How many Democrat senators will vote with Republicans to Impeach Joe Biden? (Poll)

How many democrat senators will vote to remove Joe Biden after the House votes to Impeach?

  • 0, no democrat senator will vote to impeach Joe Biden

    Votes: 32 78.0%
  • 1 - 10 enough to NOT remove Joe Biden, (<67), but not zero.

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Enough to remove Joe Biden totaling 67 or more senators

    Votes: 2 4.9%

  • Total voters
The left has already insured much destruction when they went on their partisan hate filled impeachment fests. A price will be exacted for that behavior.
Both of which were warranted. One of them was over an actual criminal act. There might have been a third but Nancy Pelosi nicely put the squash on her party to prevent that.

Did you send her a thank you fruit basket? :)
Not protecting our border is not a policy disagreement.

It is his responsibility.

That is dereliction of duty.

Now, if he had his two majority's passing legislation allowing the border to be open to all that want to come, then it would be a policy disagreement and non impeachable.

But he didn't. Because his party would not allow for it.
Whether you like it or not, that is a disagreement in policy. Now, if there were multiple terrorist acts being perpetrated at regular intervals across cities by undocumenteds, you might have a case of dereliction of duty.
But since that isn't happening, all you have is a disagreement.

Not an impeachable offense. Again, it will be seen as petty and vindictive.
The left has already insured much destruction when they went on their partisan hate filled impeachment fests. A price will be exacted for that behavior.
For some strange reason, you do not see his actions on 1/6 and the lead up to 1/6, and his lies that lead up to 1/6, and his lack of action on 1/6, impeachable???

Are you nuts?
Joe Biden's presidency is over... He's all done... Turn off the lights... He is in the running for worst president in history.

this is how I voted:  0, no democrat senator will vote to impeach Joe Biden

That's because the senate does not vote to impeach.
For some strange reason, you do not see his actions on 1/6 and the lead up to 1/6, and his lies that lead up to 1/6, impeachable???

Are you nuts?
More like blinded by unquestioned fidelity to a cult leader. Facts never enter the equation.
Not really. His chances of passing his legislative agenda, at least those things he hasn't already gotten passed, is likely over. His value to the country, and democracy, is now to stand as a guardian at the gate by vetoing the destructive, radical agenda of the lunatic POT.
Those legislation things passed the last two years along with all of the EO's were done so because we the people do not control our nation.
Is the OP a trick question?

Next poll: How many congressmen will vote to confirm Bidens next judicial appointment?
1. Prove that "the moment they begin impeachment proceedings, the Republican party as an entity will be all done" (I call BULLSHIT!!)
2. The Articles against Biden are not "policy disagreements", they are violation of Law and Abuse of Power:
Illegal Open Borders
Illegally Forgiving Student Loans
Abandoning $85b of US military equipment6 in AFG against military advice
87,000 new IRS agents willing to kill
Hunter's selling of influence and Joe benefiting financially
FBI whistleblower claims (misuse of the FBI)
Hunter's laptop crimes (selling influence)
They're done. I mean, the Republican party already has no fresh policy initiatives. They have no new ideas. It's all just culture wars and grievance.

Again, most of your list here is policy disagreements. Oh BTW, the SC just made a ruling NOT to halt forgiving student loans. I wouldn't bunch your panties too hard over that as I believe the lower courts will shoot it down.

Willing to kill?..Still on the mysterious laptop??...
You understand why the majority of us see the Republican party as having nothing?..right? :)
Joe Biden's presidency is over... He's all done... Turn off the lights... He is in the running for worst president in history.

So the question the democrats have is WTF do they do to prepare for 2024.
1. The House will still be GOP after 2024
2. The Senate will probably be more Republican, since the dems will have more senate seats to defend in 2024.
3. Who will the dems nominate to run for president in 2024, or to be VP if Biden is removed?

Joe Biden? (too old, too stupid, too much baggage)
Kamala Harris? (its her turn, if not her the black women stay home)
Gavin Newsom (pretty boy has a shitty record to defend, CA is a disaster)
Buttplug? (good talker, but is he ready for the big show?)
Stacy Abrams? (maybe she can rally dems?)
_______________? someone else to be VP?

IF Joe Biden is impeached AND REMOVED the dems name a new VP, that person would have name recognition for 2024, plus two-years of glowing MSM coverage.
So what do the dems do?
1. Vote to impeach Joe Biden and name a new, more electable VP?
2. Vote to keep Joe Biden?

Here is the ultimate problem.

Impeach Biden and you get harris in his place. She is even dumber than Biden in a lot of ways and even more of a tool. Putting her in place won't change anything because she will keep pushing the same agendas.

Even then the problem goes deeper. Bidens entire administration will still exist. Their roots run deep. And Biden isn't doing all this by himself. No man can do everything he has done in 2 years, he is being told what to do. And I bet they aren't even government officials, they are people like bill gates and Charles Schwab in the world economic forum and the UN.

If you have weeds in the garden you don't just run the mower over them, you won't ever get rid of them. You need to grab the weed and pull it out by the root to get rid of it.
For some strange reason, you do not see his actions on 1/6 and the lead up to 1/6, and his lies that lead up to 1/6, and his lack of action on 1/6, impeachable???

Are you nuts?
Why do you think McConnell delayed the senate trial until AFTER Trump left office. And then gave the republicans the excuse that they couldn't vote to remove somebody from office, who the voters had already removed.
Why do you think McConnell delayed the senate trial until AFTER Trump left office. And then gave the republicans the excuse that they couldn't vote to remove somebody from office, who the voters had already removed.

