How Many Democratic Voters Would Change Parties

and vote Republican if Republicans changed to being pro-choice? Just wondering how many democrats would vote Republican but for this one issue. Many, several, very few? I'm guessing about 20%.
If GOP defended abortion and aided and assisted Moms and kids, they would be the majority party in IL, CA, and NY.
If GOP defended abortion and aided and assisted Moms and kids, they would be the majority party in IL, CA, and NY.
If GOP was hostile to Christianity and Judaism and supported Arabs / Palestinians over Israel and were Pro Legalized Drugs , and for Open Borders and embraced Socialism and severe Firearms Restrictions ... they would be in Charge ?
Not a single Democrat in this forum would switch. That is because not a single one of them have any values or follow any principles.

All they know is that their very identity is wrapped up in being a Democrat, and so it is the party that tells them what to think and they simply comply.
Are you saying that Republicans don't do the same? I agree with your post but also know for a fact the same holds true for the gop.
Not many. Women's health care rights are but just one issue. Republicans are wrong on way too many issues.
What bothers me most about the hard right and the hard left is that you can tell how they're going to react on every topic before you hear them open their mouth. It's bizarre that someone's stance on the 2nd Amendment informs their stance on abortion. It isn't always the case but usually it is.
I disagree. There are plenty of Democrats who would list abortion down below guns, Citizens United, and climate change.
But even more above guns, CU and climate chance.

Abortion and democracy will outweigh immigration and guns and trans by a factor of 3:2.
What bothers me most about the hard right and the hard left is that you can tell how they're going to react on every topic before you hear them open their mouth. It's bizarre that someone's stance on the 2nd Amendment informs their stance on abortion. It isn't always the case but usually it is.
Oh, their contradictory, "pro-life" stance.............
0-9 months your fine, 9 months to 18 years..........your fucked.

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