How many of you are celebrating Baal's birthday this Friday?

You just are not grasping this weatherman, it's the other way round. They are the one world religion mixing all cultures into one combined sun worship trying to get Yhwh followers to worship Baal, Mithra worshipers to worship the same sickly man on the cross (predating Jesus) as seen in Mithra temples that the church took over one which was merely left at the altar and used.
Sun worshipers, Dagon worshipers, Esus, Zeus, Krishna, followers of Yehuda, followers of Theudas, the Hanotzrim cult all converged with the figure that mixed Baal mythology and tablet plagiarism, Mithra legends, Dagon rituals, PERSIAN AND Babylonian mystery cults, Zoroaster quotes, Hebrew Bible characters and plagiarism, Egyptian figures myths emulated, all converged & replaced with a new name but shop worn birthdate many of them shared.
The Hanotzrim already taught death cultism afterlife and Luciferous light teachings like the Baal and Mithra & sun worshipers so it was easy to integrate them all into one fold whereby Rome collected taxes now under the guise of tithes offerings to all cultures gods =$$"ka-ching!"
Baal Harvest scam is all over the Christian broadcasts, to not notice it means you are blind or brainwashed or both.
Christianity is trying to get people to worship Baal you say.

Pretty shitty job they did, billions ended up,worshipping the God of Jacob instead.

Take your meds.

So now your inability to grasp that it's not the same God makes you resort to childish name calling that reveals your nature towards disabled people is to bash them. Interesting, so if someone is mentally disabled in your mind, how is harassing them helping you and your reflected failed teaching?
Surely your reply admits it's not the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob otherwise you would not view Jews as nut jobs for their devotion to that so called same God. Your faith would not have murdered and tortured millions of us to convert to that same God.

Lastly Jacobs messenger is not Jesus.
Morning Star worshipers (luciferians) always fallaciously place jesus as the scepter in the Jacob accounts.
In the sefer Bamidbar it is written, " kochav mi'Yaachov v'kom SHEVET mi"Yisrael"

"there shall step forth a star out of Jacob, and a 'scepter' shall rise out of Israel."

Sceptre and 'Staff' (HaShevet) Mean The same and written the same as SHEVET.
Also note Pslams where it says:
"Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre (SHEVET) of thy kingdom is a
right sceptre.
The dead Sea War Scrolls said the Kingdom was of Michael's Not Jesus' therefore the Scepter (SHEVET) of THY (MICHAEL's) Kingdom also shows a pattern of leaving the First and Last name in messianic verses none of which are about Jesus.

In the wrestling match with the angel (messenger) the stone he laid his head on became known as the stone of destiny (LIA Fail) It was a whole night wrestling match and Christians who fallaciously place Jesus into everything (it's a sickness) say it was Christ who was the angel who wrestled with Jacob even though many people deny Jesus can be an angel and even Book of Hebrews reveals Jesus lower then angels.

