How many of you would want this to happen to your home? we go again. They are coming for jobs. Address that are not. Does anyone really expect Biden to do what Trump never would either?
Who cares why they are coming? Keeping them out is the government's job.

And the government refuses to address why they are coming so the next best solution is to make them legal.
They are coming because Biden allows them to come, NAZI.

They gave been coming for years. But you know this.
They have been coming because open-borders scum like you have been allowing them to.

Because people won't enforce employment laws.
All they have to do is enforce the border. Send them packing when they are caught crossing illegally. Democrats are the ones who refuse to enforce our employment laws.

Wait until they are made legal. Then you will wish you had demanded that the businesses were addressed.
Someone breaking into your home like the photo on the left.
I'm 100% sure that 100% of you wouldn't want the photo on the left to happen.

So then why are some of you OK with the photo of illegal entry to your country on the right?

Democrats unveiled President Biden's mass-legalization plan in Congress on Thursday,
proposing legal status for perhaps 11 million illegal immigrants (aliens) breaking the law already here, fewer penalties on future


View attachment 459071

Your home is your personal property you paid for and own.
The US is not our personal property, and we did not pay for it but instead stolen it through murder. we go again. They are coming for jobs. Address that are not. Does anyone really expect Biden to do what Trump never would either?
Who cares why they are coming? Keeping them out is the government's job.

And the government refuses to address why they are coming so the next best solution is to make them legal.
They are coming because Biden allows them to come, NAZI.

They gave been coming for years. But you know this.
They have been coming because open-borders scum like you have been allowing them to.

Because people won't enforce employment laws.
All they have to do is enforce the border. Send them packing when they are caught crossing illegally. Democrats are the ones who refuse to enforce our employment laws.

A good argument could be made that the European immigrants and their descendants are the violators, and the Mexicans are the native legal owners of all North America.
I wonder what Afghans and Iraqi's and Iranians that about "illegal immigrants"?
Cross their border and they kill you.

I didn't realize that tens of thousands of people were trying to get into ANY of these countries. Tens of thousands of people are leaving Afghanistan as refugees, not sneak in. Ditto Iraq, and Iran. The only countries that care about people sneaking in are first world countries where residents get significant social benefits.

There are 3 million refugees in Iran, who came from Afghanistan. 2.5 million are undocuments.

Even the Iranians take in refugees, but conservative Americans would do less the the Mullahs. Shoots your claims of being a Christian nation right in the foot.

Sometime I wonder how early fools like you start drinking.
Thanks for the interesting article. That "Bed Quota" needs to go, but fast, so some of these people can wait with relatives for their hearings on their own dime. If they don't appear for their hearing, they never get the chance to establish legal residency.
How's that? we go again. They are coming for jobs. Address that are not. Does anyone really expect Biden to do what Trump never would either?
Who cares why they are coming? Keeping them out is the government's job.

And the government refuses to address why they are coming so the next best solution is to make them legal.
They are coming because Biden allows them to come, NAZI.

They gave been coming for years. But you know this.
They have been coming because open-borders scum like you have been allowing them to.

Because people won't enforce employment laws.
All they have to do is enforce the border. Send them packing when they are caught crossing illegally. Democrats are the ones who refuse to enforce our employment laws.

A good argument could be made that the European immigrants and their descendants are the violators, and the Mexicans are the native legal owners of all North America.

They're certainly the owners of the lands along the West Coast, from California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. California voted for Statehood. New Mexico was annexed after the Mexican War as a territory, and Arizona was ceded by Mexico in 1848.

Somebody made the point that the USA/Mexican border wasn't created by geography or race, it was created by the Mexican/American War, and the annexation of Texas by the USA. Borders which are decided by war, are always disputed, and there is seldom peace along those borders. It's a valid point, and one that is certainly applicable here.

Hardly. You really need to read the articles you link:

Claim: A record number of people were deported from the U.S. during Barack Obama's tenure as President.


What's True

Statistically, more people were deported from the U.S. during the administration of President Barack Obama than during that of any other president.

Then there's this:

Someone breaking into your home like the photo on the left.
I'm 100% sure that 100% of you wouldn't want the photo on the left to happen.

So then why are some of you OK with the photo of illegal entry to your country on the right?

Democrats unveiled President Biden's mass-legalization plan in Congress on Thursday,
proposing legal status for perhaps 11 million illegal immigrants (aliens) breaking the law already here, fewer penalties on future


View attachment 459071

Americans approved it in Palestine..

What Americans did anything to Palestine (Israel)?
That's a very strange way to break-in through a front door ... there should be a dozen #12 wood screws holding the hinges to the kingpost ... next time, try the latch side ...

We'll need bigger government to seal our southern boarder ... higher taxes ... ask any border patrol agent, we need more border patrol agents ...
One of my co-workers cousins works on the border and agrees with you.

Both Bush and Obama increased the number of Border Patrol agents to 21,000.
Not enough according to my co-worker's cousin.
21,000 people across 700 miles of passable border.
It seems we need an electrified wall.

Or you could just fine the employers who hire them.
That's a very strange way to break-in through a front door ... there should be a dozen #12 wood screws holding the hinges to the kingpost ... next time, try the latch side ...

We'll need bigger government to seal our southern boarder ... higher taxes ... ask any border patrol agent, we need more border patrol agents ...

