How many ways can Trump make a fool of himself in one news conference?

Sandy Shanks

Gold Member
Jul 10, 2018
Let us count the ways. First, I would like to make something perfectly clear. Trump is scared to death of the White House press corps. Trump has terminated press conferences conducted by his press secretary in the White House press room. Trump has conducted two full-fledged press conferences in two and a half years. Both were disasters, and he won't hold another. By way of contrast, by this time Obama had conducted 20 solo press conferences. Presidential News Conferences | The American Presidency Project

Trump has become the secret President.

He likes to hold news conferences with friendly reporters on the White House lawn with Marine One churning away. Although unpresidential, Trump is forced to shout his answers, and reporters' question are difficult, if not impossible, to hear.

Today's news conference was held in the White House with Trump's chosen reporters who ask softball questions and dare not question Trump's many lies. Trump, who thrives on camera time, is allowed to make speeches with this format.

All of man's problem are solved by rhetoric. Well, at any rate, that's how Trump thinks.

"Payroll tax is something that we think about and a lot of people would like to see that, and that very much affects the workers of our country," Trump said.

Then Trump says he is "not looking to do anything at this moment.".

So, why bring it up? Because Trump believes meaningless rhetoric accomplishes something. It is how he thinks.

The White House official statement read, “More tax cuts for the American people are certainly on the table, but cutting payroll taxes is not something under consideration at this time.”

Trump wants it both ways. He says one thing. His White House says the very opposite.

The lies in the news conference concerning the state of our current economy and his trade war with China are far too numerous to mention here. Suffice to say the fool still thinks China pays for the tariffs, not the American consumer. Incredible, this is our President?

Trump said that Jewish Americans who vote for the Democratic candidate is either stupid or disloyal. Honest that is what he said.

"I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat -- I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty," Trump said.

Incredible, that just goes to prove there is no end to Trump's stupidity. He may have cost the GOP the Jewish vote with that one. I could hear McConnell cringe when Trump made that mindless remark.

Trump wants Russia admitted to the G-7, making it the G-8 again. Here is Trump's phenomenal reasoning as to why Russia was kicked out.

“I’ve gone to numerous G-7 meetings, and I guess President Obama, because Putin outsmarted him, President Obama thought it wasn’t a good thing to have Russia in so he wanted Russia out. I think it’s much more appropriate to have Russia in and it should be the G-8,” Trump said.

I could not believe the sheep in the room did not question Trump on this whopper. Following this lie from Trump, a reporter who will remain nameless, completely changed the subject.

Obama led the movement to expel Russia because Russia invaded a neighbor, Ukraine, and annexed a part of that neighbor, Crimea. All seven members of the economic group agreed Russia had to be booted out.

Nearly every American adult remembers that 2014 invasion. Our President does not.

We should all be happy with one aspect of all this. Because of the ineffectiveness and cowardice of these reporters, because Trump yearns to be on prime time every day of the week, even if it means making a fool of himself, we learn how inept, how inexperienced Trump is and we learn about his penchant for lying. We know we cannot trust a thing he says.

It is difficult to picture the GOP sticking with this man. Even Trump's base must be having doubts by now.
It is difficult to picture the GOP sticking with this man. Even Trump's base must be having doubts by now
The GOP will do what 90% of republican voters want them to do...and we tried it your way and it didn't your challenge is to come up with a better plan than Trump...and so far your side is not doing it....offering free stuff to illegals is not the way to win in 2020....
It is difficult to picture the GOP sticking with this man. Even Trump's base must be having doubts by now
The GOP will do what 90% of republican voters want them to do...and we tried it your way and it didn't your challenge is to come up with a better plan than Trump...and so far your side is not doing it....offering free stuff to illegals is not the way to win in 2020....

I am a Republican, according to the state of CA. I agree, promising "free stuff" people will never receive is no way to win an election.
It is difficult to picture the GOP sticking with this man. Even Trump's base must be having doubts by now
The GOP will do what 90% of republican voters want them to do...and we tried it your way and it didn't your challenge is to come up with a better plan than Trump...and so far your side is not doing it....offering free stuff to illegals is not the way to win in 2020....
Sure, the best way to win a pissing contest is not to pee all over yourself.
Striving always for camera time, our daytime television star of a President held another lengthy news conference, this time on the White House lawn. With two major exceptions, he contradicted everything he said in yesterday's news conference.

