How many of you would want this to happen to your home? we go again. They are coming for jobs. Address that are not. Does anyone really expect Biden to do what Trump never would either?
Who cares why they are coming? Keeping them out is the government's job.

And the government refuses to address why they are coming so the next best solution is to make them legal.
They are coming because Biden allows them to come, NAZI. we go again. They are coming for jobs. Address that are not. Does anyone really expect Biden to do what Trump never would either?
Who cares why they are coming? Keeping them out is the government's job.

And the government refuses to address why they are coming so the next best solution is to make them legal.
They are coming because Biden allows them to come, NAZI.

They gave been coming for years. But you know this.
Someone breaking into your home like the photo on the left.
I'm 100% sure that 100% of you wouldn't want the photo on the left to happen.

So then why are some of you OK with the photo of illegal entry to your country on the right?

Democrats unveiled President Biden's mass-legalization plan in Congress on Thursday,
proposing legal status for perhaps 11 million illegal immigrants (aliens) breaking the law already here, fewer penalties on future


View attachment 459071
View attachment 459091

You suggesting that Indians had a no immigration policy in place?

By the way the Indians came in and took the land for free, then over the centuries make war with each other to defend THEIR borders.

:auiqs.jpg: we go again. They are coming for jobs. Address that are not. Does anyone really expect Biden to do what Trump never would either?
Who cares why they are coming? Keeping them out is the government's job.

And the government refuses to address why they are coming so the next best solution is to make them legal.
They are coming because Biden allows them to come, NAZI.

They gave been coming for years. But you know this.
They have been coming because open-borders scum like you have been allowing them to. we go again. They are coming for jobs. Address that are not. Does anyone really expect Biden to do what Trump never would either?
Who cares why they are coming? Keeping them out is the government's job.

And the government refuses to address why they are coming so the next best solution is to make them legal.
They are coming because Biden allows them to come, NAZI.

They gave been coming for years. But you know this.
They have been coming because open-borders scum like you have been allowing them to.

Because people won't enforce employment laws.
Trump hired lots of illegals for his golf resorts and hotels.
I dont remember that

do you have a link?

Report: Trump Happily Employing Undocumented Workers While ...
Demonizing immigrants played a key role in Donald Trump ’s campaign for the presidency, just as cracking down on “illegal” border crossings and whipping the base into a frenzy over a so-called...

Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
President Trump Hired Undocumented Immigrants for $4 An ...
President Donald Trump hired hundreds of undocumented Polish immigrants to demolish a New York City building in 1980 and paid them as little as $4 an hour without providing proper safety equipment...
Both Vanity Faire and Newsweek have taken down the pages you sent us to

but I cant believe Trump has anything to do with hiring groundskeepers at his golf courses

I vaguely remember the reports at the time

what happened is he preemptively let them go because they were illegal aliens and they went to the news media
Trump hired lots of illegals for his golf resorts and hotels.
I dont remember that

do you have a link?

Report: Trump Happily Employing Undocumented Workers While ...
Demonizing immigrants played a key role in Donald Trump ’s campaign for the presidency, just as cracking down on “illegal” border crossings and whipping the base into a frenzy over a so-called...

Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
President Trump Hired Undocumented Immigrants for $4 An ...
President Donald Trump hired hundreds of undocumented Polish immigrants to demolish a New York City building in 1980 and paid them as little as $4 an hour without providing proper safety equipment...
Both Vanity Faire and Newsweek have taken down the pages you sent us to

but I cant believe Trump has anything to do with hiring groundskeepers at his golf courses

I vaguely remember the reports at the time

what happened is he preemptively let them go because they were illegal aliens and they went to the news media

Groundskeepers, maids, waiters etc. What you are saying is that Trump didn't set policy or manage his golf resorts or hotels.
They are coming for jobs.
What kind of jobs are these unaccompanied minors looking for in America?
Quit acting ignorant.
You should try to understand that illegals are coming here for the free ride that libs like you are promising

Gustavo Angel Martinez Aguilar a.k.a pknopp refuses to see the obvious.
It can't be the free childbirth, the stolen citizenships, the free education, the free healthcare, the EBT card, the subsidized housing, the free taxpayer cash...nah, it's that awesome job cleaning shitters they come for. Makes perfect sense in LibTardia.
Someone breaking into your home like the photo on the left.
I'm 100% sure that 100% of you wouldn't want the photo on the left to happen.

