How many of you would want this to happen to your home?

Someone breaking into your home like the photo on the left.
I'm 100% sure that 100% of you wouldn't want the photo on the left to happen.

So then why are some of you OK with the photo of illegal entry to your country on the right?

Democrats unveiled President Biden's mass-legalization plan in Congress on Thursday,
proposing legal status for perhaps 11 million illegal immigrants (aliens) breaking the law already here, fewer penalties on future


View attachment 459071
View attachment 459091
Is that Liz Warrens granpa ?
Why is it that the USA is the ONLY nation in the world with a significant illegal alien problem?
Of course, that isnt true. You foreigners like to get on here and lie.
NRC Excludes 1.9 Million; Govt Had Said There Were 5 Million Illegal Immigrants In Assam (
How Russia Deals with Immigrants - American Renaissance (

Its true in Canada and in Europe and Saudi Arabia. We can't do healthcare for all either.
Canada is # 10 as far as illegals.
We have a corrupt govt filled with ignorance. I dont want them to take over healthcare. Hell, they are the reason its so high to begin with.

Maybe we are more corrupt than Canada or Saudi Arabia.

Healthcare is high because of cost shifting and insurance companies.
Yeah i guess when healthcare costs started to rise in the 30s had nothing to do with the govt getting involved in healthcare in the 30s. Nor the rise when medicaid was introduced. Its just coincidence.

You mean 90 years go? Housing, education and groceries have also gone up in the past 90 years.
Excellent observation.
Someone breaking into your home like the photo on the left.
I'm 100% sure that 100% of you wouldn't want the photo on the left to happen.

So then why are some of you OK with the photo of illegal entry to your country on the right?

Democrats unveiled President Biden's mass-legalization plan in Congress on Thursday,
proposing legal status for perhaps 11 million illegal immigrants (aliens) breaking the law already here, fewer penalties on future


View attachment 459071
View attachment 459091

Look at you doing the indian thingy thinking its relevant.
That's a very strange way to break-in through a front door ... there should be a dozen #12 wood screws holding the hinges to the kingpost ... next time, try the latch side ...

We'll need bigger government to seal our southern boarder ... higher taxes ... ask any border patrol agent, we need more border patrol agents ...

Border patrol agents are GRUNTS.
Why is it that the USA is the ONLY nation in the world with a significant illegal alien problem?
Of course, that isnt true. You foreigners like to get on here and lie.
NRC Excludes 1.9 Million; Govt Had Said There Were 5 Million Illegal Immigrants In Assam (
How Russia Deals with Immigrants - American Renaissance (

Your examples are INDIA and RUSSIA. Neither are first world countries.

Furthermore, 60% of your "illegals" are coming in through your airports, not the Southern Border.

Canada has, at most, 120,000 illegals. The Canadian government says it's 30,000. That number seems low, given that the RCMP caught 25,000 sneaking across the Canada/US border just in 2019, and only sent 1000 of them home.

Illegals tend not to stay. Especially American illegals. Not only can you not find work, without a valid social insurance number, you can't do shit. You can't apply for credit, or an apartment. First question: Name; Second Question: SIN Number. You can't apply for any form of socials assistance, and without a SIN Card, or a driver's license, and you can't find work. Hospitals won't treat you without an OHIP card, and doctors are not allowed to private bill outside of the OHIP system, and you can't get an OHIP card without SIN, unless you're a minor child with a Canadian birth certificate.
Someone breaking into your home like the photo on the left.
I'm 100% sure that 100% of you wouldn't want the photo on the left to happen.

So then why are some of you OK with the photo of illegal entry to your country on the right?

Democrats unveiled President Biden's mass-legalization plan in Congress on Thursday,
proposing legal status for perhaps 11 million illegal immigrants (aliens) breaking the law already here, fewer penalties on future


View attachment 459071
View attachment 459091

and you didn't learn anything from that?

Obviously Billyboom and Lakhota will be okay with us taking over their reservations when Mexico’s people flush us out...only makes sense right?
Why is it that the USA is the ONLY nation in the world with a significant illegal alien problem?
Of course, that isnt true. You foreigners like to get on here and lie.
NRC Excludes 1.9 Million; Govt Had Said There Were 5 Million Illegal Immigrants In Assam (
How Russia Deals with Immigrants - American Renaissance (

Its true in Canada and in Europe and Saudi Arabia. We can't do healthcare for all either.

I meant to say "first world" and India and Russia are hardly first world countries.

Yet China manages to do healthcare for all and their population is larger than yours. So does all of Europe and much of Asia as well. Japan and South Korea, basiscally the first world countries of Asia, are doing health care much better than Europe and North America.
That's a very strange way to break-in through a front door ... there should be a dozen #12 wood screws holding the hinges to the kingpost ... next time, try the latch side ...

