How Many Towns In California Have to Burn to The Ground Before Voters There Wake The Hell Up?

I helped fight my share of fires back in the day. You want to know the hardest part? When the Chief turns the property back over to the owners, and let's them in what's left of it

The look on the faces of those viewing the ashes of their former existence is excruciatingly painful , even if one is not empathetic

One does not , in said circumstance, insist on blame

Yet that's all you folk do

You are seriously twisted partisans , w/out sympathy respect or morality

For what Democrats pissed away on the train to nowhere they could have bought 200 of these.

I helped fight my share of fires back in the day. You want to know the hardest part? When the Chief turns the property back over to the owners, and let's them in what's left of it

The look on the faces of those viewing the ashes of their former existence is excruciatingly painful , even if one is not empathetic

One does not , in said circumstance, insist on blame

Yet that's all you folk do

You are seriously twisted partisans , w/out sympathy respect or morality

So you’re not interested in fire prevention. Got it.
I helped fight my share of fires back in the day. You want to know the hardest part? When the Chief turns the property back over to the owners, and let's them in what's left of it

The look on the faces of those viewing the ashes of their former existence is excruciatingly painful , even if one is not empathetic

One does not , in said circumstance, insist on blame

Yet that's all you folk do

You are seriously twisted partisans , w/out sympathy respect or morality

So you’re not interested in fire prevention. Got it.

Your infantile attempt to provoke me failed

not sorry

Methinks the only think that's good for some sorts, is to hate, spit, and carry on like spoiled toddlers on this device

I helped fight my share of fires back in the day. You want to know the hardest part? When the Chief turns the property back over to the owners, and let's them in what's left of it

The look on the faces of those viewing the ashes of their former existence is excruciatingly painful , even if one is not empathetic

One does not , in said circumstance, insist on blame

Yet that's all you folk do

You are seriously twisted partisans , w/out sympathy respect or morality

So you’re not interested in fire prevention. Got it.

Your infantile attempt to provoke me failed

not sorry

Now you’re triggered by someone replying to your dumbass statement.
You know THE WORST part of a fire is?

Having no one interested in solving why the fire that just burned down your town started.
You do know that your link is just an opinion like no other dude here that hate Ca. Coming up with lots of BS.

Yes they cut trees all the time. From San Diego to Santa Barbara to San Francisco. Other subcontractors are cutting trees year round.

You do know that we have also high winds here in Ca. If we don’t then we should have more fires than Santa Ana winds.

Rrrriiiiggggghhhhhttttt! :D

California Logging Regulations[edit]
In California, as of 1999, 45% of the producing forest land is owned by private individuals and companies. [2] However to harvest this lumber the owners must have a detailed management plan prepared, which is then reviewed by the state. Often times due to the many regulations for logging in California, the costs to harvest timber on a property are greater than the gain. With the balancing act loggers face to abide by state regulation and turning a profit, wood supply is often imported into California.

The authors of a study on private forestland management at Cal Poly State University-San Luis Obispo say "California forestlands are some of the most legally protected privately owned forests in the world. Multiple layers of federal, state, county and local regulations ensure that timber will be managed in a sustainable manner," but they go on to say that this can lead to micro-managing that may not be good for the forest.[3] Companies, organizations and individuals continue to fight to either tighten or loosen the regulations.

Wroooonng. Since I know that you are a liar...... Did you create this your self? Where did this came from?

Even that read what you just posted if you really understand what you are talking about.

Calling me a liar and you have nothing to support your fabrications.

That last sentence, is English your second or third language? Or did you go to public school in California?
Electing Democrats is always a disaster.

It doesn't matter if is Detroit, Chicago, New York or the state of California. It always leads to failure.
It is the inevitable result of ward politics + third world immigration

The Democrat Party is the party of greed.

The greed in California from allowing the third world to export poverty is what has led to California being first in poverty, having the worst schools, the most homeless and the most debt. Typical failure of the Left. We see it everywhere.

Those stupid Democrats can't even manage electrical power very well.

***The idiots mandated that the power companies build worthless and expensive green energy facilities and that dried up the money to fix the power grid infrastructure.

Stupid Democrats.

Let me see if you know what you are talking about.

Are you saying Republicans are not as greedy as Democrats? Look at Trump even paid $25 millions to settle Trump university because of greediness. So you are wrong.

*** Explain why do you think this is worthless when the whole world is turning to green and reusable energy?
Since you are very ignorant the power
Companies and the green energy are totally separate systems and management of financial sources.

California worst school. Not eeeeven close. Rated at #35. So you are wrong.

Most debt? We donate about $662 billions of federal tax every year.

Homelessness. Don’t worry Florida homelessness will catch up someday.

As of January 2018, Florida had an estimated 31,030 experiencing homelessness on any given day, as reported by Continuums of Care to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Of that Total, 2,757 were family households, 2,543 were Veterans, 1,892 were unaccompanied young adults (aged 18-24), and 5,302 were individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.

