How many of you would want this to happen to your home? we go again. They are coming for jobs. Address that are not. Does anyone really expect Biden to do what Trump never would either?
Who cares why they are coming? Keeping them out is the government's job.

And the government refuses to address why they are coming so the next best solution is to make them legal.
They are coming because Biden allows them to come, NAZI.

They gave been coming for years. But you know this.
They have been coming because open-borders scum like you have been allowing them to.

Because people won't enforce employment laws.
All they have to do is enforce the border. Send them packing when they are caught crossing illegally. Democrats are the ones who refuse to enforce our employment laws.

A good argument could be made that the European immigrants and their descendants are the violators, and the Mexicans are the native legal owners of all North America.

They're certainly the owners of the lands along the West Coast, from California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. California voted for Statehood. New Mexico was annexed after the Mexican War as a territory, and Arizona was ceded by Mexico in 1848.

Somebody made the point that the USA/Mexican border wasn't created by geography or race, it was created by the Mexican/American War, and the annexation of Texas by the USA. Borders which are decided by war, are always disputed, and there is seldom peace along those borders. It's a valid point, and one that is certainly applicable here.

Sad that we actually have people who call themselves Americans who believe Americans don’t have rights to the U.S. territory. They believe Americans died for nothing in the Mexican American War, they believe our Declaration Of Independence means nothing. They detest our right to sovereignty. Oddly, they never talk about the rights of first settlers, I suppose you believe Asian Russians have ultimate right to the territory...right? Mexicans stole it from them...right?
Our fathers and grandfathers are rolling in their graves...your ilk never existed in their time. we go again. They are coming for jobs. Address that are not. Does anyone really expect Biden to do what Trump never would either?
Who cares why they are coming? Keeping them out is the government's job.

And the government refuses to address why they are coming so the next best solution is to make them legal.
They are coming because Biden allows them to come, NAZI.

They gave been coming for years. But you know this.
They have been coming because open-borders scum like you have been allowing them to.

Because people won't enforce employment laws.
All they have to do is enforce the border. Send them packing when they are caught crossing illegally. Democrats are the ones who refuse to enforce our employment laws.

A good argument could be made that the European immigrants and their descendants are the violators, and the Mexicans are the native legal owners of all North America.

That’s actually an argument for America hating fools....educate yourself Tard.
Someone breaking into your home like the photo on the left.
I'm 100% sure that 100% of you wouldn't want the photo on the left to happen.

So then why are some of you OK with the photo of illegal entry to your country on the right?

Democrats unveiled President Biden's mass-legalization plan in Congress on Thursday,
proposing legal status for perhaps 11 million illegal immigrants (aliens) breaking the law already here, fewer penalties on future


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Your home is your personal property you paid for and own.
The US is not our personal property, and we did not pay for it but instead stolen it through murder.

America is owned by a collective, we call this collective American Citizens....Good, real, core Americans see all of America as a place they own. America haters wouldn’t understand the concept.

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