How Many Towns In California Have to Burn to The Ground Before Voters There Wake The Hell Up?

The Democrat Party is the party of greed.

The greed in California from allowing the third world to export poverty is what has led to California being first in poverty, having the worst schools, the most homeless and the most debt. Typical failure of the Left. We see it everywhere.

Those stupid Democrats can't even manage electrical power very well.

***The idiots mandated that the power companies build worthless and expensive green energy facilities and that dried up the money to fix the power grid infrastructure.

Stupid Democrats.

Let me see if you know what you are talking about.

Are you saying Republicans are not as greedy as Democrats? Look at Trump even paid $25 millions to settle Trump university because of greediness. So you are wrong.

*** Explain why do you think this is worthless when the whole world is turning to green and reusable energy?
Since you are very ignorant the power
Companies and the green energy are totally separate systems and management of financial sources.

California worst school. Not eeeeven close. Rated at #35. So you are wrong.

Most debt? We donate about $662 billions of federal tax every year.

Homelessness. Don’t worry Florida homelessness will catch up someday.

As of January 2018, Florida had an estimated 31,030 experiencing homelessness on any given day, as reported by Continuums of Care to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Of that Total, 2,757 were family households, 2,543 were Veterans, 1,892 were unaccompanied young adults (aged 18-24), and 5,302 were individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.

Public school data reported to the U.S. Department of Education during the 2016-2017 school year shows that an estimated 72,042 public school students experienced homelessness over the course of the year. Of that total, 2,001 students were unsheltered, 8,346 were in shelters, 8,113 were inhotels/motels, and 53,582 were doubled up.

Homelessness Numbers Up Throughout North Central Florida – WUFT News

I am not a Republican so you can take your demented partisan hate and cram it.

Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Light. Both parties are parties of big government. The only difference is the degree and for the most part that difference is minimal.

The Reublicans are always better than Democrats (we all know that) but being better isn't much seeing what a low bar the filthy Democrats set.

The filthy Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

The Republicans promise good government but usually deliver just about the same bad government that we would have got had the filthy Democrat won.
Who do you usually vote for in elections...the Democrat or the Republican?

I have never voted for a filthy Democrat. Only an idiot would do that.

I did not vote for McCain, Romney or Trump. All big government weenies.

Trump has been the best President in my lifetime but he still supports the big government welfare state.
You write well for a 2 1/2 year old.

Your TDS mental illness is making you confused about what I wrote.
And please don't be distressed about our economy, it's the 5th largest in the world. Businesses and people have been fleeing California for nearly 30 years near as I can figure, based on hollering from red state nutters. We are still fine!
Yeah...things are great in California! Never been better.
Don't believe your lying eyes. The exploding homeless population, the shit filled streets, the diseases, the fires,
the burgeoning rat population. It's all wonderful!

I lived in California for over forty years. None of this reminds me of California when I lived there (I left about five years ago).

Keep telling yourself everything is okay. Denial is your strongest suit. Don't change what California is doing, not that they can. Everything is great! Really...couldn't be better.
I live here. Everyday. My eyes are not lying to me. That is a red state nutter phenomenon. My eyes are fine and my life is great here on the border. If that aggravates you, too fucking bad pal. I'm not going to be miserable so you can feel better about your sad life.

It's not my fault you couldn't handle it in CA and had to flee to your safe place. Try to be happy there and not so jealous of those of us who love where we live and will never leave. I live in paradise, imo.
Trump threatened to cut off federal aid to fight fires because California does not do enough to clear the forests

He didn’t mention that half the forest land is owned by the federal government and that he cut funding to the forestry service

As you know, the California restrictions are the problem. California environmentalist whackos turn their noses up at the smoke from controlled burns. Apparently, the smoke from massive forest fires is okay!

The problem comes from decades of mismanagement, not current spending.
I live here. Everyday. My eyes are not lying to me. That is a red state nutter phenomenon. My eyes are fine and my life is great here on the border. If that aggravates you, too fucking bad pal. I'm not going to be miserable so you can feel better about your sad life.
My life is fine and if you choose to ignore what's going on in California because you claim your life is wonderful in your little corner of the state. then be my guest.

I'm not making this up and I'm just telling you there are lots of people who are fed up. The California exodus is speeding up

You can insist everything is great.but that doesn't explain who so many people are leaving the state behind.
The hubris and denial of diehard
fans of the Great Golden Stain never ceases to amaze me.

It's not my fault you couldn't handle it in CA and had to flee to your safe place. Try to be happy there and not so jealous of those of us who love where we live and will never leave. I live in paradise, imo.
I could handle it. I DID handle it for decades though it wasn't always so fucked up.

