How Many Towns In California Have to Burn to The Ground Before Voters There Wake The Hell Up?

This is the problem with people like you. You assumed that the entire Ca is homeless. You assumed that the entire California is littered with shits. That very dishonest and ignorant don’t you think?
You are lying right now.

I know you are a LIAR. So my question to you was ........ how do we even know pictures you are posting are really from Ca?

We are building new houses and new buildings all over far more and better than any other states.
Yes regulations are tough because we don’t want shit builders that built just for profits.

The shortage that we are talking is not because of the regulations. It’s because the developers and builders are not fast enough to match the booming economy. Meaning we have waiting list.

So your post are nothing but bullshit.

Once again, I provide facts and sources and you provide....


What facts you provided? Just pure bull crap.
I provided you with reality in life. You provided me with link that are totally totally bull crap.

Show you your quote about streets filled with shits..... Read your post #280.

Yes I’ve been to Central Valley. Yes I’ve been to Napa valley several times.

California a shit holes? Really? I mean really.
Yes we have problems here but we are not the poorest, dirtiest, ugliest by far from from other states.
But we are one of the top 5 happiest states, most visited states, unemployment is at 4.1%. And 5th largest economy is the world.

So tell me why you think our state is a shit hole?

Actually the unemployment rate for California is 4.0%...unless it went up in October. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate for the nation is 3.6% for October.

State Unemployment Rates | September 2019

The same source shows our unemployment rate (Florida) to be 20% below that of California.

In addition:


So where did you get that chart? You made it up your own?

You did not answer my question.

Tell me why you think California is a shit hole?

Yeah, I made those charts myself. Find them yourself or is that beyond your capabilities? The source is clearly posted on each chart. Enter that in "Bing", then the name of the chart. WOW!

California is an incredibly beautiful state. It is criminal that your chosen government has worked hard to turn it into a pigsty. Tragic, to say the least.
Last edited:
You are a liar and totally joke.
You are using Breitbart a well known to distribute false information. YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.

California is rated at number #18. Not eeeeven close to the worst. Florida is #17.
So what are you babbling again?

Breitbart cited the study I also posted. Try READING!
The above source cites this study:

As for the poverty rate, try READING the article or have someone read it to you.

Thanks again Ed!
Show you your quote about streets filled with shits..... Read your post #280.
I read it. So what? It does not make a blanket statement about all of California. I said the streets are filled with shit.
I did not say ALL the streets are filled with shit. Get a new gig.
Yes I’ve been to Central Valley. Yes I’ve been to Napa valley several times.

California a shit holes? Really? I mean really.
Yes we have problems here but we are not the poorest, dirtiest, ugliest by far from from other states.
But we are one of the top 5 happiest states, most visited states, unemployment is at 4.1%. And 5th largest economy is the world.

So tell me why you think our state is a shit hole?
Because of an exploding homeless population and with a growing filth, human and otherwise, problem attracting rats and disease.

California isn't Calcutta or Tiajuana or the slums of Rio De Janeiro but given all it's advantages it isn't anywhere near what it should be and SF and LA are the two most shockingly filthy and mismanaged cities this county has ever had.
Show you your quote about streets filled with shits..... Read your post #280.

Yes I’ve been to Central Valley. Yes I’ve been to Napa valley several times.

California a shit holes? Really? I mean really.
Yes we have problems here but we are not the poorest, dirtiest, ugliest by far from from other states.
But we are one of the top 5 happiest states, most visited states, unemployment is at 4.1%. And 5th largest economy is the world.

So tell me why you think our state is a shit hole?

Actually the unemployment rate for California is 4.0%...unless it went up in October. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate for the nation is 3.6% for October.

State Unemployment Rates | September 2019

The same source shows our unemployment rate (Florida) to be 20% below that of California.

In addition:


So where did you get that chart? You made it up your own?

You did not answer my question.

Tell me why you think California is a shit hole?

Yeah, I made those charts myself. Find them yourself or is that beyond your capabilities? The source is clearly posted on each chart. Enter that in "Bing", then the name of the chart. WOW!

California is an incredibly beautiful state. It is criminal that your chosen government has worked hard to turn it into a pigsty. Tragic, to say the least.

Piggy? Not eeeeven close. Compared to any states.
Most of your post are very dishonest.

Fires you assumed and posted..... the whole California is burning.
Our logging forest are on fire which are not. I blasted you all the way.

You blamed a natural disaster Santa Ana winds caused by our government.

You use Breitbart as your source of information which is known to distribute misinformation like you.
You gave me list of Trump accomplishments made by...... Hannity...... I challenged you but you cowardly disappear.

If we have a pigsy government ........ then we should not be this good. Better economy than any other states. That’s a fact.

What are you saying again?
Show you your quote about streets filled with shits..... Read your post #280.
I read it. So what? It does not make a blanket statement about all of California. I said the streets are filled with shit.
I did not say ALL the streets are filled with shit. Get a new gig.
Yes I’ve been to Central Valley. Yes I’ve been to Napa valley several times.

California a shit holes? Really? I mean really.
Yes we have problems here but we are not the poorest, dirtiest, ugliest by far from from other states.
But we are one of the top 5 happiest states, most visited states, unemployment is at 4.1%. And 5th largest economy is the world.

So tell me why you think our state is a shit hole?
Because of an exploding homeless population and with a growing filth, human and otherwise, problem attracting rats and disease.

