How many Democrat senators will vote with Republicans to Impeach Joe Biden? (Poll)

How many democrat senators will vote to remove Joe Biden after the House votes to Impeach?

  • 0, no democrat senator will vote to impeach Joe Biden

    Votes: 32 78.0%
  • 1 - 10 enough to NOT remove Joe Biden, (<67), but not zero.

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Enough to remove Joe Biden totaling 67 or more senators

    Votes: 2 4.9%

  • Total voters
You should at least have some idea what youre talking about before you run off at the mouth about a subject. Congress didnt ask Clinton about his sexual encounters with Lewinsky.

They had no business getting involved at all
A lot of politicians from both side of the isle were involved with Epstein.

New Republicans Support Benedict Donald and his Election lies and scams attempting to overturn valid results of the 2020 election. So you decide if you are or not.

Are we talking in Congress (aisle) or Epstein's island (isle)?
Well you would need some proof that Clinton diddled a child. Whatcha got?
I don't need direct evidence to think that Clinton is a pedophile. I would argue his history with sexual assault, rape and the fact he was very much involved with Epstein and there are witnesses putting him on pedophile island with young girls is proof enough for me to think he is what he is.
I don't need direct evidence to think that Clinton is a pedophile. I would argue his history with sexual assault, rape and the fact he was very much involved with Epstein and there are witnesses putting him on pedophile island with young girls is proof enough for me to think he is what he is.

You don't need any evidence to believe anything you want to believe. You can believe in Santa Claus if you want. But if you want others to think you're normal and not deranged, you need proof to back your assertions. Sadly for you, it appears you have none.
Trying to impeach Biden would be the dumbest thing the Republicans could possibly do, and the only surefire way to ensure a blue tsunami in 2024.
We don't need more f*cking investigations. trials and showmanship. FFS!!

I would support, and think it would be a good idea - IF - they have the power to do so, to require Biden take cognitive test by independent panel on is he mentally fit to do his job. Which we all know he is not.
But then that would make Harris President. and she may actually be worse.
Please. Talk means nothing. Actions are what count. After the Mueller Report, what happened???....nothing. Again, I'd hoped you would send a thank you note to Nancy Pelosi.
Neither the Ukraine phone call (extortion) or January 6th (insurrection, sedition) were policy decisions or directives. One was a overt attempt at abuse of power. The other was (looks like) a straight up criminal act.
The fact you continued to support this corrupt individual instead of just cutting him loose and moving on is very telling about the type of leadership you want and will support in this country.

You don't like Biden's policy decisions???....2024 election just two years away.
Who said I supported Trump? I'm talking about the dems incessant need to trample on the republican party by going through the charade if impeqching him twice. It was orchestrated from the very beginning.

As far as the phone call, was there any evidence that Trump did that in order to find dirt for his campaign? There was an allegation that hunter and Joe were up to something in Ukraine and Trump wanted to find out what. It's no worse than Biden himself withholding money from Ukraine until they fired the prosecutor that was investigating the company hunter worked for.

You impeached him even though the report came out that never actually proved any guilt.

As far as the second impeachment, that was the quickest impeachment of all time. You all did the impeachment and THEN did the investigation after. I always said, if you had enough evidence to impeach him, why did you need a 2 year J6 committee to investigate?
In fiscal 2022,
2.1 million encounters by border patrol, with 1.3 million of the 2.1 million, turned away and sent back to their home countries.
800,000 were allowed in to pursue asylum with court dates pending, and about half of those going through the immigration court process for asylum seekers, get denied and deported/returned to their homeland.
So a good estimate would be about 1.7 million of the 2.1 encountered by border patrol in 2022, were estimated 400k, were kept or will be kept once all immigration judges make their rulings as asylum seekers.
It's bad, but more for all the money it is costing to defend the border, and send these asylum seekers back home, and all the non profit resources and time on them spent etc, many of whom will not be allowed to stay in the end....
We really do need immigration reform, where both sides can offer amendments and debate..... It's been avoided for too long!
My CBP numbers are a little different than yours.
2022 2.8m encounters plus got-aways
2021 2.0m encounters plus got-aways
...say 5.0m entered illegally due to open borders

