How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?

How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?

God doesn't create gays. He creates only straight people...but some of them are touched by the hand of Satan, which turns them into gays and whatnot.

What's a whatnot?

It's a stand that you put whatnots on:

Biology speaks for itself. Biologically "speaking" you are either male or female. Who you choose to partner with, to "love" is your choice. That choice is irrelevant until you decide that your choice entitles you to special considerations socially. PDA's of any sort are abhorrent publically. Who you fuck privately is your choice, and of no concern to others. Why try to make your choice of sexual partners grounds for some kind of special consideration.

tell me about the day you chose to be heterosexual.

surely it must have been memorable for you

Was for me. Sweet Mary, Mother of God, I thought I'd gone to heaven. My toes curled up and every nerve in my body when YAHOO!

When you have to describe the big "O" for someone, you pretty much know they've never had it!
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I think gays should marry one another. The more the better. And save unsuspecting young men and women from getting caught up in their lifestyle on the down low. I would not want one of my children married to a closet or even a 'recovering' gay. If it is indeed herediary, how many generations should it take for the gay gene pool to play out?
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How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around? - YouTube

I thought this video was very intelligent. And I have no mystical beliefs.
God didn't create gays. Homosexuality is a choice, you are not born that way. Anyone who thinks that are delusional.

The only people who don't know that a homosexual is born that way are idiots who hang onto ancient god worship which came from the superstitions of the stone age. Get Real sports fans.
I think gays should marry one another. The more the better. And save unsuspecting young men and women from getting caught up in their lifestyle on the down low. I would not want one of my children married to a closet or even a 'recovering' gay. If it is indeed herediary, how many generations should it take for the gay gene pool to play out?

I agree except for calling it 'marriage'.

I am OK with civil unions, but I think it is critical to the demographic growth rates and the sake of children to have a special category for families formed that can or have produced children for the next generation, i.e. real marriages.

Gay civil unions are fine, but calling what a couple of gays do for a handful of years 'marriage' is a slam on marriage.
How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around? - YouTube

I thought this video was very intelligent. And I have no mystical beliefs.
God didn't create gays. Homosexuality is a choice, you are not born that way. Anyone who thinks that are delusional.

The only people who don't know that a homosexual is born that way are idiots who hang onto ancient god worship which came from the superstitions of the stone age. Get Real sports fans.

There you go hating again, campbell.
Right wingers are just jealous because God gave all the talent to gays and none to them. It's like Cain and Able all over again.
You fully support allowing convicted pedophiles and murderers the right to marry.
While supporting the power of more government to deny law abiding citizens the same right.
You are the big government closet liberal.

Fail. I never once said I "support allowing convicted pedophiles and murderers the right to marry". I support them being put to death or imprisoned for life without any rights.

And the government doesn't deny law abiding citizens the right to marry, nor would I support a government move to deny such rights.

Carry on, dipshits.

So you would have government revoke the marriage rights of all convicted felons how?
More big government.
How does one get their rights taken away except BY GOVERNMENT?
More proof you are a big government liberal.

Easy, its called convicted felons have already had their rights stripped of them. And yes, I do believe government is supposed to throw criminals in jail. This makes me a "big government liberal"?
You believe what? That there should be no justice system at all? :cuckoo:
Is Homosexuality a Sin?

Here is a compilation of scholars with doctorates who are far better educated on the subject than we are. It's a discussion about homosexuality and whether or not it's a sin.

LOL, "a discussion". Its a pro-homo site trying to argue that even in the old testament homosexuality wasn't really condemned. What bullshit.

26 That is why God abandoned them to degrading passions:

27 why their women have exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural practices; and the men, in a similar fashion, too, giving up normal relations with women, are consumed with passion for each other, men doing shameful things with men and receiving in themselves due reward for their perversion.
(Romans 1:26-27)

It was well understood by his hand chosen disciples that homosexuality was still a grave sin. I think if Jesus changed his mind of homos, these guys would of been the first to know and would of gladly reported it in their testaments. But they didn't, they re-affirmed that this is a sin in the eyes of the Lord.

