How Many Towns In California Have to Burn to The Ground Before Voters There Wake The Hell Up?

Yeah, sure it is. At least you're admitting California wildfires have been happening regularly since at least 1950 and not just since 2013 when the environmentalists said not to clean out the power lines.
The difference is in the scale of the fire that results, not some quantification of occurances, OL.

If a fire is found and put out in a small area that is qualitatively better than if it gets out of control.

How many acres have burned to the ground in California since 1950?

View attachment 287561

THAT is where the change is, OL.

Edit: First chart is California only, the second is all the USA wildfires.
You don't think the recent droughts have anything to do with the increased fire damage? Wiki:
Throughout history, California has experienced many droughts, such as 1841, 1864, 1924, 1928–1935, 1947–1950, 1959–1960, 1976–1977, 2006–2010, and 2011–2017.[1]

Three years ago at this time we were having fires erupting all over the place even here in the wettest part of Appalachia, because of the same reason --- drought, a sudden abnormal one. Some mornings looked like thick fog because of smoke from fire a hundred miles away. One road to the south was closed for weeks because it was on fire. I had smoke inside the house just because it was everywhere; you could look straight at the sun and not see it. As in California, fires visible from space.

And that was only a drought of about two months. Desert California gets that for seven and with way lower humidity.

Clearly the fault of 'Democrats'/'Soshulists'/'liburruls'/'duh left'/'Pergressives'. I mean it couldn't be clearer. :banghead:
I remember you and bones keeping a lookout during that fire. Maine had a year like that in '47 that caused fires all over the state; a lot of the summer mansions in Bar Harbor were lost then. My dad was fighting it in our neck of the woods with a two gallon water tank strapped to his back and a wet blanket. They thought Route 1 would stop it but it jumped the road as if it weren't there and burned all the way to the ocean. The stands of birch today in a mile long swath where the pine and hardwood forest burned show its path. It was a doozy.
Yeah, sure it is. At least you're admitting California wildfires have been happening regularly since at least 1950 and not just since 2013 when the environmentalists said not to clean out the power lines.
The difference is in the scale of the fire that results, not some quantification of occurances, OL.

If a fire is found and put out in a small area that is qualitatively better than if it gets out of control.

How many acres have burned to the ground in California since 1950?

View attachment 287561

THAT is where the change is, OL.

Edit: First chart is California only, the second is all the USA wildfires.
You don't think the recent droughts have anything to do with the increased fire damage? Wiki:
Throughout history, California has experienced many droughts, such as 1841, 1864, 1924, 1928–1935, 1947–1950, 1959–1960, 1976–1977, 2006–2010, and 2011–2017.[1]

Three years ago at this time we were having fires erupting all over the place even here in the wettest part of Appalachia, because of the same reason --- drought, a sudden abnormal one. Some mornings looked like thick fog because of smoke from fire a hundred miles away. One road to the south was closed for weeks because it was on fire. I had smoke inside the house just because it was everywhere; you could look straight at the sun and not see it. As in California, fires visible from space.

And that was only a drought of about two months. Desert California gets that for seven and with way lower humidity.

Clearly the fault of 'Democrats'/'Soshulists'/'liburruls'/'duh left'/'Pergressives'. I mean it couldn't be clearer. :banghead:
I remember you and bones keeping a lookout during that fire. Maine had a year like that in '47 that caused fires all over the state; a lot of the summer mansions in Bar Harbor were lost then. My dad was fighting it in our neck of the woods with a two gallon water tank strapped to his back and a wet blanket. They thought Route 1 would stop it but it jumped the road as if it weren't there and burned all the way to the ocean. The stands of birch today in a mile long swath where the pine and hardwood forest burned show its path. It was a doozy.

Really -- 1947? It was either that year or '49, I'd have to look it up, that my grandfather lost all his property in a fire that he first saw while working as a lookout ranger on a fire tower --- he spotted smoke and it turned out to be his own house and barn. By the time help got there everything was gone but a few clothes. He then came south to live with us for the last few years of his life and I can just barely remember him. He died just before my 5th birthday. :(

It wasn't the weather though, it was a neighbor boy playing with matches in the barn.

My dad and brother and I went back to that fire tower in 1963 to watch a solar eclipse. It's since been torn down and moved to Canada.

Bones was a gem. Offered to put me up if I needed to evacuate. :thup:
You don't think the recent droughts have anything to do with the increased fire damage? Wiki:
Throughout history, California has experienced many droughts, such as 1841, 1864, 1924, 1928–1935, 1947–1950, 1959–1960, 1976–1977, 2006–2010, and 2011–2017.[1]
I think it has something to do with it, but does not explain all of it.

The whole country has seen an increase in the acreage burned down while the number of incidents have been cut in half, which implies a mathematical quadrupling of damage per fire incident.

The entire country has not been in a continual drought since 1970.

I think leaving all this uncleared underbrush and fallen lumber to rot in place is a much greater factor that has been the result nation wide of federali policy to not allow clearing by civilians.
My comments are not insults, they are based on your comments. And, you are being dishonest again, in not responding to my question to prove what I perceive as lies.

