How Many Towns In California Have to Burn to The Ground Before Voters There Wake The Hell Up?

Electing Democrats is always a disaster.

It doesn't matter if is Detroit, Chicago, New York or the state of California. It always leads to failure.
It is the inevitable result of ward politics + third world immigration

I have the Electoral College map from the average turnout prediction in my sig, lol.

The Senate will obviously stay republican and the Will definitely even gain few seat seats, the House will be a closer call, but it looks like the desperate Dems just dug their own grave with this bullshit impeachment move.

I think the House will go GOP by about +20 seats because, despite all the safe seat gerrymandering, people are sick to death of a Party focused soley on Resist! and Impeach!
What is it with the red state nutters and sex? They are some of the biggest prudes I've ever known yet they can't keep their noses out of other people's sex lives. Wtf?


You're the one that has at least a half dozen posts referring to someone else's penis.
My comments are not insults, they are based on your comments. And, you are being dishonest again, in not responding to my question to prove what I perceive as lies.

This is a childish insult. "You really are an ignoramus, a bigot and a damn liar." That is something expected from a 10-year-old child.

There is no reason for anyone to respond to a child. Grow up!

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For decades the whacked-out environmentalists of California have stood in the way of responsible forest management of their forests. It is virtually impossible to put in logging roads, thin forests, and do control burns to clear out the underbrush, dead wood, and fallen trees.

It is a tragedy that they, Californias radical environmentalists, have destroyed a formerly beautiful state.
My comments are not insults, they are based on your comments. And, you are being dishonest again, in not responding to my question to prove what I perceive as lies.

This is a childish insult. "You really are an ignoramus, a bigot and a damn liar." That is something expected from a 10-year-old child.

There is no reason for anyone to respond to a child. Grow up!


Thanks so much for sharing, as a non liberal I fully expect from you an idiot-gram. See my signature lines, and maybe you will have some insight into me and how fucked up you are.
Electing Democrats is always a disaster.

It doesn't matter if is Detroit, Chicago, New York or the state of California. It always leads to failure.
It is the inevitable result of ward politics + third world immigration

The Democrat Party is the party of greed.

The greed in California from allowing the third world to export poverty is what has led to California being first in poverty, having the worst schools, the most homeless and the most debt. Typical failure of the Left. We see it everywhere.

Those stupid Democrats can't even manage electrical power very well. The idiots mandated that the power companies build worthless and expensive green energy facilities and that dried up the money to fix the power grid infrastructure.

Stupid Democrats.
Hey, lets make all the power companies spend all their money on Green energy. What could possibly go wrong?
Electing Democrats is always a disaster.

It doesn't matter if is Detroit, Chicago, New York or the state of California. It always leads to failure.
It is the inevitable result of ward politics + third world immigration

The Democrat Party is the party of greed.

The greed in California from allowing the third world to export poverty is what has led to California being first in poverty, having the worst schools, the most homeless and the most debt. Typical failure of the Left. We see it everywhere.

Those stupid Democrats can't even manage electrical power very well. The idiots mandated that the power companies build worthless and expensive green energy facilities and that dried up the money to fix the power grid infrastructure.

Stupid Democrats.

Actually Duh Stupid would be you, as you just exposed yourself. That fire, like the Camp Fire almost exactly a year ago, was started by power lines managed by private, profit-making corporations, not fucking "Democrats". In the case of Paradise it was a 68-year-old 115 kV transmission line that blew up, sent molten metal to the ground and spread from a canyon that was inaccessible to fire equipment that saw it but could not reach it. PGE had been warned about those aging towers that were there before you and I were born, they also publicly warned the locals that they might cut the power because of that high red alert day, but did not, and as a result forty thousand people lost their homes.

Fucking assoholic ignoramus.
My comments are not insults, they are based on your comments. And, you are being dishonest again, in not responding to my question to prove what I perceive as lies.

This is a childish insult. "You really are an ignoramus, a bigot and a damn liar." That is something expected from a 10-year-old child.

There is no reason for anyone to respond to a child. Grow up!


Thanks so much for sharing, as a non liberal I fully expect from you an idiot-gram. See my signature lines, and maybe you will have some insight into me and how fucked up you are.

