How Many Republicans Are Pro Choice

I'm a Republican Socialist, and I believe a woman has the right to end her pregnancy, for any reason, in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy before the embryo becomes a fetus. After that, I consider what is in her womb a prenatal human person with all of the same human rights as the woman. That life in her womb becomes a member of society after 9 weeks of gestation. That's how I see it.
When abortion is legal, 9/10 occur withing the first trimester or 12 weeks.
Why not 9 weeks ? Because many women don’t even know they are pregnant after missing their second period. That’s just one week to make decisions. Women with financial backing will continue to have safe abortions just like they always did. They’ll travel to other states. The poor will do it themselves like they always did, and many will die or injure themselves. It’s about the wealthy vs the it has always been. The Govt is about PROTECTING the elderly, poor and disabled. That’s a choice over the u born that will continue whether it’s legal or not.
I mean dude. Here's the absolute temper tantrum you threw when I stated I won't wear a mask--MY BODY--over my HEALTHY face. This crap is unhinged:
Noting wrong with that as long as we extend that right to women. But, when you deny the rights of others to be safe from your germs in public, you are rightfully told you must wear shoes in many public places, shits and yes, sometimes masks.
Good on you--I mean it.

Now carry that bodily autonomy all the way to forcing me to wear a mask--that doesn't even mitigate--over my HEALTHY face. And you throwing such a tantrum about it you called my faith into question at length and over several posts.

At best....juvenile. At worst, totally irrational when considering your view above.

Let's see if you can think through this.

It's not the same, think. Not wearing a mask in public venues during a deadly pandemic, turns you into a public health hazard, placing the lives of others (perhaps millions of people), in danger. So you don't have the "bodily autonomy" to enter into a public place where there are others, and put them all at risk of being infected with a deadly virus. However, if you are pregnant, you do have the bodily autonomy to end your pregnancy within a certain period of time. Mask mandates in the middle of a pandemic and pregnancy are two different states and conditions that have nothing to do with each other.

The community decides what is and isn't your right. That's not up to you or I as an individual to decide. If you argue that our rights come from God, that is correct, but it takes human beings to interpret God's law (His will) and establish the rules by which we live in concordance with it. There is always a human element involved in this world, when it comes to establishing the mores and laws of communities.
I'm a Republican Socialist, and I believe a woman has the right to end her pregnancy, for any reason, in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy before the embryo becomes a fetus. After that, I consider what is in her womb a prenatal human person with all of the same human rights as the woman. That life in her womb becomes a member of society after 9 weeks of gestation. That's how I see it.
You aren't a republican socialist! You believe in women bowing down to your highness.
When abortion is legal, 9/10 occur withing the first trimester or 12 weeks.
Why not 9 weeks ? Because many women don’t even know they are pregnant after missing their second period. That’s just one week to make decisions. Women with financial backing will continue to have safe abortions just like they always did. They’ll travel to other states. The poor will do it themselves like they always did, and many will die or injure themselves. It’s about the wealthy vs the it has always been. The Govt is about PROTECTING the elderly, poor and disabled. That’s a choice over the u born that will continue whether it’s legal or not.

Noting wrong with that as long as we extend that right to women. But, when you deny the rights of others to be safe from your germs in public, you are rightfully told you must wear shoes in many public places, shits and yes, sometimes masks.

Let's extend it to 13 weeks then, to give them enough time.
When abortion is legal, 9/10 occur withing the first trimester or 12 weeks.
Why not 9 weeks ? Because many women don’t even know they are pregnant after missing their second period. That’s just one week to make decisions. Women with financial backing will continue to have safe abortions just like they always did. They’ll travel to other states. The poor will do it themselves like they always did, and many will die or injure themselves. It’s about the wealthy vs the it has always been. The Govt is about PROTECTING the elderly, poor and disabled. That’s a choice over the u born that will continue whether it’s legal or not.

Noting wrong with that as long as we extend that right to women. But, when you deny the rights of others to be safe from your germs in public, you are rightfully told you must wear shoes in many public places, shits and yes, sometimes masks.

Public or private places?

Is wearing a shirt different than insisting someone cover their breathing holes?
It's not the same, think. Not wearing a mask in public venues during a deadly pandemic, turns you into a public health hazard, placing the lives of others (perhaps millions of people), in danger. So you don't have the "bodily autonomy" to enter into a public place where there are others, and put them all at risk of being infected with a deadly virus. However, if you are pregnant, you do have the bodily autonomy to end your pregnancy within a certain period of time. Mask mandates in the middle of a pandemic and pregnancy are two different states and conditions that have nothing to do with each other.

The community decides what is and isn't your right. That's not up to you or I as an individual to decide. If you argue that our rights come from God, that is correct, but it takes human beings to interpret God's law (His will) and establish the rules by which we live in concordance with it. There is always a human element involved in this world, when it comes to establishing the mores and laws of communities.
The abortion became common place in the 1st testament.