"pro homo site"
So you admit you are anti homosexual.
Based soley on your religous beliefs.
They think the same way in Iran. Delta is ready when you are.
We do it differently here.

Wow you're so smart, you picked up on the fact that I am against homosexuality.

I wouldn't say its based soley on my religious beliefs. I wasn't "taught" to dislike it at church, I just find it naturally repulsive, as do most people.

In ME countries like Iran, homosexuality is rampant. Its perfectly normal for Muslims men to have sex with little boys. You'd probably like it there.
In ME countries like Iran, homosexuality is rampant. Its perfectly normal for Muslims men to have sex with little boys. You'd probably like it there.
Sounds like you have a lot of intimate personal experience on the subject from your many trips to Iran. :lol:
I love that most of this thread follows the straw-man argument of genetics. Consider, if you will, the possibility that homosexuality is neither a matter of genetics nor a matter of choice. Imagine for a moment that there exists a gray area between these possibilities, wherein lies the deeply wired psychological clockwork formed by the experiences of a human brain in the early stages of its development. Those same early stages wherein men form Oedipal complexes and breast obsession. You religious types are correct in one respect: you choose who you marry, who you have sex with. What you forget is that you don't choose who you -want- to marry or who you -want- to have sex with. If those kinds of preferences were a matter of choice there would never be a difficult breakup or an unhappy relationship. When you figured out that you and your partner were incompatible, you would simply choose to prefer someone else and the two of you could go about your lives without a hard word exchanged. Even preferences in areas as innocuous as food and movie genres are too deeply programmed into your psyche to just "choose" your way in and out of them. If you hook up with a girl that's really into Sundance type arthouse flicks, and your favorite movie was Transformers Dark of the Moon, you can't just "choose" to like artsy independent movies better than big budget action flicks so that you and your new friend can relate better. You can choose to watch them with her, but you can't decide for yourself whether or not they're gonna match up with your sensibilities. If you fall on hard times, you can grind up some rat meat and pretend it's a cheeseburger, but you can't "choose" to actually prefer rat meat to beef if you don't already. It simply doesn't work that way.

That said, it's just as ignorant to claim that "everyone knows you're born gay or straight". Actually, nobody knows. The combined genetic knowledge of our entire species isn't yet sophisticated enough to confirm or deny the existence of a homosexual gene or a specific genetic mutation that leads to homosexuality. To my thinking, it's not likely that it's a genetic trait, any more than any other preference is genetic. The fact that I like strawberry ice cream better than mint chocolate chip despite both of my parents' diametric opposition to my position in the matter probably isn't evidence of a recessive trait manifesting.

But again, who knows? Not the leftist idealogues championing a science that is admittedly still inconclusive on the matter, and not the religious zealots basing their position on faith, which, by definition, is believing without having conclusive evidence of your belief.
Is Homosexuality a Sin?

Here is a compilation of scholars with doctorates who are far better educated on the subject than we are. It's a discussion about homosexuality and whether or not it's a sin.

LOL, "a discussion". Its a pro-homo site trying to argue that even in the old testament homosexuality wasn't really condemned. What bullshit.

26 That is why God abandoned them to degrading passions:

27 why their women have exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural practices; and the men, in a similar fashion, too, giving up normal relations with women, are consumed with passion for each other, men doing shameful things with men and receiving in themselves due reward for their perversion.
(Romans 1:26-27)

It was well understood by his hand chosen disciples that homosexuality was still a grave sin. I think if Jesus changed his mind of homos, these guys would of been the first to know and would of gladly reported it in their testaments. But they didn't, they re-affirmed that this is a sin in the eyes of the Lord.

Jesus never said anything against homosexuality, as all the doctors in the website who are far better educated on the subject than you or I plainly say in the website.