I see you completely glossed over the fact that Nixon allowed the Japs to product dump which began the fall of US manufacturing.

Then Raygun put us in the world economy buttfucking the American Worker.

Then daddy bush signed the worker visa program which cost millions of Working Americans jobs.

Now tRump wants to make these foreign fucks American citizens.

Reality sucks if you're a Republican.

Why did you skip Clinton?

I guess reality sucks when you're a partisan hack too, huh.

Skipped Clinton how?
Electing Democrats is always a disaster.

It doesn't matter if is Detroit, Chicago, New York or the state of California. It always leads to failure.

I see you completely glossed over the fact that Nixon allowed the Japs to product dump which began the fall of US manufacturing.

Then Raygun put us in the world economy buttfucking the American Worker.

Then daddy bush signed the worker visa program which cost millions of Working Americans jobs.

Now tRump wants to make these foreign fucks American citizens.

Reality sucks if you're a Republican.

You skipped the damage done by that arrogant asshole JFK, that filthy shithead LBJ, that incompetent piece of shit Carter, that sleazy lying asshole Slick Willy and the worst President ever, Obama.

It was the filthy Democrats that fucked up Detroit, New York, Chicago, Baltimore and the whole fucking state of California. Obama tried to fuck up all of the US and would have if it hadn't been for the Republican House and Senate.

I presented Republicans and what they did, you speak lies.
Do not be surprised if California turns red next election.

People all over the state are suffering from democrat policies. Don't count on their loyalty.

Really? California has 3 out of the top 10 container ports by volume in the US. Republican polices sure have cut down on workers at the ports, trucking, and rail.
One of the main reasons CA gets away with what it does is that it charges it's residents an arm and a leg in state taxes, then gets most of it back from the federal govt. In other words, the rest of the country gets shafted while freeloader Leftie states screw them over.



Most & Least Federally Dependent States
It just hit me like a ton of rocks as I watched all the fires in California, how long before people there realize that their government is failing at its job?

Their power providers are expert at identifying how many LGBTQXREYZ they have on their payroll, but cannot manage to update and maintain their power grid? WTF?

They have people shitting in the middle of the streets, open gang warfare that their state government and city government protects with sanctuary laws, and they are seeing a return of diseases we have not seen since the Middle ages like Bubonic Plague!

OMG, how bad does it have to get before people start to vote the bastards out?

Instead, they keep voting for Dimocrats that make the problems worse and worse till they give up and move to another state and then start voting Dimocrat there too.

How many states have to be ruined before we all finally decide to ban the Dimocratic Party ion the interest of national security?

I do think the USA can survive a nuclear war, but I dont think it can survive another 20 years of Dimocratic stupidity.
Global Warming is just starting

Its not global warming. The forestry service and PG&E are not allowed to clear trees and brush like they used to do. We have always had these winds that kick up this time of year that feed the fires. Thats nothing new. Whats new is mismanagement that we didnt quite have 20 years ago, and now instead of blaming themselves, California politicians are blaming global warming. Sadly it is all BS, the brush and tall grass isn't any more dryer because of a couple degrees warming and the seasonal rains havn't changed so you cant blame that. Its got more to do with overgrowth and new building of communities into areas that were once open land.

Let set aside the global warning.

They cut trees AAAALL the time. So I don’t understand where all this BS that they are not allowed to cut trees.

If we don’t cut trees then we should have more fires even without the Santa Ana winds.

Am I wrong?

They cut trees all the time? its a big state and not enough funds are allocated. The forests in california are denser and have more dead wood than ever before, I'm not sure what your trying to say.

You do know that your link is just an opinion like no other dude here that hate Ca. Coming up with lots of BS.

Yes they cut trees all the time. From San Diego to Santa Barbara to San Francisco. Other subcontractors are cutting trees year round.
You do know that we have also high winds here in Ca. If we don’t then we should have more fires than Santa Ana winds.
1. For decades the whacked-out environmentalists of California have stood in the way of responsible forest management of their forests.

2. It is virtually impossible to put in logging roads, thin forests, and do control burns to clear out the underbrush, dead wood, and fallen trees.

It is a tragedy that they, Californias radical environmentalists, have destroyed a formerly beautiful state.

