How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?

Is Homosexuality a Sin?

Here is a compilation of scholars with doctorates who are far better educated on the subject than we are. It's a discussion about homosexuality and whether or not it's a sin.

LOL, "a discussion". Its a pro-homo site trying to argue that even in the old testament homosexuality wasn't really condemned. What bullshit.

26 That is why God abandoned them to degrading passions:

27 why their women have exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural practices; and the men, in a similar fashion, too, giving up normal relations with women, are consumed with passion for each other, men doing shameful things with men and receiving in themselves due reward for their perversion.
(Romans 1:26-27)

It was well understood by his hand chosen disciples that homosexuality was still a grave sin. I think if Jesus changed his mind of homos, these guys would of been the first to know and would of gladly reported it in their testaments. But they didn't, they re-affirmed that this is a sin in the eyes of the Lord.

Jesus never said anything against homosexuality, as all the doctors in the website who are far better educated on the subject than you or I plainly say in the website.

The good thing is you're a dying minority, the impact homophobes have on society crumble and crumble every year.
Jesus spoke of sexual immorality in general, which includes homosexuality. He also said the path to heaven is narrow and the path to destruction is wide. Guess which one gays are on? Clue, in the end it is really hot.
LOL, "a discussion". Its a pro-homo site trying to argue that even in the old testament homosexuality wasn't really condemned. What bullshit.

26 That is why God abandoned them to degrading passions:

27 why their women have exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural practices; and the men, in a similar fashion, too, giving up normal relations with women, are consumed with passion for each other, men doing shameful things with men and receiving in themselves due reward for their perversion.
(Romans 1:26-27)

It was well understood by his hand chosen disciples that homosexuality was still a grave sin. I think if Jesus changed his mind of homos, these guys would of been the first to know and would of gladly reported it in their testaments. But they didn't, they re-affirmed that this is a sin in the eyes of the Lord.

Jesus never said anything against homosexuality, as all the doctors in the website who are far better educated on the subject than you or I plainly say in the website.

The good thing is you're a dying minority, the impact homophobes have on society crumble and crumble every year.

LOL. Yea, thats why one of the most liberal states voted to recognize only marriages between men and women.

In less than 8 years we've gone from zero states to 6 and DC that allow gay marriage, and there's others that recognize them. Amazing all this has happened in such a short time.

Poll: Support for gay marriage continues to rise - Los Angeles Times

The poll, conducted in late September and early October, showed 46% of Americans surveyed support legalizing same-sex marriage and 44% are opposed. The survey among 2,410 adults has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

Since the mid-1990s, support for same-sex marriage had been growing by a couple of percentage points each year, according to polls by Pew and others. Younger voters support legalizing same-sex marriage considerably more than their elders, and the gradual shift in public acceptance occurred as younger people entered the voting population and older ones died.

As I stated earlier and this link states as well, you're a dying minority.
LOL, "a discussion". Its a pro-homo site trying to argue that even in the old testament homosexuality wasn't really condemned. What bullshit.

26 That is why God abandoned them to degrading passions:

27 why their women have exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural practices; and the men, in a similar fashion, too, giving up normal relations with women, are consumed with passion for each other, men doing shameful things with men and receiving in themselves due reward for their perversion.
(Romans 1:26-27)

It was well understood by his hand chosen disciples that homosexuality was still a grave sin. I think if Jesus changed his mind of homos, these guys would of been the first to know and would of gladly reported it in their testaments. But they didn't, they re-affirmed that this is a sin in the eyes of the Lord.

Jesus never said anything against homosexuality, as all the doctors in the website who are far better educated on the subject than you or I plainly say in the website.

The good thing is you're a dying minority, the impact homophobes have on society crumble and crumble every year.
Jesus spoke of sexual immorality in general, which includes homosexuality. He also said the path to heaven is narrow and the path to destruction is wide. Guess which one gays are on? Clue, in the end it is really hot.