While Jacob was battling for his life, the sense of his guilt pressed upon his soul; his sins rose up before him, to shut him out from God. But in his terrible extremity he remembered God's promises, and his whole heart went out in entreaty for His mercy.
It was "the Angel of the covenant," who had revealed Himself to Jacob. Now using this standard that an angel is Battling with Jacob is a word refering to changing Jacob's heart through use of his guilt then in Ezra 1 and Isaiah 44-45 the Lord and redeemer who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King.
The stone that Jacob rested on was the one he had the dream of the ladder to heaven. The stone of the covenant he anointed represents the anointing of the true corner stone and is supposed to be the key to secreting Moshiach which is why those old English tales always told of a knight pulling the sword from the stone. This tale represented the pulling out the Truth or Word from the stone (foundation of all things).
In other words secreting HOW Things Are. Daniel's Revelation of the "Stone" (Cornerstone & one of destiny) who strikes the (Beast's) Kingdoms & turns them to dust, is basically the mirror story of Michael removing the controlling power of the beast.
This anointed Stone of the Covenant became known as Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny). It was used as a seat to thrones which was always anointed (as Jacob did) at the anointing of new Kings.
The Columbian tradition tells us that, on secreting the Stone, the Abbot prophesied that one day 'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
Interesting enough we find this also in The Coming of Melchizedek 11Q13 Col.2 whereby Michael (the Shiloh of Ezekiel) not only comes back for his inheritance, but will return them to what is rightfully theirs as well thus the term ones who’s right it is refers to returning the Temple and authority back to Jerusalem and the Kohanim (Temple Priests/ known as hosts and the term ‘Clouds’ which depicted their appearances when they flocked together gathered in their white puffy robes which looked like clouds)
Coincidentally 'Night of the long knives' is connected with this arthurian saga, this is represented of the truth (sword) being pulled out of the stone (foundation of all things) at least according to the Grail or Holy Order of Knights (Ritters) The one Knight pulls the Sword (truth) from the Stone (Foundation of all things) and is found the worthy one who as well slays the dragon. these legends are all imagery describing the same Biblical stories of Michael slaying the dragon and being called in Dan 10:21 the one who best knows these truths.
Another Clue According to the World Book Encyclopedia, "Saint Michael was the patron saint of knights." The prophecy of the anointed Stone of Destiny, the author of BLOODLINE states that this most sacred relic of Scottish tradition will one day reveal the mysterious personage known as "The Michael." This Stone is believed to be the original Pillar that Jacob dedicated to God after his all-night wrestling vigil with an angel. From all references, this stone represents the House of David that went into oblivion after the wicked king Zedekiah was dethroned by our Father and later blinded then killed along with his sons. Jacob's Pillar (The Stone of Destiny) was believed to have been subsequently carried by Jeremiah - along with Zedekiah's two daughters - to Ireland. Later, it went to Scotland, then England.
Some scholars think that these three moves are associated with Ezekiel 21:27: 'I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come 'whose right it is' ('Shiloh'); and I will give it him.' Dead Sea Scrolls commentary on Ezekiel pronounces the Shiloh of Ezekiel as being archangel (top prophet messenger) Michael. In Ezekiel it's clearly showing the overturning of the first wicked prince with that of the one who's actual right it is as top prince (arch Malakh=head of the congregation[hosts]).
If you don't get it, this means overturning the imposter head and his hosts in the imposter temple siting in Rome with the actual head of the actual Biblical Hosts mentioned in YeruShalem.
This is why Daniel says son of man would come with or out of 'clouds' (gathering of hosts). Therefore coming up to the clouds to see the Moshiach means coming up to the Temple in Mount Zion to hear and see Moshiach and meet him with the hosts at his temple. Where is that temple not in Rome but in YeruShalem thus there has to be an overturning of the authority according to these descriptions back to the ONES WHOSE RIGHT IT IS.
So here we have the MIKdash in his name in the holy city in his name. None of which has anything to do with Jesus the thief of the NIGHT.
Take your meds. The Messiah has come. The God of Jacob has fulfilled His promise.

Such grand rebuttles repeat your sins and show the world how Christians treat who they think are disabled people. Pssst the God of Jacob warned you not to fall for the first fallen messiah....oooops!
Everytime you fight against that so called same God you are admitting you are not worshiping the same God. : -)
You just are not grasping this weatherman, it's the other way round. They are the one world religion mixing all cultures into one combined sun worship trying to get Yhwh followers to worship Baal, Mithra worshipers to worship the same sickly man on the cross (predating Jesus) as seen in Mithra temples that the church took over one which was merely left at the altar and used.
Sun worshipers, Dagon worshipers, Esus, Zeus, Krishna, followers of Yehuda, followers of Theudas, the Hanotzrim cult all converged with the figure that mixed Baal mythology and tablet plagiarism, Mithra legends, Dagon rituals, PERSIAN AND Babylonian mystery cults, Zoroaster quotes, Hebrew Bible characters and plagiarism, Egyptian figures myths emulated, all converged & replaced with a new name but shop worn birthdate many of them shared.
The Hanotzrim already taught death cultism afterlife and Luciferous light teachings like the Baal and Mithra & sun worshipers so it was easy to integrate them all into one fold whereby Rome collected taxes now under the guise of tithes offerings to all cultures gods =$$"ka-ching!"
Baal Harvest scam is all over the Christian broadcasts, to not notice it means you are blind or brainwashed or both.
Christianity is trying to get people to worship Baal you say.

