Sexual child molester Josh Duggar had not just 1, but 2 Ashley Madison accounts...

i bet the OP voting for Clinton....
Still whacking off for jesus ninja007
Still wacking off for The DNC?
Nevermind that BlueGin, why are you ignoring my direct question to you about your being so upset over this topic?

What seems to be the problem?

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I already answered that question at least twice. In one of the 5/6 threads on this topic. Go look.
Nevermind, have a good weekend.

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Oh sorry, thought you were married.

Your, uhm, significant top?

Uhm, nope. I'm straight.

Question: are you brain-dead?
you're German, I've seen your porn, (that shit scarred me) so straight must have a different meaning to you than to me.

no, The rum is always gone.

You are apparently suffering from hallucinations. I am not a German. I am an American citizen. Do try to keep up. And why the fuck do you keep trying to make this about me? Are your arguments so piss poor that you cannot actually focus on a topic, even for one second?
I'm not arguing against the op.

Now take the cock out of your ass and lick it clean.

That was gross and uncalled for. Then again, you are a Rightie, so I don't expect much different than gross and uncalled for from you, anyway.
you support the wholesale slaughter of unborn children and the selling of their body parts.

but I'm gross.

stop being such an overly sensitive pussy. You lied about my stance in this thread and got bitch slapped for it, ya had it coming.
Meh, if he didn't have kids, I would find this Ashley Madison stuff pretty hilarious. :D Don't do as I do, do as I say! :D

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