How many of you are celebrating Baal's birthday this Friday?



I am not celebrating any baall rubbish....

sue me

And there is the hate speach raising it's ugly head.
Racist remarks are not refutations, they are
ad hominom attacks and displacement behavior.
Nothing like historical accuracy to bring out the true
nature of the group affiliation pride.

what are you talking about?

I have never heard of baals

and I don't care about it either!

are you another politically correct person wanting for approval???????????

I'm won;t get it from me

Saying "Sue me" to a Jew is liken to saying the N Word to an African American. You are using bigoted slurs in deflect onto others. So why does worshiping the supposed same God make one feel the need to join a gang affiliation pride that attacks other gangs or individuals. What is in your teaching or devotion to an icon that creates this behavior?

You start a thread to incite Christians, then turn into the victim. Considering the behavior of those in the Old Testament, your last sentence is hypocritical to say the least.


I am not celebrating any baall rubbish....

sue me

And there is the hate speach raising it's ugly head.
Racist remarks are not refutations, they are
ad hominom attacks and displacement behavior.
Nothing like historical accuracy to bring out the true
nature of the group affiliation pride.

what are you talking about?

I have never heard of baals

and I don't care about it either!

are you another politically correct person wanting for approval???????????

I'm won;t get it from me

Saying "Sue me" to a Jew is liken to saying the N Word to an African American. You are using bigoted slurs in deflect onto others. So why does worshiping the supposed same God make one feel the need to join a gang affiliation pride that attacks other gangs or individuals. What is in your teaching or devotion to an icon that creates this behavior?

You start a thread to incite Christians, then turn into the victim. Considering the behavior of those in the Old Testament, your last sentence is hypocritical to say the least.

1) your reply was not about the topic.
2) truth and reality is not to incite least you admit Christianity is based on inciting Jews when you declare that truth.
3) you turned yourself into the victim then displaced it as my trait???
4)your last sentence about being hypocritical is thus ironic.
Got any rebuttle to your Baal worship or is playing games all you guys got to argue with.

See everything is group affiliation and never the topic thus the faith makes you a gang mentality and not a righteous nature.
The disparate lashing out at Christians in an attempt to be relevant is amusing.

How is facts lashing out or regarding Christianity since some sects are not Baal worshipers.
JW's worship YHWH and lean towatds the Evening Star as does Sheva Day Adventist.
It is your presentation of the facts that is off-putting and corrupt. Christians don't celebrate Baal. But you already know that. What they did back then was to take something they felt was blasphemous, and replaced it with something they thought was righteous. They usurped a date. But then again, you already knew that.
I believe in god so I don't live in fear god could kill me. You don't believe in god at all. So I don't see any problem. Oh by the way - not to forget: You still underestimate that I'm only able to see in you a criminal.

So you don't care that your god kills people, just as long as it's not you. You selfish old fart.

Your antibelief in god becomes not true only because you are extremly agressive and without anything what I could call "civilized behavior" - and I am by the way a barbar on my own - the original and not a cheap copy. I'm not sure what would happen if a German would manipulate my expressions or would call me in public "egoistischer alter Pfurz".

I don't have an "antibelief" in god, I see no proof either way for or against the existence of a god (agnostic).
You're a barbar? You cut hair?
A German would politely (since Hitler all germans are polite) ask you to stop pretending to be a holocaust victim. And might also ask you to stop ripping off the copyright owners of the videos you post.

no comment

Your concession is duly noted.

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If you d0n't worship Baal then explain Rev 22:16, now you are caught contradicted your own idol.
Which historical Christ are you calling your god or inspiration?
When you make comnents please use sources and examples and be more specific otherwise it's just your opinions proved out of affiliation pride and not reason.
If you d0n't worship Baal then explain Rev 22:16 ...

Latin: Rev 22:16 Ego Jesus misi angelum meum testificari vobis hæc in ecclesiis. Ego sum radix, et genus David, stella splendida et matutina.
English: Rev 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.

The latin-english comparison shows very clear: The "morning star" (english) = "Lucifer" (latin) nonsense causes only curious extremes in the english speaking world. For a Christian is the belief in "Lucifer" as senseful as for anyone in the world is senseful the belief in "Dracula". The expression "Lucifer" means only morning star - planet of love - the light in the darkness - the lightbringer - and so on and so on. All this expressions are normally names for Jesus the Christ. The word "Lucifer" is just simple wrong used in most cases.