Pretty shitty job they did, billions ended up,worshipping the God of Jacob instead.

Take your meds.

So now your inability to grasp that it's not the same God makes you resort to childish name calling that reveals your nature towards disabled people is to bash them. Interesting, so if someone is mentally disabled in your mind, how is harassing them helping you and your reflected failed teaching?
Surely your reply admits it's not the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob otherwise you would not view Jews as nut jobs for their devotion to that so called same God. Your faith would not have murdered and tortured millions of us to convert to that same God.

Lastly Jacobs messenger is not Jesus.
Morning Star worshipers (luciferians) always fallaciously place jesus as the scepter in the Jacob accounts.
In the sefer Bamidbar it is written, " kochav mi'Yaachov v'kom SHEVET mi"Yisrael"

"there shall step forth a star out of Jacob, and a 'scepter' shall rise out of Israel."

Sceptre and 'Staff' (HaShevet) Mean The same and written the same as SHEVET.
Also note Pslams where it says:
"Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre (SHEVET) of thy kingdom is a
right sceptre.
The dead Sea War Scrolls said the Kingdom was of Michael's Not Jesus' therefore the Scepter (SHEVET) of THY (MICHAEL's) Kingdom also shows a pattern of leaving the First and Last name in messianic verses none of which are about Jesus.

In the wrestling match with the angel (messenger) the stone he laid his head on became known as the stone of destiny (LIA Fail) It was a whole night wrestling match and Christians who fallaciously place Jesus into everything (it's a sickness) say it was Christ who was the angel who wrestled with Jacob even though many people deny Jesus can be an angel and even Book of Hebrews reveals Jesus lower then angels.

While Jacob was battling for his life, the sense of his guilt pressed upon his soul; his sins rose up before him, to shut him out from God. But in his terrible extremity he remembered God's promises, and his whole heart went out in entreaty for His mercy.
It was "the Angel of the covenant," who had revealed Himself to Jacob. Now using this standard that an angel is Battling with Jacob is a word refering to changing Jacob's heart through use of his guilt then in Ezra 1 and Isaiah 44-45 the Lord and redeemer who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King.
The stone that Jacob rested on was the one he had the dream of the ladder to heaven. The stone of the covenant he anointed represents the anointing of the true corner stone and is supposed to be the key to secreting Moshiach which is why those old English tales always told of a knight pulling the sword from the stone. This tale represented the pulling out the Truth or Word from the stone (foundation of all things).
In other words secreting HOW Things Are. Daniel's Revelation of the "Stone" (Cornerstone & one of destiny) who strikes the (Beast's) Kingdoms & turns them to dust, is basically the mirror story of Michael removing the controlling power of the beast.
This anointed Stone of the Covenant became known as Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny). It was used as a seat to thrones which was always anointed (as Jacob did) at the anointing of new Kings.
The Columbian tradition tells us that, on secreting the Stone, the Abbot prophesied that one day 'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
Interesting enough we find this also in The Coming of Melchizedek 11Q13 Col.2 whereby Michael (the Shiloh of Ezekiel) not only comes back for his inheritance, but will return them to what is rightfully theirs as well thus the term ones who’s right it is refers to returning the Temple and authority back to Jerusalem and the Kohanim (Temple Priests/ known as hosts and the term ‘Clouds’ which depicted their appearances when they flocked together gathered in their white puffy robes which looked like clouds)
Coincidentally 'Night of the long knives' is connected with this arthurian saga, this is represented of the truth (sword) being pulled out of the stone (foundation of all things) at least according to the Grail or Holy Order of Knights (Ritters) The one Knight pulls the Sword (truth) from the Stone (Foundation of all things) and is found the worthy one who as well slays the dragon. these legends are all imagery describing the same Biblical stories of Michael slaying the dragon and being called in Dan 10:21 the one who best knows these truths.
Another Clue According to the World Book Encyclopedia, "Saint Michael was the patron saint of knights." The prophecy of the anointed Stone of Destiny, the author of BLOODLINE states that this most sacred relic of Scottish tradition will one day reveal the mysterious personage known as "The Michael." This Stone is believed to be the original Pillar that Jacob dedicated to God after his all-night wrestling vigil with an angel. From all references, this stone represents the House of David that went into oblivion after the wicked king Zedekiah was dethroned by our Father and later blinded then killed along with his sons. Jacob's Pillar (The Stone of Destiny) was believed to have been subsequently carried by Jeremiah - along with Zedekiah's two daughters - to Ireland. Later, it went to Scotland, then England.
Some scholars think that these three moves are associated with Ezekiel 21:27: 'I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come 'whose right it is' ('Shiloh'); and I will give it him.' Dead Sea Scrolls commentary on Ezekiel pronounces the Shiloh of Ezekiel as being archangel (top prophet messenger) Michael. In Ezekiel it's clearly showing the overturning of the first wicked prince with that of the one who's actual right it is as top prince (arch Malakh=head of the congregation[hosts]).
If you don't get it, this means overturning the imposter head and his hosts in the imposter temple siting in Rome with the actual head of the actual Biblical Hosts mentioned in YeruShalem.
This is why Daniel says son of man would come with or out of 'clouds' (gathering of hosts). Therefore coming up to the clouds to see the Moshiach means coming up to the Temple in Mount Zion to hear and see Moshiach and meet him with the hosts at his temple. Where is that temple not in Rome but in YeruShalem thus there has to be an overturning of the authority according to these descriptions back to the ONES WHOSE RIGHT IT IS.
So here we have the MIKdash in his name in the holy city in his name. None of which has anything to do with Jesus the thief of the NIGHT.
Take your meds. The Messiah has come. The God of Jacob has fulfilled His promise.

