How Many More Hours the Pro-American "Ukrainian" Government Will Last???


and ivan Washington will beat you , and you know it , ivan


and ivan Washington will beat you , and you know it , ivan

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No. Right now Washington can't beat Russia.

You see, the deterrence (even of a rational enemy) is a bit more complicated thing, than just a simple philosophical consequence of the existence of nuclear bombs.
There are three basic types of the deterrence:

Deterrence Type I - the deterrence against direct enemy's attack against the US Nuclear Forces. The enemy must be sure, that under any possible circumstances (with his best first counter-force strike, with his best ABD, with his best civil defense and evacuation) our retaliation strike will cause unacceptable damage to him.
Deterrence Type II - the deterrence against extremely provocatice behavior which is not an attack against the USA. Technically it is the first strike. It depends on the Credible First Strike Capability. It is, first of all, our capability to degrade enemy's retaliation capability to the acceptable level.
Deterrence Type III - ability to fight and win a Limited Nuclear War.

Right now the USA don't have Deterrence Type III capability at all. Some gravity bombs and W76-2 warheads is nothing.
Right now the USA don't have Deterrence Type II capability against Russia. Under almost any circumstances Russian retaliation strike will cause unacceptable losses in the USA (death of more than 300 million Americans in one year).
Right now the USA are losing even Deterrence Type I capability - some Russian experts believe that under some circumstances, they can destroy 90% of the US nuclear arsenal by their first strike and then coerce the USA in peace on acceptable for Russia terms or intercept significant part of retaliation warheads, and then alleviate the consequences of the double-weakened retaliation strike.
and ivan Washington will beat you , and you know it , ivan

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Now that the first wave has passed, we can move on to longer messages. So. At 5 a.m., the Russian Armed Forces launched the most powerful and unprecedented missile and aviation strike against Ukrainian military facilities (air defense, military bases, depots and command posts) in the history of Russia.

Virtually all of the enemy's fixed air defenses were destroyed, as well as large weapons depots, command posts, including the information warfare center 72 TsIPsO located in Kyiv. In an hour, the Russian Armed Forces crossed the Ukrainian border from several directions: Kharkov, Kiev, Sumy and Kherson, and along converging directions began to advance deep into the country. At the same time, the Black Sea Fleet DESTROYED THE UKRAINIAN NAVY AND THE OCHAKOV NAVAL BASE (there was the American military installation there too; Are our military there OK???).

The Lugansk People's Republic units attacked large contingents of the Ukrain near Volnovakha (DPR) and Shchastia - Stanytsia Luhanska (LPR). Heavy fighting is taking place on the territory of the LDPR, the enemy has been pushed back several kilometers, and settlements are being taken over by the People's Militia.

Ukrainian border guards offered NO RESISTANCE to Russian forces, but some military units of the Kiev regime are resisting near Mariupol and Kharkov. These cities are surrounded, the Russian Armed Forces are regrouping and driving into the cities in small groups. The main task is to take the cities, with minimal damage to civilian infrastructure and civilians, and to minimize their own losses as much as possible.

In the south, where the Crimean grouping is advancing, the Russian Armed Forces have taken the Kakhovka waterworks and unblocked the Crimean canal (the Crimea will get enough water, finally). The grouping continues its offensive in Kherson Oblast, where the Ukrainian forces are rapidly retreating, with many abandoned vehicles.

In the Odesa region, the Black Sea Fleet appears to have conducted a landing operation by marines and is now expanding and reinforcing its bridgehead.

The Kiev leadership has come to its senses a bit and is trying to organize resistance. At the moment the Russian operation is successful, in line, and even ahead of schedule. The advanced Russian units (special forces) are in the immediate vicinity of Kiev.


A point-blank strike in the center of Kiev half an hour ago.

Putin appealed to Ukrainian servicemen to stop the bloodshed, lay down their arms, and "go home". He guaranteed they will be able "to leave the war zone unhindered and IMMEDIATELY return to their families".

By the way, Ukrainian border guards on the Russian-Ukrainian border CONTINUE THEIR SERVICE AFTER THE INVASION of the Russian Armed Forces.
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Just as the Russian government had been warning the pro-American government in Kiev for months that if it did not return to compliance with the Minsk agreements, "Ukraine would lose its statehood," this has happened: Russian and Belorussian armed forces have attacked with cruise missiles and aircrafts Ukrainian air defense, military airfields, military centers, warehouses, bases and communication points on ALL of Ukraine's territory up to the western borders.

