That didn't seem to bother anyone. And yes, when you start talking about impeachment less than 2 weeks after Trump was inaugurated, it is out of vindictiveness, then when you impeach him with no concrete evidence, that's also vindictive.
Bordering on seditious insurrection of a LEGALLY elected POTUS.
Please. Talk means nothing. Actions are what count. After the Mueller Report, what happened???....nothing. Again, I'd hoped you would send a thank you note to Nancy Pelosi.
Neither the Ukraine phone call (extortion) or January 6th (insurrection, sedition) were policy decisions or directives. One was a overt attempt at abuse of power. The other was (looks like) a straight up criminal act.
The fact you continued to support this corrupt individual instead of just cutting him loose and moving on is very telling about the type of leadership you want and will support in this country.

You don't like Biden's policy decisions???....2024 election just two years away.
Hey Fuck for brains ... { that's being too polite }. The Ukraine phone call
was never any Quid Pro Quo.No way no how.Not even when the left
resorted to using an anonymous Whistleblower.
But what WAS a surefire case of Quid Pro Quo was Biden's video
when he attended a Council on Foreign Relations meeting and
outright threatened Ukraine with they had 6 hours to Fire the
Prosecutor in charge of Investigating Burisma Holding where Son
Hunter had a job as Board member.
OR ELSE.He'll withhold the $ 1 Billion in aid.
Nothing happened after the Mueller report?
It cost Americans 30 million dollars. If there was something there Pelosi should be held responsible for dereliction of duty for allowing the American people to spend 30 million, have it produce evidence of Russian collusion and then do nothing about it.
All paid for courtesy of Paul Manafort. So I don't know what you're griping about. Durham's spent three times that in both money and time. And he REALLY has nothing to show for it. And Nancy held her party from actually filing impeachment articles against Trump.
You should thank her for that. A fruit basket would be nice.

Trump Tower Meeting. Collusion. End of Story. Boom....but they still didn't impeach him. :)
Hey Fuck for brains ... { that's being too polite }. The Ukraine phone call
was never any Quid Pro Quo.No way no how.Not even when the left
resorted to using an anonymous Whistleblower.
But what WAS a surefire case of Quid Pro Quo was Biden's video
when he attended a Council on Foreign Relations meeting and
outright threatened Ukraine with they had 6 hours to Fire the
Prosecutor in charge of Investigating Burisma Holding where Son
Hunter had a job as Board member.
OR ELSE.He'll withhold the $ 1 Billion in aid.
Extortion. Straight up. An attempt to leverage a foreign power to dig up dirt on your political rival. That's the kind of shit pulled in third world countries. :)
Nothing of the sort in Biden's interaction with Ukraine. You've been told this multiple times. Nobody gives a shit about Hunter (since he'll never be President).
He was investigated because that phone call was leaked. I mean Nixon wasn't impeached for the Break in at the DNC headquarters in the Watergate Hotel was he?
WTF? There is a big difference between "breaking and entering" and a legitimate fucking phone call.

Biden's illegal open borders, illegal forgiving student loans, illegal abuses of power, illegal financial gains, etc. are crimes against US Law that he is sworn to uphold.
Under Biden and Pelosi you will have to pay More in Taxes.
More in Groceries,Rent,Mortgage,travel,loss of IRA worth,
Loss of buying power.Fentanyl is not subjective you moron.
Like using heroin.It could easily affect your neighbor,one of yer
relatives or someone at your place of worth.
Where did you get such a lackadaisical approach to Life.
Even stumblebums from the Hard Times 1930's wouldn't
talk such trash.Yer just a pathetic example of an undeveloped
Human.Probably dressed as a Humanoid last monday { Halloween }.


The way to personally beat inflation is to increase income at a greater rate than inflation. My family achieved that.
Legitimate phone call??
You mean where he solicited campaign help from a foreign national? THAT phone call??
No, the phone call where Trump asked Zelensky to investigate Biden corruption, where Hunter got $83,000 a month for a no show job that he wasn't even qualified for. That phone call.
you see, one who wants to debate would say it this way...

"Clinton didn't lie to congress. He lied under oath in a court of law."

Instead, you called me a moron and questioned my ability to learn.

Thats a great way to debate.

I tried to educate you once on this. It didn't take as you repeated that nonsense. Morons can't learn and that appears to be your malady.
WTF? There is a big difference between "breaking and entering" and a legitimate fucking phone call.

Biden's illegal open borders, illegal forgiving student loans, illegal abuses of power, illegal financial gains, etc. are crimes against US Law that he is sworn to uphold.
They were the events that launched the investigation that uncovered impeachable evidence.

Neither the border policy nor the student loan forgiveness policy are illegal or an abuse of power.
If the market doesnt affect you then you didn't reap the rewards of the great market we had until 2 years ago. Thats a loss for you.