I'll take Jesus's teachings over the radical interpretations of one of the biggest bigots on the board.
Yeah, the hate and discrimination aspects are where I tend to side with liberals on this issue. First, it can't be proven conclusively that there's anything morally wrong or genetically abnormal about homosexuals. In absence of this proof, the most solid argument toward the "wrongness" of homosexuality is that it doesn't further the procreation and expansion of our species, and this argument is shifty as sh*#. Last I checked our population's closing ground between 6 and 7 bil pretty damn quick. Despite the increasing openness and acceptance of homosexuality in worldwide culture, there's still mad people f*#%ing missionary style and popping out more than the necessary number of future breeders to keep the ball rolling for another generation or two. That means that the more people decide to get off with other people who possess the same plumbing that they do, the less likely it is that my country's government will try to install mandatory limits on family size during my lifetime.

And these ridiculous marriage arguments crack me up. Especially one I saw earlier in this thread about how calling it marriage would be destructive because it would "be a slam on marriage" to equate the verbal term with the typically short lifespan of stereotypical gay relationships. Let me get this straight. . . . You want the government to dictate, if not whether or not any two consenting adults can enter into a human union with one another, then at least what they can call it, all because you're worried about the residual effects it would have on the overall opinion of marriage? Essentially, you want the government to use its power to oppress (even if in a minor way) a group of people that can't be proven conclusively "bad" or "wrong", simply to protect the social status of marriages you respect? This is some of the social drivel that makes people question the republicans' claim to be the party of freedom and government staying out of peoples' business when it's not needed.
Jesus never said anything against homosexuality, as all the doctors in the website who are far better educated on the subject than you or I plainly say in the website.

The good thing is you're a dying minority, the impact homophobes have on society crumble and crumble every year.
Jesus spoke of sexual immorality in general, which includes homosexuality. He also said the path to heaven is narrow and the path to destruction is wide. Guess which one gays are on? Clue, in the end it is really hot.

I'll take Jesus's teachings over the radical interpretations of one of the biggest bigots on the board.
In your judgement God must be a bigot then because his word, the Bible, condemns homosexuality in both the old and new testaments. Me telling you what the Bible says makes me a bigot huh? Typical cop out.
Jesus spoke of sexual immorality in general, which includes homosexuality. He also said the path to heaven is narrow and the path to destruction is wide. Guess which one gays are on? Clue, in the end it is really hot.

I'll take Jesus's teachings over the radical interpretations of one of the biggest bigots on the board.
In your judgement God must be a bigot then because his word, the Bible, condemns homosexuality in both the old and new testaments. Me telling you what the Bible says makes me a bigot huh? Typical cop out.

The Old Testament also says getting head and eating pork is a sin, but I'm sure you don't take those seriously or share those views. You're picking and choosing parts to justfiy your hate, the same thing scumbag bigots have done for thousands of years.

And you're a dying minority, thankfully.
In less than 8 years we've gone from zero states to 6 and DC that allow gay marriage, and there's others that recognize them. Amazing all this has happened in such a short time.

Poll: Support for gay marriage continues to rise - Los Angeles Times

The poll, conducted in late September and early October, showed 46% of Americans surveyed support legalizing same-sex marriage and 44% are opposed. The survey among 2,410 adults has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

Since the mid-1990s, support for same-sex marriage had been growing by a couple of percentage points each year, according to polls by Pew and others. Younger voters support legalizing same-sex marriage considerably more than their elders, and the gradual shift in public acceptance occurred as younger people entered the voting population and older ones died.

As I stated earlier and this link states as well, you're a dying minority.

So now your arguement is that since polls show more people are for it, that must mean its not wrong.

I don't give a shit if 90% of people "support gay marriage". It doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is a repulsive act. Nor is it going to change the fact that the Bible states it is a sin.
In less than 8 years we've gone from zero states to 6 and DC that allow gay marriage, and there's others that recognize them. Amazing all this has happened in such a short time.

Poll: Support for gay marriage continues to rise - Los Angeles Times

The poll, conducted in late September and early October, showed 46% of Americans surveyed support legalizing same-sex marriage and 44% are opposed. The survey among 2,410 adults has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

Since the mid-1990s, support for same-sex marriage had been growing by a couple of percentage points each year, according to polls by Pew and others. Younger voters support legalizing same-sex marriage considerably more than their elders, and the gradual shift in public acceptance occurred as younger people entered the voting population and older ones died.

