How many of you know that 99.55% of COVID cases are mild or not hospitalized?

Yes, the percentage of those who get Covid-19 and require hospitalization is relatively small. The relative fatality percentage is also small.

But when you translate that into real numbers, based on a US population of 320 million, it doesn't look as good.

With a population of 320 million people, with 1.09% testing positive, a 96.12% survival rate comes to 237,120 people dying from the virus.

I also question the accuracy of the claim that 99.55% do not require hospitalization. Using the same numbers (320 million population, 1.09% testing positive) then only 27,360 people require hospitalization. But 237,120 died. Did 209,360 people get sick enough to die without going to a hospital? I find that hard to believe.
Lets do your math again... comparing apples to apples... not as you did apples to oranges!
A) 330 million Americans ... as of now 40% have been tested. 3,618,739 cases or 8.07% tested have COVID.
B) Assuming ALL Americans are tested and the "Active cases are 8.07% positive.. or 26,626,387 Americans tested positive.
C) Now of those 99.5% DON"T require hospitalization or 121,104 require hospitalization or .45%!
FACTS not guesses.

I am not guessing. I am question why you started off saying 15% of Americans have been tested, and now claim 40% have been tested.

But let's use your numbers again. 26,626,387 Americans have tested positive.

You claim 96.12% will not die. That means 3.88% will die. Of the 26,626,387 who tested positive, 3.88% of 26,626,387 is 1,033,104.

So your numbers claim 1,033,104 people died, but only 121,104 were hospitalized?
The issue with the covid-19 virus is that it is contagious even when you don't know you have it.

That is what they claim. Kind of like if a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, did it really fall?

And if everyone is sick and contagious but no one knows it, does it really matter?

Sooner or later, everyone will be exposed to it. Sooner or later, everyone who is vulnerable to it will die from it.

All we're trying to do is stretch it out as long as possible to limit the impact to the healthcare industry--- --- at the expense of everyone else's lives, savings, jobs, business and economy.

The STUPIDEST thing I have ever seen.

The asymptomatic period is 7 to 10 days after exposure. After that, you run a fever and are sick. Sometimes very sick.

Then why haven't we simply shut down EVERYTHING totally 100% for two weeks like I've been saying many times and just be DONE with it?

If we simply all wore masks and practiced social distancing we could have it under control fairly quickly. And it is impossible to shut down 100% of everything. How many people have 2 weeks worth of food, medicine and other necessities? And do we want 2 weeks of no police, fire depts, medical facilities, gov't offices ect?
Yesterday on CNN there was a very sad story of a 13 year old girl "who died from the virus".
The ladies were visibly shaken and close to tears. An 'expert' made sure to 'blame Trump' of course. Literally in the last few seconds of this very very sad story one of the ladies said: "Sadly this young girl has serious underlying medical conditions".
How many of you know that 99.55% of COVID cases are mild or not hospitalized?
Everyone with a brain knows that. I just calculated that your actual chance of dying from Covid is around 16,000:1, about the same chance that today you might die from electrocution or radiation.

How many things WOULDN'T YOU DO just because there was a 1 in 16,000 chance of you dying from it. People drive every day even without a care though they have a 1 in 114 chance of dying doing it.

IN OTHER WORDS: 140 times more likely. Not TWICE. 140 times more likely of dying than Covid.

Who cares if you get it. All that matters is whether you will DIE from it.

You know Covid is all leftist BULLSHIT because all they do is try to spin the numbers to make it sound as bad as they can.

I think the research shows there can be serious, long-term health issues from having Covid-19. Death is not the only issue.
You're right. I actually know that because I'm very connected to the medical field. There can be permanent organ damage where the infection occurs. Still, much of the same can be said for food, cigarettes and many other things yet we don't shut down a nation in abject fear and gestapo restrictions.