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Ukraine's air defenses, Russian military pilots claim, no longer exist. A large amphibious landing has taken place in the sea city of Odessa, supported by naval artillery and the air force.

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The military and government centers were attacked by missiles in ALL cities yes of Ukraine.

The supporters of the Ukrainian regime are panicking under missile attacks and leaving the capital of Ukraine, Kiev.Chinese warships defiantly entered Taiwan's territorial waters.

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Airport Borispol (Kiev)

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The explosion of a Ukrainian gas pipeline on the Kiev-Kharkov highway

Chinese warships defiantly entered Taiwan's territorial waters.

You can see it all on my Telegram channel at Academia Socrates


Looks like communist propaganda to me.
Now that the first wave has passed, we can move on to longer messages. So. At 5 a.m., the Russian Armed Forces launched the most powerful and unprecedented missile and aviation strike against Ukrainian military facilities (air defense, military bases, depots and command posts) in the history of Russia.

Virtually all of the enemy's fixed air defenses were destroyed, as well as large weapons depots, command posts, including the information warfare center 72 TsIPsO located in Kyiv. In an hour, the Russian Armed Forces crossed the Ukrainian border from several directions: Kharkov, Kiev, Sumy and Kherson, and along converging directions began to advance deep into the country. At the same time, the Black Sea Fleet DESTROYED THE UKRAINIAN NAVY AND THE OCHAKOV NAVAL BASE (there was the American military installation there too; Are our military there OK???).

The Lugansk People's Republic units attacked large contingents of the Ukrain near Volnovakha (DPR) and Shchastia - Stanytsia Luhanska (LPR). Heavy fighting is taking place on the territory of the LDPR, the enemy has been pushed back several kilometers, and settlements are being taken over by the People's Militia.

Ukrainian border guards offered NO RESISTANCE to Russian forces, but some military units of the Kiev regime are resisting near Mariupol and Kharkov. These cities are surrounded, the Russian Armed Forces are regrouping and driving into the cities in small groups. The main task is to take the cities, with minimal damage to civilian infrastructure and civilians, and to minimize their own losses as much as possible.

In the south, where the Crimean grouping is advancing, the Russian Armed Forces have taken the Kakhovka waterworks and unblocked the Crimean canal (the Crimea will get enough water, finally). The grouping continues its offensive in Kherson Oblast, where the Ukrainian forces are rapidly retreating, with many abandoned vehicles.

In the Odesa region, the Black Sea Fleet appears to have conducted a landing operation by marines and is now expanding and reinforcing its bridgehead.

The Kiev leadership has come to its senses a bit and is trying to organize resistance. At the moment the Russian operation is successful, in line, and even ahead of schedule. The advanced Russian units (special forces) are in the immediate vicinity of Kiev.

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A point-blank strike in the center of Kiev half an hour ago.

Putin appealed to Ukrainian servicemen to stop the bloodshed, lay down their arms, and "go home". He guaranteed they will be able "to leave the war zone unhindered and IMMEDIATELY return to their families".

By the way, Ukrainian border guards on the Russian-Ukrainian border CONTINUE THEIR SERVICE AFTER THE INVASION of the Russian Armed Forces.

Look......more smoke.
No. Right now Washington can't beat Russia.

You see, the deterrence (even of a rational enemy) is a bit more complicated thing, than just a simple philosophical consequence of the existence of nuclear bombs.
There are three basic types of the deterrence:

Deterrence Type I - the deterrence against direct enemy's attack against the US Nuclear Forces. The enemy must be sure, that under any possible circumstances (with his best first counter-force strike, with his best ABD, with his best civil defense and evacuation) our retaliation strike will cause unacceptable damage to him.
Deterrence Type II - the deterrence against extremely provocatice behavior which is not an attack against the USA. Technically it is the first strike. It depends on the Credible First Strike Capability. It is, first of all, our capability to degrade enemy's retaliation capability to the acceptable level.
Deterrence Type III - ability to fight and win a Limited Nuclear War.

