How many times have we ALL told each other to "leave if you dont like it here"?

So rules for thee and not for me?

I expect more and better from the President of the United States than some drunk guy screaming in a bar.

There really is nothing wrong with dignity, intelligence and professionalism. Those are not bad things, and they can be displayed regardless of a person's positions on the issues. It's not one or the other.

Gentlemanly decorum has gotten the Republicans nowhere with the current crop of Democrats. It's refreshing to see one who speaks his mind, and doesn't care what anyone - especially the Democrats - thinks about it.

Would that the rest of them would pick up on his cues.
Since I don't play the partisan politics game, I don't drop my standards based on the letter after a politician's name.

I expect professionalism, dignity, respect, decorum and thoughtfulness from our elected "leaders".

Those qualities don't preclude an intelligent adult from advocating for what they believe in. That's a crock.

I think this country has been dropping its standards across the board for long enough.
I’d prefer a fighter lead this nation. I at least have a little respect for the squad. They’re the dumbest bitches on the planet but they say what they want. You can’t fight that with a pussy president. You have to attack them at least at the level they are attacking us.
A person can be a fighter without acting like a spoiled, ignorant, petulant child.

I truly don't understand why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

Or he could be a big wuss who bashes the US on an apology tour(Obama). I prefer a straight fighter. To each his own.
It was a puerile statement to make. No elected official should speak like this.
We're supposed to keep dropping our standards and expectations to accommodate our tribe.

And then we're shocked when we see decay.

No Democrat should ever mention anything about standards. Have you noticed the "standards" that party supports lately?

Yeah. Free speech. Free press. Democratic instead of autocratic government. All that Constitutional shit.
No Democrat should ever mention anything about standards. Have you noticed the "standards" that party supports lately?

Putting children in concentration camps?

Oh wait, that's you.

So what is it that a Democrat did which triggered you this time?

I'm always curious about what the Trump cult has been told to cry about. Lately, it's been "You've been calling us out on our reprehensible behavior! That makes us the true victims!".
No Democrat should ever mention anything about standards. Have you noticed the "standards" that party supports lately?

Putting children in concentration camps?

Oh wait, that's you.

So what is it that a Democrat did which triggered you this time?

I'm always curious about what the Trump cult has been told to cry about. Lately, it's been "You've been calling us out on our reprehensible behavior! That makes us the true victims!".
Look at this moron. Doesn’t even know all those pictures of kids in cages were from the obie era.

It takes a “special” person to be a democrat.
No Democrat should ever mention anything about standards. Have you noticed the "standards" that party supports lately?

Putting children in concentration camps?

Oh wait, that's you.

So what is it that a Democrat did which triggered you this time?

I'm always curious about what the Trump cult has been told to cry about. Lately, it's been "You've been calling us out on our reprehensible behavior! That makes us the true victims!".

I was replying to one of our resident Democrats in this thread who referred to "standards".

We haven't been told to say anything. It is most certainly Democrats who are part of an anti-Trump anything cult. Heck, they will even consider voting for professed Socialists. It only takes one reasonable look at the policies Trump has been able to pass to see that he CLEARLY has made good decisions. If he was able to get the idiot Democrats to do what is good for the country and back some more of his policies we would be golden, but they have to please their anti-Trump flock.

BTW, what Trump said in this case was only reprehensible to snowflakes who have been completely brainwashed.
It was a puerile statement to make. No elected official should speak like this.
We're supposed to keep dropping our standards and expectations to accommodate our tribe.

And then we're shocked when we see decay.

No Democrat should ever mention anything about standards. Have you noticed the "standards" that party supports lately?
I'm not a Democrat, and yes, they've done a great job of dropping standards and expectations into the toilet for quite a while now.

You want to be just like them? Is that some kind of excuse?
I was replying to one of our resident Democrats in this thread who referred to "standards".

So which Democratic "standard" has got you so upset about how awful those Democrats are? So far, you've only cited "policy disagreement". That's nothing new in American history, so it doesn't explain why Democrats are especially bad.

We haven't been told to say anything. It is most certainly Democrats who are part of an anti-Trump anything cult. Heck, they will even consider voting for professed Socialists. It only takes one reasonable look at the policies Trump has been able to pass to see that he CLEARLY has made good decisions.

I disagree. However, you'll notice Trump doesn't get venom for disagreements on policy.

He gets venom for telling lies by the thousands. He gets venom for criminal activity. He gets venom for putting children in concentration camps. He gets venom for being openly sexist and racist. He gets venom for using the office of the president to bully people.