We'll need bigger government to seal our southern boarder ... higher taxes ... ask any border patrol agent, we need more border patrol agents ...

Border patrol agents are GRUNTS.
Why is it that the USA is the ONLY nation in the world with a significant illegal alien problem?
Of course, that isnt true. You foreigners like to get on here and lie.
NRC Excludes 1.9 Million; Govt Had Said There Were 5 Million Illegal Immigrants In Assam (
How Russia Deals with Immigrants - American Renaissance (

Your examples are INDIA and RUSSIA. Neither are first world countries.

Furthermore, 60% of your "illegals" are coming in through your airports, not the Southern Border.

Canada has, at most, 120,000 illegals. The Canadian government says it's 30,000. That number seems low, given that the RCMP caught 25,000 sneaking across the Canada/US border just in 2019, and only sent 1000 of them home.

Illegals tend not to stay. Especially American illegals. Not only can you not find work, without a valid social insurance number, you can't do shit. You can't apply for credit, or an apartment. First question: Name; Second Question: SIN Number. You can't apply for any form of socials assistance, and without a SIN Card, or a driver's license, and you can't find work. Hospitals won't treat you without an OHIP card, and doctors are not allowed to private bill outside of the OHIP system, and you can't get an OHIP card without SIN, unless you're a minor child with a Canadian birth certificate.
Moving the goal posts, instead of apologizing for spreading misinformation, is the way honest people do it. :rolleyes:
Why is it that the USA is the ONLY nation in the world with a significant illegal alien problem?
Of course, that isnt true. You foreigners like to get on here and lie.
NRC Excludes 1.9 Million; Govt Had Said There Were 5 Million Illegal Immigrants In Assam (
How Russia Deals with Immigrants - American Renaissance (

Its true in Canada and in Europe and Saudi Arabia. We can't do healthcare for all either.

I meant to say "first world" and India and Russia are hardly first world countries.

Yet China manages to do healthcare for all and their population is larger than yours. So does all of Europe and much of Asia as well. Japan and South Korea, basiscally the first world countries of Asia, are doing health care much better than Europe and North America.

Communism and or $6 per liter fuel, and 30% tax rates for anybody working.
Sounds awesome huh?
Why is it that the USA is the ONLY nation in the world with a significant illegal alien problem?
Of course, that isnt true. You foreigners like to get on here and lie.
NRC Excludes 1.9 Million; Govt Had Said There Were 5 Million Illegal Immigrants In Assam (
How Russia Deals with Immigrants - American Renaissance (

Its true in Canada and in Europe and Saudi Arabia. We can't do healthcare for all either.

I meant to say "first world" and India and Russia are hardly first world countries.

Yet China manages to do healthcare for all and their population is larger than yours. So does all of Europe and much of Asia as well. Japan and South Korea, basiscally the first world countries of Asia, are doing health care much better than Europe and North America.
Japan basically has obamacare except it isnt supposed to create a dang near healthcare monopoly like obamacare.
Our biggest problem is americans are stupid and they elect stupid people. Its about party around here. Not intelligence, or other factors that actually matter.
Someone breaking into your home like the photo on the left.
I'm 100% sure that 100% of you wouldn't want the photo on the left to happen.

So then why are some of you OK with the photo of illegal entry to your country on the right?

Democrats unveiled President Biden's mass-legalization plan in Congress on Thursday,
proposing legal status for perhaps 11 million illegal immigrants (aliens) breaking the law already here, fewer penalties on future


View attachment 459071
I just checked. False equivalencies are still.false.
How is it "false". You I'm sure don't want someone performing an illegal act, i.e. breaking into your home.
So why is it OK for illegal entry into this country, especially when people like me have relatives that spent several years, several thousands of dollars and several hundreds of hours to become an American citizen? Why is it ok for "illegal aliens" to become citizens via Biden's EO? Don't you see the unfairness to people like my relatives that became "Legal citizens" by following the laws? Millions of Americans like me find this grossly unfair.

They can break in and do my housework I suppose. I'll even pay them a few dollars an hour.
Ah yes, the old lib lie that its all American employers fault fir LURING the poor illegal aliens here with the promise of jobs

Why is it that the USA is the ONLY nation in the world with a significant illegal alien problem? One would think that many European countries would have similar problems. There's, long, long coastlines in the Mediterranean Sea where smugglers could drop off those poor Africans, and yet it doesn't happen.

That's because
Someone breaking into your home like the photo on the left.
I'm 100% sure that 100% of you wouldn't want the photo on the left to happen.

So then why are some of you OK with the photo of illegal entry to your country on the right?

