How many people would pay their taxes if Cruz destroyed the IRS?

Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!
Income taxes are unconstitutional...
Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!

If there was a flat tax with no deductions then you wouldn't need to worry about it. The tax withheld is unlikely to be incorrect. Every state that I lived in with an income tax I never had to owe or get a refund from.
Cruz is lying when he says he would abolish the IRS. Flat out lying.

When pressed on it last night, he said your Cruz postcard income tax return would be handled by an agency in the Treasury department.


Exactly. The IRS would never go away, but it would be far smaller an entity than it currently is.
Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!

That's a good question. How many of obama's cabinet were guilty of not paying their taxes? It was quite a few IIRC. What's good for the goose, as they say...
it would be nice if you could designate where your tax dollar would be used.
if you dont like supporting the military, dont let your tax dollars go there, same with welfare or other social programs.
I imagine that foriegn aid budget would drop down to something $2.84 for the year. And that would be due to someone accidentally checking the wrong box

I've proposed exactly that arrangement on numerous occasions, but the leftwing douche nozzles are always opposed to it. That's because they know no one would ever contribute a dime to their schemes of organized plunder.
it would be nice if you could designate where your tax dollar would be used.
if you dont like supporting the military, dont let your tax dollars go there, same with welfare or other social programs.
I imagine that foriegn aid budget would drop down to something $2.84 for the year. And that would be due to someone accidentally checking the wrong box

I've proposed exactly that arrangement on numerous occasions, but the leftwing douche nozzles are always opposed to it. That's because they know no one would ever contribute a dime to their schemes of organized plunder.

It's because you would mark the box next to 'sharks with laser beams on their heads'.
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I guess the OP author has never heard Cruz explain that tax collection would revert to an office in the Treasury Department, where it rightly belongs. Plus, with a vastly simplified tax code, it would take far, far fewer federal employees to track tax compliance.

Not to mention the fact that Cruz's tax plan would bring trillions of capital back into this country and would provide a tremendous boost to job creation.
Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!

Interesting, most would not pay their income taxes. It sounds like if most people don't want to do something then it really shouldn't be a law in this country since democracy is usually based on some kind of majority rule decision.

We are NOT , supposed to be a, democracy.

Many officials are chosen by a majority of the votes, but our RIGHTS are not affected by such majorities, they are protected by the Constitution (1787).



To a certain degree that is true but even constitutions get approval with a super-majority of the voters. The alternative is a constitution written by none of the people and without their blessing. The people woudn't have any control of their government at all.

The point I was trying to make that if paying taxes is so unpopular that a vast majority of people wouldn't do it then why does the law even exist? Shouldn't that same majority call up their politicians and tell them to repeal the tax?

Because most people understand that running a nation requires money. I don't know anyone who thinks there should be no taxes. People just want someone else to pay them.
If IRS were destroyed, only an idiot would write a check to a nonexistant organization.

That list would include MILLIONS of Americans who have long been afraid of their Government.
This is one of those things dopey candidates throw out every few years, as if no one will pay taxes.

It doesn't matter what you call the agency, someone has to collect taxes, construct forms, go after those that don't pay, etc.

True, the "conservatives" throw that concept out every few years.

They forget that someone has to pay for IsaacNewton's food, clothing, health insurance, college education, military invasions, ad nauseam


And your crack, now put down the crack-pipe, you've had more than enough today Cheech.

Before 1862 we did not have an IRS and country functioned fine.

Ape Lincoln created the IRS to collect the "income" tax. But SCOTUS declared it UNconstitutional , so actually the IRS did not become functional until 1914.

The IRS and the "income" tax should be abolished , immediately , if not sooner.

Lincoln had to collect taxes to pay for his dirty little civil war. Kinda like WWI, and WWII, and the Korean war....and the Vietnam war....and the cold war.....and the Contra war....and the drug war....and the Bosnian war....and the Iraq war....and the Afghan war. And Halliburton and the rest of the war profiteers just keep raking in the trillion$ from dead American bullet stoppers.
Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!

I would....I believe in the rule of law, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.....of course you lefties don't pay your taxes now...and if it wasn't for the IRS hunting you down you wouldn't pay........

Funny how you lefties fight to increase taxes....scream about the greedy rich...then don't pay your own taxes....
Without that agency, most would just write "fuck off" on that post card. GOP candidates offer the dumbest shit for a plan, and con voters take it hook, line and sinker every time.
This is their solutions. Sheesh!!!!

Easy. Flat tax. Collect it at the source.
Who's gonna collect it, moron? didn't pay attention to Senator Cruz, did you? He said there would be a small branch of the government to accept the checks.....try to pay attention.
Cruz is lying when he says he would abolish the IRS. Flat out lying.

When pressed on it last night, he said your Cruz postcard income tax return would be handled by an agency in the Treasury department.


No....the IRS is an oppressive, political arm of the democrat party now......the enforcment arm needs to be abolished.....they are out of control.
Cruz is lying when he says he would abolish the IRS. Flat out lying.

When pressed on it last night, he said your Cruz postcard income tax return would be handled by an agency in the Treasury department.


No....the IRS is an oppressive, political arm of the democrat party now......the enforcment arm needs to be abolished.....they are out of control.

Nice meltdown.
Cruz is lying when he says he would abolish the IRS. Flat out lying.

When pressed on it last night, he said your Cruz postcard income tax return would be handled by an agency in the Treasury department.


No....the IRS is an oppressive, political arm of the democrat party now......the enforcment arm needs to be abolished.....they are out of control.

Nice meltdown.

If you think that is a melt are just nuts....
Cruz is lying when he says he would abolish the IRS. Flat out lying.

When pressed on it last night, he said your Cruz postcard income tax return would be handled by an agency in the Treasury department.


No....the IRS is an oppressive, political arm of the democrat party now......the enforcment arm needs to be abolished.....they are out of control.

Nice meltdown.

If you think that is a melt are just nuts....

When the nuts think you're nuts,

you must be doing something right.
The question I'd like to hear answered by Ted Cruz is...

...will he refuse to raise the debt ceiling?

Remember when that was Ted Cruz's claim to fame?

So, will he become president and promptly send the nation into default?


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