As I stated earlier and this link states as well, you're a dying minority.

So now your arguement is that since polls show more people are for it, that must mean its not wrong.

I don't give a shit if 90% of people "support gay marriage". It doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is a repulsive act. Nor is it going to change the fact that the Bible states it is a sin.

Nope, not my argument at all. The majority of america thinks it's ok to eat shitty and not take their fitness seriously, I don't. Has nothing to do with me having ppl who agree with me.

My only point is I'm happy society is moving away from bigotry, and that you bigots are a dying minority. That's my only point.
I'll take Jesus's teachings over the radical interpretations of one of the biggest bigots on the board.
In your judgement God must be a bigot then because his word, the Bible, condemns homosexuality in both the old and new testaments. Me telling you what the Bible says makes me a bigot huh? Typical cop out.

The Old Testament also says getting head and eating pork is a sin, but I'm sure you don't take those seriously or share those views. You're picking and choosing parts to justfiy your hate, the same thing scumbag bigots have done for thousands of years.

And you're a dying minority, thankfully.

The laws laid out in books like Leviticus were God's commandments to those Israelites, it was His covenant with them. They were forbidden from many things in order to keep themselves from becoming 'unclean', as well as required to make sacrifices, and had rituals to make themselves clean again.

When Jesus came along he established a new covenant, and that all changed. People are cleansed through communion in Christ, and His sacriface was the final and ultimate one, hence why Christians don't need to go by those rituals, sacrifices, and other rules.

That fact that you don't even understand this very basic tenant of Christian faith speaks volumes of your complete and utter ignorance on the subject.
In less than 8 years we've gone from zero states to 6 and DC that allow gay marriage, and there's others that recognize them. Amazing all this has happened in such a short time.

Poll: Support for gay marriage continues to rise - Los Angeles Times

The poll, conducted in late September and early October, showed 46% of Americans surveyed support legalizing same-sex marriage and 44% are opposed. The survey among 2,410 adults has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

Since the mid-1990s, support for same-sex marriage had been growing by a couple of percentage points each year, according to polls by Pew and others. Younger voters support legalizing same-sex marriage considerably more than their elders, and the gradual shift in public acceptance occurred as younger people entered the voting population and older ones died.

As I stated earlier and this link states as well, you're a dying minority.

So now your arguement is that since polls show more people are for it, that must mean its not wrong.

I don't give a shit if 90% of people "support gay marriage". It doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is a repulsive act. Nor is it going to change the fact that the Bible states it is a sin.

Nope, not my argument at all. The majority of america thinks it's ok to eat shitty and not take their fitness seriously, I don't. Has nothing to do with me having ppl who agree with me.

My only point is I'm happy society is moving away from bigotry, and that you bigots are a dying minority. That's my only point.

Rabid Christian hating libs like yourself make up the majority of bigots in the country.
How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around? - YouTube

I thought this video was very intelligent. And I have no mystical beliefs.

Using that arguement leads to my favorite question:

How correct is your religious claims about our reality?

An intelligent beginning to discussing homosexuality , and an open door about "What is morality" in general.

A dangerous discussion among the leaders of many religions since this discussion could undermine their influence and authority.

Nice job, rdean, in finding this.
So now your arguement is that since polls show more people are for it, that must mean its not wrong.

I don't give a shit if 90% of people "support gay marriage". It doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is a repulsive act. Nor is it going to change the fact that the Bible states it is a sin.

Nope, not my argument at all. The majority of america thinks it's ok to eat shitty and not take their fitness seriously, I don't. Has nothing to do with me having ppl who agree with me.

My only point is I'm happy society is moving away from bigotry, and that you bigots are a dying minority. That's my only point.

Rabid Christian hating libs like yourself make up the majority of bigots in the country.

Good intelligent post. How about all the christians with doctorates in theology in the link i provided, are they all "rabbid christian hating libs?"