Did God believe in infidelity, well yes, you should get an abortion.
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It's not the same, think. Not wearing a mask in public venues during a deadly pandemic, turns you into a public health hazard, placing the lives of others (perhaps millions of people), in danger. So you don't have the "bodily autonomy" to enter into a public place where there are others, and put them all at risk of being infected with a deadly virus. However, if you are pregnant, you do have the bodily autonomy to end your pregnancy within a certain period of time. Mask mandates in the middle of a pandemic and pregnancy are two different states and conditions that have nothing to do with each other.

The community decides what is and isn't your right. That's not up to you or I as an individual to decide. If you argue that our rights come from God, that is correct, but it takes human beings to interpret God's law (His will) and establish the rules by which we live in concordance with it. There is always a human element involved in this world, when it comes to establishing the mores and laws of communities.

I am not beholden to be ruled by your irrational fear.

Deal with that or don't. Either way, I am free.
The abortion became common place in the 1st testament.
No, it never became common in the old testament. However, human fetuses are not equal to born and breathing human beings/persons. Is that what you're trying to say?
When abortion is legal, 9/10 occur withing the first trimester or 12 weeks.
Why not 9 weeks ? Because many women don’t even know they are pregnant after missing their second period. That’s just one week to make decisions. Women with financial backing will continue to have safe abortions just like they always did. They’ll travel to other states. The poor will do it themselves like they always did, and many will die or injure themselves. It’s about the wealthy vs the it has always been. The Govt is about PROTECTING the elderly, poor and disabled. That’s a choice over the u born that will continue whether it’s legal or not.

Noting wrong with that as long as we extend that right to women. But, when you deny the rights of others to be safe from your germs in public, you are rightfully told you must wear shoes in many public places, shits and yes, sometimes masks.

Do you eat in public or in private restaurants around other people?

Do you realize some food allergies are airborne?

Under your own philosophy here, it is incumbent on YOU to assure your meal is free of seafood, wheat, soy, nuts, peanuts, dairy, eggs, wheat and gluten in case there is anyone around who MIGHT be infested with your allergens on your plate.

You have fun with that now!
I am not beholden to be ruled by your irrational fear.

Deal with that or don't. Either way, I am free.
Go ahead and act "free" in a community, refusing to wear a mask in public during a deadly pandemic. We'll see who is "irrational" when your community fines you or even worse, detains and quarantines you in a jail cell. Good look with your rebellious, irresponsible "freedom".
Nope.....public places have long held that prerogative. Maybe you never read the signs.
She's one of these fake "Christians" who thinks she has the "freedom" to infect everyone with a deadly virus. God supposedly gave her the right to become a public health hazard.
Go ahead and act "free" in a community, refusing to wear a mask in public during a deadly pandemic. We'll see who is "irrational" when your community fines you or even worse, detains and quarantines you in a jail cell. Good look with your rebellious, irresponsible "freedom".

Look at it this way. My bare face is freeing a lot of people from their Moral Panic. Maybe even you!
Deal with that or don't. Either way, I am free.
Ha ha
No you aren’t you just like to brag that you “think” you are. There are a plethora of public health restrictions that you abide by every day you’re in public both inside and out.
She's one of these fake "Christians" who thinks she has the "freedom" to infect everyone with a deadly virus. God supposedly gave her the right to become a public health hazard.

So just my healthy presence is a public health hazard.


Shades of the mid 20th century there. Dislike. Strongly.

You're funny though
Ha ha
No you aren’t you just like to brag that you “think” you are. There are a plethora of public health restrictions that you abide by every day you’re in public both inside and out.

You think? Okay.

But you all realize you're on the very strong losing end of this right?

You're arguing for what has already failed. What has already lost trust.
Go ahead and act "free" in a community, refusing to wear a mask in public during a deadly pandemic. We'll see who is "irrational" when your community fines you or even worse, detains and quarantines you in a jail cell. Good look with your rebellious, irresponsible "freedom".

"She won't comply! She's dirty!"


oops child
Look at it this way. My bare face is freeing a lot of people from their Moral Panic. Maybe even you!
Or look at it this way, you're being an irresponsible, irrational conspiracy theorist baby, who deserves to be disciplined by rational adults in your community. You don't have the right to be a public health hazard, placing others in danger of infection. So whatever the authorities decide to do to stop your lunacy, you brought upon yourself. Don't cry to God when you get punished.
Or look at it this way, you're being an irresponsible, irrational conspiracy theorist baby, who deserves to be disciplined by rational adults in your community. You don't have the right to be a public health hazard, placing others in danger of infection. So whatever the authorities decide to do to stop your lunacy, you brought upon yourself. Don't cry to God when you get punished.

The rational adults have all decided that masks don't work--or at least don't work WELL ENOUGH to justify mask mandates. So the "authorities" aren't going to do anything to me. God is not going to "punish" me.

I really hope you have the good sense to be embarrassed of your hyperbole here. If not today, some day.

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