How many of you are celebrating Baal's birthday this Friday?

Plus whether six six six or Xic it sounds out they are Sick.
Ironically the 3 curls in the front on the foreheads of Roman hair styles look like 666 as well.
Bible sources that they were and are sick:
Are mad (lost their reason)
upon their idols--Jeremiah 50:38.
Believes they are gods--Isaiah 47:8, 10
Builds great image of man
for all to worship--Daniel 3:1-7.
Make Metal idols Leviticus 19:4,
1 Kings 14:9, Isaiah 48:5
Makes a graven image that they be their own witness to: Isiah44;9
Carpenter creates a wood idol: Isaiah44;13
And the residue thereof he maketh a god-Even his graven image that ;He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD- Isiah44;17
reapers to harvest fields (sown with seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.Employs sowers (to spread seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.Fears not the Lord--2 Kings 17:25.
Full of falsehoods--Jeremiah 51:17.Full of pomp--Isaiah 14:11.Full of unclean birds--Jeremiah 50:39.Full of wild beasts--Jeremiah 50:39.Full of vanity--Jeremiah 51:18.Gentiles have not yet seen the face of G0d- Isaiah 66:19
Her men are brutish in their own knowledge--Jeremiah 51:17. Her mighty men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57. Her princes are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Her rulers are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Her waves (ministers--those raised up above the level of the sea or people) do roar--Jeremiah 51:55.Her wise men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Highest leader becomes angry when his will is disregarded for God's will--Daniel 3:19..Highest leader makes hasty decisions--Daniel 2:15..Holds God's people captive--Jeremiah 50:33.
Her cry (glory) is found in ships(Romes army was called ships)-Isaiah 43:14.
Oppresses--Isaiah 14:4; Jeremiah 50:16, 33.Persecutes by fire all who do not bow and worship image of man--Daniel 3:6.Places relatives in high positions of leadership (nepotism)--2 Kings 24:17.Practices abundant enchantments--Isaiah 47:8, 12.Practices divination--Ezekiel 21:21.Practices sorcery--Isaiah 47:9, 12.
Practice divination, soothsayer, augur sorcerer, 11 charmer, medium, wizard, necromancer- Deut 18:10
Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" also read Deuteronomy 21:22
they that be cursed of Him shall be cut off-(Psalm 37:22)
Gave praise and glory to another G0d and created an idol for this other -"Isaiah 42:8 we can't pray to any image of anything physical- Exodus 20:3-7 and Deuteronomy 5:8-10
God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)
They profane the name of G0d- Deut. 12:3
Given to pleasure--Isaiah 47:8.
lo ish el vichazev u-vein-adam v'yitnecham
Meaning: God is not a man, nor will he lie, nor is he mortal, nor will he relent.(Jesus was a mere man who lied and who relented).- Numbers 23:19A day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled)," (Isaiah 2:12).
They will be shameless and arrogant, (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 )
truthfulness will all but disappear. (Mishnah Sota 9:15)
Nations assemble,and peoples plot vain things;kings of the earth take their stand,and regents intrigue togetheragainst the LORD and against His anointed- Psalms 2
your own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion.” Jeremiah 2:30
Ruining spiritual & intellectual nourishment by mucking it up to cover up from others consumption- Ezekiel 34:18
GOD ABHORS (hates for the simple) DECEITFUL men-(Psalm 5:6)
boast, of mischief done against the godly? All the day 2 you are plotting destruction. Your tongue is like a sharp razor, you worker of treachery. 3 You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking the truth. -Psalm 52:1 -3
These false prophets who do not speak for G-d. -Ezekiel CH 13, Deut 18:20-22, Isa. 30:10, Jer. 5:30-31, 14:14, 23:16, 26, 31-32
vanity unto thee, whiles “they divine a lie unto thee”, to bring thee upon the necks of [them that are] slain, of the wicked, whose day is come, when their iniquity [shall have] an end.-Ezekiel 21:29
