How many Democrat senators will vote with Republicans to Impeach Joe Biden? (Poll)

How many democrat senators will vote to remove Joe Biden after the House votes to Impeach?

  • 0, no democrat senator will vote to impeach Joe Biden

    Votes: 32 78.0%
  • 1 - 10 enough to NOT remove Joe Biden, (<67), but not zero.

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Enough to remove Joe Biden totaling 67 or more senators

    Votes: 2 4.9%

  • Total voters
What a disingenuous argument that is. Your side had no problem bailing out businesses with loan forgiveness that all tax payer will be on the hook for, not just the lower and non college educated. But you want to send a message to the lower paying job holders to be resentful and that they will be paying to cover these bail outs.
Actually, I have a big issue with any type of loan forgiveness.

When Sandy hit, I refused FEMA assistance. My wife signed up for it and when they called, I turned it down. It was my choice to not take out flood insurance. Why should the taxpayer pay for a bad choice on my part.
It actually became a fiasco for me. When I turned it down, a manager called me back and asked what I was hiding. The demanded access to my house and if I refused, they would get a warrant. I siad you are welcome to my house and they came the next morning. 4 of them. Searched every bedroom, closet, draw....I asked what they were looking for and this is exactly what he said to me...

You are the first to ever turn down money from FEMA. The only reason you would do so is if you had something to hide.

a day later?

7K in my account. I called and asked if I could give it my my neighbor who had a heart attack the day of the storm that wiped out his entire house and they told me if I did it would be considered the same as insurance fraud.

Go figure.
2-years of open borders and 5,000,000 illegals entering the US says open border.
If Biden finishes the wall, fine. We'll see. I think its only near Yuma AZ, not all the gaps.
In fiscal 2022,

2.1 million encounters by border patrol, with 1.3 million of the 2.1 million, turned away and sent back to their home countries.

800,000 were allowed in to pursue asylum with court dates pending, and about half of those going through the immigration court process for asylum seekers, get denied and deported/returned to their homeland.

So a good estimate would be about 1.7 million of the 2.1 encountered by border patrol in 2022, were estimated 400k, were kept or will be kept once all immigration judges make their rulings as asylum seekers.

It's bad, but more for all the money it is costing to defend the border, and send these asylum seekers back home, and all the non profit resources and time on them spent etc, many of whom will not be allowed to stay in the end....

We really do need immigration reform, where both sides can offer amendments and debate..... It's been avoided for too long!
Clinton lied under oath in a court of law. Had nothing to do with blowjobs.

Biden swore on inauguration day to abide by the constitution and to enforce the laws of the land.

He broke that oath when he unilaterally decided he didn't like the immigration laws on the books.

Why are you guys so stuck on blowjobs? Besides, how could have it been? After all, evidence shows she didn't swallow.

Specifically, which law did Biden not enforce? Statute, please....
You can read it all you want.

Do you have time to read all passed and signed legislation over the past 250 years?

Of course not. But I don't need to in terms of the 22 Amendment. If you know of a specific bill signed into law that states a two-term president can't "run" for president again, feel free to post it.
No, it's worse than Clinton's impeachment. At least Clinton violated the law and abused the power of his office; whereas Biden has done neither. But the children will do what they want anyway out of revenge. you are better off now than you were 3 years who the hell cares how others are suffering.

Who the hell cares that he has trouble staying on topic even though he is supposed to be the leader of the free world.

WHo the hell cares that he tends to drift off the stage in the wrong direction.

He is not TRUMP...the bad of the bad the worst of the worst the orange man of the Orangemen the liar Ruskie whore mongering loser who ran businesses into the ground.

So stick with your guy. He is fucking your friends and neighbors.....but hey.....all is good in your little world so who the fuck cares about your friends and neighbors. They make their decisions and they need to live with them.
A consensual sexual act that Congress had no business getting involved in

"Consensual". Are you trying to say that Bill Clinton (the lawyer) didn't know he was perjuring himself? The subject of the lie is irrelevant. He should have just said he wasn't answering questions about his personal sexual encounters. I voted for Clinton, but it turns out he was a serial sexual assaulter, rapist and all-around dirt bag. It looks like he was likely a pedophile as well. I didnt agree with the impeachment at the time and I wouldnt want a President impeached for it now but it's certainly an impeachable offense.
Of course not. But I don't need to in terms of the 22 Amendment. If you know of a specific bill signed into law that states a two-term president can't "run" for president again, feel free to post it.
lol. The 22nd amendment covered that. No law needed. Only one to amend the amendment.

Good night.

You dont debate.