California isn't Calcutta or Tiajuana or the slums of Rio De Janeiro but given all it's advantages it isn't anywhere near what it should be and SF and LA are the two most shockingly filthy and mismanaged cities this county has ever had.

I traveled to SF and LA regularly but I have not seen places as you described. Like streets filled streets. That is pure stupid and ignorant to say. Do you honestly believe city will leave the streets just like that? I don’t think you travel at all. There are porto potty all over.

Despite of negativity from ignorant.,Los Angeles and SF are the most visited cities and state in America.

Homelessness..a lot of these comes from different states. LA and SF spent millions on low housing projects. Housed 58,000 last year. One of the primary reason is caused by high rents.

Rats and disease. Really? Is the entire California full of rats and looks unhealthy?

You are no different from your buddies here.... we have Santa Ana winds blamed the government. Then the whole Ca is burning. The whole Ca is in rolling black outs ...... that’s very ignorant don’t you think?

If you compare our state with others.... we don’t even comes close to a shit hole.

Try again.
Why do you call our state a shit hole?
You are a liar and totally joke.
You are using Breitbart a well known to distribute false information. YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.

California is rated at number #18. Not eeeeven close to the worst. Florida is #17.
So what are you babbling again?

Breitbart cited the study I also posted. Try READING!
The above source cites this study:

As for the poverty rate, try READING the article or have someone read it to you.

Thanks again Ed!

Any information( Breitbart ) that comes from this media..... are totally worthless to me.
Poverty rate.... Ca is not even the worst.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Piggy? Not eeeeven close. Compared to any states.
Most of your post are very dishonest.

Fires you assumed and posted..... the whole California is burning.
Our logging forest are on fire which are not. I blasted you all the way.

You blamed a natural disaster Santa Ana winds caused by our government.

You use Breitbart as your source of information which is known to distribute misinformation like you.
You gave me list of Trump accomplishments made by...... Hannity...... I challenged you but you cowardly disappear.

If we have a pigsy government ........ then we should not be this good. Better economy than any other states. That’s a fact.

What are you saying again?

What am I saying? That for all your mangled prose, you disprove NOTHING that I post.

California, the state where the inmates are running the asylum!

Spike in crime blamed on prop 47. Basically legalized shoplifting.. and the state wonders why small business are going under…
July 6, 2019 by IWB

via cbslocal:

ROCKLIN (CBS/AP) — Perry Lutz says his struggle to survive as a small businessman became a lot harder after California voters reduced theft penalties 1 1/2 years ago.

About a half-dozen times this year, shoplifters have stolen expensive drones or another of the remote-controlled toys he sells in HobbyTown USA, a small shop in Rocklin, northeast of Sacramento. “It’s just pretty much open season,” Lutz said. “They’ll pick the $800 unit and just grab it and run out the door.”

Anything below $950 keeps the crime a misdemeanor — and likely means the thieves face no pursuit and no punishment, say retailers and law enforcement officials. Large retailers including Safeway, Target, Rite Aid and CVS pharmacies say shoplifting increased at least 15 percent, and in some cases, doubled since voters approved Proposition 47 and ended the possibility of charging shoplifting as a felony with the potential for a prison sentence.

Spike in crime blamed on prop 47. Basically legalized shoplifting.. and the state wonders why small business are going under… – Investment Watch
It just hit me like a ton of rocks as I watched all the fires in California, how long before people there realize that their government is failing at its job?

Their power providers are expert at identifying how many LGBTQXREYZ they have on their payroll, but cannot manage to update and maintain their power grid? WTF?

They have people shitting in the middle of the streets, open gang warfare that their state government and city government protects with sanctuary laws, and they are seeing a return of diseases we have not seen since the Middle ages like Bubonic Plague!

OMG, how bad does it have to get before people start to vote the bastards out?

Instead, they keep voting for Dimocrats that make the problems worse and worse till they give up and move to another state and then start voting Dimocrat there too.

How many states have to be ruined before we all finally decide to ban the Dimocratic Party ion the interest of national security?

I do think the USA can survive a nuclear war, but I dont think it can survive another 20 years of Dimocratic stupidity.
Global Warming is just starting
I wish we could see some warming here, we had a high of 18 degrees, with six inches of snow that won't be going anywhere for quite a while.
About a half-dozen times this year, shoplifters have stolen expensive drones or another of the remote-controlled toys he sells in HobbyTown USA, a small shop in Rocklin, northeast of Sacramento. “It’s just pretty much open season,” Lutz said. “They’ll pick the $800 unit and just grab it and run out the door.”

Anything below $950 keeps the crime a misdemeanor — and likely means the thieves face no pursuit and no punishment, say retailers and law enforcement officials. Large retailers including Safeway, Target, Rite Aid and CVS pharmacies say shoplifting increased at least 15 percent, and in some cases, doubled since voters approved Proposition 47 and ended the possibility of charging shoplifting as a felony with the potential for a prison sentence.

Spike in crime blamed on prop 47. Basically legalized shoplifting.. and the state wonders why small business are going under… – Investment Watch
Then we have Joe "quid pro quo" Biden, who says no one should go to prison for non violent crime. So, if he had his way they can steal all they like, and no prison time for them.
Instead of passing laws to legalize heroin and illegal aliens and blowing billions on a high speed train that never happened they should think about putting their utilities underground and building desalination plants.
Sad thing is, they do have a lot of buried lines, but those people had their power shut off too. They tell you that paying higher taxes and electric bills was worth it, to bury the lines. Then they cut your power anyway. Go figure.

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