Such grand rebuttles repeat your sins and show the world how Christians treat who they think are disabled people. Pssst the God of Jacob warned you not to fall for the first fallen messiah....oooops!
Everytime you fight against that so called same God you are admitting you are not worshiping the same God. : -)
The Messiah has come. Jews have only one ally in the world - those that know the Messiah was born in Bethlehem.


I am not celebrating any baall rubbish....

sue me

And there is the hate speach raising it's ugly head.
Racist remarks are not refutations, they are
ad hominom attacks and displacement behavior.
Nothing like historical accuracy to bring out the true
nature of the group affiliation pride.

what are you talking about?

I have never heard of baals

and I don't care about it either!

are you another politically correct person wanting for approval???????????

I'm won;t get it from me

Saying "Sue me" to a Jew

You are not a Jew.

is liken to saying the N Word to an African American. You are using bigoted slurs in deflect onto others. So why does worshiping the supposed same God make one feel the need to join a gang affiliation pride that attacks other gangs or individuals. What is in your teaching or devotion to an icon that creates this behavior?

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You inadvertantly admited you worship another God and are a bigot, because of your new icon.
With Allys like you who needs enimas?
see they aren't happy unless they can convert YHWH worshipers to Jesus worshipers including other Christians Like JW's who worship Yhwh not Jesus.
1) I'm allowed to as Shabbos is for remembering the name on the Sheva day. I Think I cover that by knowing the name. ;-)
2) there is no such thing as thou shalt not use a phone on Shabbos.
3) then your version of Jesus wasn't a real Jew for also teaching on Shabbos=can't he Moshiach. Game over, your argument killed your king.
4)your reply was not an attempt at Teshuva and your bigotry made you hang your own idol.
5) you say this on your celebration of your "same god", if this is how you celebrate Christmas then I'd hate to see your Easter angst.
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HaShev - what about if you would just simple say what you like to reach with this very strange perverted game you are playing? What for heavens sake is your motivation?