So then why are some of you OK with the photo of illegal entry to your country on the right?

Democrats unveiled President Biden's mass-legalization plan in Congress on Thursday,
proposing legal status for perhaps 11 million illegal immigrants (aliens) breaking the law already here, fewer penalties on future


View attachment 459071
I just checked. False equivalencies are still.false.
How is it "false". You I'm sure don't want someone performing an illegal act, i.e. breaking into your home.
So why is it OK for illegal entry into this country, especially when people like me have relatives that spent several years, several thousands of dollars and several hundreds of hours to become an American citizen? Why is it ok for "illegal aliens" to become citizens via Biden's EO? Don't you see the unfairness to people like my relatives that became "Legal citizens" by following the laws? Millions of Americans like me find this grossly unfair.

They can break in and do my housework I suppose. I'll even pay them a few dollars an hour.
Ah yes, the old lib lie that its all American employers fault fir LURING the poor illegal aliens here with the promise of jobs

Why is it that the USA is the ONLY nation in the world with a significant illegal alien problem? One would think that many European countries would have similar problems. There's, long, long coastlines in the Mediterranean Sea where smugglers could drop off those poor Africans, and yet it doesn't happen.

That's because they go after the employers. I lost my SIN card, and didn't have a birth certificate, to get a replacement for it, and I was nearly fired from my job, because I couldn't provide my employer with my original SIN card. They were legally required to make a copy of the original card for their records. Failure to do so is a $10,000 fine. When I explained my problem, they helped me get my birth certificate, and I now have an actual SIN card, without which I could not have worked, in Canada.
As a foreigner I really wish you would mind your own business and stay out of ours
Why not address the point?
Someone breaking into your home like the photo on the left.
I'm 100% sure that 100% of you wouldn't want the photo on the left to happen.

So then why are some of you OK with the photo of illegal entry to your country on the right?

Democrats unveiled President Biden's mass-legalization plan in Congress on Thursday,
proposing legal status for perhaps 11 million illegal immigrants (aliens) breaking the law already here, fewer penalties on future


View attachment 459071
I just checked. False equivalencies are still.false.
How is it "false". You I'm sure don't want someone performing an illegal act, i.e. breaking into your home.
So why is it OK for illegal entry into this country, especially when people like me have relatives that spent several years, several thousands of dollars and several hundreds of hours to become an American citizen? Why is it ok for "illegal aliens" to become citizens via Biden's EO? Don't you see the unfairness to people like my relatives that became "Legal citizens" by following the laws? Millions of Americans like me find this grossly unfair.

They can break in and do my housework I suppose. I'll even pay them a few dollars an hour.
Ah yes, the old lib lie that its all American employers fault fir LURING the poor illegal aliens here with the promise of jobs
They should arrest bank presidents for keeping all that money in one spot and luring bank robbers into becoming criminals.
Are the bank presidents bringing in illegal money from across the border?
makes you lot look selfish beyond measure.
You have GOT to be fuckin kidding me. What all are we supposed to do? We already wipe everyones fuckin asses.
If we get to involved, we are bad.
If we dont, we are bad.
Selfish? Fuck you

That's the thing, isn't it? Damned if you don't, damned if you matter what we do, we are wrong. Screw the fascist left. we go again. They are coming for jobs. Address that are not. Does anyone really expect Biden to do what Trump never would either?
Who cares why they are coming? Keeping them out is the government's job.

And the government refuses to address why they are coming so the next best solution is to make them legal.
They are coming because Biden allows them to come, NAZI.

They gave been coming for years. But you know this.
They have been coming because open-borders scum like you have been allowing them to.

Because people won't enforce employment laws.
All they have to do is enforce the border. Send them packing when they are caught crossing illegally. Democrats are the ones who refuse to enforce our employment laws.

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