They are liars--Jeremiah 50:36.
Plus whether six six six or Xic it sounds out they are Sick.
Ironically the 3 curls in the front on the foreheads of Roman hair styles look like 666 as well.
Bible sources that they were and are sick:
Are mad (lost their reason)
upon their idols--Jeremiah 50:38.
Believes they are gods--Isaiah 47:8, 10
Builds great image of man
for all to worship--Daniel 3:1-7.
Make Metal idols Leviticus 19:4,
1 Kings 14:9, Isaiah 48:5
Makes a graven image that they be their own witness to: Isiah44;9
Carpenter creates a wood idol: Isaiah44;13
And the residue thereof he maketh a god-Even his graven image that ;He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD- Isiah44;17
reapers to harvest fields (sown with seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.Employs sowers (to spread seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.Fears not the Lord--2 Kings 17:25.
Full of falsehoods--Jeremiah 51:17.Full of pomp--Isaiah 14:11.Full of unclean birds--Jeremiah 50:39.Full of wild beasts--Jeremiah 50:39.Full of vanity--Jeremiah 51:18.Gentiles have not yet seen the face of G0d- Isaiah 66:19
Her men are brutish in their own knowledge--Jeremiah 51:17. Her mighty men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57. Her princes are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Her rulers are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Her waves (ministers--those raised up above the level of the sea or people) do roar--Jeremiah 51:55.Her wise men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Highest leader becomes angry when his will is disregarded for God's will--Daniel 3:19..Highest leader makes hasty decisions--Daniel 2:15..Holds God's people captive--Jeremiah 50:33.
Her cry (glory) is found in ships(Romes army was called ships)-Isaiah 43:14.
Oppresses--Isaiah 14:4; Jeremiah 50:16, 33.Persecutes by fire all who do not bow and worship image of man--Daniel 3:6.Places relatives in high positions of leadership (nepotism)--2 Kings 24:17.Practices abundant enchantments--Isaiah 47:8, 12.Practices divination--Ezekiel 21:21.Practices sorcery--Isaiah 47:9, 12.
Practice divination, soothsayer, augur sorcerer, 11 charmer, medium, wizard, necromancer- Deut 18:10
Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" also read Deuteronomy 21:22
they that be cursed of Him shall be cut off-(Psalm 37:22)
Gave praise and glory to another G0d and created an idol for this other -"Isaiah 42:8 we can't pray to any image of anything physical- Exodus 20:3-7 and Deuteronomy 5:8-10
God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)
They profane the name of G0d- Deut. 12:3
Given to pleasure--Isaiah 47:8.
lo ish el vichazev u-vein-adam v'yitnecham
Meaning: God is not a man, nor will he lie, nor is he mortal, nor will he relent.(Jesus was a mere man who lied and who relented).- Numbers 23:19A day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled)," (Isaiah 2:12).
They will be shameless and arrogant, (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 )
truthfulness will all but disappear. (Mishnah Sota 9:15)
Nations assemble,and peoples plot vain things;kings of the earth take their stand,and regents intrigue togetheragainst the LORD and against His anointed- Psalms 2
your own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion.” Jeremiah 2:30
Ruining spiritual & intellectual nourishment by mucking it up to cover up from others consumption- Ezekiel 34:18
GOD ABHORS (hates for the simple) DECEITFUL men-(Psalm 5:6)
boast, of mischief done against the godly? All the day 2 you are plotting destruction. Your tongue is like a sharp razor, you worker of treachery. 3 You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking the truth. -Psalm 52:1 -3
These false prophets who do not speak for G-d. -Ezekiel CH 13, Deut 18:20-22, Isa. 30:10, Jer. 5:30-31, 14:14, 23:16, 26, 31-32
vanity unto thee, whiles “they divine a lie unto thee”, to bring thee upon the necks of [them that are] slain, of the wicked, whose day is come, when their iniquity [shall have] an end.-Ezekiel 21:29
They are liars--Jeremiah 50:36.

