How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.

If they feel the wish for another one then they will create another one just like they did the last one
LefTard Logic:

Violent Thugs -


Not Violent Thugs-


Every time you psycho loons use the word “THUGS“ you lose credibility. NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention can take you seriously.

I was thinking more of these violent thugs.



the "jan 6 insurrection" has not ended, with continuing trumpist violence in every state. what makes you think trump can stop it when he loses?
Only political violence we see is left-wing fanatical violence.

Don’t believe the lies that the left engages in almost every day. If you can show a single picture or a video of a black person getting hung from a tree. If you can show one video, I’m literally asking you for one video of 20 white people beating the hell out of a black woman, than I will say yes there is a problem with Trump supporters getting violent.

But I’ve seen that your side literally will not even talk about the BLM violence that is also supported by Democrats who states things like looting is a form of reparations.

Coyote I mean this gentleman does not even respond to these videos. He just simply does not talk about BLM democrat violence.

The videos I shall only scratch the surface. There were tons of examples of mobs of BLM Black people, viciously attacking, elderly Trump supporters in the wake of the George Floyd riots. Everybody knows it but forever reason these white democrats don’t talk about it.

It’s always the richwhite Democrats live in the suburbs waving their BLM flags paying off millions of dollars to BLM leaders. They don’t give a damn about the working class white people or Black people in this country.

“Oh but George Floyd “

Oh yeah, the guy who held a gun to a pregnant lady stomach. The man who had a huge number of drugs in his system, where the autopsy said he did not die from the police holding him down, but from drugs.

“Oh but cops kill blacks “

Huh what about the many black police officers? What about white people who are beat up by cops. What about the fact that there are bad eggs and literally every profession. So there’s a teacher who beat up a student does that mean that we should all have sign saying “students lives matters”

Every country of the world has police officers, who commit crimes. Why doesn’t BLM ever talk about the many black police officers and white police officers who do the job properly.

Anybody who support BLM or Joe Biden or Karine Jean Pierre or Kamala Harris has been psy oped

How about police officers who have to deal with the gangs of Chicago and Los Angeles on a daily basis. What the heck happened to common sense when it comes to left-wing Democrats.
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Technically speaking, there will be another January 6th every year, right after January 5th. It will only be remarkable by how shrill the virtue signaling useful idiots are as they perpetually relive the “insurrection”. What a gaggle of morons.
hahaha…of course you were…but what’s your thoughts on those savage negroes?
About the same as on those savage caucasoids.

Your woke white guilt weirdo ass never really said anything about them acting like the jungle folks they are…asking for a friend?
You go tell your friend that I don’t feel any guilt over anything and he should tell you to quit obsessing about my woke weirdo ass.
About the same as on those savage caucasoids.

You go tell your friend that I don’t feel any guilt over anything and he should tell you to quit obsessing about my woke weirdo ass.
Hahaha….”my friend” said you should worry about the dark savages first and then repot back here later?
It is looking less and less likely. There aren't many protesters showing up for his arraignments and his speeches are no longer drawing well.

His not pardoning the insurrectionists really hurt him with the neanderthal class which is his base in terms of venom. Don't get me wrong; as long as it is effortless, painless, and doesn't make them miss Judge Judy; they'll be there for him. But commit crimes? Nope.
How can you tell that a poster is a lying piece of shit who hates the United States of America? The clear and obvious answer is that anyone who thinks that January 6 was no big deal and Donald Trump have the right to try to overturn. The election hates the United States of America and the Constitution for which it stands.

When you think that a man has the right to try to overturn the election and cling to power just so he doesn’t have to go to jail, you have a well and truly drunks Trump’s anti-democracy, racist and misogynistic Kool-Aid.
Fuck you, scumbag.

ANY American has a right to question ANY election.

I don't work for the fucking deep state, they work for me.

When I decide to fire their stupid incompetent asses, then we'll see what they're really made of.

In the meantime they've been put on notice, and if they're as dumb as I think they are they'll ignore it.
Hahaha….”my friend” said you should worry about the dark savages first and then repot back here later?
Ya need to stop listening to those voices in your head dude.
hahaha…of course you were…but what’s your thoughts on those savage negroes? Your woke white guilt weirdo ass never really said anything about them acting like the jungle folks they are…asking for a friend?
At least pretend you’re not an asshole racist mmmmkay?
hahaha…of course you were…but what’s your thoughts on those savage negroes? Your woke white guilt weirdo ass never really said anything about them acting like the jungle folks they are…asking for a friend?
^^^^ Racist douche.
That’s not why he lost. He lost because the media went into overdrive to demean him (and still are) while hiding all the substantial negatives about the demented guy campaigning from his basement.

Trump sabotaged his presidency and his reelection. Nobody could stop him. Remember he's a stable genius.
Trump sabotaged his presidency and his reelection. Nobody could stop him. Remember he's a stable genius.
No he didn’t - although the attack dog prosecutor, the DOJ, and the leftist judge are indeed trying to take him out of the running - and this rob tens of millions of people the right to vote for their preferred candidate.

If it’s Trump v Biden, then Trump wins. Nobody but deluded leftists would vote for a demented man who sold out America to Communists for $20 million.
No he didn’t - although the attack dog prosecutor, the DOJ, and the leftist judge are indeed trying to take him out of the running - and this rob tens of millions of people the right to vote for their preferred candidate.

If it’s Trump v Biden, then Trump wins. Nobody but deluded leftists would vote for a demented man who sold out America to Communists for $20 million.

All Trump's done is lose long before any charges or indictments.
No he didn’t - although the attack dog prosecutor, the DOJ, and the leftist judge are indeed trying to take him out of the running - and this rob tens of millions of people the right to vote for their preferred candidate.

If it’s Trump v Biden, then Trump wins. Nobody but deluded leftists would vote for a demented man who sold out America to Communists for $20 million.

You're going with gossip not evidence. Typical.

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