No other president in history has done such things. Thus, no other president gets the venom Trump gets. Thus, crying about the venom Trump gets is disingenuous.

BTW, what Trump said in this case was only reprehensible to snowflakes who have been completely brainwashed.

A statement that was racist. Pointing that that out is massively triggering the Trump cultists. Good.
The "four" Representatives with their anti American rhetoric were fair targets.
Speaking of lack of decorum and all that...
I'm not a Democrat, and yes, they've done a great job of dropping standards and expectations into the toilet for quite a while now.

If Mac was around in WW2, he'd be saying "Sure, death camps are bad, but there's no reason for the allies to be so impolite! That means both sides are equally bad!".

Moral people reject Mac's bullshit equivocation. When one side is clearly superior to the other, it's immoral to deny that.
What other leaders have said things not deserving of an office? Things such as "deplorable" and "clinging to their guns and bibles" in an effort to marginalize an entire voting block.
Attacking the voters? Not smart.
The "four" Representatives with their anti American rhetoric were fair targets.
Speaking of lack of decorum and all that...

What did they say that was UN-American. Oh, I get it. They were criticizing Donald J Trump. As of today, that is free speech and critiquing the president is one of the responsibilities of congress.
So, just their speech is free. His criticism of them was labeled along with a large segment of the population.
If he can be criticized, so can they.
I was replying to one of our resident Democrats in this thread who referred to "standards".

So which Democratic "standard" has got you so upset about how awful those Democrats are? So far, you've only cited "policy disagreement". That's nothing new in American history, so it doesn't explain why Democrats are especially bad.

We haven't been told to say anything. It is most certainly Democrats who are part of an anti-Trump anything cult. Heck, they will even consider voting for professed Socialists. It only takes one reasonable look at the policies Trump has been able to pass to see that he CLEARLY has made good decisions.

I disagree. However, you'll notice Trump doesn't get venom for disagreements on policy.

He gets venom for telling lies by the thousands. He gets venom for criminal activity. He gets venom for putting children in concentration camps. He gets venom for being openly sexist and racist. He gets venom for using the office of the president to bully people.

No other president in history has done such things. Thus, no other president gets the venom Trump gets. Thus, crying about the venom Trump gets is disingenuous.

BTW, what Trump said in this case was only reprehensible to snowflakes who have been completely brainwashed.

A statement that was racist. Pointing that that out is massively triggering the Trump cultists. Good.

What criminal activity? You can't possibly be referring to anything related the the Mueller probe. The kids in concentration camps was done by previous administrations. The folks that claim he is racist are the same ones that claim the Republican Party is racist and the same ones that call anyone a racist when they are on the losing end of an argument. It is a tired and pathetic strategy for the weak minded. Trump is a strong personality for sure. If that is bullying, then so be it.
The truest test of a person who purports to support and defend freedom of speech is how he/she responds to someone else's words that reflect the exact opposite of that which is held most dear. Even if expressed in vulgar terms that might not seem fitting for the office or position held by the speaker, in this country, the right to freely express oneself must be vigorously defended and allowed to be exercised. These days, neither side has been interested in doing that.
I expect more and better from the President of the United States than some drunk guy screaming in a bar.

There really is nothing wrong with dignity, intelligence and professionalism. Those are not bad things, and they can be displayed regardless of a person's positions on the issues. It's not one or the other.

Gentlemanly decorum has gotten the Republicans nowhere with the current crop of Democrats. It's refreshing to see one who speaks his mind, and doesn't care what anyone - especially the Democrats - thinks about it.

Would that the rest of them would pick up on his cues.
Since I don't play the partisan politics game, I don't drop my standards based on the letter after a politician's name.

I expect professionalism, dignity, respect, decorum and thoughtfulness from our elected "leaders".

Those qualities don't preclude an intelligent adult from advocating for what they believe in. That's a crock.

I think this country has been dropping its standards across the board for long enough.
I’d prefer a fighter lead this nation. I at least have a little respect for the squad. They’re the dumbest bitches on the planet but they say what they want. You can’t fight that with a pussy president. You have to attack them at least at the level they are attacking us.
A person can be a fighter without acting like a spoiled, ignorant, petulant child.

I truly don't understand why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

Or he could be a big wuss who bashes the US on an apology tour(Obama). I prefer a straight fighter. To each his own.
So those are the only two things he can be? A loudmouthed buffoon or a "big wuss"?

That's it? Those are his two choices?


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