a garbage can full of odd jigsaw puzzle pieces and you are trying to make a picture out of them

and we criticize muslims that use random verses to justify bad behavior.

Who has the aspirin?
Aris2chat you were the one who brought up XIC (616) as the older transcript number not me.
The reason it changed is most likely because Calligula=616 in that time but later they wanted to convey Nero who is said to be 666.
There's enough evidence to know they always change and manipulate their text to suit their needs or times, so that is most likely the reason the number changed.
But remember there is the three layers of prophecy - historical, the repeat emulation and then the symbolic spiritual emulation. 666 in the minds of the expectations is not coincidental. In fact if you understood the affects of time, messaging, changing fate, and were very observant of the subtle changes in the living Bible then you'd understand changes occur many times as a result of the message (cause and affect).
Aris2chat you were the one who brought up XIC (616) as the older transcript number not me.
The reason it changed is most likely because Calligula=616 in that time but later they wanted to convey Nero who is said to be 666.
There's enough evidence to know they always change and manipulate their text to suit their needs or times, so that is most likely the reason the number changed.
But remember there is the three layers of prophecy - historical, the repeat emulation and then the symbolic spiritual emulation. 666 in the minds of the expectations is not coincidental. In fact if you understood the affects of time, messaging, changing fate, and were very observant of the subtle changes in the living Bible then you'd understand changes occur many times as a result of the message (cause and affect).

But for christians, the bible is not altered but god inspired and perfect.
We know there are errors in translations and during copying, now tell them its context as well.......
Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day--

Nobody is to judge,
but the judge himself:

Michael is the one who brings men's souls to judgment ("signifer S. Michael repraesentet eas in lucam sanctam", Offert. Miss Defunct. "Constituit eum principem super animas suscipiendas", Antiph. off. Cf. "Hermas", Pastor, I, 3, Simil. VIII, 3).

Rome, it's character Jesus, Christianity & it's baal harvest scam is being judged, deal with it or rip out your pages of the Bible warning you of the refiners fire and birth pains.
You need to have your head examined.
Aris2chat you were the one who brought up XIC (616) as the older transcript number not me.
The reason it changed is most likely because Calligula=616 in that time but later they wanted to convey Nero who is said to be 666.
There's enough evidence to know they always change and manipulate their text to suit their needs or times, so that is most likely the reason the number changed.
But remember there is the three layers of prophecy - historical, the repeat emulation and then the symbolic spiritual emulation. 666 in the minds of the expectations is not coincidental. In fact if you understood the affects of time, messaging, changing fate, and were very observant of the subtle changes in the living Bible then you'd understand changes occur many times as a result of the message (cause and affect).

But for christians, the bible is not altered but god inspired and perfect.
We know there are errors in translations and during copying, now tell them its context as well.......

You should warn people to put down all beverages before reading your statement:
"But for christians, the bible is not altered but god inspired and perfect."

Seriously, how did you not laugh when you wrote that?
You just caused half the people reading your comment to have to wipe their phones, tablets, and computer screens.
Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day--

Nobody is to judge,
but the judge himself:

Michael is the one who brings men's souls to judgment ("signifer S. Michael repraesentet eas in lucam sanctam", Offert. Miss Defunct. "Constituit eum principem super animas suscipiendas", Antiph. off. Cf. "Hermas", Pastor, I, 3, Simil. VIII, 3).

Rome, it's character Jesus, Christianity & it's baal harvest scam is being judged, deal with it or rip out your pages of the Bible warning you of the refiners fire and birth pains.
You need to have your head examined.

By a Santa Claus believing grown man or a Buddah Belly Rubbing one?
Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day--

Nobody is to judge,
but the judge himself:

Michael is the one who brings men's souls to judgment ("signifer S. Michael repraesentet eas in lucam sanctam", Offert. Miss Defunct. "Constituit eum principem super animas suscipiendas", Antiph. off. Cf. "Hermas", Pastor, I, 3, Simil. VIII, 3).

Rome, it's character Jesus, Christianity & it's baal harvest scam is being judged, deal with it or rip out your pages of the Bible warning you of the refiners fire and birth pains.

Michael represents God's Mercy, so more in line with the
Holy Spirit that accompanies Jesus.
Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Justice with Mercy.

Whatever Justice we sow, so shall we reap.
I recommend the Restorative Justice side, not the Retributive Justice.

HaShev the Bible says
that we should "judge not by appearances but judge with righteous judgment"

John 7:24
24"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."

We do not judge people, but we judge if statements or perceptions are consistent or not,
and share rebukes between us as fellow believers to make corrections.
here is a random list of Christian responses to Bible verses, theology topics, social and behavior topics, historical accuracy, and the like. I'm leaving the original appalling language intact-be forewarned, this is the true hehavior of your brethren raised on the same free sin card called affiliation saved theology.
12/26/15 Weatherman2020
post #13119633
So now the fake Jew posting on the Sabbath follows what he refers to as Baal worship. What a clown.