But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together. Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

So according to you us Rabbis should not teach on Shabbos. And when people go to Synagogues they are supposed to sit there and stare at the walls without their Rabbi? We have no Mikdash, our virtual temple is this format, so I'm sorry if we are better at it then you guys are. Your reply has no sources, where is your scripture aaying I can't use a phone on Shabbos?
Calling people fake Jews does you no good.
1) it shows your hate and bigotry
2) You are claiming to be The fake Jews by claiming Jesus is the same God of Jacob therefore you are displaying displacement behavior.
3) you have yet to address any posts without ad hominom attacks, while stalking other posts with your repeat rants=disturbing human behavior.
So according to you us Rabbis
You are not a Jew.
should not teach on Shabbos. And when people go to Synagogues they are supposed to sit there and stare at the walls without their Rabbi? We have no Mikdash, our virtual temple is this format, so I'm sorry if we are better at it then you guys are. Your reply has no sources, where is your scripture aaying I can't use a phone on Shabbos?
Calling people fake Jews does you no good.
1) it shows your hate and bigotry
2) You are claiming to be The fake Jews by claiming Jesus is the same God of Jacob therefore you are displaying displacement behavior.
3) you have yet to address any posts without ad hominom attacks, while stalking other posts with your repeat rants=disturbing human behavior.

Hashev - a big part of the jewish part of my families was murdered from the Nazis and without any doubt you are not a Jew. I expect a very concrete serios answer why you are playing such a very idiotic game.

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A most finite creator (God) can't have birthdays.
If you give Jesus a birthday then you are saying something created him, wah wah waaah!
This is why the most finite source and power in life can't be a figure or form (something that has a further process in creating it.)

Isaiah 42:8 we can't pray to any image of anything physical- Exodus 20:3-7 and Deuteronomy 5:8-10
God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)

What about first to believe in god before to try to give him, his people and his children the allowness not to celebrate Christmas, because you are not a Jew? Ever thought about why god created billlions of different ways to find him and not billions of times alwas only your not existing way? Let it be to read the bible if it makes no sense. The message is clear and easy.

Yep, seems pretty clear to me:
In 2 Kings 10:18-27, God orders the murder of all the worshipers of a different god in their very own church! In total God kills 371,186 people directly and orders another 1,862,265 people murdered.

I believe in god so I don't live in fear god could kill me. You don't believe in god at all. So I don't see any problem. Oh by the way - not to forget: You still underestimate that I'm only able to see in you a criminal.

So you don't care that your god kills people, just as long as it's not you. You selfish old fart.

Your antibelief in god becomes not true only because you are extremly agressive and without anything what I could call "civilized behavior" - and I am by the way a barbar on my own - the original and not a cheap copy. I'm not sure what would happen if a German would manipulate my expressions or would call me in public "egoistischer alter Pfurz".

I don't have an "antibelief" in god, I see no proof either way for or against the existence of a god (agnostic).
You're a barbar? You cut hair?
A German would politely (since Hitler all germans are polite) ask you to stop pretending to be a holocaust victim. And might also ask you to stop ripping off the copyright owners of the videos you post.
interesting calling Michael a fake jew is ludicrous since he teaches the torahs ethos but i digress ...Has anyone seen all those messianic places esp the southern baptists use to ensnare jews into leaving the gd of israel....It is amazing to the extent they will go and even dress up as orthodox jews etc etc.... One must think that using such deceptive and guile would be worth it to steal one jew from the gd of israel and it proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that the worship of lucifer/ jesus is contrary to the worship of the gd of israel....If some of you find it distatseful the Michael is only pointing these things out it is only because your egos are standing in the way....A man or women who is truthful with themselves would want to know the truth regardless of the pain of finding out how they and all they have known have been deceived....It is better to live in truth then to live in a lie esp a lie that is carrying not into in ones right hand but in ones head....If it is a custom or tradition one must realize that customs and traditions come and go for example a little old lady goes to her grandaughters for a dinner celebration.....she observes her grandaughters preparing a fish... The grandaughter cuts both the head and the tail off of the fish before placing it in the pan... The grandmother scratches her head and says to the grandaughter honey why are you cutting off both the head and the tail of the fish...the granddaughter looks at the grandmother and says that cutting off the head and the tail has always been a tradition in here family and she must carry it on.... The grandmother says to her ...oh honey when your grandfather and i were young like you we were very poor and could only afford a small pan so i had to cut off both the head and the tail to fit the fish in a pan but your pan is large enough that you do not have to do that....that is how traditions are formed and kept and maintained and by not questioning their sources one will maintain them forever because of shear ignorance and unwavering support....Which would you rather be the young women who follows blindly her traditions or the one who questions and breaks pf the mold....