And in general no one has to explain normally anything what someone believes - besides that no normal human being in the 21st century AD has a big idea about what a "Baal" could be nor is the revelation a book anyone understands without very good instructions.

I still wait on your answer why you try to speak in the name of Jews although you have nothing to do with Jews. This needs an explanation because a short time ago about 6 million Jews were murdered. So I still expect a serios answer from you, why you are doing what you are doing.

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So you don't care that your god kills people, just as long as it's not you. You selfish old fart.

Your antibelief in god becomes not true only because you are extremly agressive and without anything what I could call "civilized behavior" - and I am by the way a barbar on my own - the original and not a cheap copy. I'm not sure what would happen if a German would manipulate my expressions or would call me in public "egoistischer alter Pfurz".

I don't have an "antibelief" in god, I see no proof either way for or against the existence of a god (agnostic).
You're a barbar? You cut hair?
A German would politely (since Hitler all germans are polite) ask you to stop pretending to be a holocaust victim. And might also ask you to stop ripping off the copyright owners of the videos you post.

no comment

Your concession is duly noted.

no comment

You're conceding the argument with your no comment. At least you know that I beat your sorry old ass.
Your antibelief in god becomes not true only because you are extremly agressive and without anything what I could call "civilized behavior" - and I am by the way a barbar on my own - the original and not a cheap copy. I'm not sure what would happen if a German would manipulate my expressions or would call me in public "egoistischer alter Pfurz".

I don't have an "antibelief" in god, I see no proof either way for or against the existence of a god (agnostic).
You're a barbar? You cut hair?
A German would politely (since Hitler all germans are polite) ask you to stop pretending to be a holocaust victim. And might also ask you to stop ripping off the copyright owners of the videos you post.

no comment

Your concession is duly noted.

no comment

You're conceding the argument with your no comment. At least you know that I beat your sorry old ass.

no comment
I don't have an "antibelief" in god, I see no proof either way for or against the existence of a god (agnostic).
You're a barbar? You cut hair?
A German would politely (since Hitler all germans are polite) ask you to stop pretending to be a holocaust victim. And might also ask you to stop ripping off the copyright owners of the videos you post.

no comment
Your concession is duly noted.
no comment
You're conceding the argument with your no comment. At least you know that I beat your sorry old ass.
no comment
Dumb fucking kraut. No wonder you lost both wars.
Now I know why Zaang never addresses the topic.
His deceptive False Info warrants a response.
Is a term people use for a portrayed character fortold in the bible also known as the imposter and fallen prophet. The planet venus represented both archangels (top prophet messengers) the fallen arc of venus called morning star symbolized lucifers fall while the rising arc of the planet Evening Star represented
Michael's rise-Dan 12:1-4.
But On the subject Morning Star was Baal's son and Ishtar's (easter) son. Baal's wife was Isis and she is basically another cultures mimick of Ishtar so said to be the same. Furthermore Morning Star is the adversary to Shalem (Evening Star) thus adversary of God and top messenger. To call yourself Morning Star is to call yourself the fallen false prophet Lucifer son of Baal adversary of God and Michael.
Hence celebration of the Morning Star on Baal's special day as father and son are the same Mythology as found through ancient tablets predating the Jesus myth.
So Now we know the secret of the number of his name;
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.
Claiming to be all knowing and yet calling himself Baal's son Lucifer is priceless and game over unarguable!
They are liars, father of all lies hence my other post quoting Bible verses stating the same.
Now I know why Zaang never addresses the topic.
His deceptive False Info warrants a response.
Is a term people use for a portrayed character fortold in the bible also known as the imposter and fallen prophet. The planet venus represented both archangels (top prophet messengers) the fallen arc of venus called morning star symbolized lucifers fall while the rising arc of the planet Evening Star represented
Michael's rise-Dan 12:1-4.
But On the subject Morning Star was Baal's son and Ishtar's (easter) son. Baal's wife was Isis and she is basically another cultures mimick of Ishtar so said to be the same. Furthermore Morning Star is the adversary to Shalem (Evening Star) thus adversary of God and top messenger. To call yourself Morning Star is to call yourself the fallen false prophet Lucifer son of Baal adversary of God and Michael.
Hence celebration of the Morning Star on Baal's special day as father and son are the same Mythology as found through ancient tablets predating the Jesus myth.
So Now we know the secret of the number of his name;
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.
Claiming to be all knowing and yet calling himself Baal's son Lucifer is priceless and game over unarguable!
They are liars, father of all lies hence my other post quoting Bible verses stating the same.