12/28/15 7:47 AM
The fake Jew who posts on the Sabbath has indeed have a wild hair up his arse for the Messiah.

11/29/15 4:32 AM
Penelope said:
"Hey I'm proud of being raised a RC, as least I'm not a filthy mouth jew."

11/11/15 7:27 PM
"You didn't prove anything, halfwit. Your idiocy is unsource"

11/12/15 11:41 AM
"And you still haven't sourced shit.
In addition, I'm now convinced you're mentally ill."

12/28/15 at 5:22 PM
Guano's a retard. That's the beginning and end of that topic. And every single thread he posts illustrates nothing else except his retardedness. He's almost as lame as rtard and old farts.
11-29-15 9:43 PM
Edward_Palamar said:
"you gotta stop smokin' that crack."

11/18/15 3:27am
"Do you live in a psychiatric hospital?"

This is how many so called Christians like to discuss their religion or theology with others, they attack the people rather then refute or rebuttle the topic.
I think about 3 Angry Christians replied with lies that there were no sources and yet the post had many sources=caught lying and missleading the topic instead of discussing it like adults.
Example: I posted as a source the NT and the Church claimed finds including it's catalog number so it could be researched. This means they denied the validity of their own text the NT as a source and did so by cussing and name calling.
So isn't this behavior proof that the fallen idol and it's devotion to the idol and affiliation pride causes them all to be Wormwood (bitter & poisonous)?
Let's view samples of this behavior on forums.
Christian behavior recorded:
Proof that Christians defend their Luciferianism with bashing people, lying, and telling them to drink like they do and take drugs. Should we be surprised?
Let's review the hatred eminating from Christians by influence of the hatred Jesus had and the Church had especially in establishing affiliation pride.
The following behavior is a typical religious forum Christian poster in church forum and CL:
excuse the cussing I'm leaving these in it's original language:
Crusader Frank -7:32 PM June 4 2015
You and Guno need to go to a "Bible Studies for Truly Bitter People" Group meeting

June 4 2015
Yes, you should indeed go with the brown acid.
Frank called that one right.

If you want to be taken seriously, by me at least, you need to write clearly, express your ideas clearly. Your posts are full of incomplete sentences, an almost complete lack of correct punctuation, run-on sentences, and overall incorrect mechanics, which leads to writing that is incoherent. It is too much trouble to read your posts over and over again and try to figure out what you want to say. Also, such writing indicates a lack of education. People don't respect someone who is trying to discuss something significant when they are obviously not educated.

Dec 29, 2015 at 2:29 AM
Yep. You're allowed to eat yourself to death these days. Did you wash it down with a few beers or a humongous sized Coke and then wrap it all up with half a pack of after dinner cigs? Good for you.

please die § < Its-me-IKS > 04/16 06:04

bad news? who the hell gives a rat's ass < Its-me-IKS > 06/17 11:12
neggers are cowards § < Beacon7 > 04/16 13:46 -30<br>
But your wife is a dude sooooo § < Beacon7 > 04/16 13:50
Fuck off Dwite get sum Air. § < Beacon5 > 04/16 13:58

littleretardwhore^^^ § < Quantum_Mechanic > 04/13 19:58

AH! I see... < Quantum_Mechanic > 04/04 19:34:53

why you were rambling below. You're CRAZY!!!

aww... you're kinda stupid, huh? § < Quantum_Mechanic > 03/28 15:59

^^ delusional § < Stath2_2 > 03/28 15:53

You mean cripples? § < JustRoman > 04/16 18:54 <br>
. ^ homeless gay negro § < frhedd > 04/18 18:03 -5

quit making up stupid crap § < Godzillla >2014-10-20 08:16

Please die, you have nothing worthwhile to < Its-me-IKS > 04/11 06:10
says the moronic proven liar § < Stath2_2 > 04/13 20:14
good job and still proving your stupidity § < Stath2_2 > 04/13 20:04