Yes, there are a lot of things many of us do that cause problems. The difference is that I choose to smoke, or eat junk food. The issue with the covid-19 virus is that it is contagious even when you don't know you have it. Most people don't eat junk food or smoke without knowing it. And my smoking or eating junk food does not cause lung cancer or obesity in others (2nd hand smoke notwithstanding).
But doing those vices may lower your immune system increasing your chances for the virus. You can't help getting old. You can help being a breeder for the disease do to your life choices. Thankfully when the Prog Globalism is in full power, they will eradicate the weaker ones. And that will keep the species going.
Take (330,000,000 *US population* / 100,000) x 107.2 *the hospitalization rate per 100,000* = 353760 *total hospitalizations* / 3416428 *total cases* = 0.10354674531 = approx 10.3% hospitalization rate for those infected

Yesterday on CNN there was a very sad story of a 13 year old girl "who died from the virus".
The ladies were visibly shaken and close to tears. An 'expert' made sure to 'blame Trump' of course. Literally in the last few seconds of this very very sad story one of the ladies said: "Sadly this young girl has serious underlying medical conditions".
Yep....there's no doubt thousands of stories like this in Trump's America. Sadly, it did not have to be this way.
Take (330,000,000 *US population* / 100,000) x 107.2 *the hospitalization rate per 100,000* = 353760 *total hospitalizations* / 3416428 *total cases* = 0.10354674531 = approx 10.3% hospitalization rate for those infected

Thank you. That matches very well with the data we see from the states.
If we simply all wore masks and practiced social distancing we could have it under control fairly quickly.
I've always known it was airborn, and now that science has proven that true, dust masks and distancing WON'T do it.

And it is impossible to shut down 100% of everything.
Sure it is, effectively.

How many people have 2 weeks worth of food, medicine and other necessities?
Give them a little time to prepare.

WE spend billions studying threats and how to prepare. There are ways of doing this.
Take (330,000,000 *US population* / 100,000) x 107.2 *the hospitalization rate per 100,000* = 353760 *total hospitalizations* / 3416428 *total cases* = 0.10354674531 = approx 10.3% hospitalization rate for those infected

Thank you. That matches very well with the data we see from the states.
Matching fake news.
From this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 13,731,030 Cases and 587,779 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer the below FACTS regarding COVID.
A) 96.12% SURVIVE!!! DON"T DIE. Have you heard this??
B) 99.55% of cases are mild, NOT HOSPITALIZED but what have you been hearing/watching from the extremely BIASED MSM?
C) 40% of ALL Americans have been tested and how many cases??? 1.09% cases of Americans!

But read this CNN article...California, New Mexico and Oregon put new restrictions on indoor activities

Come on folks get realistic here.

View attachment 363955

So according to your numbers, 99.5% are mild but only 96% you're saying that 3.5% die even though their condition is 'mild'.

Since it's obvious that you can't do basic math, please stop posting ANYTHING having to do with mathematics and statistics. They're WAY above your head!
From this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 13,731,030 Cases and 587,779 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer the below FACTS regarding COVID.
A) 96.12% SURVIVE!!! DON"T DIE. Have you heard this??
B) 99.55% of cases are mild, NOT HOSPITALIZED but what have you been hearing/watching from the extremely BIASED MSM?
C) 40% of ALL Americans have been tested and how many cases??? 1.09% cases of Americans!

But read this CNN article...California, New Mexico and Oregon put new restrictions on indoor activities

Come on folks get realistic here.

View attachment 363955
Your numbers don't add up.

99% are mild but only 96% survive?

Think, Son. Don't just emote.
From this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 13,731,030 Cases and 587,779 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer the below FACTS regarding COVID.
A) 96.12% SURVIVE!!! DON"T DIE. Have you heard this??
B) 99.55% of cases are mild, NOT HOSPITALIZED but what have you been hearing/watching from the extremely BIASED MSM?
C) 15% of ALL Americans have been tested and how many cases??? 1.09% cases of Americans!

But read this CNN article...California, New Mexico and Oregon put new restrictions on indoor activities

Come on folks get realistic here.

View attachment 363955

I know this, I know this so called pandemic is actually no pandemic and is just a bunch of political bullshit and a hoax mostly because the democrats are desperately clinging to life.
To my mind a large number of people needs to die of a disease before it qualifies as an actual pandemic and so far it's less than even a million deaths worldwide.
By contrast in the 1918 flu pandemic a third of the world's population 500 million got it and 50 million died from it. That's roughly 10% for the mathematically inclined. Now that's a real pandemic. Compared to that, this thing is a mild case of the sniffles.

