How many people would pay their taxes if Cruz destroyed the IRS?

Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!
are you concerned that your government checks would be affected?
Bravo! Ask a question when you don't have an answer.
why would anyone ask a question if they already knew the answer? That would be really annoying and counterproductive. If you worked you would know this.
The IRS is not going to cease to exist entirely. The resultant agency, however, will not be recognizable as the IRS after a flat tax or other such tax reform is passed. Right now it is a massive bureaucracy essentially tasked with finding out what is and is not taxable. With a simplified code you do not need the majority of that agency.

There will always be some regulatory complexities due to business taxes though. The rhetoric rarely goes into how to simplify that portion of the code that does not allow people to hide income there.
Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!

Easy. Flat tax. Collect it at the source.
Who's gonna collect it, moron?

Comes right out of payroll. Easy-peasy. No deductions or exceptions. No need for a malevolent quasi-police agency with godlike powers.
Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!
Treasury Department would still collect, dude.

Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!
Treasury Department would still collect, dude.

dont be too hard on him, hes a liberal, no capacity to understand that smaller government can work
Enact the Fair Tax Act and there would be no IRS, as such. There would be some agency to collect the consumption tax from retailers, but that is all.

Are you aware the the people of this nation spend $500 billion on tax compliance? That is not paying their taxes. That is simply to find out how much they have to pay and to try and save as much as possible from going to the various gov't coffers.
Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!
Treasury Department would still collect, dude.

dont be too hard on him, hes a liberal, no capacity to understand that smaller government can work

Which conservatives have actually worked for a smaller gov't?
Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!
Treasury Department would still collect, dude.

dont be too hard on him, hes a liberal, no capacity to understand that smaller government can work

Which conservatives have actually worked for a smaller gov't?


This is one of those things dopey candidates throw out every few years, as if no one will pay taxes.

It doesn't matter what you call the agency, someone has to collect taxes, construct forms, go after those that don't pay, etc.
This is one of those things dopey candidates throw out every few years, as if no one will pay taxes.

It doesn't matter what you call the agency, someone has to collect taxes, construct forms, go after those that don't pay, etc.

True, the "conservatives" throw that concept out every few years.

They forget that someone has to pay for IsaacNewton's food, clothing, health insurance, college education, military invasions, ad nauseam

You don't need an IRS when you have post cards

It's all on Lying Teds website
This is one of those things dopey candidates throw out every few years, as if no one will pay taxes.

It doesn't matter what you call the agency, someone has to collect taxes, construct forms, go after those that don't pay, etc.

True, the "conservatives" throw that concept out every few years.

They forget that someone has to pay for IsaacNewton's food, clothing, health insurance, college education, military invasions, ad nauseam


And your crack, now put down the crack-pipe, you've had more than enough today Cheech.
This is one of those things dopey candidates throw out every few years, as if no one will pay taxes.

It doesn't matter what you call the agency, someone has to collect taxes, construct forms, go after those that don't pay, etc.

True, the "conservatives" throw that concept out every few years.

They forget that someone has to pay for IsaacNewton's food, clothing, health insurance, college education, military invasions, ad nauseam


And your crack, now put down the crack-pipe, you've had more than enough today Cheech.

Before 1862 we did not have an IRS and country functioned fine.

Ape Lincoln created the IRS to collect the "income" tax. But SCOTUS declared it UNconstitutional , so actually the IRS did not become functional until 1914.

The IRS and the "income" tax should be abolished , immediately , if not sooner.

Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!

Interesting, most would not pay their income taxes. It sounds like if most people don't want to do something then it really shouldn't be a law in this country since democracy is usually based on some kind of majority rule decision.
The one thing that people never realize is that no matter how high or how low taxes are governments always collect the same amount of as a percentage of GDP. Do you actually think that people allow the thing that keeps them going--aka money--to be taken away from them? We can collect just as much from a low tax as a high one because it doesn't make a difference.
Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!

Interesting, most would not pay their income taxes. It sounds like if most people don't want to do something then it really shouldn't be a law in this country since democracy is usually based on some kind of majority rule decision.

We are NOT , supposed to be a, democracy.

Many officials are chosen by a majority of the votes, but our RIGHTS are not affected by such majorities, they are protected by the Constitution (1787).


Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!

Interesting, most would not pay their income taxes. It sounds like if most people don't want to do something then it really shouldn't be a law in this country since democracy is usually based on some kind of majority rule decision.

We are NOT , supposed to be a, democracy.

Many officials are chosen by a majority of the votes, but our RIGHTS are not affected by such majorities, they are protected by the Constitution (1787).



To a certain degree that is true but even constitutions get approval with a super-majority of the voters. The alternative is a constitution written by none of the people and without their blessing. The people woudn't have any control of their government at all.

The point I was trying to make that if paying taxes is so unpopular that a vast majority of people wouldn't do it then why does the law even exist? Shouldn't that same majority call up their politicians and tell them to repeal the tax?
This is one of those things dopey candidates throw out every few years, as if no one will pay taxes.

It doesn't matter what you call the agency, someone has to collect taxes, construct forms, go after those that don't pay, etc.

True, the "conservatives" throw that concept out every few years.

They forget that someone has to pay for IsaacNewton's food, clothing, health insurance, college education, military invasions, ad nauseam


And your crack, now put down the crack-pipe, you've had more than enough today Cheech.

Before 1862 we did not have an IRS and country functioned fine.

Ape Lincoln created the IRS to collect the "income" tax. But SCOTUS declared it UNconstitutional , so actually the IRS did not become functional until 1914.

The IRS and the "income" tax should be abolished , immediately , if not sooner.


There is an entire Simpsons episode dedicated to the desired anarchy promoted by the Tea Party types. Well worth a watch. Utopia for anarchists is always far worse than what they envision, and Tea Baggers are rightwing anarchists.

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