You just arent very smart § < Stath2_2 > 05/14 23:19

. look at stupid making demands!!! § < frhedd > 03/28 15:40
your illiteracy is showing, dumbass § < son-of-frhedd > 2014-10-25 14:55

: . . Sleepy, Sneezey, Dopy, Bashful, Doc § < modern_profit > 03/28 15:40
: . . : . . Donner and Blitzen § < modern_profit > 03/28 15:41

plus he's bat shit crazy § < modern_profit > 2014-10-19 17:26

Older than what? You nitwit. § < IM4JCRU > 05/22 15:26
. OMG I called you a nitwit !! Do you have the < IM4JCRU > 05/22 15:32
Yawn... § < IM4JCRU > 05/22 15:48
Where's the coffee? § < IM4JCRU > 05/22 15:56
You exceeded your intake of stupid today. < IM4JCRU > 05/25 16:22
of ,course now we know his other alisas:
Im curious, how badly does it suck to go thru
< Stath2_2 > 05/25 17:05
Your stupidity is astounding § < Stath2_2 > 05/25 17:28
Drinking game < Stath2_2 > 06/04 13:14

Speak for yourself, pee brain § < Sgt_MACaTAC > 04/13 20:22

non Christian? God damn you are a stupid fuck. § < Sgt_MACaTAC > 04/04 22:43

: . . : . . : . . : . . Yes, dumbass. By definition..... < Sgt_MACaTAC > 04/04 22:50

Suck my Dick........Cavett § < Sgt_MACaTAC > 05/14 22:13
Yep. It's the homos. § < Sgt_MACaTAC > 05/14 22:42 ...... EAT SHIT !!!< Sgt_MACaTAC > 05/14 22:48:54
Fuck off, asshat. § < Sgt_MACaTAC > 05/14 23:00
You sure a long-winded bitch. § < Sgt_MACaTAC > 05/14 23:18
God damn you are a stupid fuck. § < Sgt-MACaTAC > 2014-10-18 15:53
Fuck you, asswipe. § < Sgt-MACaTAC > 2014-10-18 15:54
^^Stanky whore. § < Sgt-MACaTAC > 2014-10-25 14:45
See? I knew you are a stupid fuck..Here you < Skourpio > 05/14 22:12
You're a stupid fuck too. § < Skourpio > 05/14 22:22 <br>
That was dumb. § < Sgt_MACaTAC > 05/14 23:37 <br>
. Fuck you, ****. § < Sgt-MACaTAC > 2014-10-25 14:43
You're delusional. § < Sgt-MACaTAC > 2014-10-30 10:23
Get lost, asshat. § < Sgt-MACaTAC > 2014-10-30 10:31
Eat shit § < Sgt-MACaTAC > 2014-10-30 10:29
Get lost, fucktard. § < Sgt-MACaTAC > 2014-10-30 10:34
STFU, slut. § < Sgt-MACaTAC > 2014-10-30 10:35
Fuck off. § < Sgt-MACaTAC > 2014-10-30 12:01
. Quit talking about your mother. § < Sgt-MAC > 2014-11-12 23:01
Fuck off, douchenozzle § < SGT_MAC > 2014-11-27 17:44
^^^^ This is why you should not smoke crack! § < 777Yeshua777 >

name something he said that wasnt dumb § < Stath2_2 > 05/14 23:37
<br> wow too stupid to realize I was calling you < Stath2_2 > 05/14 23:49
. reallyt, we know you are stupid already. stop < Stath2_2 > 05/14 23:58
lunatic fringe, are you part of Occupy ReFo? § < soul_fire > 2014-10-20 08:23
. Here is a 5000mg Xanax § < Beacon7 > 2014-10-20 08:32

Nov 17, 2015 5:06 PM
"ZZZZZZZ Sorry your sub-literate rants put me to sleep."

IN the Jack Van Impe Forum they called Jews rats and dogs, and just about every forum has the Nazis comments with intent to inflict pain.
Attacks on Jews include moderator staff members themselves, like:
Nov 17, 2015 4:52 PM
"Jews DID invent terrorism after all.."

This is what Affiliation pride and Jesus brings.
If it walks like Lucifer, talks like lucifer, admits it's lucifer and the 1/3 decived in him act like Satanist then it's Luciferianism.

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