America did what the Republican-led Senate wouldn't do.
America did what the Republican-led Senate wouldn't do.
Sadly, before McConnel took up kissing Trumps ass again. He lead the charge that there was no need to impeach or remove Trump, because Trump was now subject to criminal and legal charges against him.

McConnell: Trump Should Face Criminal Trail, Not Impeachment, …

McConnell Says Trump Could Still Be Criminally Liable For Actions as President: He ‘Didn’t Get Away with Anything Yet’

The top Republican in the Senate then made a point to insist that Trump still could face criminal liability actions he took while in office

Former office holders, he said, are “still liable to be tried and punished in the ordinary tribunals of justice.”

“President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office, as an ordinary citizen,” he continued. “Unless the statute of limitations has run, still liable for everything he did while he was in office. Didn’t get away with anything yet.”

“We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being accountable by either one.”
Democrats have two years to rebrand the party. Biden already announced his intention to run for reelection, 2024 is a frozen field. Not a single Senator got upped to Cabinet positions, so where is the next generation of 'leadership'? There is no way Biden's unaccountable shadow masters will 25th him, so removal by impeachment is the only path forward. Harris has to know she'll never win a general election, this is her only shot. The votes will be there.
Joe Biden's presidency is over... He's all done... Turn off the lights... He is in the running for worst president in history.

So the question the democrats have is WTF do they do to prepare for 2024.
1. The House will still be GOP after 2024
2. The Senate will probably be more Republican, since the dems will have more senate seats to defend in 2024.
3. Who will the dems nominate to run for president in 2024, or to be VP if Biden is removed?

Joe Biden? (too old, too stupid, too much baggage)
Kamala Harris? (its her turn, if not her the black women stay home)
Gavin Newsom (pretty boy has a shitty record to defend, CA is a disaster)
Buttplug? (good talker, but is he ready for the big show?)
Stacy Abrams? (maybe she can rally dems?)
_______________? someone else to be VP?

IF Joe Biden is impeached AND REMOVED the dems name a new VP, that person would have name recognition for 2024, plus two-years of glowing MSM coverage.
So what do the dems do?
1. Vote to impeach Joe Biden and name a new, more electable VP?
2. Vote to keep Joe Biden?
Barrack Obama will disappear, and his exact twin Hassan Obama will run, but only after marrying Meeeechelle c to console her. P.S. the sheep on the left will believe it
The Amazing Carnac says……


Barrack Obama will disappear, and his exact twin Hassan Obama will run, but only after marrying Meeeechelle c to console her. P.S. the sheep on the left will believe it
Obama derangement syndrome? Are you so afraid of him?

BTW, the constitution doesn't prohibit past presidents from running for office. In fact, anyone can run for president.
Whether you like it or not, that is a disagreement in policy. Now, if there were multiple terrorist acts being perpetrated at regular intervals across cities by undocumenteds, you might have a case of dereliction of duty.
But since that isn't happening, all you have is a disagreement.

Not an impeachable offense. Again, it will be seen as petty and vindictive.
With all due is not a policy disagreement.

It is the law. The law was not amended, rescinded or overturn by the Supreme Court.

President Biden may not agree with the law. But it does not change the fact that he swore to abide by the law.

So, no, as of now it is not a policy disagreement.

It is a President who refuses to allow the law to be enforced because he does not agree with it.

You know, we have legislation for a reason. So the people have the right (through their elected officials) to determine what laws should be written.

We have a justice system designed to determine if the law is particular, the Supreme Court.

But the President of the United States does not have the right to discard laws she or he disagrees with.

It is a dereliction of duty . Not a policy disagreement.
You can't impeach a president for just not doing a good job, or for what you consider to be a good job.
We've had plenty of presidents that haven't done good jobs, that's why we vote.
You need an abuse of presidential power, a dereliction of duty as President,
like sitting idly for over three hours while your followers attack the Capitol, and beat up the Capitol Police, and try to stop the official count of the State's electors for president being officially entered in to the congressional record.
Or by holding back congressionally passed Military aid to a country, unless that country's President, went on CNN International to announce he is opening an investigation on Biden and son, Biden being his political opponent in the upcoming presidential election.
You won't get the votes needed in the House, to impeach....but not for the lack of trying.
And not in a million, gazillion years will 2/3s of the Senate convict him, imo.
But go ahead, and continue to march lock step, on your mission to destroy this nation, and all of our institutional structure that has overall, even with faults over the centuries, has served us pretty well.
1. The Articles of Impeachment for Joe Biden are real crimes or abuses of power.
2. You already impeached Trump for a phone call to investigate corruption, now its time for Biden's impeachment(s)
3. The House certainly will impeach Joe Biden, it only takes a simple majority
4. You may be right that the Senate would not vote to remove Biden (67 votes)
5. The US will be stronger after impeaching Joe Biden. It will show future presidents that they will be held to account for any illegal actions.
6. Some of the Articles of Impeachment that Joe Biden will be hit with include:
Illegal Open Borders, allowing drugs and terrorists into the US
Illegally Forgiving Student Loans
Abandoning $85b of US military equipment in AFG against military advice
87,000 new IRS agents "willing to kill"
Hunter's selling of influence and Joe benefiting financially
FBI whistleblower claims (misuses of the FBI)
Hunter's laptop crimes (selling influence)
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Democrats have two years to rebrand the party. Biden already announced his intention to run for reelection, 2024 is a frozen field. Not a single Senator got upped to Cabinet positions, so where is the next generation of 'leadership'? There is no way Biden's unaccountable shadow masters will 25th him, so removal by impeachment is the only path forward. Harris has to know she'll never win a general election, this is her only shot. The votes will be there.

There's no chance Biden runs again. He's barely there now, if ya know what I mean. He's only saying he'll run again to avoid being branded a lame-duck president.

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