How Many Democratic Voters Would Change Parties

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
and vote Republican if Republicans changed to being pro-choice? Just wondering how many democrats would vote Republican but for this one issue. Many, several, very few? I'm guessing about 20%.
Maybe. But the Republicans would still lose. Not only are there millions of Pro-Life Republicans who would be thrown under the bus and not vote for the new Pro-Abort standard bearers of the party--- it would send a message to other Republicans who are Pro-Family, Pro-2nd Amendment, etc., that they can be thrown under the bus too and would reduce the Party's credibility to them.
and vote Republican if Republicans changed to being pro-choice? Just wondering how many democrats would vote Republican but for this one issue. Many, several, very few? I'm guessing about 20%.
I'm not a single issue voter.

First the GOP has to nominate someone who isn't being cruel as a publicity gimmick then purge everyone who thought it was a good idea to be cruel as a publicity gimmick. Next they would have to disavow white nationalists, bigots, the Klan, and the other hate groups it currently relies on for support--the guys Trump told to "stand by" and then showed up on 1/6.

Do that first then we'll talk.
Given the number of Independents the gop would pick-up the view would be well worth the climb.

As for "Pro-Life Republicans who would be thrown under the bus".....Where are they going to go? I mean there are always fringe groups that have tire tracks on them no matter the party. Do pro-lifers think they are special?

Make no mistake, by and large they would be exactly like the "evangelists" that supported Trump in a big way.

I mean I voted for Trump three times but when I heard that the "evangelists" were in his corner that was a bit too much even for me. I had to LOL. ;)
Maybe. But the Republicans would still lose. Not only are there millions of Pro-Life Republicans who would be thrown under the bus and not vote for the new Pro-Abort standard bearers of the party--- it would send a message to other Republicans who are Pro-Family, Pro-2nd Amendment, etc., that they can be thrown under the bus too and would reduce the Party's credibility to them.
Are you trying to say that all of the people thrown under the bus would then vote Democratic, which literally IS the bus?
The best we could hope for is that the current group of Democrat Trump haters put down the Kool-Aid cup and just not vote.
Maybe. But the Republicans would still lose. Not only are there millions of Pro-Life Republicans who would be thrown under the bus and not vote for the new Pro-Abort standard bearers of the party--- it would send a message to other Republicans who are Pro-Family, Pro-2nd Amendment, etc., that they can be thrown under the bus too and would reduce the Party's credibility to them.
the Republican Party is a Big Tent Party where many different viewpoints are welcome and discussed as opposed to the monolithic, rigid stance a different party takes on ideology.
Not a single Democrat in this forum would switch. That is because not a single one of them have any values or follow any principles.

All they know is that their very identity is wrapped up in being a Democrat, and so it is the party that tells them what to think and they simply comply.
Not a single Democrat in this forum would switch. That is because not a single one of them have any values or follow any principles.

All they know is that their very identity is wrapped up in being a Democrat, and so it is the party that tells them what to think and they simply comply.
The Republican Party has no principles other than acquiring power.
Those idiot Dem sheeple aren't smart enough. Beside Dems would just claim the GOP wants to take away social security and Medicare and throw granny off a cliff and other lies.
Not a single Democrat in this forum would switch. That is because not a single one of them have any values or follow any principles.

All they know is that their very identity is wrapped up in being a Democrat, and so it is the party that tells them what to think and they simply comply.
Actually, their identities are wrapped up in not being a Republican.
the Republican Party is a Big Tent Party where many different viewpoints are welcome and discussed as opposed to the monolithic, rigid stance a different party takes on ideology.
No they're not...They proved that in 2012, when they silenced Ron Paul and Rick Santorum at the RNC.

If you engage in freedom of though it the GOP, you get steamrolled by party hacks like Mcturtle, Romney,
and vote Republican if Republicans changed to being pro-choice? Just wondering how many democrats would vote Republican but for this one issue. Many, several, very few? I'm guessing about 20%.

No one would believe the Republicans if they suddenly became pro-choice.

The deed has been done.
and vote Republican if Republicans changed to being pro-choice? Just wondering how many democrats would vote Republican but for this one issue. Many, several, very few? I'm guessing about 20%.

Both parties have huge percent of one issue voters, with that one issue being abortoin.

It is one of the major reasons the GOP has not nominated a fiscal conservative since before RvW.

There could be the most staunch fiscal conservatives vs the biggest spender and if the big spender was "pro-life" they will get the vote every time.

One of the many reasons we are 32T in debt.

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