After repeating his usual lie, "The fake news, of which many of you are members, is trying to convince the public to have a recession. "Let's have a recession," Trump doubled down on the politically suicidal comment regarding American Jews. “If you want to vote Democrat, you are being very disloyal to Jewish people and very disloyal to Israel,” Trump said. Since 80% of American Jews voted Democratic in the 2018 elections, Trump just insulted a huge number of voters for the second day in a row. It is difficult to understand how an American President could be so stupid.

After insulting a valuable American ally, Denmark, and canceling his visit there because the Danes didn't want to sell Greenland, Putin's protégé was willing to overlook Russia's aggression against a neighbor and the annexation of Crimea, saying once again that Russia should be admitted to the G-7, thereby making it the G-8.

Searching for salvation, at one point, Trump looked heavenward and declared himself "the chosen one." "Somebody had to do it, so I'm taking on China. I am the chosen one," Trump said, adding, "I was put here by people to do a great job."

Later, speaking to American veterans, Trump said he wanted to give himself the Medal of Honor, but decided not to after being counseled against the move by aides. The vets laughed at him, and Trump joined the merriment. The draft dodging President thinks it is funny to make jokes about our nation's highest military honor.

Then there is this.

Trump found a fawning quote from radio host with a few screws loose who described Trump as the “King of Israel” and who said that Israeli Jews “love him like he is the second coming of God.” Trump cited the idiot in a tweet.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

“Thank you to Wayne Allyn Root for the very nice words. “President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world...and the Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God...But American Jews don’t know him or like him. They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense! But that’s OK, if he keeps doing what he’s doing.

4:34 AM - Aug 21, 2019

This is all a joke to Trump. He thinks the Office of the President of the United States is a stage where he can crack his jokes and make a fool of himself for the enjoyment of his audience, his ever loyal base. But that begs a question. Does his base really believe this crap? Do they really think Trump is being funny.

One thing is certain. Trump should be accorded his just deserts. Americans should never take him seriously.

Ye reap what ye sow.

It is difficult to picture the GOP sticking with this man. Even Trump's base must be having doubts by now
The GOP will do what 90% of republican voters want them to do...and we tried it your way and it didn't your challenge is to come up with a better plan than Trump...and so far your side is not doing it....offering free stuff to illegals is not the way to win in 2020....
Sure, the best way to win a pissing contest is not to pee all over yourself.

Trump's fans are helpless and pathetic. How can one back a President they can't defend?
It is difficult to picture the GOP sticking with this man. Even Trump's base must be having doubts by now
The GOP will do what 90% of republican voters want them to do...and we tried it your way and it didn't your challenge is to come up with a better plan than Trump...and so far your side is not doing it....offering free stuff to illegals is not the way to win in 2020....
Sure, the best way to win a pissing contest is not to pee all over yourself.

Trump's fans are helpless and pathetic. How can one back a President they can't defend?
He will win again in know that don't you?...
Let us count the ways. First, I would like to make something perfectly clear. Trump is scared to death of the White House press corps. Trump has terminated press conferences conducted by his press secretary in the White House press room. Trump has conducted two full-fledged press conferences in two and a half years. Both were disasters, and he won't hold another. By way of contrast, by this time Obama had conducted 20 solo press conferences. Presidential News Conferences | The American Presidency Project

Trump has become the secret President.

He likes to hold news conferences with friendly reporters on the White House lawn with Marine One churning away. Although unpresidential, Trump is forced to shout his answers, and reporters' question are difficult, if not impossible, to hear.

Today's news conference was held in the White House with Trump's chosen reporters who ask softball questions and dare not question Trump's many lies. Trump, who thrives on camera time, is allowed to make speeches with this format.

All of man's problem are solved by rhetoric. Well, at any rate, that's how Trump thinks.

"Payroll tax is something that we think about and a lot of people would like to see that, and that very much affects the workers of our country," Trump said.

Then Trump says he is "not looking to do anything at this moment.".

So, why bring it up? Because Trump believes meaningless rhetoric accomplishes something. It is how he thinks.

The White House official statement read, “More tax cuts for the American people are certainly on the table, but cutting payroll taxes is not something under consideration at this time.”

Trump wants it both ways. He says one thing. His White House says the very opposite.