Border patrol agents are GRUNTS.
Why is it that the USA is the ONLY nation in the world with a significant illegal alien problem?
Of course, that isnt true. You foreigners like to get on here and lie.
NRC Excludes 1.9 Million; Govt Had Said There Were 5 Million Illegal Immigrants In Assam (
How Russia Deals with Immigrants - American Renaissance (

Your examples are INDIA and RUSSIA. Neither are first world countries.

Furthermore, 60% of your "illegals" are coming in through your airports, not the Southern Border.

Canada has, at most, 120,000 illegals. The Canadian government says it's 30,000. That number seems low, given that the RCMP caught 25,000 sneaking across the Canada/US border just in 2019, and only sent 1000 of them home.

Illegals tend not to stay. Especially American illegals. Not only can you not find work, without a valid social insurance number, you can't do shit. You can't apply for credit, or an apartment. First question: Name; Second Question: SIN Number. You can't apply for any form of socials assistance, and without a SIN Card, or a driver's license, and you can't find work. Hospitals won't treat you without an OHIP card, and doctors are not allowed to private bill outside of the OHIP system, and you can't get an OHIP card without SIN, unless you're a minor child with a Canadian birth certificate.

They just steal one. we go again. They are coming for jobs. Address that are not. Does anyone really expect Biden to do what Trump never would either?
Who cares why they are coming? Keeping them out is the government's job.

And the government refuses to address why they are coming so the next best solution is to make them legal.
They are coming because Biden allows them to come, NAZI.

They gave been coming for years. But you know this.
They have been coming because open-borders scum like you have been allowing them to.

Because people won't enforce employment laws.
All they have to do is enforce the border. Send them packing when they are caught crossing illegally. Democrats are the ones who refuse to enforce our employment laws.

A good argument could be made that the European immigrants and their descendants are the violators, and the Mexicans are the native legal owners of all North America.
Mexicans are mostly descended from Spanish invaders, do no you couldn't.
That's a very strange way to break-in through a front door ... there should be a dozen #12 wood screws holding the hinges to the kingpost ... next time, try the latch side ...

We'll need bigger government to seal our southern boarder ... higher taxes ... ask any border patrol agent, we need more border patrol agents ...
One of my co-workers cousins works on the border and agrees with you.

Both Bush and Obama increased the number of Border Patrol agents to 21,000.
Not enough according to my co-worker's cousin.
21,000 people across 700 miles of passable border.
It seems we need an electrified wall.

Or you could just fine the employers who hire them.
What's stopping you now, turd? we go again. They are coming for jobs. Address that are not. Does anyone really expect Biden to do what Trump never would either?
Who cares why they are coming? Keeping them out is the government's job.

And the government refuses to address why they are coming so the next best solution is to make them legal.
They are coming because Biden allows them to come, NAZI.

They gave been coming for years. But you know this.
They have been coming because open-borders scum like you have been allowing them to.

Because people won't enforce employment laws.
All they have to do is enforce the border. Send them packing when they are caught crossing illegally. Democrats are the ones who refuse to enforce our employment laws.

Wait until they are made legal. Then you will wish you had demanded that the businesses were addressed.
Making them legal will be your fault, not mine. You're also responsible for not penalizing employers.
Thanks for the interesting article. That "Bed Quota" needs to go, but fast, so some of these people can wait with relatives for their hearings on their own dime. If they don't appear for their hearing, they never get the chance to establish legal residency.
How's that?
Thats sorta the way it works now. And also a bad thing. They get their date and never show up. So they just gotta lay low till some smuck signs an amnesty bill.
Thanks for the interesting article. That "Bed Quota" needs to go, but fast, so some of these people can wait with relatives for their hearings on their own dime. If they don't appear for their hearing, they never get the chance to establish legal residency.
How's that?
Thats sorta the way it works now. And also a bad thing. They get their date and never show up. So they just gotta lay low till some smuck signs an amnesty bill.
That's why I said, If they don't appear for their hearing, they won't be eligible for amnesty. Your article says Obama started insisting these gate crashers be held and charged so there would be a record of it. If you want them just put on a bus and sent back, without even keeping their names, okay. I'm not sure what good it accomplishes to know who crashed the border if it doesn't ever mean anything.

Immigration policy and legislation, and the reporting on it, is about the most confusing, contradictory ball of yarn I've ever seen. Way back before the current administration it has been nearly impossible to get straight answers to what is going on. That's why articles like the Snopes link you put up are helpful.
1.) We share a border with a filthy thirdworld country full of disgusting human cockroaches that can’t control fertility
Your fellow Catholics.

Do these look like Catholics to you?
Thanks for the interesting article. That "Bed Quota" needs to go, but fast, so some of these people can wait with relatives for their hearings on their own dime. If they don't appear for their hearing, they never get the chance to establish legal residency.
How's that?
Thats sorta the way it works now. And also a bad thing. They get their date and never show up. So they just gotta lay low till some smuck signs an amnesty bill.
That's why I said, If they don't appear for their hearing, they won't be eligible for amnesty. Your article says Obama started insisting these gate crashers be held and charged so there would be a record of it. If you want them just put on a bus and sent back, without even keeping their names, okay. I'm not sure what good it accomplishes to know who crashed the border if it doesn't ever mean anything.

Immigration policy and legislation, and the reporting on it, is about the most confusing, contradictory ball of yarn I've ever seen. Way back before the current administration it has been nearly impossible to get straight answers to what is going on. That's why articles like the Snopes link you put up are helpful.
Gotcha. Good point.

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