I've lost nothing. My (and my wife's) portfolio are tied up in 401K's. It doesn't affect me until I sell it, which is many years off.

Fentanyl deaths don't affect you which means you don't care about others. Another fail for you.

Why should I care about people who kill themselves with drugs? I'm pro choice. I believe everyone should get to make their own choices; for which they either reap the benefits or deal with the consequences.

Cost of living doesn't affect you because your household income is up. Which means fuck those on fixed income, let them eat cake. Another fail for you.

Again, everyone makes their own choices. I'm responsible only for myself, my family and my friends.

Cost of fuel is up but it doesn't affect you because you and your wife work remotely. Hell with the rest of the country. Fail for you.

Same as above.

Work remotely? Your cable bill is up. Own a home? Your heating costs are up.

I don't subscribe to cable. I stream everything. Most streaming is available for free on the Internet if you know where to find it. And I live in South Florida. I almost never use a heater. And yes, I own my own home. I do have 3 central A/C units though and that is up. But again, household income is up far more.

Does working remotely mean you get eggs cheaper than the rest of us?

Nope, I pay the same as many others for food.

Does working remotely mean you don't have to drive your car to go food shopping? Interact with people?

I interact daily with other coworkers ... online. Stores are about 2 miles away. My wife does the shopping and her car gets about 20 miles to the gallon. We pay about $3 per gallon. So her shopping costs us less than a dollar a week in gas. Most shopping other than food we purchase on Amazon which costs us nothing in gas.

You are a liar. It is obvious.

Nope, you are. You claimed no one other than the poorest among us are doing better than we were 3 years ago. That's a lie. And I'm not alone.
I've lost nothing. My (and my wife's) portfolio are tied up in 401K's. It doesn't affect me until I sell it, which is many years off.

Why should I care about people who kill themselves with drugs? I'm pro choice. I believe everyone should get to make their own choices; for which they either reap the benefits or deal with the consequences.

Again, everyone makes their own choices. I'm responsible only for myself, my family and my friends.

Same as above.

I don't subscribe to cable. I stream everything. Most streaming is available for free on the Internet if you know where to find it. And I live in South Florida. I almost never use a heater. And yes, I own my own home. I do have 3 central A/C units though and that is up. But again, household income is up far more.

Nope, I pay the same as many others for food.

I interact daily with other coworkers ... online. Stores are about 2 miles away. My wife does the shopping and her car gets about 20 miles to the gallon. We pay about $3 per gallon. So her shopping costs us less than a dollar a week in gas. Most shopping other than food we purchase on Amazon which costs us nothing in gas.

Nope, you are. You claimed no one other than the poorest among us are doing better than we were 3 years ago. That's a lie. And I'm not alone.

I respect you answers...but you are not showing me you are better off. You are showing me that you are fine with what is happening despite most are worse off.

And with all dues respect....if you pay the same amount for food as everyone else, then you are paying more than you did a few years back.

My wife is on a military income. She is still active and although offered a full honorable discharge , she refused. 6 years ago She was afforded an outstanding mission as a naval aviator and one she couldn't resist. Not overseas. Here in North Eastern SC. I am proud of her, but her age will likely come into play within 4 years. The G forces take their toll on her 120 pound body....not to mention the head games she has to deal with.

I retired 3 years ago. I am on a fixed income. My 401(K) is down by a lot since Biden took over. I dont need it now, but right now I can make more money on it by stuffing it into my mattress.

But hey...if you are happy that all is good for you regardless of how it affects your neighbors, go for it. My neighbor can easily hire a landscaper but he is unable to do it on his own. It is his choice not to hire a landscaper. But when I see him pushing a lawn mower with a limp, I come out and help.

But you know us conservatives. We are selfish assholes.
They were the events that launched the investigation that uncovered impeachable evidence.
Neither the border policy nor the student loan forgiveness policy are illegal or an abuse of power.

"As Pelosi noted, only Congress can enact wide-scale student loan cancellation, or Congress could affirmatively grant the president such prospective power."

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”
He swore under oath he would defend the law.
He didnt at the border and it is costing Americans lives, money and security.....not to mention allowing the Cartels to make all kinds of money.

Thats why.

Really? Please provide "credible" proof of your claims that rise to the level of impeachment! Or is this just like President Clinton's blowjobs?
Really? Please provide "credible" proof of your claims that rise to the level of impeachment! Or is this just like President Clinton's blowjobs?
Clinton lied under oath in a court of law. Had nothing to do with blowjobs.

Biden swore on inauguration day to abide by the constitution and to enforce the laws of the land.

He broke that oath when he unilaterally decided he didn't like the immigration laws on the books.

Why are you guys so stuck on blowjobs? Besides, how could have it been? After all, evidence shows she didn't swallow.

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