The number 666 is incorrect. It is 616 in an oldest greek fragment of the book found at Oxyrhynchus
1)Would not change the Morning Star admission or the fact no other messiah can be claimed the first fallen(lucifer) since the position of coming first is already taken by Jesus.
2)you can't chose when to recognize older text and when to ignore them. Because this sets up a precedence that you are knowledgable and acceptable enough to know older text with it's original non altered states are true while altered are the deceptions thus fallacious.
This means you lnow Josephus earlier texts having no mention of Jesus is true while the later placement is forgery and yet lnowing this being problematic to claims of a historical Jesus you ignore it or lie. Therefore you willingly are participating in covering up truth and history to sell a fable. That is always more evil then just not knowing. Another example: the original text shows the trinity was father mother son then father word son before the present father spirit son. Another example: earlier text of Luke he admits Jesus wasn't who they hoped him to be when he failed to liberate them.
Another example: original text say you don't understand that Jesus isn't son of man but that son of man is his messenger speaking through him that will come in his own new name.
Of course Rev 1:13 hints to this being unto (emulation of) son of man. You knowing original text trumps forgeries then are bound by the originals now without claiming ignorance otherwise you are pure evil for willingly carrying what you youself would say is an error and grave harm.
3)what inspiration would create the change and census that it's 666? If the number given to one man is changed by the masses given another which number is correct?
What are the chances that the adversary of the Bible era Rome would equate to the number Theologians have always used?
66 books of 'man'=6
on Baal Jesus=666 in ASCll Characters used to secret numbers from names:
THe text was called ( using ASCll Characters)
H=72+O=79+L=76+Y=89+B=66+I=73+B=66+L=76+E=69 = 666
THe holders of this Roman one world religion called:
Vaticanas (vatican Unity)=666 AsVatican (the vatican)=666

Hebrew numerics: ROMIITH means the Roman Kingdom
R = 200
O = 6
waw (vav)
M = 40
I = 10
I = 10
TH = 400

And the Hebrew ROMITI, or the Roman Man is-

R = 200
O = 6
waw (vav)
M = 40
I = 10
T = 400
I = 10
Winter Solstice is not the 25th, ever.

25th is the end of saturnalia week. Not everyone observed just the 21st as the soltice, but the whole week leading to and after.

So abroad time line, compared to a specific date. I normally term that wiggle room or covering your ass.

Saturnalia was popular among romans. Among astronomers, druze and wiccans, its not. As far as picking a date for Jesus birth between 7bc and 400 ad, the romans were the ones to do so, not the sky watchers

There are more than a dozen gods and heroes with the same 25th dec. birthday, most would have been know to the romans of that time.
Interesting addition to my last reply regarding the older manuscripts. They are debated but one interesting commentary states they must be interpreted in original Hebrew since those have specific meaning to their letters.
Here is what the Proto-Sinaitic letters represent:
X – Tav: is a mark or sign, also written as a cross +

I – Vav: means to attach, like a peg or nail, or fixed into like a hook in a fish.

C – Lamed : means to direct, as in giving instructions, like the goad used to herd oxen. The verb form of Lamed means to prick or puncture as in using a sharp object to pierce the skin.

So the beast would be the mithraic idol which became the Jesus idol (sickly man nailed to the cross)
remember the cross predates symbolized death and destruction, a symbol and sign given to Constantine to conquer (kill and destroy).
This is in line with the Mark of the beast since the Devil is the power of death says Revelation and that is the mark of death the cross.
ah that explains much Michael... I always assumed at one point that the sign of the cross was derived from the pagan god Tamuz but it could have easiliy come from Mithraism and the bull symbulism of the sign Taurus associated with it... we know that crosses were prevalent in Egypt but since Mithras fits like a T it is the direction one should look brsides the other clues...

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