If I was jealous of you I never would have left. Nobody forced me out at gunpoint.
I chose to leave. My son is a business owner and still lives in California and when he complains about high taxes and fees, fuel costs, the annual fire seasons which only seem to get worse, costs of housing, the exploding homeless
crisis, etc. I tell him to pack up and leave.

I'm surprised to hear "paradise" is paved with shit stained streets and sidewalks, by the way.
I live here. Everyday. My eyes are not lying to me. That is a red state nutter phenomenon. My eyes are fine and my life is great here on the border. If that aggravates you, too fucking bad pal. I'm not going to be miserable so you can feel better about your sad life.
My life is fine and if you choose to ignore what's going on in California because you claim your life is wonderful in your little corner of the state. then be my guest.

I'm not making this up and I'm just telling you there are lots of people who are fed up. The California exodus is speeding up

You can insist everything is great.but that doesn't explain who so many people are leaving the state behind.
The hubris and denial of diehard
fans of the Great Golden Stain never ceases to amaze me.

It's not my fault you couldn't handle it in CA and had to flee to your safe place. Try to be happy there and not so jealous of those of us who love where we live and will never leave. I live in paradise, imo.
I could handle it. I DID handle it for decades though it wasn't always so fucked up.

If I was jealous of you I never would have left. Nobody forced me out at gunpoint.
I chose to leave. My son is a business owner and still lives in California and when he complains about high taxes and fees, fuel costs, the annual fire seasons which only seem to get worse, costs of housing, the exploding homeless
crisis, etc. I tell him to pack up and leave.

I'm surprised to hear "paradise" is paved with shit stained streets and sidewalks, by the way.

I've been hearing that shrill trope since I moved here decades ago. Whatever. They sure are slowpokes.

I'm glad you left and found your safe place. Try not to hate on those of us who love California and will never ever leave.

I've been hearing that shrill trope since I moved here decades ago. Whatever. They sure are slowpokes.
Tell it to Quartz and their high highfalutin graphs, figures and charts.
Damn those statistics!

I'm glad you left and found your safe place. Try not to hate on those of us who love California and will never ever leave.
I don't hate you. Just shocked at the high levels of denial some people can exhibit and hug to their
bosoms like Cleopatra's asp.

I've been hearing that shrill trope since I moved here decades ago. Whatever. They sure are slowpokes.

I'm glad you left and found your safe place. Try not to hate on those of us who love California and will never ever leave.

1,800 companies left California in a year — with most bound for Texas
By Bill Hethcock – Senior Reporter, Dallas Business Journal
Dec 13, 2018, 2:01pm EST

A record number of companies are leaving California for states with a better business climate, and a new report shows that Texas remains their No. 1 destination. See why they are being urged to leave the state (it's not just because of taxes).
At this point, not many people are sympathetic to climate change is only happening in California to cause forest fires.:2up: Those dolts treat people like they were born yesterday! We are blessed by California.......the litmus test for fuckedupedness. Like a gigantic banner that reads.......



I've been hearing that shrill trope since I moved here decades ago. Whatever. They sure are slowpokes.
Tell it to Quartz and their high highfalutin graphs, figures and charts.
Damn those statistics!

I'm glad you left and found your safe place. Try not to hate on those of us who love California and will never ever leave.
I don't hate you. Just shocked at the high levels of denial some people can exhibit and hug to their
bosoms like Cleopatra's asp.
I'm just wondering how long it will take all the people and businesses to leave California. They've been leaving for decades, according to your ilk. We now have the world's 5th largest economy. All that leaving sure is benefiting California!

I'm not in denial. I'm also not a scared little flower, afraid of the world.

I've been hearing that shrill trope since I moved here decades ago. Whatever. They sure are slowpokes.

I'm glad you left and found your safe place. Try not to hate on those of us who love California and will never ever leave.

1,800 companies left California in a year — with most bound for Texas
By Bill Hethcock – Senior Reporter, Dallas Business Journal
Dec 13, 2018, 2:01pm EST

A record number of companies are leaving California for states with a better business climate, and a new report shows that Texas remains their No. 1 destination. See why they are being urged to leave the state (it's not just because of taxes).
Again, your type has been hollering this for decades. When do you think they'll finally be gone?

5th largest economy in the WORLD. Suck on that.
I'm just wondering how long it will take all the people and businesses to leave California. They've been leaving for decades, according to your ilk. We now have the world's 5th largest economy. All that leaving sure is benefiting California!
You can remove quite a few Jenga blocks from your Jenga tower for awhile without it toppling over.
That doesn't mean it will never fall over. Once again I recommend you look at the statistics in my citation.
I mean, you haven't . And you won't. But that doesn't change the raw statistical facts.