Public school data reported to the U.S. Department of Education during the 2016-2017 school year shows that an estimated 72,042 public school students experienced homelessness over the course of the year. Of that total, 2,001 students were unsheltered, 8,346 were in shelters, 8,113 were inhotels/motels, and 53,582 were doubled up.

Homelessness Numbers Up Throughout North Central Florida – WUFT News

I am not a Republican so you can take your demented partisan hate and cram it.

Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Light. Both parties are parties of big government. The only difference is the degree and for the most part that difference is minimal.

The Reublicans are always better than Democrats (we all know that) but being better isn't much seeing what a low bar the filthy Democrats set.

The filthy Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

The Republicans promise good government but usually deliver just about the same bad government that we would have got had the filthy Democrat won.
Who do you usually vote for in elections...the Democrat or the Republican?
You do know that your link is just an opinion like no other dude here that hate Ca. Coming up with lots of BS.

Yes they cut trees all the time. From San Diego to Santa Barbara to San Francisco. Other subcontractors are cutting trees year round.

You do know that we have also high winds here in Ca. If we don’t then we should have more fires than Santa Ana winds.

Rrrriiiiggggghhhhhttttt! :D

California Logging Regulations[edit]
In California, as of 1999, 45% of the producing forest land is owned by private individuals and companies. [2] However to harvest this lumber the owners must have a detailed management plan prepared, which is then reviewed by the state. Often times due to the many regulations for logging in California, the costs to harvest timber on a property are greater than the gain. With the balancing act loggers face to abide by state regulation and turning a profit, wood supply is often imported into California.

The authors of a study on private forestland management at Cal Poly State University-San Luis Obispo say "California forestlands are some of the most legally protected privately owned forests in the world. Multiple layers of federal, state, county and local regulations ensure that timber will be managed in a sustainable manner," but they go on to say that this can lead to micro-managing that may not be good for the forest.[3] Companies, organizations and individuals continue to fight to either tighten or loosen the regulations.

Wroooonng. Since I know that you are a liar...... Did you create this your self? Where did this came from?

Even that read what you just posted if you really understand what you are talking about.

Calling me a liar and you have nothing to support your fabrications.

That last sentence, is English your second or third language? Or did you go to public school in California?
California doesn’t even let you clear out dead trees.
Why do red staters feel so aggrieved all the time about California? Bless your delicate fragile hearts! Nobody is forcing you to live here. Honestly, most of us don't want your kind here anyway.

Why do you carry on with your hand wringing so much? We are fine. We have natural disasters here, no different than anyplace else.

In my part of the state, we have a great relationship with our FRIENDS and NEIGHBORS Tijuana. If you do not live in California, you are not my neighbor and if you are a Trump nutter you certainly are not my friend. I will not be taking your advice

Stay in your basement where you can be safe! Clean your guns and wait for the hordes!

No one is "aggrieved" about California. I pity them for what they have done to destroy their own, formerly great and beautiful, state.

You say you have a great relationship with your friends and neighbors, Tijuana Mexico. Got it! You must be so proud!

"The Mexican city of Tijuana had 2,519 murders in 2018, an increase of 40 percent from 2017, which at the time had been a record-setting year for homicides, KQED reported."
Mexico Murder Rate Soars to Historic Level in 2019 - Report

If California is still such a great place, why are people and companies fleeing the state in doves?

You don’t even live here to make such erroneous opinions.

1. Prove it. Or you are lying again.

2. We do control burns. Prove that we don’t. We still do logging and thin forests.

Did you even watch how devastating the Santa Ana winds and where it started and hit the most? Does it looks like where the logging areas or the thinning?

Why California's Best Strategy Against Wildfire Is Hardly Ever Used
Molly Peterson
Jul 16, 2018
But experts say it’s possible to avoid catastrophic harm to human and forest health by setting planned burns before human error, lightning or arson choose when fires start.
Even when the permit is done and the weather is right and crews are available, the air might already be too polluted to add more smoke to the mix. Air regulators grant permission for burn days, and it’s hard to get: regional atmospheric conditions mean that smoke from Sierra Nevada forests funnels toward the central valley, where air pollution is consistently bad.
Why California's Best Strategy Against Wildfire Is Hardly Ever Used


Nov 16, 2018, 12:06am
California's Deadliest Fires Could Have Been Mitigated By Prevention
Chuck DeVore Contributor

At least 63 people have been killed with 631 reported missing in the California fires as thousands of firefighters, including 200 sent from Texas as well as other states, battle to contain the blazes. More than 7,000 structures have been destroyed, including up to 90 percent of the homes in Paradise, population 26,682, in Northern California’s Butte County. More than a quarter of a million people have been evacuated in both the north of the state by the Camp Fire and by other fires in Southern California, Hill and Woolsey.
When deadly fires were burning last August, Mike Marcucci, the assistant chief of CAL FIRE, California’s main firefighting agency, noted in an interview with the CBS affiliate in San Francisco that, “It’s a daunting task that we’re working with some of our cooperators (i.e. federal and local authorities) to make sure we can get some of those trees out of the way to not add to some of the fuel.” CAL FIRE experts expanded on the problem by blaming decades of policy that discouraged controlled burns to reduce the fuel load in the now-burning forests in the north and hillsides in the south, creating tinderbox conditions.
Some of the needed prescribed burns in Southern California’s coastal chaparral and grasslands have been deterred by environmental lawsuits and air quality concerns.