The good thing is you're a dying minority, the impact homophobes have on society crumble and crumble every year.
I love that most of this thread follows the straw-man argument of genetics. Consider, if you will, the possibility that homosexuality is neither a matter of genetics nor a matter of choice. Imagine for a moment that there exists a gray area between these possibilities, wherein lies the deeply wired psychological clockwork formed by the experiences of a human brain in the early stages of its development. Those same early stages wherein men form Oedipal complexes and breast obsession. You religious types are correct in one respect: you choose who you marry, who you have sex with. What you forget is that you don't choose who you -want- to marry or who you -want- to have sex with. If those kinds of preferences were a matter of choice there would never be a difficult breakup or an unhappy relationship. When you figured out that you and your partner were incompatible, you would simply choose to prefer someone else and the two of you could go about your lives without a hard word exchanged. Even preferences in areas as innocuous as food and movie genres are too deeply programmed into your psyche to just "choose" your way in and out of them. If you hook up with a girl that's really into Sundance type arthouse flicks, and your favorite movie was Transformers Dark of the Moon, you can't just "choose" to like artsy independent movies better than big budget action flicks so that you and your new friend can relate better. You can choose to watch them with her, but you can't decide for yourself whether or not they're gonna match up with your sensibilities. If you fall on hard times, you can grind up some rat meat and pretend it's a cheeseburger, but you can't "choose" to actually prefer rat meat to beef if you don't already. It simply doesn't work that way.

That said, it's just as ignorant to claim that "everyone knows you're born gay or straight". Actually, nobody knows. The combined genetic knowledge of our entire species isn't yet sophisticated enough to confirm or deny the existence of a homosexual gene or a specific genetic mutation that leads to homosexuality. To my thinking, it's not likely that it's a genetic trait, any more than any other preference is genetic. The fact that I like strawberry ice cream better than mint chocolate chip despite both of my parents' diametric opposition to my position in the matter probably isn't evidence of a recessive trait manifesting.

But again, who knows? Not the leftist idealogues championing a science that is admittedly still inconclusive on the matter, and not the religious zealots basing their position on faith, which, by definition, is believing without having conclusive evidence of your belief.

Good post, it doesn't make many difference what the combination is in terms of being born that way and choosing to be that way.

Hate is wrong, especially when it has no negative impact on those around them. I still don't understand how the "it's a choice" argument somehow rationalizes bigotry.
In ME countries like Iran, homosexuality is rampant. Its perfectly normal for Muslims men to have sex with little boys. You'd probably like it there.
Sounds like you have a lot of intimate personal experience on the subject from your many trips to Iran. :lol:

Nope, but I work with a lot of soldiers that spent a lot of time in Iraq and Afghanistan. And they saw some sick stuff. :eusa_shhh:
Is Homosexuality a Sin?

Here is a compilation of scholars with doctorates who are far better educated on the subject than we are. It's a discussion about homosexuality and whether or not it's a sin.

LOL, "a discussion". Its a pro-homo site trying to argue that even in the old testament homosexuality wasn't really condemned. What bullshit.

26 That is why God abandoned them to degrading passions:

27 why their women have exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural practices; and the men, in a similar fashion, too, giving up normal relations with women, are consumed with passion for each other, men doing shameful things with men and receiving in themselves due reward for their perversion.
(Romans 1:26-27)

It was well understood by his hand chosen disciples that homosexuality was still a grave sin. I think if Jesus changed his mind of homos, these guys would of been the first to know and would of gladly reported it in their testaments. But they didn't, they re-affirmed that this is a sin in the eyes of the Lord.

Jesus never said anything against homosexuality, as all the doctors in the website who are far better educated on the subject than you or I plainly say in the website.

The good thing is you're a dying minority, the impact homophobes have on society crumble and crumble every year.

LOL. Yea, thats why one of the most liberal states voted to recognize only marriages between men and women.
In ME countries like Iran, homosexuality is rampant. Its perfectly normal for Muslims men to have sex with little boys. You'd probably like it there.
Sounds like you have a lot of intimate personal experience on the subject from your many trips to Iran. :lol:

Nope, but I work with a lot of soldiers that spent a lot of time in Iraq and Afghanistan. And they saw some sick stuff. :eusa_shhh:

This was one of the things the Taliban got rid of, they were also the most successfull at reducing the amount of poppy production...'happily' the US occupation has reversed this :eusa_eh:
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