How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?

I thought this video was very intelligent. And I have no mystical beliefs.

If we used this "reasoning" we would also have to accept murderers, rapists, thieves, pedophiles, arsonists, and a myriad of other criminals and deviants as having a right to be who they are.

I couldn't care less if gays are natural are not, but to say that OMG they are and you should accept them because God created them is stupid. God of course created ALL sinners, that doesn't mean we embrace that sin.
Well since you know one, all the dozens of people in the link must be christian hating atheists as well. Reality is they're christian loving christians who take Jesus's teachings seriously.

And what do I care if a pedophile marries a consenting adult? I don't.

Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality, but he spoke out in favor loving thy neighbor, his golden rule and even loving your enemy. These are things no homophobe takes seriously.

I fail to see how I am conflicting with "the Golden rule". I am not treating anyone any differently than I would expect to be treated myself. I don't want special laws written just for me. I don't want society to change for my own selfish benefit. I do not want to force a re-defining of marriage onto others.

I've stated many times before, I could care less if homos want to get 'married' to each other. All I am asking is for you to stop trying to convince me (and everyone else) that I should recognize it as a 'marriage'....that we should teach our children that is "A-OK" to be gay.

There is not once instance of a homosexual act or relationship being condoned in the bible, much less a 'marriage'.

I want gov't out of all marriages. Straight and gay. Leave it to the church or organization someone wants to get married through.

You don't have to teach that it's a-ok, you don't have to do anything. All I'm saying is being a homophobe goes against Jesus and he had no problem with it and he taught people to love one another and abide by the golden rule.

If you treat gays as well as you do straights, as well as you wanna be treated and want them to have all the rights that you have, then there's no disagreement.

I can understand having government out of all marriages. I wouldn't have a problem with that at all.

You still can't prove Jesus "had no problem with gays".

Not that I interact with many gays, but the few I have run into (at work) I treated the same as everyone else. But according to you I am a 'bigot' and 'homophobe' simply because I believe homosexuality is a sin.
Good intelligent post. How about all the christians with doctorates in theology in the link i provided, are they all "rabbid christian hating libs?"

You want gov't to strip all rights from felons for their entire lives and you're on here pretending you know what a liberal and conservative is, adorable.

I personally know a "doctorate" in theology, so trust me it doesn't require much to become one. :lol: And yes, he is a Christian hating atheist. About the only smart thing I've heard him say is that Obama is a complete failure.

I never said all rights from all felons. I was talking about pedophiles and murderers in particular.

But hey, its OK, we've established you have to lie about what I say in order make yourself look good. And if you are for pedophiles having the right to get married.....well, to each his own. :eusa_eh:

Well since you know one, all the dozens of people in the link must be christian hating atheists as well. Reality is they're christian loving christians who take Jesus's teachings seriously.

And what do I care if a pedophile marries a consenting adult? I don't.

Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality, but he spoke out in favor loving thy neighbor, his golden rule and even loving your enemy. These are things no homophobe takes seriously.
Repeating, Jesus spoke out against sexual immorality which includes homosexuality. The old excuse that Jesus never spoke about it specifically in defense of it is lame. marriage between a man and woman is one thing that DID NOT change with Jesus.
Society isn't moving away from bigotry at all. If anything it is moving toward bigotry at an unprescedented rate. The object of bigotry has changed. Society is moving toward degeneracy in which bigotry against decency is encouraged.

You're just angry they're moving away from the bigotry you embrace.

Not being anti-gay isn't bigotry.
I personally know a "doctorate" in theology, so trust me it doesn't require much to become one. :lol: And yes, he is a Christian hating atheist. About the only smart thing I've heard him say is that Obama is a complete failure.

I never said all rights from all felons. I was talking about pedophiles and murderers in particular.

But hey, its OK, we've established you have to lie about what I say in order make yourself look good. And if you are for pedophiles having the right to get married.....well, to each his own. :eusa_eh:

Well since you know one, all the dozens of people in the link must be christian hating atheists as well. Reality is they're christian loving christians who take Jesus's teachings seriously.

And what do I care if a pedophile marries a consenting adult? I don't.

Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality, but he spoke out in favor loving thy neighbor, his golden rule and even loving your enemy. These are things no homophobe takes seriously.
Repeating, Jesus spoke out against sexual immorality which includes homosexuality. The old excuse that Jesus never spoke about it specifically in defense of it is lame. marriage between a man and woman is one thing that DID NOT change with Jesus.

Jesus never said homosexuality is sexual immorality.

To me sexual immorality is cheating and rape, the things that cause others harm. 2 consenting adults having sex isn't sexual immorality.
Well since you know one, all the dozens of people in the link must be christian hating atheists as well. Reality is they're christian loving christians who take Jesus's teachings seriously.

And what do I care if a pedophile marries a consenting adult? I don't.

Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality, but he spoke out in favor loving thy neighbor, his golden rule and even loving your enemy. These are things no homophobe takes seriously.
Repeating, Jesus spoke out against sexual immorality which includes homosexuality. The old excuse that Jesus never spoke about it specifically in defense of it is lame. marriage between a man and woman is one thing that DID NOT change with Jesus.

Jesus never said homosexuality is sexual immorality.