NOT MANY WERE REJECTED, they were generally given a cell phone, put on planes and buses, and sent all over the US

You don't need any evidence to believe anything you want to believe. You can believe in Santa Claus if you want. But if you want others to think you're normal and not deranged, you need proof to back your assertions. Sadly for you, it appears you have none.
Other than his past history of sexual assault, rape, and the links I provided in the initial post linking him to Epstein and Pedo island. Other than that, you're correct.
Trump had TWO impeachable offenses

If not for Republicans covering for his crimes, we would have been done with him years ago

A majority of Congress members voted to impeach
Republicans put party over country

No, Democrats put Party over country and voted like the sheep they are. They were talking about impeaching him before he took office and before either of the accustations for which he was impeached even occurred. That is evidence of a clear intent. "Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime." Seems to be a Democratic Party favorite.
Who said I supported Trump? I'm talking about the dems incessant need to trample on the republican party by going through the charade if impeqching him twice. It was orchestrated from the very beginning.

As far as the phone call, was there any evidence that Trump did that in order to find dirt for his campaign? There was an allegation that hunter and Joe were up to something in Ukraine and Trump wanted to find out what. It's no worse than Biden himself withholding money from Ukraine until they fired the prosecutor that was investigating the company hunter worked for.

You impeached him even though the report came out that never actually proved any guilt.

As far as the second impeachment, that was the quickest impeachment of all time. You all did the impeachment and THEN did the investigation after. I always said, if you had enough evidence to impeach him, why did you need a 2 year J6 committee to investigate?

There was no reason for Trump to ask Zelenskyy to open an investigation into Biden other than for his own political gain. He didn't do that until after Biden declared he was running for president and we have a treaty with Ukraine to perform investigations which requires our Attorney General to make such a request formally with Ukraine's Prosecutor General, which Trump avoided by sending his own personal attorney instead.
Other than his past history of sexual assault, rape, and the links I provided in the initial post linking him to Epstein and Pedo island. Other than that, you're correct.

Nothing but allegations of sexual assault and rape. If that's what we're going on, then Trump is a pedophile who raped a 12 year old girl AND a 13 year old girl. Is that really the level of evidence you want to go on? And even then, unlike Trump, Clinton was never alleged to have raped any children.

As far as your evidence to Clinton being on Pedophile Isle, that's based solely on the testimony of the same women who also said they didn't observe him being inappropriate with any of the girls there.
They were talking about impeaching him before he took office and before either of the accustations for which he was impeached even occurred.
Didn't Speaker Pelosi take impeachment off the table when the Democrats finally took back the House in 2019? Why didn't they immediately impeach him over Russia. Why did they wait until the Ukraine Shakedown plot was discovered.

No, Democrats put Party over country and voted like the sheep they are. They were talking about impeaching him before he took office and before either of the accustations for which he was impeached even occurred. That is evidence of a clear intent. "Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime." Seems to be a Democratic Party favorite.
Trump is his own worst enemy

His excesses are legendary and Republicans refused to hold him accountable
Nothing but allegations of sexual assault and rape. If that's what we're going on, then Trump is a pedophile who raped a 12 year old girl AND a 13 year old girl. Is that really the level of evidence you want to go on? And even then, unlike Trump, Clinton was never alleged to have raped any children.

As far as your evidence to Clinton being on Pedophile Isle, that's based solely on the testimony of the same women who also said they didn't observe him being inappropriate with any of the girls there.
He's been accused multiple times of both sexual assault and rape. And Im sure the guy who has a history of inappropriate (at best) sexual encounters was just hanging out on pedo island and not taking part in the reason the place existed. Sure... I have some ocean front property in AZ if you're interested btw.

What does what Trump may or may not have done have to do with Clinton?

All the 22nd Amendment says is, "no person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice..." It doesn't say they can't run. It just means if they do run, they can't be elected, even if they win.
So exactly who would run if they can not be elected?

Based on your post?

You are a fraud. Likely a child less than 15 years old.

No need to communicate with me.....fraud.

lol...."it doesn't say you cant just says you cant be elected." You cant make that shit up.

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