You want gov't to strip all rights from felons for their entire lives and you're on here pretending you know what a liberal and conservative is, adorable.
In your judgement God must be a bigot then because his word, the Bible, condemns homosexuality in both the old and new testaments. Me telling you what the Bible says makes me a bigot huh? Typical cop out.

The Old Testament also says getting head and eating pork is a sin, but I'm sure you don't take those seriously or share those views. You're picking and choosing parts to justfiy your hate, the same thing scumbag bigots have done for thousands of years.

And you're a dying minority, thankfully.

The laws laid out in books like Leviticus were God's commandments to those Israelites, it was His covenant with them. They were forbidden from many things in order to keep themselves from becoming 'unclean', as well as required to make sacrifices, and had rituals to make themselves clean again.

When Jesus came along he established a new covenant, and that all changed. People are cleansed through communion in Christ, and His sacriface was the final and ultimate one, hence why Christians don't need to go by those rituals, sacrifices, and other rules.

That fact that you don't even understand this very basic tenant of Christian faith speaks volumes of your complete and utter ignorance on the subject.

I wish you stuck to that view across the board, Jesus established a new covenant and that all changed. What was changed was anti-gay stuff in the OT that Jesus never echoed in the most marginal of ways in the NT.

The fact that you don't love your neighbor, abide by the Golden Rule or even love your enemy, shows how much you're disgusted by the teachings of Jesus.
Nope, not my argument at all. The majority of america thinks it's ok to eat shitty and not take their fitness seriously, I don't. Has nothing to do with me having ppl who agree with me.

My only point is I'm happy society is moving away from bigotry, and that you bigots are a dying minority. That's my only point.

Rabid Christian hating libs like yourself make up the majority of bigots in the country.

Good intelligent post. How about all the christians with doctorates in theology in the link i provided, are they all "rabbid christian hating libs?"

You want gov't to strip all rights from felons for their entire lives and you're on here pretending you know what a liberal and conservative is, adorable.

I personally know a "doctorate" in theology, so trust me it doesn't require much to become one. :lol: And yes, he is a Christian hating atheist. About the only smart thing I've heard him say is that Obama is a complete failure.

I never said all rights from all felons. I was talking about pedophiles and murderers in particular.

But hey, its OK, we've established you have to lie about what I say in order make yourself look good. And if you are for pedophiles having the right to get married.....well, to each his own. :eusa_eh:
The Old Testament also says getting head and eating pork is a sin, but I'm sure you don't take those seriously or share those views. You're picking and choosing parts to justfiy your hate, the same thing scumbag bigots have done for thousands of years.

And you're a dying minority, thankfully.

The laws laid out in books like Leviticus were God's commandments to those Israelites, it was His covenant with them. They were forbidden from many things in order to keep themselves from becoming 'unclean', as well as required to make sacrifices, and had rituals to make themselves clean again.

When Jesus came along he established a new covenant, and that all changed. People are cleansed through communion in Christ, and His sacriface was the final and ultimate one, hence why Christians don't need to go by those rituals, sacrifices, and other rules.

That fact that you don't even understand this very basic tenant of Christian faith speaks volumes of your complete and utter ignorance on the subject.

I wish you stuck to that view across the board, Jesus established a new covenant and that all changed. What was changed was anti-gay stuff in the OT that Jesus never echoed in the most marginal of ways in the NT.

The fact that you don't love your neighbor, abide by the Golden Rule or even love your enemy, shows how much you're disgusted by the teachings of Jesus.

Again, when Jesus spoke of marriage, he defined it as being between a man and woman. He didn't change it to anything else.

So again, you fail.

Glad you're here to tell me who I love and don't love. We're would we be without the Thought Police!
Rabid Christian hating libs like yourself make up the majority of bigots in the country.

Good intelligent post. How about all the christians with doctorates in theology in the link i provided, are they all "rabbid christian hating libs?"

You want gov't to strip all rights from felons for their entire lives and you're on here pretending you know what a liberal and conservative is, adorable.

I personally know a "doctorate" in theology, so trust me it doesn't require much to become one. :lol: And yes, he is a Christian hating atheist. About the only smart thing I've heard him say is that Obama is a complete failure.