I am not celebrating any baall rubbish....

sue me

And there is the hate speach raising it's ugly head.
Racist remarks are not refutations, they are
ad hominom attacks and displacement behavior.
Nothing like historical accuracy to bring out the true
nature of the group affiliation pride.

As opposed to Saturn, dark and cold, Kabbalah, equals cube and allah, which jews wear on their forehead and Muslims walk around. We worship the Son of God, we worship on Sunday, day of light.
What about first to believe in god before to try to give him, his people and his children the allowness not to celebrate Christmas, because you are not a Jew? Ever thought about why god created billlions of different ways to find him and not billions of times alwas only your not existing way? Let it be to read the bible if it makes no sense. The message is clear and easy.

Yep, seems pretty clear to me:
In 2 Kings 10:18-27, God orders the murder of all the worshipers of a different god in their very own church! In total God kills 371,186 people directly and orders another 1,862,265 people murdered.

I believe in god so I don't live in fear god could kill me. You don't believe in god at all. So I don't see any problem. Oh by the way - not to forget: You still underestimate that I'm only able to see in you a criminal.

So you don't care that your god kills people, just as long as it's not you. You selfish old fart.

Your antibelief in god becomes not true only because you are extremly agressive and without anything what I could call "civilized behavior" - and I am by the way a barbar on my own - the original and not a cheap copy. I'm not sure what would happen if a German would manipulate my expressions or would call me in public "egoistischer alter Pfurz".

I don't have an "antibelief" in god, I see no proof either way for or against the existence of a god (agnostic).
You're a barbar? You cut hair?
A German would politely (since Hitler all germans are polite) ask you to stop pretending to be a holocaust victim. And might also ask you to stop ripping off the copyright owners of the videos you post.

no comment
Yep, seems pretty clear to me:
In 2 Kings 10:18-27, God orders the murder of all the worshipers of a different god in their very own church! In total God kills 371,186 people directly and orders another 1,862,265 people murdered.

I believe in god so I don't live in fear god could kill me. You don't believe in god at all. So I don't see any problem. Oh by the way - not to forget: You still underestimate that I'm only able to see in you a criminal.

So you don't care that your god kills people, just as long as it's not you. You selfish old fart.

Your antibelief in god becomes not true only because you are extremly agressive and without anything what I could call "civilized behavior" - and I am by the way a barbar on my own - the original and not a cheap copy. I'm not sure what would happen if a German would manipulate my expressions or would call me in public "egoistischer alter Pfurz".

I don't have an "antibelief" in god, I see no proof either way for or against the existence of a god (agnostic).
You're a barbar? You cut hair?
A German would politely (since Hitler all germans are polite) ask you to stop pretending to be a holocaust victim. And might also ask you to stop ripping off the copyright owners of the videos you post.

no comment

Your concession is duly noted.
interesting calling Michael a fake jew is ludicrous since he teaches the torahs ethos but i digress ...Has anyone seen all those messianic places esp the southern baptists use to ensnare jews into leaving the gd of israel....It is amazing to the extent they will go and even dress up as orthodox jews etc etc.... One must think that using such deceptive and guile would be worth it to steal one jew from the gd of israel and it proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that the worship of lucifer/ jesus is contrary to the worship of the gd of israel....If some of you find it distatseful the Michael is only pointing these things out it is only because your egos are standing in the way....A man or women who is truthful with themselves would want to know the truth regardless of the pain of finding out how they and all they have known have been deceived....It is better to live in truth then to live in a lie esp a lie that is carrying not into in ones right hand but in ones head....If it is a custom or tradition one must realize that customs and traditions come and go for example a little old lady goes to her grandaughters for a dinner celebration.....she observes her grandaughters preparing a fish... The grandaughter cuts both the head and the tail off of the fish before placing it in the pan... The grandmother scratches her head and says to the grandaughter honey why are you cutting off both the head and the tail of the fish...the granddaughter looks at the grandmother and says that cutting off the head and the tail has always been a tradition in here family and she must carry it on.... The grandmother says to her ...oh honey when your grandfather and i were young like you we were very poor and could only afford a small pan so i had to cut off both the head and the tail to fit the fish in a pan but your pan is large enough that you do not have to do that....that is how traditions are formed and kept and maintained and by not questioning their sources one will maintain them forever because of shear ignorance and unwavering support....Which would you rather be the young women who follows blindly her traditions or the one who questions and breaks pf the mold....