You look for ways to embarrass your opponent...and you failed....again
"Consensual". Are you trying to say that Bill Clinton (the lawyer) didn't know he was perjuring himself? The subject of the lie is irrelevant. He should have just said he wasn't answering questions about his personal sexual encounters. I voted for Clinton, but it turns out he was a serial sexual assaulter, rapist and all-around dirt bag. It looks like he was likely a pedophile as well. I didnt agree with the impeachment at the time and I wouldnt want a President impeached for it now but it's certainly an impeachable offense.
Congress has no business getting involved in the sexual life of a President. If it was rape or sexual abuse, I can see it.

But Lewinsky initiated the encounter and admitted it.
Clinton, but it turns out he was a serial sexual assaulter, rapist and all-around dirt bag. It looks like he was likely a pedophile as well.
Why are the Neo-GOP so hung up on calling everyone and their mother a pedophile? Is this a perverted form of mass projection or confession? Lots of people are wondering why they do that. They're starting to talk about how weird it is that the Neo-GOP do that. Anywhere there is people now, you hear them talking about it. Honest.
Congress has no business getting involved in the sexual life of a President. If it was rape or sexual abuse, I can see it.

But Lewinsky initiated the encounter and admitted it.
You should at least have some idea what youre talking about before you run off at the mouth about a subject. Congress didnt ask Clinton about his sexual encounters with Lewinsky.
Why are the Neo-GOP so hung up on calling everyone and their mother a pedophile? Is this a perverted form of mass projection or confession? Lots of people are wondering why they do that. They're starting to talk about how weird it is that the Neo-GOP do that. Anywhere there is people now, you hear them talking about it. Honest.
In Clinton's case because he was involved with Epstein. Why am I a "NEO GOP" person? Because I called out Bill Clinton for what he is?

You can't impeach a president for just not doing a good job, or for what you consider to be a good job.

We've had plenty of presidents that haven't done good jobs, that's why we vote.

You need an abuse of presidential power, a dereliction of duty as President,

like sitting idlely for over three hours while your followers attack the Capitol, and beat up the Capitol Police, and try to stop the official count of the State's electors for president being officially entered in to the congressional record.

Or by holding back congressionally passed Military aid to a country, unless that country's President, went on CNN International to announce he is opening an investigation on Biden and son, Biden being his political opponent in the upcoming presidential election.

You won't get the votes needed in the House, to impeach....but not for the lack of trying.

And not in a million, gazillion years will 2/3s of the Senate convict him, imo.

But go ahead, and continue to march lock step, on your mission to destroy this nation, and all of our institutional structure that has overall, even with faults over the centuries, has served us pretty well.
The Democrats impeached Trump twice with no cause either time.
In Clinton's case because he was involved with Epstein. Why am I a "NEO GOP" person? Because I called out Bill Clinton for what he is?

A lot of politicians from both side of the isle were involved with Epstein.

New Republicans Support Benedict Donald and his Election lies and scams attempting to overturn valid results of the 2020 election. So you decide if you are or not. you are better off now than you were 3 years who the hell cares how others are suffering.

Who the hell cares that he has trouble staying on topic even though he is supposed to be the leader of the free world.

WHo the hell cares that he tends to drift off the stage in the wrong direction.

He is not TRUMP...the bad of the bad the worst of the worst the orange man of the Orangemen the liar Ruskie whore mongering loser who ran businesses into the ground.

So stick with your guy. He is fucking your friends and neighbors.....but hey.....all is good in your little world so who the fuck cares about your friends and neighbors. They make their decisions and they need to live with them.

There are always people who are suffering. What's your plan to cure that world wide?

As far as my friends and neighbors (at least the ones I know) it's running about 90%-10% in favor of Biden over Trump. I live in a very Liberal part of the country. Thank G-d. And I don't know anyone who voted for Biden in 2020 who would vote for Trump, should he run. And that includes a few of them who are registered Republicans. Some may not even vote for Biden either if he were to run again.
A lot of politicians from both side of the isle were involved with Epstein.

New Republicans Support Benedict Donald and his Election lies and scams attempting to overturn valid results of the 2020 election. So you decide if you are or not.
How does that make Clinton not a pedophile?
lol. The 22nd amendment covered that. No law needed. Only one to amend the amendment.

Good night.

You dont debate.

You look for ways to embarrass your opponent...and you failed....again


All the 22nd Amendment says is, "no person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice..." It doesn't say they can't run. It just means if they do run, they can't be elected, even if they win.
Why are the Neo-GOP so hung up on calling everyone and their mother a pedophile? Is this a perverted form of mass projection or confession? Lots of people are wondering why they do that. They're starting to talk about how weird it is that the Neo-GOP do that. Anywhere there is people now, you hear them talking about it. Honest.

It helps them feel better about themselves.

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