I never said all rights from all felons. I was talking about pedophiles and murderers in particular.

But hey, its OK, we've established you have to lie about what I say in order make yourself look good. And if you are for pedophiles having the right to get married.....well, to each his own. :eusa_eh:

Well since you know one, all the dozens of people in the link must be christian hating atheists as well. Reality is they're christian loving christians who take Jesus's teachings seriously.

And what do I care if a pedophile marries a consenting adult? I don't.

Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality, but he spoke out in favor loving thy neighbor, his golden rule and even loving your enemy. These are things no homophobe takes seriously.
Good intelligent post. How about all the christians with doctorates in theology in the link i provided, are they all "rabbid christian hating libs?"

You want gov't to strip all rights from felons for their entire lives and you're on here pretending you know what a liberal and conservative is, adorable.

I personally know a "doctorate" in theology, so trust me it doesn't require much to become one. :lol: And yes, he is a Christian hating atheist. About the only smart thing I've heard him say is that Obama is a complete failure.

I never said all rights from all felons. I was talking about pedophiles and murderers in particular.

But hey, its OK, we've established you have to lie about what I say in order make yourself look good. And if you are for pedophiles having the right to get married.....well, to each his own. :eusa_eh:

Well since you know one, all the dozens of people in the link must be christian hating atheists as well. Reality is they're christian loving christians who take Jesus's teachings seriously.

And what do I care if a pedophile marries a consenting adult? I don't.

Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality, but he spoke out in favor loving thy neighbor, his golden rule and even loving your enemy. These are things no homophobe takes seriously.

I fail to see how I am conflicting with "the Golden rule". I am not treating anyone any differently than I would expect to be treated myself. I don't want special laws written just for me. I don't want society to change for my own selfish benefit. I do not want to force a re-defining of marriage onto others.

I've stated many times before, I could care less if homos want to get 'married' to each other. All I am asking is for you to stop trying to convince me (and everyone else) that I should recognize it as a 'marriage'....that we should teach our children that is "A-OK" to be gay.

There is not once instance of a homosexual act or relationship being condoned in the bible, much less a 'marriage'.
I personally know a "doctorate" in theology, so trust me it doesn't require much to become one. :lol: And yes, he is a Christian hating atheist. About the only smart thing I've heard him say is that Obama is a complete failure.

I never said all rights from all felons. I was talking about pedophiles and murderers in particular.

But hey, its OK, we've established you have to lie about what I say in order make yourself look good. And if you are for pedophiles having the right to get married.....well, to each his own. :eusa_eh:

Well since you know one, all the dozens of people in the link must be christian hating atheists as well. Reality is they're christian loving christians who take Jesus's teachings seriously.

And what do I care if a pedophile marries a consenting adult? I don't.

Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality, but he spoke out in favor loving thy neighbor, his golden rule and even loving your enemy. These are things no homophobe takes seriously.

I fail to see how I am conflicting with "the Golden rule". I am not treating anyone any differently than I would expect to be treated myself. I don't want special laws written just for me. I don't want society to change for my own selfish benefit. I do not want to force a re-defining of marriage onto others.

I've stated many times before, I could care less if homos want to get 'married' to each other. All I am asking is for you to stop trying to convince me (and everyone else) that I should recognize it as a 'marriage'....that we should teach our children that is "A-OK" to be gay.

There is not once instance of a homosexual act or relationship being condoned in the bible, much less a 'marriage'.

I want gov't out of all marriages. Straight and gay. Leave it to the church or organization someone wants to get married through.

You don't have to teach that it's a-ok, you don't have to do anything. All I'm saying is being a homophobe goes against Jesus and he had no problem with it and he taught people to love one another and abide by the golden rule.

If you treat gays as well as you do straights, as well as you wanna be treated and want them to have all the rights that you have, then there's no disagreement.
Society isn't moving away from bigotry at all. If anything it is moving toward bigotry at an unprescedented rate. The object of bigotry has changed. Society is moving toward degeneracy in which bigotry against decency is encouraged.

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