How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.

You can come up with all the silly excuses you want. Trump was/is simply a shitty candidate.
And you are in denial. A man with dementia who never did anything in his 50 years in government is the shitty candidate.

The proof is in what we have now - people can’t afford groceries, we are buying oil from our enemies, he left Afghanistan in disgrace, there’s a new war, Americans are being called domestic terrorists for dissenting from The Official Democrat Narrative, the FBI is trying to imprison Biden’s #1 political foe, and the DOJ is stonewalling on evidence of Biden’s corruption.

These are the consequences of the stolen election.
Firstly, because the January 6 protesters shot nobody…. practically every American knows the difference between January 6 compared to the hundreds of different Black Lives Matter riots in 2020.

The Black Lives Matter rioters kill 25 people causing billions of dollars of damage setting government buildings on fire, including burning down a police station. Trump supporters never did anything like that not even close to it.

What percentage of democrats believe this type of propaganda that there’s going to be another “January 6” if trumps not elected in 2024? ….I’d say it’s under 10%.

Many of us lack confidence in the elections and I don’t think most Democrats buy into the racist propaganda we see on CNN and MSNBC and from practically every Democrat in Congress and the Senate.

The sincere question is what type of drugs do far left Democrats use to get to the type of insane points that they get to?

Moot point. Trumps not going to win. He is probably going to prison. More members of his circle, including lawyers are also going to prison, if another insurrection does happen, anyone involved will also be going to prison. Everyone both past and present, will be convicted felons, so they won't be voting anymore, or owning firearms.

And the icing on the cake? The Democrats will retake the House next year.

And that ain't no lie.
You can come up with all the silly excuses you want. Trump was/is simply a shitty candidate.
Of course Trump is a shitty candidate.

Trump is the only person who is running a campaign with no experience, who is not a politician, like the life long politicians that have lied to us and screwed us over for since anyone can remember

The regular public does not have much of a chance against the political machine that dictates our lives.
And you are in denial. A man with dementia who never did anything in his 50 years in government is the shitty candidate.

The proof is in what we have now - people can’t afford groceries, we are buying oil from our enemies, he left Afghanistan in disgrace, there’s a new war, Americans are being called domestic terrorists for dissenting from The Official Democrat Narrative, the FBI is trying to imprison Biden’s #1 political foe, and the DOJ is stonewalling on evidence of Biden’s corruption.

These are the consequences of the stolen election.
Maybe you should get a better job if you cant afford groceries. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps. Maybe get a 2nd job. Stop being so lazy.

You do realize Trump set up the exit from Afghanistan, right?
Yes 1,000+ domestic terrorists arrested for Jan 6th.

Trump has broken the law whether you like it or not. You're in a cult and you need help.
Of course Trump is a shitty candidate.

Trump is the only person who is running a campaign with no experience, who is not a politician, like the life long politicians that have lied to us and screwed us over for since anyone can remember

The regular public does not have much of a chance against the political machine that dictates our lives.
The outcome of the election is in he hands of the media, of which 95% are Democrats. It’s just one small step removed from official government media that censors unfavorable news to the Regime.
Moot point. Trumps not going to win. He is probably going to prison. More members of his circle, including lawyers are also going to prison, if another insurrection does happen, anyone involved will also be going to prison. Everyone both past and present, will be convicted felons, so they won't be voting anymore, or owning firearms.

And the icing on the cake? The Democrats will retake the House next year.

And that ain't no lie.
Three repub Presidential candidates just announced they want to cut SS benefits for young people. That is surely going to attract younger people to vote repub, right? Instead these dumb animals will make up excuses like the communist FBI is jailing Bidens opponent.
The law didn't see it that way.

And the Trump supporters were thrown in jail for doing nothing bad. That's how the justice system works in America. Howwible!

It's not worth it to have a replay.

Give an example of a Trump quote where he supported insurrection. Oh, wait, you're lying, he didn't. This post won't get a response from you with an actual Trump quote because there isn't one.

It's the chance you take when you lie, that you'll be nailed for it.

This won't be responded to by you with an actual Trump quote, oops, sucks to be you ...

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