You called me a 'damn liar' because you disagreed with me. Do you suppose there would be any dialogue after such insults?

There is no dialogue, a dialogue requires mutual respect.

How have I disrespected you, because I do not agree with your POV?
My comments are not insults, they are based on your comments. And, you are being dishonest again, in not responding to my question to prove what I perceive as lies.

You called me a 'damn liar' because you disagreed with me. Do you suppose there would be any dialogue after such insults?

There is no dialogue, a dialogue requires mutual respect.
Still no cogent reply.
I do think the USA can survive a nuclear war, but I dont think it can survive another 20 years of Dimocratic stupidity.
Look at what happened to Venezuela. Once these Leftists take over, it's like cancer, they won't let go until they kill the organism from within.
I think the Republicans will win the 2020 election, (I know thats a shock to you, right?) but it will be in large part due to the rest of America not wanting to end up in a dictatorship like Venezuela or ruined like California.
You don't think the recent droughts have anything to do with the increased fire damage? Wiki:
Throughout history, California has experienced many droughts, such as 1841, 1864, 1924, 1928–1935, 1947–1950, 1959–1960, 1976–1977, 2006–2010, and 2011–2017.[1]
I think it has something to do with it, but does not explain all of it.

The whole country has seen an increase in the acreage burned down while the number of incidents have been cut in half, which implies a mathematical quadrupling of damage per fire incident.

The entire country has not been in a continual drought since 1970.

I think leaving all this uncleared underbrush and fallen lumber to rot in place is a much greater factor that has been the result nation wide of federali policy to not allow clearing by civilians.

Yes, poorly maintained infrastructure by PG&E along with Santa Ana winds have racked havoc in California, but as I posted, Virginia hasn't fared much better.
I do think the USA can survive a nuclear war, but I dont think it can survive another 20 years of Dimocratic stupidity.
Look at what happened to Venezuela. Once these Leftists take over, it's like cancer, they won't let go until they kill the organism from within.
I think the Republicans will win the 2020 election, (I know thats a shock to you, right?) but it will be in large part due to the rest of America not wanting to end up in a dictatorship like Venezuela or ruined like California.

Isn't 2020 when your federal tax breaks end? Mine don't!
Electing Democrats is always a disaster.

It doesn't matter if is Detroit, Chicago, New York or the state of California. It always leads to failure.
Electing Democrats is always a disaster.

It doesn't matter if is Detroit, Chicago, New York or the state of California. It always leads to failure.

I see you completely glossed over the fact that Nixon allowed the Japs to product dump which began the fall of US manufacturing.

Then Raygun put us in the world economy buttfucking the American Worker.

Then daddy bush signed the worker visa program which cost millions of Working Americans jobs.

Now tRump wants to make these foreign fucks American citizens.

Reality sucks if you're a Republican.
I see you completely glossed over the fact that Nixon allowed the Japs to product dump which began the fall of US manufacturing.

Then Raygun put us in the world economy buttfucking the American Worker.

Then daddy bush signed the worker visa program which cost millions of Working Americans jobs.

Now tRump wants to make these foreign fucks American citizens.

Reality sucks if you're a Republican.

Why did you skip Clinton?

I guess reality sucks when you're a partisan hack too, huh.
Electing Democrats is always a disaster.

It doesn't matter if is Detroit, Chicago, New York or the state of California. It always leads to failure.

I see you completely glossed over the fact that Nixon allowed the Japs to product dump which began the fall of US manufacturing.

Then Raygun put us in the world economy buttfucking the American Worker.

Then daddy bush signed the worker visa program which cost millions of Working Americans jobs.

Now tRump wants to make these foreign fucks American citizens.

Reality sucks if you're a Republican.

You skipped the damage done by that arrogant asshole JFK, that filthy shithead LBJ, that incompetent piece of shit Carter, that sleazy lying asshole Slick Willy and the worst President ever, Obama.

It was the filthy Democrats that fucked up Detroit, New York, Chicago, Baltimore and the whole fucking state of California. Obama tried to fuck up all of the US and would have if it hadn't been for the Republican House and Senate.
partisan politics are just too easy to blame

I'd wager the Romans blamed their senate

they fell apart just the same

It's not man made climate change. It is building in forests in areas known to burn, then not allowing utilities to cut down forest around power lines. It is criminal negligence by government bowing to the pressure from environmentalist whackos and the Democrats THEY OWN.

Help me understand what you just said.
I saw utilities cutting trees ALL the time. So I don’t understand why people that don’t even live here keep saying that.

So a trees dangling next to power lines. The utility company and property owners just negligently leave it just like that? So it can catch fire.
Then we should have more fires even with out the Santa Ana winds.

Am I wrong?

Yes, you are.

If you lived 'here' you'd know.