You don’t even live here to make such erroneous opinions.

1. Prove it. Or you are lying again.

2. We do control burns. Prove that we don’t. We still do logging and thin forests.

Did you even watch how devastating the Santa Ana winds and where it started and hit the most? Does it looks like where the logging areas or the thinning?
It just hit me like a ton of rocks as I watched all the fires in California, how long before people there realize that their government is failing at its job?

Their power providers are expert at identifying how many LGBTQXREYZ they have on their payroll, but cannot manage to update and maintain their power grid? WTF?

They have people shitting in the middle of the streets, open gang warfare that their state government and city government protects with sanctuary laws, and they are seeing a return of diseases we have not seen since the Middle ages like Bubonic Plague!

OMG, how bad does it have to get before people start to vote the bastards out?

Instead, they keep voting for Dimocrats that make the problems worse and worse till they give up and move to another state and then start voting Dimocrat there too.

How many states have to be ruined before we all finally decide to ban the Dimocratic Party ion the interest of national security?

I do think the USA can survive a nuclear war, but I dont think it can survive another 20 years of Dimocratic stupidity.
Global Warming is just starting

We need a government program!
That's the go-to Dimwinger solution to when the govt creates a clusterfuck.
You do know that your link is just an opinion like no other dude here that hate Ca. Coming up with lots of BS.

Yes they cut trees all the time. From San Diego to Santa Barbara to San Francisco. Other subcontractors are cutting trees year round.

You do know that we have also high winds here in Ca. If we don’t then we should have more fires than Santa Ana winds.

Rrrriiiiggggghhhhhttttt! :D

California Logging Regulations[edit]
In California, as of 1999, 45% of the producing forest land is owned by private individuals and companies. [2] However to harvest this lumber the owners must have a detailed management plan prepared, which is then reviewed by the state. Often times due to the many regulations for logging in California, the costs to harvest timber on a property are greater than the gain. With the balancing act loggers face to abide by state regulation and turning a profit, wood supply is often imported into California.

The authors of a study on private forestland management at Cal Poly State University-San Luis Obispo say "California forestlands are some of the most legally protected privately owned forests in the world. Multiple layers of federal, state, county and local regulations ensure that timber will be managed in a sustainable manner," but they go on to say that this can lead to micro-managing that may not be good for the forest.[3] Companies, organizations and individuals continue to fight to either tighten or loosen the regulations.
Electing Democrats is always a disaster.

It doesn't matter if is Detroit, Chicago, New York or the state of California. It always leads to failure.
It is the inevitable result of ward politics + third world immigration

The Democrat Party is the party of greed.

The greed in California from allowing the third world to export poverty is what has led to California being first in poverty, having the worst schools, the most homeless and the most debt. Typical failure of the Left. We see it everywhere.

Those stupid Democrats can't even manage electrical power very well.

***The idiots mandated that the power companies build worthless and expensive green energy facilities and that dried up the money to fix the power grid infrastructure.

Stupid Democrats.

Let me see if you know what you are talking about.

Are you saying Republicans are not as greedy as Democrats? Look at Trump even paid $25 millions to settle Trump university because of greediness. So you are wrong.

*** Explain why do you think this is worthless when the whole world is turning to green and reusable energy?
Since you are very ignorant the power
Companies and the green energy are totally separate systems and management of financial sources.

California worst school. Not eeeeven close. Rated at #35. So you are wrong.

Most debt? We donate about $662 billions of federal tax every year.

Homelessness. Don’t worry Florida homelessness will catch up someday.

As of January 2018, Florida had an estimated 31,030 experiencing homelessness on any given day, as reported by Continuums of Care to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Of that Total, 2,757 were family households, 2,543 were Veterans, 1,892 were unaccompanied young adults (aged 18-24), and 5,302 were individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.

Public school data reported to the U.S. Department of Education during the 2016-2017 school year shows that an estimated 72,042 public school students experienced homelessness over the course of the year. Of that total, 2,001 students were unsheltered, 8,346 were in shelters, 8,113 were inhotels/motels, and 53,582 were doubled up.

Homelessness Numbers Up Throughout North Central Florida – WUFT News

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