The lies in the news conference concerning the state of our current economy and his trade war with China are far too numerous to mention here. Suffice to say the fool still thinks China pays for the tariffs, not the American consumer. Incredible, this is our President?

Trump said that Jewish Americans who vote for the Democratic candidate is either stupid or disloyal. Honest that is what he said.

"I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat -- I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty," Trump said.

Incredible, that just goes to prove there is no end to Trump's stupidity. He may have cost the GOP the Jewish vote with that one. I could hear McConnell cringe when Trump made that mindless remark.

Trump wants Russia admitted to the G-7, making it the G-8 again. Here is Trump's phenomenal reasoning as to why Russia was kicked out.

“I’ve gone to numerous G-7 meetings, and I guess President Obama, because Putin outsmarted him, President Obama thought it wasn’t a good thing to have Russia in so he wanted Russia out. I think it’s much more appropriate to have Russia in and it should be the G-8,” Trump said.

I could not believe the sheep in the room did not question Trump on this whopper. Following this lie from Trump, a reporter who will remain nameless, completely changed the subject.

Obama led the movement to expel Russia because Russia invaded a neighbor, Ukraine, and annexed a part of that neighbor, Crimea. All seven members of the economic group agreed Russia had to be booted out.

Nearly every American adult remembers that 2014 invasion. Our President does not.

We should all be happy with one aspect of all this. Because of the ineffectiveness and cowardice of these reporters, because Trump yearns to be on prime time every day of the week, even if it means making a fool of himself, we learn how inept, how inexperienced Trump is and we learn about his penchant for lying. We know we cannot trust a thing he says.

It is difficult to picture the GOP sticking with this man. Even Trump's base must be having doubts by now.

Trump is a disaster to anyone who has ears.

Obama’s pressers were not all that though. But at least he had them
Let us count the ways. First, I would like to make something perfectly clear. Trump is scared to death of the White House press corps. Trump has terminated press conferences conducted by his press secretary in the White House press room. Trump has conducted two full-fledged press conferences in two and a half years. Both were disasters, and he won't hold another. By way of contrast, by this time Obama had conducted 20 solo press conferences. Presidential News Conferences | The American Presidency Project

Trump has become the secret President.

He likes to hold news conferences with friendly reporters on the White House lawn with Marine One churning away. Although unpresidential, Trump is forced to shout his answers, and reporters' question are difficult, if not impossible, to hear.

Today's news conference was held in the White House with Trump's chosen reporters who ask softball questions and dare not question Trump's many lies. Trump, who thrives on camera time, is allowed to make speeches with this format.

All of man's problem are solved by rhetoric. Well, at any rate, that's how Trump thinks.

"Payroll tax is something that we think about and a lot of people would like to see that, and that very much affects the workers of our country," Trump said.

Then Trump says he is "not looking to do anything at this moment.".

So, why bring it up? Because Trump believes meaningless rhetoric accomplishes something. It is how he thinks.

The White House official statement read, “More tax cuts for the American people are certainly on the table, but cutting payroll taxes is not something under consideration at this time.”

Trump wants it both ways. He says one thing. His White House says the very opposite.

The lies in the news conference concerning the state of our current economy and his trade war with China are far too numerous to mention here. Suffice to say the fool still thinks China pays for the tariffs, not the American consumer. Incredible, this is our President?

Trump said that Jewish Americans who vote for the Democratic candidate is either stupid or disloyal. Honest that is what he said.

"I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat -- I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty," Trump said.

Incredible, that just goes to prove there is no end to Trump's stupidity. He may have cost the GOP the Jewish vote with that one. I could hear McConnell cringe when Trump made that mindless remark.

Trump wants Russia admitted to the G-7, making it the G-8 again. Here is Trump's phenomenal reasoning as to why Russia was kicked out.

“I’ve gone to numerous G-7 meetings, and I guess President Obama, because Putin outsmarted him, President Obama thought it wasn’t a good thing to have Russia in so he wanted Russia out. I think it’s much more appropriate to have Russia in and it should be the G-8,” Trump said.

I could not believe the sheep in the room did not question Trump on this whopper. Following this lie from Trump, a reporter who will remain nameless, completely changed the subject.

