How many thousands of jobs did the GOP leadership create from the Stimulus?



PolitiFact | Scott Brown says stimulus 'didn't create one new job'

The stimulus bill "didn’t create one new job."

Which is hilarious since Scott Brown lobbied and received stimulus funding to install broadband Internet where his constituency is at. Feds Award $160 Million in Broadband Stimulus Funds

Ron Paul, who once wrote a letter to CNN calling the stimulus a waste of money, signed onto a request asking Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood to "give full consideration" to a $81.3 million stimulus request for a railroad improvement project in the Houston area. According to Paul:

"The project proposed by the GCFRD application will facilitate freight movement in the Houston region, which will enhance economic development, safety, livability and sustainability benefits."
Paul's request also stated that the project would helping to eliminate railway congestion issues that cost Houston area shippers $429 million a year.

Center for Public Integrity: Stimulus opponents... | Gather

Sen. Kit Bond (R-MO) slammed President Obama’s recovery and reinvestment plan.
This provision will have a real impact in Missouri, especially for low-income, working families in need of safe and affordable housing. … Bond’s amendment will save more than 700 housing units and create 3,000 new jobs in Missouri.

Republicans take credit for the stimulus plan after they voted against it.


Do I really need to go any further? We all sit in front of the Internet. It's easy to do searches. Actually, anyone here can do a search and find out which Republicans FROM THEIR STATES are taking stimulus or have already created jobs.

Do a search from any search engine using phrases similair to: GOP takes credit for stimulus



So the next time USMB Republicans say the stimulus created no jobs or was a failure, then please explain why so many of your leadership took hundreds of millions of dollars and created thousand and thousands of jobs.

In fact, how many of your presidential candidates took stimulus money? If you know about your candidates, how many took Obama's help? If you're going to vote for them, at least know what they are doing. Do I have to find out for you?
I wonder if any Republicans are out looking to see how much stimulus their congressman or senator took?
Are those permanent jobs or temp?

That is such an easy question to answer. I'm embarrassed to have to answer it for you. You would think it's so obvious. Guess not. Oh well, here goes.

When you put in broad band Internet to allow business to expand, the infrastructure to install is temp, the technicians required to maintain are permanent. But the number of jobs created by expanding business is huge. Have you ever seen that commercial about the company that makes specialty baking flour? Because of broadband, they now have an extra warehouse that moves their goods as well as all the jobs associated.

[ame=]Google Chrome: King Arthur Flour - YouTube[/ame]

Then of course, there are the railroads. Building the railroad is temp, maintaining is permanent, but connecting the communities creates all kinds of new job opportunities, just like broadband. This is why Democrats want to build up American infrastructure. Building a bridge connects communities, which expands business opportunities. Hope that helped.
Even obama admitted that the shovel ready jobs weren't shovel ready, deanie. :rolleyes:
Even obama admitted that the shovel ready jobs weren't shovel ready, deanie. :rolleyes:

Guess all those Republicans didn't get the message. :rolleyes:

Shall we put together a list of Republicans and a list of the projects they took credit for. It's a VERY, VERY looooong list.
Even obama admitted that the shovel ready jobs weren't shovel ready, deanie. :rolleyes:

Guess all those Republicans didn't get the message. :rolleyes:

Shall we put together a list of Republicans and a list of the projects they took credit for. It's a VERY, VERY looooong list.

All those job creating projects and still the unemployment was around 10%. go figure....
Even obama admitted that the shovel ready jobs weren't shovel ready, deanie. :rolleyes:

Guess all those Republicans didn't get the message. :rolleyes:

Shall we put together a list of Republicans and a list of the projects they took credit for. It's a VERY, VERY looooong list.

All those job creating projects and still the unemployment was around 10%. go figure....

It takes time. From 2001 to 2008, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce and finance by China moved millions of jobs to China.

Outsourcing Fab China

It was called the "Traderoots" or "Grassroots" program.


[ame=]the us chamber of commerce's outsourcing partner - YouTube[/ame]

Actually I started a thread on it last year:
I wonder if any Republicans are out looking to see how much stimulus their congressman or senator took?

I know how much my Congressman allocated.

I've also told him, personally, that I will not be voting for his re-election.
I wonder if any Republicans are out looking to see how much stimulus their congressman or senator took?

I know how much my Congressman allocated.

I've also told him, personally, that I will not be voting for his re-election.

What did he do with the money?

In my county it was supposed to go to building a new Sheriff's office.
Instead they moved into an already-constructed building and will use the money to pay the lease.

Zero new jobs.
I know how much my Congressman allocated.

I've also told him, personally, that I will not be voting for his re-election.

What did he do with the money?

In my county it was supposed to go to building a new Sheriff's office.
Instead they moved into an already-constructed building and will use the money to pay the lease.

Zero new jobs.

So then where would your sheriff be? In a tent? Doesn't sound like he asked for too much money.
Ron Paul, who once wrote a letter to CNN calling the stimulus a waste of money, signed onto a request asking Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood to "give full consideration" to a $81.3 million stimulus request for a railroad improvement project in the Houston area. According to Paul:

"The project proposed by the GCFRD application will facilitate freight movement in the Houston region, which will enhance economic development, safety, livability and sustainability benefits."
Paul's request also stated that the project would helping to eliminate railway congestion issues that cost Houston area shippers $429 million a year.
When Ron Paul is asked why he is against gov't spending stimulus and work projects then lobbies to get those same things in his district he says (And I paraphrase):
"The gov't comes in, takes our money in taxes and our only recourse is to get as much of it back as possible through the programs that they run. It's a way to get your money back that the gov't shouldn't have taken in the first place"

If you got robbed wouldn't want your money back? :confused:
Hey, derp, what happens to a stimulus-funded job when the money runs out?
What did he do with the money?

In my county it was supposed to go to building a new Sheriff's office.
Instead they moved into an already-constructed building and will use the money to pay the lease.

Zero new jobs.

So then where would your sheriff be? In a tent? Doesn't sound like he asked for too much money.
Can you read? He said NEW Sheriffs Office! I'll bet the old one worked just fine. And if the local people wanted a new one, they can vote on spending issues (Bonds) amongst themselves. Just like thousands of school districts do all over the US.
What did he do with the money?

In my county it was supposed to go to building a new Sheriff's office.
Instead they moved into an already-constructed building and will use the money to pay the lease.

Zero new jobs.

So then where would your sheriff be? In a tent? Doesn't sound like he asked for too much money.

In a tent? Why?
You don't think we had a Sheriff's office prior to the money?

And, BTW, the Sheriff is a she-dem.

There were several less-expensive options, but they locked in the money to the lease.
None of it even went towards new equipment.

$3 million sounds like a lot to us.....
In my county it was supposed to go to building a new Sheriff's office.
Instead they moved into an already-constructed building and will use the money to pay the lease.

Zero new jobs.

So then where would your sheriff be? In a tent? Doesn't sound like he asked for too much money.

In a tent? Why?
You don't think we had a Sheriff's office prior to the money?

And, BTW, the Sheriff is a she-dem.

There were several less-expensive options, but they locked in the money to the lease.
None of it even went towards new equipment.

$3 million sounds like a lot to us.....

Is it only an office or did it include cells and interrogation rooms and all the associated ordinances and equipment?

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