Right now the USA don't have Deterrence Type III capability at all. Some gravity bombs and W76-2 warheads is nothing.
Right now the USA don't have Deterrence Type II capability against Russia. Under almost any circumstances Russian retaliation strike will cause unacceptable losses in the USA (death of more than 300 million Americans in one year).
Right now the USA are losing even Deterrence Type I capability - some Russian experts believe that under some circumstances, they can destroy 90% of the US nuclear arsenal by their first strike and then coerce the USA in peace on acceptable for Russia terms or intercept significant part of retaliation warheads, and then alleviate the consequences of the double-weakened retaliation strike.
A GREAT, RELIABLE assessment of reality
Looks like communist propaganda to me.
I am not a communist. I'm just an honest American. And, by the way, YOU PERSONALLY know this very well.

It's just that for me, the truth is more valuable than money.

This is the END of the Kiev regime: agents of the Security Service of Ukraine burn up dirt on Prorezna Street during the evacuation from Kiev.

And what happened to the American military experts and intelligence officers who occupied two whole floors in the building of the Ukrainian State Security Service in Kiev?

Putin's press secretary said Russia is ready to negotiate with Ukraine's leadership about its NEUTRAL STATUS and refusal to deploy Western weapons.

Russian combat helicopters over Odessa

Russian Ka-52 helicopter shot down by Stinger

Russian helicopters over Kiev. Paratrooping is underway.

A number of major Ukrainian media outlets have switched to Russian

Russian helicopters began to patrol roads near Kiev

A Russian attack helicopter flying at an ultra-low altitude. It carries out a combat flight directly over the road, apparently patrolling and searching for Ukrainian equipment.

Russian helicopter landing party in the center of Odessa
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I am not a communist. I'm just an honest American. And, by the way, YOU PERSONALLY know this very well.

It's just that for me, the truth is more valuable than money.

This is the END of the Kiev regime: agents of the Security Service of Ukraine burn up dirt on Prorezna Street during the evacuation from Kiev.

And what happened to the American military experts and intelligence officers who occupied two whole floors in the building of the Ukrainian State Security Service in Kiev?

Putin's press secretary said Russia is ready to negotiate with Ukraine's leadership about its NEUTRAL STATUS and refusal to deploy Western weapons.

Russian combat helicopters over Odessa

Fuck off.
Indeed. I hope that this answer is all what the Putin's clique will hear from the West on their demands and claims.
This "character" clearly suffers from mutations that have affected the perceptual and cognitive systems. Diagnosis: paranoid gigantomania.
In general, you have to be able to LOSE with dignity.

What the heck are you mumbling?

Kiev residents greet Russian helicopters from the roof. Kiev holds its breath in anticipation of paratrooping in the government quarter, seizing and physically eliminating the pro-Western government.

There is no doubt that Zelensky has already "cut and run"

I KNOW what war is. I know what prison is. I know what a concentration camp is. You had to shout it on every corner when the Americans invaded Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria.

WHERE were you THEN???
Hun, you are talking to the wrong woman.

I knew from the gitgo that we were on the wrong side in Yugoslavia and Syria and even Libya from the git-go. My husband was fighting in Clintons war in Europe and knows he was on the wrong side as well.

I gave Bush the benefit of the doubt in Afghanistan and Iraq---what a mistake.
Kiev residents greet Russian helicopters from the roof. Kiev holds its breath in anticipation of paratrooping in the government quarter, seizing and physically eliminating the pro-Western government.

There is no doubt that Zelensky has already "cut and run"

Something tells me that this video has nothing to do with Kiev. Some Azerbaijanis waving the helicopters somewhere in an unknown place and you want to prove something with this shit? Are you crazy?
Hun, you are talking to the wrong woman.

I knew from the gitgo that we were on the wrong side in Yugoslavia and Syria and even Libya from the git-go. My husband was fighting in Clintons war in Europe and knows he was on the wrong side as well.

I gave Bush the benefit of the doubt in Afghanistan and Iraq---what a mistake.

It wasn't a mistake . These scumbags, including the one who presented the arguments to Congress and the UN for attacking Iraq, KNEW what they were doing. Two of them are already being fried in a frying pan in the underworld. They are waiting for the third....

I'm glad your husband survived the horror of war. He was luckier than, say, the six thousand fallen Americans whose ashes rest in Arlington Cemetery.

Sorry, that was "friendly fire.

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