Agree thanks!
It's the human ego and group affilliation pride that taints how they perceive and receive info.
Nobody's ego lets them admit they could be the 1/3
deceived. Their ego would never allow them to be wrong let alone wasting their life on a childish scam liken to believing in Santa Claus.
I don't know if they pay attention but it is warned about the pain they would face in being revealed their errors.
It won't look pretty at all, or feel good, but we must remove the vile nature and bring it to the forefront so that people can see it, recognize, address, and solve it.
It's like an unsightly blemish in society that must have the puss raised to the surface in order to remove and cleans it.
Various Bible verses like in Isaiah and later rehashed by Luke and Thomas declare : "the end will be like a woman giving birth".
This means the end of the age will be painful, what you're told and shown will be painful, the transformation will be painful, but as a child being born what will come from this is a beautiful new birth. A new beginning will be born from this straightening of the path and the painful lessons learned through this transformation.

The scrolls warned about recognizing the task of the messenger:
Hymn 14: "..they let fly those poisonous darts, vipers venom against which there is no charm;" (in other words countering or protecting from this behavior, or exposing it, will not seem gracious)

1QM v, 1-2 (not to be confused with 1QM 1-2)
Mentions:little room to act as the Royal Messiah while battling the Sons of Darkness. (Busy fighting through the smoke screens and deception before he can do his Messiah Roles), then it says:
"God himself is the supreme agent of salvation and after him in importance is Michael."
People should
Read hymns 12,13,& 14 in the scrolls that can be found online or in this forum searching my Hymn posts.

The refiners fire is another clue.
Symbolism of judgement heat being turned up to bring introspection and purification because issues would rise to the surface to be addressed and
removed like skiming impurities from metal the refiners fire is turned up for the process of skiming off what is not pure and intended so what's left is more pure a finished product. Being put to the alegorical fire is never easy especially for those who hold on to their ego and affiliation pride. Hence coming to the process humble like a child otherwise it will be painful.
Guys - let's discuss the topic, not each other - if you want to discuss fake vs real jews, take it to the Flame Zone please.
QUOTE="Penelope, post: 13115978, member: 50023"]


I am not celebrating any baall rubbish....

sue me

And there is the hate speach raising it's ugly head.
Racist remarks are not refutations, they are
ad hominom attacks and displacement behavior.
Nothing like historical accuracy to bring out the true
nature of the group affiliation pride.

As opposed to Saturn, dark and cold, Kabbalah, equals cube and allah, which jews wear on their forehead and Muslims walk around. We worship the Son of God, we worship on Sunday, day of light.[/QUOTE]

You mean the cube housing the stone in Mecca left as a secret sign by the arch messenger Michael for the time it's revealed, that they walk around Sheva times? Hmm I wonder what that message secret could be? *L*

You just admitted you worship the Morning Star -rev 22:16 son of Baal (look it up).
So you admitted your god is baal.
Nazarenes believed their god was that mystical luciferous rays of light between the sun & earth sustaining us in harvest thus Baal was the harvest god symboled by the sun. It's why the cross has the sun symbol as the father of the tortured man.

Your physical light is not spiritual light.
God came to Moses in clouds of (physical)darkness not physical light because lacking physical light increases intuitive thinking (glandular thing).
So in physical darkness comes spiritual light and phsical light comes spiritual darkness. If you had spiritual light (knowledge and truth) you'd be able to discern the difference and not be fooled by the wrong symbolism that exposed that spiritual darkness.
Mod Edit - stick to the topic please.

I'm quite sure in your book the OT you worshipped Baal and even gave sacrifices to him. Isn't that in the book of EZE?? We do not worship Venus, we worship the Son of God, please get it straight. Christians have never worshipped Baal. We have the HS, which you don't even believe in.

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