How Many More Hours the Pro-American "Ukrainian" Government Will Last???

Alas: headquarters, communications, warehouses, and air defenses all destroyed.

If you are referring to the "partisan movement," that is the concern of the NEW, pro-Kremlin Ukrainian government.

And Zelensky, if his own people don't hang him, will be walking around Manhattan the day after tomorrow.

He'd better not show himself at Brighton Beach...
Indeed,zelensky using the thugs in his regime government with the support of NATO have murdered their citizens with bio weapons nato supported them with,the Ukrainian government is getting their asses kicked by Russia,the citizens of ukraine are going to hang him by the balls if they get a hold of him.
Indeed,zelensky using the thugs in his regime government with the support of NATO have murdered their citizens with bio weapons nato supported them with,the Ukrainian government is getting their asses kicked by Russia,the citizens of ukraine are going to hang him by the balls if they get a hold of him.

Keep spreading that anti-American, pro-Putin lying propaganda, LA RAIN MAN
Russia has fucked up.Putin is getting more and more desperate.
The whole episode is one big shit sandwich just to bomb a few kids hospitals.
Indeed,zelensky using the thugs in his regime government with the support of NATO have murdered their citizens with bio weapons nato supported them with,the Ukrainian government is getting their asses kicked by Russia,the citizens of ukraine are going to hang him by the balls if they get a hold of him.

Pretty amazing anyone thinks this propaganda will fly.
Russia has fucked up.Putin is getting more and more desperate.
The whole episode is one big shit sandwich just to bomb a few kids hospitals.
Lavrov says that the Azov Battalion has long used that maternity hospital. Col Douglas Macgregor: "I think this is exactly what is happening today. The Ukrainian army uses the population to avoid defeat."
Pravda says that Ukraine has been an illegitimate state since 2014. Those who burned alive the people at Odessa were never brought to justice.
ivan you are drunk again , you are not a human do you know it ?


'Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.' Napoleon
The ground invasion is still a "spotty" one. You won't shoot down cruise missiles with a Javelin.

Why "set up" tanks to neutralize the Kiev government when there are cruise missiles?

The Russians are diligent students, and they have learned well from the U.S. attacks on Iraq and Libya.
They preceded the US by setting up the second Chechyan war with a faked bombing and practiced civilian carnage on Chechnya. They then got a chance to improve on it Syria, bombing hospitals, schools and agreed upon safe corridors. Now, they know what they are doing. Putin has no problem with and much practice in, massacring civilians.
Yes it is. Ukraine is being attacked from all sides. Air, warships lobbing cruise missiles, amphibious units. Ukraine is unable to do anything. 200,000 ground troops are ready to mop up. Unlike our military, the Russians are trained and battle ready.

Unfortunately, the total devastation of the Ukraine will continue, and Ukrainians will go down fighting. Putin will make the Ukraine its poster child for the next invasion of a neighboring country.
If Grozny or Chechnya are any examples, then Putin will level the Ukraine and that will take time..
Unfortunately, the total devastation of the Ukraine will continue, and Ukrainians will go down fighting. Putin will make the Ukraine its poster child for the next invasion of a neighboring country.
If Grozny or Chechnya are any examples, then Putin will level the Ukraine and that will take time..
I don't have much sympathy for Chechnya. Not since two brothers Trained at a Muslim Chechnya bomb making school.
View attachment 605947

Just as the Russian government had been warning the pro-American government in Kiev for months that if it did not return to compliance with the Minsk agreements, "Ukraine would lose its statehood," this has happened: Russian and Belorussian armed forces have attacked with cruise missiles and aircrafts Ukrainian air defense, military airfields, military centers, warehouses, bases and communication points on ALL of Ukraine's territory up to the western borders.

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Ukraine's air defenses, Russian military pilots claim, no longer exist. A large amphibious landing has taken place in the sea city of Odessa, supported by naval artillery and the air force.

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The military and government centers were attacked by missiles in ALL cities yes of Ukraine.

The supporters of the Ukrainian regime are panicking under missile attacks and leaving the capital of Ukraine, Kiev.Chinese warships defiantly entered Taiwan's territorial waters.

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Airport Borispol (Kiev)

View attachment 605953
The explosion of a Ukrainian gas pipeline on the Kiev-Kharkov highway

Chinese warships defiantly entered Taiwan's territorial waters.

You can see it all on my Telegram channel at Academia Socrates


How many hours are there in 1,000 years?
How many hours are there in 1,000 years?
Everything that the Western population knows about the events in Ukraine comes from garbage dumps, dubbed as "Fake News". Goebbels news from Ukraine helps them in this matter.
For example, the blue inscription in your messages in ukrainian about the Russian ship comes from a ukrainian garbage source. Goebbels news came up with a "heroic" response of the ukrainian soldiers on the island of Zmeiny to the demand for surrender, and Zelensky announced their heroic death in an unequal battle.
This is all, despite the fact that all these soldiers surrendered without any resistance. All this was shown on Russian TV and even a small conference was held with these soldiers.
Everything is as usual - the nazis and their accomplices are lying. All the time.

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