I live here idiot.
California has had wildfires every year forever. The only difference is the introduction of people with no brains who have somehow managed to turn it into Democrats' fault. They have had wildfires when Republicans were in charge, as well. The Santa Anna winds cause wildfires.

The wind causes wildfires.

1. Republicans have never been in charge in California.

2. Tight EPA controls that won't allow the Forest Service,
3. PG&E and other utilities to cut down forest around power lines,

It IS the Democrats fault.

Prove me wrong.

Yes are very wrong and ignorant.
1. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a Republican.

2. Like what EPA rules?

3. They cut trees around power lines but not the forest.
It just hit me like a ton of rocks as I watched all the fires in California, how long before people there realize that their government is failing at its job?

Their power providers are expert at identifying how many LGBTQXREYZ they have on their payroll, but cannot manage to update and maintain their power grid? WTF?

They have people shitting in the middle of the streets, open gang warfare that their state government and city government protects with sanctuary laws, and they are seeing a return of diseases we have not seen since the Middle ages like Bubonic Plague!

OMG, how bad does it have to get before people start to vote the bastards out?

Instead, they keep voting for Dimocrats that make the problems worse and worse till they give up and move to another state and then start voting Dimocrat there too.

How many states have to be ruined before we all finally decide to ban the Dimocratic Party ion the interest of national security?

I do think the USA can survive a nuclear war, but I dont think it can survive another 20 years of Dimocratic stupidity.
Global Warming is just starting

Its not global warming. The forestry service and PG&E are not allowed to clear trees and brush like they used to do. We have always had these winds that kick up this time of year that feed the fires. Thats nothing new. Whats new is mismanagement that we didnt quite have 20 years ago, and now instead of blaming themselves, California politicians are blaming global warming. Sadly it is all BS, the brush and tall grass isn't any more dryer because of a couple degrees warming and the seasonal rains havn't changed so you cant blame that. Its got more to do with overgrowth and new building of communities into areas that were once open land.

Let set aside the global warning.

They cut trees AAAALL the time. So I don’t understand where all this BS that they are not allowed to cut trees.

If we don’t cut trees then we should have more fires even without the Santa Ana winds.

Am I wrong?
Do not be surprised if California turns red next election.

People all over the state are suffering from democrat policies. Don't count on their loyalty.

Really? California has 3 out of the top 10 container ports by volume in the US. Republican polices sure have cut down on workers at the ports, trucking, and rail.
One of the main reasons CA gets away with what it does is that it charges it's residents an arm and a leg in state taxes, then gets most of it back from the federal govt. In other words, the rest of the country gets shafted while freeloader Leftie states screw them over.
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I do think the USA can survive a nuclear war, but I dont think it can survive another 20 years of Dimocratic stupidity.
Look at what happened to Venezuela. Once these Leftists take over, it's like cancer, they won't let go until they kill the organism from within.
I think the Republicans will win the 2020 election, (I know thats a shock to you, right?) but it will be in large part due to the rest of America not wanting to end up in a dictatorship like Venezuela or ruined like California.
Well, the historically accurately Moody's is predicting that Trump will be reflected in a landslide:

Moody's forecast: Trump will win 2020 election in landslide - CNN Video

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that

The Senate will obviously stay republican and the Will defintely even gain few seat seats, the House will be a closer call, but it looks like the desperate Dems just dug their own grave with this bullshit impeachment move.
It just hit me like a ton of rocks as I watched all the fires in California, how long before people there realize that their government is failing at its job?

Their power providers are expert at identifying how many LGBTQXREYZ they have on their payroll, but cannot manage to update and maintain their power grid? WTF?

They have people shitting in the middle of the streets, open gang warfare that their state government and city government protects with sanctuary laws, and they are seeing a return of diseases we have not seen since the Middle ages like Bubonic Plague!

OMG, how bad does it have to get before people start to vote the bastards out?

Instead, they keep voting for Dimocrats that make the problems worse and worse till they give up and move to another state and then start voting Dimocrat there too.

How many states have to be ruined before we all finally decide to ban the Dimocratic Party ion the interest of national security?

I do think the USA can survive a nuclear war, but I dont think it can survive another 20 years of Dimocratic stupidity.
Global Warming is just starting

Its not global warming. The forestry service and PG&E are not allowed to clear trees and brush like they used to do. We have always had these winds that kick up this time of year that feed the fires. Thats nothing new. Whats new is mismanagement that we didnt quite have 20 years ago, and now instead of blaming themselves, California politicians are blaming global warming. Sadly it is all BS, the brush and tall grass isn't any more dryer because of a couple degrees warming and the seasonal rains havn't changed so you cant blame that. Its got more to do with overgrowth and new building of communities into areas that were once open land.

Let set aside the global warning.

They cut trees AAAALL the time. So I don’t understand where all this BS that they are not allowed to cut trees.

If we don’t cut trees then we should have more fires even without the Santa Ana winds.

Am I wrong?

They cut trees all the time? its a big state and not enough funds are allocated. The forests in california are denser and have more dead wood than ever before, I'm not sure what your trying to say.

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