The federal government controls 46 percent of California’s land, much of it managed by the U.S. Forest Service. In the three decades before 1990, foresters harvested 10-12 billion board feet of timber from national forests every year. By 2013, restrictive environmental policies cut that to 2.5 billion. While the harvest declined, so too did tree thinning and the clearing of brush and diseased trees. The Trump administration is reversing that trend with the biggest harvest of trees on federal land in 20 years, selling 3.4 billion board feet on some 3 million acres—still just a third of the typical pre-1990 harvest.

California's Deadliest Fires Could Have Been Mitigated By Prevention

More? As you know, there are dozens of other articles and sources pinpointing the neglect and mismanagement of California forests.

Read my post #217. Don’t stare at it. And read what you just posted. See if you can make sense.

Look at the maps of California where all the forest and loggings are. Then look at the areas being burns affected by the Santa Ana winds..... Start with that. Then come back to me.

There’s something wrong with you.

I posted supportable FACTS. You posted....

Keep up the good work!
And it was Reagan, with the help of the NRA that passed the Mulford Act which eliminated open carry in California.

As the late, great Paul Harvey would say, "and now, the rest of the story".

The Mulford Act was a 1967 California bill that repealed a law allowing public carrying of loaded firearms. Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford, and signed into law by then governor of California, Ronald Reagan, the bill was crafted in response to members of the Black Panther Party who were conducting armed patrols of Oakland neighborhoods while they were conducting what would later be termed copwatching. They garnered national attention after the Black Panthers marched bearing arms upon the California State Capitol to protest the bill.
It just hit me like a ton of rocks as I watched all the fires in California, how long before people there realize that their government is failing at its job?

Their power providers are expert at identifying how many LGBTQXREYZ they have on their payroll, but cannot manage to update and maintain their power grid? WTF?

They have people shitting in the middle of the streets, open gang warfare that their state government and city government protects with sanctuary laws, and they are seeing a return of diseases we have not seen since the Middle ages like Bubonic Plague!

OMG, how bad does it have to get before people start to vote the bastards out?

Instead, they keep voting for Dimocrats that make the problems worse and worse till they give up and move to another state and then start voting Dimocrat there too.

How many states have to be ruined before we all finally decide to ban the Dimocratic Party ion the interest of national security?

I do think the USA can survive a nuclear war, but I dont think it can survive another 20 years of Dimocratic stupidity.
Global Warming is just starting

Its not global warming. The forestry service and PG&E are not allowed to clear trees and brush like they used to do. We have always had these winds that kick up this time of year that feed the fires. Thats nothing new. Whats new is mismanagement that we didnt quite have 20 years ago, and now instead of blaming themselves, California politicians are blaming global warming. Sadly it is all BS, the brush and tall grass isn't any more dryer because of a couple degrees warming and the seasonal rains havn't changed so you cant blame that. Its got more to do with overgrowth and new building of communities into areas that were once open land.

Let set aside the global warning.

They cut trees AAAALL the time. So I don’t understand where all this BS that they are not allowed to cut trees.

If we don’t cut trees then we should have more fires even without the Santa Ana winds.

Am I wrong?

They cut trees all the time? its a big state and not enough funds are allocated. The forests in california are denser and have more dead wood than ever before, I'm not sure what your trying to say.

You do know that your link is just an opinion like no other dude here that hate Ca. Coming up with lots of BS.

Yes they cut trees all the time. From San Diego to Santa Barbara to San Francisco. Other subcontractors are cutting trees year round.
You do know that we have also high winds here in Ca. If we don’t then we should have more fires than Santa Ana winds.

They cut trees all the time? really? I live in California too, Northern. I have a friend who has been working for PG&E over 30 years, painting the electrical towers. For some reason, he seems to think part of the problem is on a lot of the power line runs they are only allowed to cut branches back 4 feet on either side... and environmentalists prevent them from ploughing clear the ground underneath. 4 feet is nothing. That will grow back in no time.
There are exceptions to that depending on whether the lines are running on private or federal land. He said in the National park areas they are allowed to take out something like 20 feet on either side to prevent fires. But on private owned lands where environmental laws control , they are pretty helpless.
Good luck with your ideas. Again, this is not so much about global warming and much more to do with land management.

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