I'm not in denial. I'm also not a scared little flower, afraid of the world.
You think people moving from a bad neighborhood to a better one are "afraid of the world"?

Whatever you need to tell yourself.

I've been hearing that shrill trope since I moved here decades ago. Whatever. They sure are slowpokes.
Tell it to Quartz and their high highfalutin graphs, figures and charts.
Damn those statistics!

I'm glad you left and found your safe place. Try not to hate on those of us who love California and will never ever leave.
I don't hate you. Just shocked at the high levels of denial some people can exhibit and hug to their
bosoms like Cleopatra's asp.
I'm just wondering how long it will take all the people and businesses to leave California. They've been leaving for decades, according to your ilk. We now have the world's 5th largest economy. All that leaving sure is benefiting California!

I'm not in denial. I'm also not a scared little flower, afraid of the world.

That doesn't change the fact that most people who don't live in California think its a joke.....I mean, c'mon now. What else would they think...painting streets white....letting their forests burn to the ground every few months.........paying other states to use their glut of solar power.......banning vaping in towns..........fleets of poop scoop trucks in major cities........treating the homeless like hero's..........

The place is a smidge above 3rd world nation status at this point.........but we're real proud of ya!!:flirtysmile4:
I'm just wondering how long it will take all the people and businesses to leave California. They've been leaving for decades, according to your ilk. We now have the world's 5th largest economy. All that leaving sure is benefiting California!
You can remove quite a few Jenga blocks from your Jenga tower for awhile without it toppling over.
That doesn't mean it will never fall over. Once again I recommend you look at the statistics in my citation.
I mean, you haven't . And you won't. But that doesn't change the raw statistical facts.

I'm not in denial. I'm also not a scared little flower, afraid of the world.
You think people moving from a bad neighborhood to a better one are "afraid of the world"?

Whatever you need to tell yourself.
You're right, I won't look. I've been hearing that word vomit for so long it's lost it's meaning. Especially when the predicted doom and gloom never happens.

It's your definition of a 'bad neighborhood' that I question. I've been all over the world and I've seen bad neighborhoods. So yes, I do believe the folks who are so aggravated and concerned and frightened over California are incredibly delicate, precious flowers.
Again, your type has been hollering this for decades. When do you think they'll finally be gone?

5th largest economy in the WORLD. Suck on that.

I am proud to be "my type"! Honest, thorough, and bristling with FACTS. On the other hand, you simply whine a lot!

Suck on this:




For what Democrats pissed away on the train to nowhere they could have bought 200 of these.

View attachment 287896
Do you know anything about flying a plane that size close to the ground?
Do you know anything about flying a plane that size close to the ground?

Yes. It involves titanium nards.
You know nothing about flight surfaces, speed, winds, etc., do you?
Let set aside the global warning.

They cut trees AAAALL the time. So I don’t understand where all this BS that they are not allowed to cut trees.

If we don’t cut trees then we should have more fires even without the Santa Ana winds.

Am I wrong?

They cut trees all the time? its a big state and not enough funds are allocated. The forests in california are denser and have more dead wood than ever before, I'm not sure what your trying to say.

You do know that your link is just an opinion like no other dude here that hate Ca. Coming up with lots of BS.

Yes they cut trees all the time. From San Diego to Santa Barbara to San Francisco. Other subcontractors are cutting trees year round.
You do know that we have also high winds here in Ca. If we don’t then we should have more fires than Santa Ana winds.

They cut trees all the time? really? I live in California too, Northern. I have a friend who has been working for PG&E over 30 years, painting the electrical towers. For some reason, he seems to think part of the problem is on a lot of the power line runs they are only allowed to cut branches back 4 feet on either side... and environmentalists prevent them from ploughing clear the ground underneath. 4 feet is nothing. That will grow back in no time.
There are exceptions to that depending on whether the lines are running on private or federal land. He said in the National park areas they are allowed to take out something like 20 feet on either side to prevent fires. But on private owned lands where environmental laws control , they are pretty helpless.
Good luck with your ideas. Again, this is not so much about global warming and much more to do with land management.

Here is the current list of wildfires in California. Show me here where you think are the private lands of forest.

Most or all the fires ignited somewhere where the dry lands with bushes far from power lines. Then you just blankety blame the power lines. That’s pure ignorant.

California Fire Tracker: Wildfire map for Northern, Central and Southern California

1. I'm blaming the power lines? me? really? then why is it that PG&E shut down power last week for days to entire bay area communities? They shut everything down because they were afraid of the strong winds causing fires again with their power lines. So its not just me saying this. Got it?