Here in Indiana, a nurse told me that among the incredible rise of Covid cases, that there were zero, I repeat ZERO new cases of the flu. I'm not sure if that is just Indiana, or nationally, but Covid CURED the flu. Yay Science.
From this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 13,731,030 Cases and 587,779 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer the below FACTS regarding COVID.
A) 96.12% SURVIVE!!! DON"T DIE. Have you heard this??
B) 99.55% of cases are mild, NOT HOSPITALIZED but what have you been hearing/watching from the extremely BIASED MSM?
C) 40% of ALL Americans have been tested and how many cases??? 1.09% cases of Americans!

But read this CNN article...California, New Mexico and Oregon put new restrictions on indoor activities

Come on folks get realistic here.

View attachment 363955

So according to your numbers, 99.5% are mild but only 96% you're saying that 3.5% die even though their condition is 'mild'.

Since it's obvious that you can't do basic math, please stop posting ANYTHING having to do with mathematics and statistics. They're WAY above your head!

You are so stupid! Here for your simple math deficient mind current data!
A) 99.55% of 3,602,280 cases are mild, not hospitalized, staying at home, quarantined, etc...
B) 0.45% of total 3,618,739 are serious, hospitalized or 16,459. Do you agree?
C) 96.126% of hospitalized and non-hospitalized SURVIVE... or of the total cases 3,618,739 subtract the 140,185 died equals 3,478,554 SURVIVE!
or 96.12% LIVE!
Do you understand?
only 16,459 have to be hospitalized. Comprehend?... that's just 0.455% of all cases, hospitalized! (just in case that is 4/10ths of 1%!)

I really don't know how to make it more clear that
A) We don't hear about the 99.55% of cases mild, not hospitalized...because that's positive news.
B) We don't hear that even among those hospitalized or serious condition...some LIVE!!!
C) Total percent of COVID cases that survive hospitalization or did not have serious is 96.126% survived! We don't hear that from the biased MSM!

Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 11.35.05 AM.png
From this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 13,731,030 Cases and 587,779 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer the below FACTS regarding COVID.
A) 96.12% SURVIVE!!! DON"T DIE. Have you heard this??
B) 99.55% of cases are mild, NOT HOSPITALIZED but what have you been hearing/watching from the extremely BIASED MSM?
C) 40% of ALL Americans have been tested and how many cases??? 1.09% cases of Americans!

But read this CNN article...California, New Mexico and Oregon put new restrictions on indoor activities

Come on folks get realistic here.

View attachment 363955
Your numbers don't add up.

99% are mild but only 96% survive?

Think, Son. Don't just emote.

Of the CASES reported.. 3,618,739, a total of 3,602,280 ARE MILD not hospitalized. (3,602,280 mild not hospitalized)/3,618,739) EQUALS 99.55%
HAS NOTHING To do with reported DEATHS!!!

NOW of all the cases reported... 140,185 died. Period!

Subtract from the TOTAL of 3,618,739 cases, those cases that died.. 140,185.....

(3,618,739 total cases LESS 140,185 deaths) = 3,478,554

OR when you divide 3,478,554 that survived by total cases of 3,618,739.... YOU GET 96.129% survived!!!

HAS nothing to do with the number of cases hospitalized figures.

GEEZ how complicated is that?
And still--of the 100 people you passed on the sidewalk, minutes ago: 4 will never be seen again on earth(?)! (The number of tested is low, and Trump thinks(?) it's way too high already, helpful to his statistical assessment--(Known as Dementia, in better circles)!

(If not so much, "Better" circles--At least at RNC it is probably down-ticket dementia, all over!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(RNC went to Florida, for nothing--Matthew 25: 14-30!)
Take (330,000,000 *US population* / 100,000) x 107.2 *the hospitalization rate per 100,000* = 353760 *total hospitalizations* / 3416428 *total cases* = 0.10354674531 = approx 10.3% hospitalization rate for those infected

Thank you. That matches very well with the data we see from the states.
Matching fake news.
Matching fake news.
Fake news?
Who's lying?
The Trump admin or the states? Both?

Tell us the "real" numbers.

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