How many times have the left moved the goalposts on Hunter Biden?

Hunter fucked Hallie Biden (Olivere) after Beau died.


Natalie Naomi (b. 2004), and son Robert Hunter II (b. 2006)

GOOD LORD. What a sick and twisted family.

If ANY of you would fuck your dead sibling's spouse, please remove yourself from the gene pool one way or another. You are filth.
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Why do you instantly need "hard evidence"? Dont investigations usually start with something suspicious, then you dig deeper to find the truth?

The amount of circumstantial evidence surrounding Joe Biden is so enormous that either he is guilty as fuck, or he is the most unlucky man that this world has ever produced. I mean how could a gaggillion SAR's, informants, bank records, texts, emails, whistleblowers, etc point to an innocent man? What are the fucking odds of that? :laugh:
“Something suspicious” has to have some basis in reality.

That’s lacking here
Not sure what the big deal is.

He's under indictment, and the charges are serious. Win the case and nail his ass. Easy peasy.

Unless he's not the real target, of course.

And we all know he is not.

The target is Joe and there’s no basis for that attack
Hunter fucked Hallie Biden (Olivere) after Beau died.


Natalie Naomi (b. 2004), and son Robert Hunter II (b. 2006)

GOOD LORD. What a sick and twisted family.

If ANY of you would fuck your dead sibling's spouse, please remove yourself from the gene pool one way or another. You are filth.

Jill Biden a.k.a "The Naughty Babysitter" was the wife of Joe's "best friend" when he fucked her while she was allegedly taking care of the kids.
You 100% believe that Joe Biden did not get 1 penny from Hunter's money from China, Romania, Ukraine and Russia?

Explain why.
The default is "explain why not." There has been no legally admissible evidence or testimony submitted using normal rules of evidentiary procedure to support your claim. I look forward to seeing your evidence in an actual court.
The default is "explain why not." There has been no legally admissible evidence or testimony submitted using normal rules of evidentiary procedure to support your claim. I look forward to seeing your evidence in an actual court.

There is a mountain of evidence. You are a brainwashed partisan hack. If it was the Trump's you would say the opposite. You know you would. Its ok to be a fraud. It's bad to not know you are a fraud.
There is a mountain of evidence. You are a brainwashed partisan hack. If it was the Trump's you would say the opposite. You know you would. Its ok to be a fraud. It's bad to not know you are a fraud.
Cool. then you should have no issue linking the legally admissable evidence.
Still looking for a crime by Joe Biden
Joe Biden covered his tracks, but not the money trail of his theft of 5 million dollars from the Ukraine's promised multimillion dollar foreign-aid package that Biden pursued with all his zeal. Was threatening the Ukraine's top cop with disaster if he didn't fork over multimillions ahead of time of around 30% of the Congress-promised spendathon. When he told the multimillion dollar boys club (on a video that I watched 10 times and shared at this USMB site), he laughed about how he got all that money in less than 6 hours when Air Force 2 was scheduled to take him back to DC to continue his Vice President's job. Did you know that the emoluments clause of the Constitution does not allow people the federal bank pays salaries to, (doesn't allow) them to accept money, gifts, or anything except good will from foreigners? Well it doesn't allow federal employees to put the squeeze on those government officials from foreign countries in the form of extortion either.
Biden better worry his butt off that his internet got rid of all those many copies made of the same video I saw where he laughed and bragged about his enrichment by way of funneling taxpayers' hard-earned money paid in taxes to Uncle Sam, all that's verboten because it really is against the law to extort money from foreign countries, and Biden was idiotic enough to tell them his Vice Presidency could shut off the gift of the foreign aid package the congress planned for them to avoid starvation when Putin held his Kalashnikov rifle to the Ukrainians back when.
What a spectacle on Capitol Hill today.

They are still trying to say Joe got NOT ONE DIME from Hunter’s business dealings.


But Joe did take the phone calls, and went to meetings to prove Hunter had access to the VP and President.
I heard on one televised version a few months back that Hunter was complaining about his Dad taking a percentage of his earnings. I did the math on the Ukraine extortion, and it amounted to approximately 30% of the total foreign Aid package granted by Congress to the Ukraine. IOW, he took a hunge chunk of money from American taxpayers who don't earn enough to keep one of his 30 toilets in 5 grand estate homes running, not to mention his WH temporary estate. Biden goes for the gold, not for the people, but paid by the people, not knowing they were making a multimillionaire even wealthier than King Midas, when they are scraping by before the Great Depression Biden created, where people go to the store to buy a hundred dollars in groceries for the week, but the checkout demands $330.00, and they only had $300 on them in case inflation went up, or just winced and ran their credit card through the evaporation of assets line. Poor us. :eusa_boohoo:
I heard on one televised version a few months back that Hunter was complaining about his Dad taking a percentage of his earnings. I did the math on the Ukraine extortion, and it amounted to approximately 30% of the total foreign Aid package granted by Congress to the Ukraine. IOW, he took a hunge chunk of money from American taxpayers who don't earn enough to keep one of his 30 toilets in 5 grand estate homes running, not to mention his WH temporary estate. Biden goes for the gold, not for the people, but paid by the people, not knowing they were making a multimillionaire even wealthier than King Midas, when they are scraping by before the Great Depression Biden created, where people go to the store to buy a hundred dollars in groceries for the week, but the checkout demands $330.00, and they only had $300 on them in case inflation went up, or just winced and ran their credit card through the evaporation of assets line. Poor us. :eusa_boohoo:

There is a VOICE MAIL of him complaining to his sister about paying his father's bills.

We have the WHATSAPP message to the Chinese Oligarch and we have 10 to the BIG GUY.

Its a pretty simple pay for access scam. It netted Ukraine $140 BILLION so far, and led to hundreds of thousands of deaths.
the inquiry has just begun ... patience bOY ... notice bOY is spelled with a small B ..
Ok, so inquiry for impeachment without grounds or evidence of high crimes or misdomenors. That’s calling phishing or a witch hunt. Welcome to Hypocrisyland
It is HILARIOUS to see the cult fucks claim NO EVIDENCE EXISTS.....meanwhile if it was TRUMP, they would be all over the evidence.

They are liars and frauds.

Fuck them all.
Joe Biden covered his tracks, but not the money trail of his theft of 5 million dollars from the Ukraine's promised multimillion dollar foreign-aid package that Biden pursued with all his zeal. Was threatening the Ukraine's top cop with disaster if he didn't fork over multimillions ahead of time of around 30% of the Congress-promised spendathon. When he told the multimillion dollar boys club (on a video that I watched 10 times and shared at this USMB site), he laughed about how he got all that money in less than 6 hours when Air Force 2 was scheduled to take him back to DC to continue his Vice President's job. Did you know that the emoluments clause of the Constitution does not allow people the federal bank pays salaries to, (doesn't allow) them to accept money, gifts, or anything except good will from foreigners? Well it doesn't allow federal employees to put the squeeze on those government officials from foreign countries in the form of extortion either.
Biden better worry his butt off that his internet got rid of all those many copies made of the same video I saw where he laughed and bragged about his enrichment by way of funneling taxpayers' hard-earned money paid in taxes to Uncle Sam, all that's verboten because it really is against the law to extort money from foreign countries, and Biden was idiotic enough to tell them his Vice Presidency could shut off the gift of the foreign aid package the congress planned for them to avoid starvation when Putin held his Kalashnikov rifle to the Ukrainians back when.
Show me the money

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