Democrats unveiled President Biden's mass-legalization plan in Congress on Thursday,
proposing legal status for perhaps 11 million illegal immigrants (aliens) breaking the law already here, fewer penalties on future


View attachment 459071
I just checked. False equivalencies are still.false.
How is it "false". You I'm sure don't want someone performing an illegal act, i.e. breaking into your home.
So why is it OK for illegal entry into this country, especially when people like me have relatives that spent several years, several thousands of dollars and several hundreds of hours to become an American citizen? Why is it ok for "illegal aliens" to become citizens via Biden's EO? Don't you see the unfairness to people like my relatives that became "Legal citizens" by following the laws? Millions of Americans like me find this grossly unfair.

They can break in and do my housework I suppose. I'll even pay them a few dollars an hour.
Ah yes, the old lib lie that its all American employers fault fir LURING the poor illegal aliens here with the promise of jobs

The way to stop illegal immigration is to fine employers who hire them... It would be inexpensive to expand E-Verify.

So you support iCE raiding businesses that hire/employ wetbacks?
Do you ever see Mexifornia forcing employers to use e-verify?

I just checked the laws. That's absolutely whack. Jerry Brown was governor at the time. I would like to see the rationale behind this idiocy.

It has generally been Republicans who have opposed laws punishing employers. W block such legislation when he was in office, and stopped ALL deportations. Obama was and still is the "Deportation King". He sent more illegals out of the country than Trump.

Trump just locked them up and abused them - for years, @ $700 per day per prisoner. All payments to the "for profit" prison company who contributed to his "inauguration fund". Obama never had more than 12,000 in custody at any time. Trump had more than 40,000 locked up throughout his Presidency, even though his deportation numbers were lower than Obama's.

Trump's whole rounding up of illegals was just to abuse people, and reward his donors. Because he could. When DHS workers refused to obey his illegal orders in the treatment of refugees and undocumented workers, he simply fired them, and replaced them with for-profit prison companies which would follow his illegal orders.

Trump's whole "anti-illegals" stance was part of his scam to enrich his billionaire donors and buddies. The guys who lined up to join his East Coast Golf Clubs, and line Trump's pockets. Like everything else Trump does, it was an illegal scam, to pick the taxpayers' pockets.

Biden is cleaning up this mess, and YOU should be grateful for that because the people who Trump abused are going to be suing the US government for billions.

Trump hired lots of illegals for his golf resorts and hotels.
Link that please
Why is it that the USA is the ONLY nation in the world with a significant illegal alien problem?
Of course, that isnt true. You foreigners like to get on here and lie.
NRC Excludes 1.9 Million; Govt Had Said There Were 5 Million Illegal Immigrants In Assam (
How Russia Deals with Immigrants - American Renaissance (

Its true in Canada and in Europe and Saudi Arabia. We can't do healthcare for all either.

I meant to say "first world" and India and Russia are hardly first world countries.

Yet China manages to do healthcare for all and their population is larger than yours. So does all of Europe and much of Asia as well. Japan and South Korea, basiscally the first world countries of Asia, are doing health care much better than Europe and North America.

I know.. Americans really don't want healthcare for all or deporting illegals.
Someone breaking into your home like the photo on the left.
I'm 100% sure that 100% of you wouldn't want the photo on the left to happen.

So then why are some of you OK with the photo of illegal entry to your country on the right?

Democrats unveiled President Biden's mass-legalization plan in Congress on Thursday,
proposing legal status for perhaps 11 million illegal immigrants (aliens) breaking the law already here, fewer penalties on future


View attachment 459071
I just checked. False equivalencies are still.false.
How is it "false". You I'm sure don't want someone performing an illegal act, i.e. breaking into your home.
So why is it OK for illegal entry into this country, especially when people like me have relatives that spent several years, several thousands of dollars and several hundreds of hours to become an American citizen? Why is it ok for "illegal aliens" to become citizens via Biden's EO? Don't you see the unfairness to people like my relatives that became "Legal citizens" by following the laws? Millions of Americans like me find this grossly unfair.

They can break in and do my housework I suppose. I'll even pay them a few dollars an hour.

That’s a clever spin for a message board in cyberspace.
What about the extracurriculars they tend to engage in?
Can they rape our daughters as long as they sweep the floors when they’re done?
Why is it that the USA is the ONLY nation in the world with a significant illegal alien problem?
Of course, that isnt true. You foreigners like to get on here and lie.
NRC Excludes 1.9 Million; Govt Had Said There Were 5 Million Illegal Immigrants In Assam (
How Russia Deals with Immigrants - American Renaissance (

Its true in Canada and in Europe and Saudi Arabia. We can't do healthcare for all either.

I meant to say "first world" and India and Russia are hardly first world countries.

Yet China manages to do healthcare for all and their population is larger than yours. So does all of Europe and much of Asia as well. Japan and South Korea, basiscally the first world countries of Asia, are doing health care much better than Europe and North America.

I know.. Americans really don't want healthcare for all or deporting illegals.
Weird huh?
Positive contributors want healthcare for anyone who pays for it while beggars want healthcare that positive contributors pay for.
Fuck it, why Ferrari’s for all?

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