2. The big fire last year up in Paradise was caused by PG & E power lines being to close to dry fuel .. trees, plants , shrubs... whatever you want to call them. Had nothing to do with global warming.

1. As a precautions. Why is that a problem?

2. That doesn’t mean all fires you saw last week are not caused by PG&E power lines.

Here’s the problem with people like you. Yes power lines do catch fires. That doesn’t mean all fires are caused by power lines...... That you and the rest keep saying they we don’t cut trees. That’s totally false.
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Oh it's only snowflakes like you who would be afraid to go to Tijuana. I go there on a regular basis. It's not that scary for people not afraid of their own shadow.

You nutters have been claiming people and companies are fleeing the state for AT LEAST 20 years. Don't you think we should be empty by now? Yet we have a big housing shortage in San Diego.

Tijuana has nothing I want to see or do. Why too would I go to a city which had over 2,000 MURDERS last year?

Of course, major California cities have housing shortages. They have such onerous building restrictions that it is impossible for them to build low and medium-priced housing. You have the homeless moving to the state to take advantage of your drug and shoplifting laws. No wonder the formerly beautiful cities now look like this.






I know that you are a liar. How do we even know those pictures came from California? There are homeless all over US.

Onerous building restrictions? Really? Then why are we building so many houses, new buildings and new developments all over? Far better than any states. Florida cannot even comes close to Ca economy.
And please don't be distressed about our economy, it's the 5th largest in the world. Businesses and people have been fleeing California for nearly 30 years near as I can figure, based on hollering from red state nutters. We are still fine!
Yeah...things are great in California! Never been better.
Don't believe your lying eyes. The exploding homeless population, the shit filled streets, the diseases, the fires,
the burgeoning rat population. It's all wonderful!

I lived in California for over forty years. None of this reminds me of California when I lived there (I left about five years ago).

Keep telling yourself everything is okay. Denial is your strongest suit. Don't change what California is doing, not that they can. Everything is great! Really...couldn't be better.

You live here for 40 years and you left 5 years ago. Really? I mean REALLY?
And you are this ignorant.

The place you are talking about shit in the streets are located in SF & LA. It’s a very tiny part of California and for you to stupidly say the whole Ca? That’s very ignorant.

Do you honestly believe that SF & LA will let those shit just laying in the streets without cleaning it up? Or doing nothing? They installed Porto potty all over. I travel to SF and LA and I have not seen a drop of shit that you are talking about.
But I know there’s a lot of piece of shit human beings.

The fires? Fires? You live here for 40 years and you never experienced Santa Ana winds? You are a very dishonest person.

Rats? Do you know why? Because it’s killing wild life.

Yes California has lots of problems like other states. But that doesn’t mean major portion of Ca is bad.

This is where I live. Oh what an ugly place.

beautiful pictures of la jolla california - Google Search
Again, your type has been hollering this for decades. When do you think they'll finally be gone?

5th largest economy in the WORLD. Suck on that.

I am proud to be "my type"! Honest, thorough, and bristling with FACTS. On the other hand, you simply whine a lot!

Suck on this:




Well then you are even more mis-informed than you seem. I am very happy with my life on the border. No guns required.
I live here. Everyday. My eyes are not lying to me. That is a red state nutter phenomenon. My eyes are fine and my life is great here on the border. If that aggravates you, too fucking bad pal. I'm not going to be miserable so you can feel better about your sad life.
My life is fine and if you choose to ignore what's going on in California because you claim your life is wonderful in your little corner of the state. then be my guest.

I'm not making this up and I'm just telling you there are lots of people who are fed up. The California exodus is speeding up

You can insist everything is great.but that doesn't explain who so many people are leaving the state behind.
The hubris and denial of diehard
fans of the Great Golden Stain never ceases to amaze me.

It's not my fault you couldn't handle it in CA and had to flee to your safe place. Try to be happy there and not so jealous of those of us who love where we live and will never leave. I live in paradise, imo.
I could handle it. I DID handle it for decades though it wasn't always so fucked up.

If I was jealous of you I never would have left. Nobody forced me out at gunpoint.
I chose to leave. My son is a business owner and still lives in California and when he complains about high taxes and fees, fuel costs, the annual fire seasons which only seem to get worse, costs of housing, the exploding homeless
crisis, etc. I tell him to pack up and leave.

I'm surprised to hear "paradise" is paved with shit stained streets and sidewalks, by the way.

I’ve been a member here for over 4 years and I keep hearing people are leaving Ca. Our population still close to 40 millions. Economy is booming far better than any states.
So what is your problem?

We are not ignoring the problems here in Ca. We are very aware of the situations here.
But that doesn’t mean we just roll there on the ground and die and cowardly pack like you.

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