How many of you know what Ecofascism is?

Do any of you know what Ecofascism is?

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  • I just want to blame the opposition instead

  • Pineapple in the morning please!!!

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And I say it was a nutter that didn’t get laid…
Oh dear.. I'm glad you're okay now.
It was decades ago and I am never proud of it but I do know how they think and act, so when I say if he claims to be what I used to be then there is no way he liked Trump.

My personal opinion is the idiot has issues with getting girls and believe he is some liberator for White Society…

I knew a few…

Idiots like him end up in Prison and after being raped and beaten daily he learn that his actions were wrong but there is no saving him now!
It was decades ago and I am never proud of it but I do know how they think and act, so when I say if he claims to be what I used to be then there is no way he liked Trump.

My personal opinion is the idiot has issues with getting girls and believe he is some liberator for White Society…

I knew a few…

Idiots like him end up in Prison and after being raped and beaten daily he learn that his actions were wrong but there is no saving him now!
What do you think of this?

To many F insane White men in the USA. They need to GO
Except white men from Sweden.
Sweden yes
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What do you think of this?

Here is my issue with the article and they try to tie him to more of a Tim McVeigh who was far right extremists and the Shooter has nothing truly in common with McVeigh or the Unabomber because both terrorists did not do their attacks based on race but more on their hatred for the Government, so I can not agree with the article…

Also as noted he quotes the New Zealand attack, so this mean to me he is more of a Green Anarchists than a White Nationalist.

Does he have leaning into the Nationalist movement?

For sure but he isn’t in the same camp as the two I mentioned at the start of my response and if he leans to the New Zealand attack then for sure Carlson and Trump did not fuel this idiot but more of someone like Duke teaching fueled him or someone like Duke…

People need to know David Duke is still followed in today time and many young boys who have no life draw to him ( I bet you think I was drawn to him but no I just was one of those guys that loved watching explosions when I was young and no I never did it against anyone )…

So as I read what that site said I have to disagree that the shooter is in the same camp of the Unabomber or McVeigh more into Duke camp while being into eco-fascism…
Why don’t you try again and you keep on mentioning Trump as if real Nationalists like that loser…

You are so ignorant about things that you believe whatever Kos, MSNBC, CNN or any far left site tell you but the truth is if that idiot who killed those people is truly what he said he is then you have no clue who he is or where he got his teachings and information!

Race Replacement Theory has been around before you were born and believe me I have known about it since the 1970’s so Tucker and Trump are not the original people to think up that nonsense!

Next, if the idiot who shot those people is what he claims to be then believe me he is a Green Anarchists and not a Nationalist and they are known to be racist!

You should learn about what you think you know because truthfully you don’t know shit and spewing that nonsense about all White Nationalists go to Trump stupid events is total bullshit on your part!

Truthfully if the idiot that claimed he is a Green Nazi would more likely attend a Green Party meeting or rally or a DSA rally because he belong to that group and not with the Trump Zombies!


Simple, Trump loves Israel, his daughter is married to a Jewish man and Trump dated non-whites, so ya know those like that idiot that shot those Blacks wouldn’t be a Trump supporter!

Now when you discover all this I bet you will then want all this to be forgotten because you will have once again shown you true fucking ignorance you have no understanding about!
I am sorry for posting frivolous on your thread
And I say it was a nutter that didn’t get laid…
Given the similarities between this guys "manifesto," and "Brenton Tarrant's," manifesto of the Christchurch mass shooting? IMO, there is just as much possibility that is is a product of disinformation produced in a hurry by the Deep State for propaganda purposes. The idea, cannot, IMO, be totally discounted.


How many more gun regulations can NY even implement? Bruh, what fucking "gun debate" and regulations? Everything is already illegal there

The first manifesto by the New Zealand shooter, was a very effective tool in reforming the guns law of New Zealand. If you read them both, side by side, they are formatted the SAME. Given that the establishment's tech capabilities can know what every citizen is looking at and viewing, in real time through data analytics, at all time, IMO? They knew what this kid was up to, and could have prevented this if they had wanted. But they didn't.

They primary objective is to try to get the masses to demand getting rid of their natural right to self defense and to own and to bear arms, for both the middle class and lower classes, while the elites & oligarchs will still retain those rights for their private security details.

Does anyone really think if the goals of mass gun confiscation are achieved in the US, like they have been in Britain, Australia, and N.Z., that folks like Bill Gates and Elon Musk will be affected at all?


However, if you read this guys so-called manifesto, Candy is right, he does identity as a white ethno-nationalist, and an ecofacist, and everything else under the sun. . . He even admits that yes, he is a white supremacist, so you are BOTH rigth. . .

But mostly, it portrays him as xenophobic, antisemitic, and crazy as a fox.

I suspect, in turns, we are all to be made right by what the establishment and the Deep State is doing. We should not give this controversy any air, and should probably ignore it.

More folks died in Chicago of gunfire last weekend, and the weekend before, what did the mass media say?


A far, FAR great portion of the 180 pages was devoted to weapons and equipment that this guy was supposedly obsessed with. . . that one could make a case, that the establishment would like to ban, or make unavailable for civilian purchase.
Not a common term but it's easy to decipher. Mostly ignorant left wingers use the word "fascist" when they are arrested for drug possession or disturbing the peace but generally speaking "fascism" is government control over the production and distribution of goods and services. "Eco" in this concept stands for the radical anti-capitalist "green" philosophy endorsed by the global warming crowd. It seems that the Buffalo NY shooter was a "greenie" but that's another issue.

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