To me sexual immorality is cheating and rape, the things that cause others harm. 2 consenting adults having sex isn't sexual immorality.
Gay is sin, period. Wether to you or not. If gay was what God wanted he would not have created woman.
Society isn't moving away from bigotry at all. If anything it is moving toward bigotry at an unprescedented rate. The object of bigotry has changed. Society is moving toward degeneracy in which bigotry against decency is encouraged.

You're just angry they're moving away from the bigotry you embrace.

Not being anti-gay isn't bigotry.

Got some bad news for you chief. Being anti gay is not bigotry either. I can believe that homosexuality is a sin, and thus be anti gay, without wishing to restrict the rights of those who are.
God is more concerned with those that witness for Christianity than the sexuality of his followers.
An understanding of Christianity is needed in this discusion as many of the posters have no clue.
GOD did not create gays anymore than he created birth defects,etc. He created one man and from that man he created one woman and from those two came all of mankind.

Why would he create gay and them sentence them to death?

4...You must obey my laws….
22..Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; That is detestable.
Lev 20:13.…If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death.
Right wingers are just jealous because God gave all the talent to gays and none to them. It's like Cain and Able all over again.

Which one of them was gay? I missed that part!

Able must have been the gay one. He's the one God liked.

I can tell already you're going to be my pet project here.

Who gives a shit if gays are born gay or choose to be gay? This is the United States, you like gay sex, hey that is your right. I want to believe you're sinning. That is my right. I want to make fun of you for being gay? That's my right to.

The real question is why are you an advocate for YOUR rights while shitting on MINE?
Repeating, Jesus spoke out against sexual immorality which includes homosexuality. The old excuse that Jesus never spoke about it specifically in defense of it is lame. marriage between a man and woman is one thing that DID NOT change with Jesus.

Jesus never said homosexuality is sexual immorality.

To me sexual immorality is cheating and rape, the things that cause others harm. 2 consenting adults having sex isn't sexual immorality.
Gay is sin, period. Wether to you or not. If gay was what God wanted he would not have created woman.

Gay is only sin to certain people who have religions that try to control everything.

And who's to say that women were not "created" because men were a rough draft.
Which one of them was gay? I missed that part!

Able must have been the gay one. He's the one God liked.

I can tell already you're going to be my pet project here.

Who gives a shit if gays are born gay or choose to be gay? This is the United States, you like gay sex, hey that is your right. I want to believe you're sinning. That is my right. I want to make fun of you for being gay? That's my right to.

The real question is why are you an advocate for YOUR rights while shitting on MINE?

Tell us...what rights of yours are being "shit on"?
Repeating, Jesus spoke out against sexual immorality which includes homosexuality. The old excuse that Jesus never spoke about it specifically in defense of it is lame. marriage between a man and woman is one thing that DID NOT change with Jesus.

Jesus never said homosexuality is sexual immorality.

To me sexual immorality is cheating and rape, the things that cause others harm. 2 consenting adults having sex isn't sexual immorality.
Gay is sin, period. Wether to you or not. If gay was what God wanted he would not have created woman.

I wish it were as simple as gay is sin, period, but it's not. Consider the following, which I'm pretty sure was quoted from Leviticus or Luke. . . one of the L books. At any rate, these are exactly the kinds of loopholes that we need to petition Congress to close down!


  • $its_not_gay_if_you_beat_them_up_afterwards_tshirt-p235635312733792971z7tqq_400.jpg
    16.4 KB · Views: 31
God is more concerned with those that witness for Christianity than the sexuality of his followers.
An understanding of Christianity is needed in this discusion as many of the posters have no clue.

What's the point of the witness if it doesnt cause the change of heart that in turn changes our nature?
GOD did not create gays anymore than he created birth defects,etc. He created one man and from that man he created one woman and from those two came all of mankind.

Why would he create gay and them sentence them to death?

4...You must obey my laws….
22..Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; That is detestable.
Lev 20:13.…If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death.

"Do not eat ham sammiches"
Old books with crazy ideas.
God is more concerned with those that witness for Christianity than the sexuality of his followers.
An understanding of Christianity is needed in this discusion as many of the posters have no clue.

What's the point of the witness if it doesnt cause the change of heart that in turn changes our nature?

"Do not eat ham sammiches"
If you do your heart is in the wrong place.
Able must have been the gay one. He's the one God liked.

I can tell already you're going to be my pet project here.

Who gives a shit if gays are born gay or choose to be gay? This is the United States, you like gay sex, hey that is your right. I want to believe you're sinning. That is my right. I want to make fun of you for being gay? That's my right to.

The real question is why are you an advocate for YOUR rights while shitting on MINE?

Tell us...what rights of yours are being "shit on"?

Not attributing this to the poster you're replying to, but their complaints usually involve "their right to take your rights away."
Repeating, Jesus spoke out against sexual immorality which includes homosexuality. The old excuse that Jesus never spoke about it specifically in defense of it is lame. marriage between a man and woman is one thing that DID NOT change with Jesus.

Jesus never said homosexuality is sexual immorality.

To me sexual immorality is cheating and rape, the things that cause others harm. 2 consenting adults having sex isn't sexual immorality.
Gay is sin, period. Wether to you or not. If gay was what God wanted he would not have created woman.

Just retarded.

If he didn't want being gay to exist he would've made it impossible to be gay.

Jesus didn't want you hating gay people, you need to look in the mirror before judging others.

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