How many of the 36 million on Ashley Madison cry over protecting the "sanctity" of marriage?

You know how right wingers hate gays.

GOP Official Named in Ashley Madison Hack Says He Used Site for 'Opposition Research'

Josh Duggar Paid for an 'Affair Guarantee' on Ashley Madison

Child molester and gay hater Josh Dugan had TWO accounts. Guess he was really horny.

Since Dugan had two accounts, I get there were only 35,999,999 actual members.

I wonder how many of those hate gay people and want to support the sanctity of marriage.

The 35,999,999 are all immoral Democrats and Liberals, don't cha know?

Immoral Democrats and Liberals aren't hung up on sex, I would bet this is a right wing problem exclusively.

Not with women anyway......unless they are a woman.
Weak thread premise. OP only has two examples while trying to insinuate the overwhelming majority of Ashley Madison users are against gay marriage. Stupid idea for a thread
You know how right wingers hate gays.

GOP Official Named in Ashley Madison Hack Says He Used Site for 'Opposition Research'

Josh Duggar Paid for an 'Affair Guarantee' on Ashley Madison

Child molester and gay hater Josh Dugan had TWO accounts. Guess he was really horny.

Since Dugan had two accounts, I get there were only 35,999,999 actual members.

I wonder how many of those hate gay people and want to support the sanctity of marriage.

You should find out how many accounts Bill Clinton has?
You know how right wingers hate gays.

GOP Official Named in Ashley Madison Hack Says He Used Site for 'Opposition Research'

Josh Duggar Paid for an 'Affair Guarantee' on Ashley Madison

Child molester and gay hater Josh Dugan had TWO accounts. Guess he was really horny.

Since Dugan had two accounts, I get there were only 35,999,999 actual members.

I wonder how many of those hate gay people and want to support the sanctity of marriage.

Yes, keep distracting that the Obama White House got frequent flyer miles at Ashley Madison -- using government computers

Ashley Madison users included White House worker, assistant US attorneys

"WASHINGTON — US government employees with sensitive jobs in national security or law enforcement were among hundreds of federal workers found to be using government networks to access and pay membership fees to the cheating website Ashley Madison, the Associated Press has learned.
Real story: Obama White House using government computers to work on their Blow Jobs Bill
Right wingers (like the moron, Mr. H) have a very difficult time when their ilk is caught in instances that show their blatant HYPOCRISY.......
Real story: Obama White House using government computers to work on their Blow Jobs Bill

As usual, your stupidity "shines" through.......

The issue is NOT cheating on your spouse......The issue IS cheating on your spouse while preaching the "sanctity of marriage"

Find a grown up to explain to you the difference, moron.
Real story: Obama White House using government computers to work on their Blow Jobs Bill

As usual, your stupidity "shines" through.......

The issue is NOT cheating on your spouse......The issue IS cheating on your spouse while preaching the "sanctity of marriage"

Find a grown up to explain to you the difference, moron.

The issue is cheating on your spouse while you're working for the White House and using a government computer
There's not a single large private company with a decent IT Department that will allow you to use their computer to access Ashley Madison, not so if you work for Obama
We're paying Obama's people to cheat on their spouses on company time

SPIN IT any way you want........The intent of the thread is RIGHT WINGERS' HYPOCRISY about the "sanctity of marriage".........and only your fellow hypocrites cannot admit to THAT hypocrisy.......but, keep spinning...LOL
We're paying Obama's people to cheat on their spouses on company time

SPIN IT any way you want........The intent of the thread is RIGHT WINGERS' HYPOCRISY about the "sanctity of marriage".........and only your fellow hypocrites cannot admit to THAT hypocrisy.......but, keep spinning...LOL

Because that's what Stats told you to say.

The real issue that you're trying to distract from is government employees on taxpayer time, using taxpayer computers are accessing Ashley Madison and who knows what else while on government time.
Why is it OK to use a government computer on taxpayer paid for time to get on Ashley Madison?

Obama's technology track record, gave over $1 Billion to Michelle's classmate to develop the only website that can't tell you when someone bought your product and has no idea how to monitor and control web access.

The Chinese must have a copy of everything that was ever on any Obama Administration computer
...the evidence to date — fake accounts, fake email addresses, fake women — should be enough to convince even the most skeptical reader that many of the accounts released in the leak don’t belong to the owner of the email address in question.

...many of the email addresses in the hack were fake or had been appropriated.

My fake Ashley Madison affair: Someone else used my email address to create an account — so why do I feel so guilty?

It is unclear how much of the published information is accurate. Ashley Madison’s sign-up process does not require verification of an email address to set up an account so legitimate addresses might have been hijacked and used by some members of the website...
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What is the big fuss? Serial adulterer's were born that way. It's their right to infidelity.
...the evidence to date — fake accounts, fake email addresses, fake women — should be enough to convince even the most skeptical reader that many of the accounts released in the leak don’t belong to the owner of the email address in question.

...many of the email addresses in the hack were fake or had been appropriated.

My fake Ashley Madison affair: Someone else used my email address to create an account — so why do I feel so guilty?

It is unclear how much of the published information is accurate. Ashley Madison’s sign-up process does not require verification of an email address to set up an account so legitimate addresses might have been hijacked and used by some members of the website...

I wonder if my Mal Fourteenincher account was hacked?
What you have is a list of liars.
On morality let God judge them.
On honesty let their employer judge them.
NONE of its YOUR call UNLESS you employ them.

What they have is a list of possible adulterers and that list should be shared because there are almost 18 million wives who may have an STD that they have no knowledge about. Now if Planned Parenthood is still around next week, those wifey's can go in and be checked in anonymous confidence. If not, they can go in when someone notices that their brain has rotted.
That has nothing to do with my statement. It still does not effect me in any way. If it effects you then I suggest you act on it. If not then its just smoke and mirrors and scare tactics.

Hilarious. This is not the first time I have seen this sentiment expressed concerning this Ashley Madison debacle.

What I find hilarious is that the same people who screamed, ranted and raved against gay marriage, now want people to only worry about things that directly effect them.

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