Obama led the movement to expel Russia because Russia invaded a neighbor, Ukraine, and annexed a part of that neighbor, Crimea. All seven members of the economic group agreed Russia had to be booted out.

Nearly every American adult remembers that 2014 invasion. Our President does not.

We should all be happy with one aspect of all this. Because of the ineffectiveness and cowardice of these reporters, because Trump yearns to be on prime time every day of the week, even if it means making a fool of himself, we learn how inept, how inexperienced Trump is and we learn about his penchant for lying. We know we cannot trust a thing he says.

It is difficult to picture the GOP sticking with this man. Even Trump's base must be having doubts by now.
"So, why bring it up? Because Trump believes meaningless rhetoric accomplishes something. It is how he thinks"

He has nothing legitimate to say. It sure would be nice if he did, but he is unable to convince me. Can't say much for others.
I don't get it. I have been hearing this for a while, and I simply do not understand it.

A recent poll tells us that 84% of Republicans are loyal to Trump.

Where are they? Why don't they support Trump? Why don't they defend Trump if they still agree with him? What they are doing makes no sense.

I have shown numerous times how Trump continues to make a complete fool of himself. Trump's supporters simply ignored reality, tried to change the subject, heaped abuse on me for telling the truth, or made wisecracks and posted cartoons. One Trump fan who told me not to read and listen so much to the news.

Does anyone in that 84% have an answer for me?

Is it because they know they made a horrible mistake and they are too ashamed to admit it?

Please, some Trump supporter tell me why you don't actively support Trump.
Please, some Trump supporter tell me why you don't actively support Trump.

You can start by explaining this apparent contradiction in almost the same sentence. First, Trump says the trade war with China "isn't my trade war." Then he said while looking heavenward, "Somebody had to do it, so I'm taking on China. I am the chosen one."

The two sentences are mutually exclusive. They both can't be true.

I am beginning to understand why Trump supporters don't support Trump.

What I don't understand is, why do they support a man they can't support. That makes no sense.
More and more Trump is reminding me of my wife's aunt who has dementia.
The Group of Seven (G-7) summit is set to end without a joint communique for the first time in its 44-year history, after French President Emmanuel Macron decided to abandon the tradition citing “a very deep crisis of democracy.”

Macron said an attempt to produce a joint communique would most likely be a “pointless” exercise.

He referenced President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from a landmark climate agreement restricting global efforts to cut carbon as one example of why it would be difficult to display a united front.

Last year, at the G-7 summit in Ottawa, Canada, Trump threw typically stage-managed proceedings into disarray.

The U.S. president made an early exit from the meeting, refused to sign the collective final statement and engaged in personal insults over trade with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The summit appeared to demonstrate fraying ties between the U.S. and its traditional allies, with one photo seemingly summing up divisions in the room.


Trump's followers think this is smart. They want Trump to isolate America from its allies. One of Trump's followers is a fella named Vladimir Putin. Putin wanted Trump to become our President, and he is quite proud of his protégé.
It is difficult to picture the GOP sticking with this man. Even Trump's base must be having doubts by now
The GOP will do what 90% of republican voters want them to do...and we tried it your way and it didn't your challenge is to come up with a better plan than Trump...and so far your side is not doing it....offering free stuff to illegals is not the way to win in 2020....
Sure, the best way to win a pissing contest is not to pee all over yourself.

Trump's fans are helpless and pathetic. How can one back a President they can't defend?
I have no trouble defending Trump. I sing his praises every day.
Let us count the ways. First, I would like to make something perfectly clear. Trump is scared to death of the White House press corps. Trump has terminated press conferences conducted by his press secretary in the White House press room. Trump has conducted two full-fledged press conferences in two and a half years. Both were disasters, and he won't hold another. By way of contrast, by this time Obama had conducted 20 solo press conferences. Presidential News Conferences | The American Presidency Project

Trump has become the secret President.

He likes to hold news conferences with friendly reporters on the White House lawn with Marine One churning away. Although unpresidential, Trump is forced to shout his answers, and reporters' question are difficult, if not impossible, to hear.

Today's news conference was held in the White House with Trump's chosen reporters who ask softball questions and dare not question Trump's many lies. Trump, who thrives on camera time, is allowed to make speeches with this format.

All of man's problem are solved by rhetoric. Well, at any rate, that's how Trump thinks.

"Payroll tax is something that we think about and a lot of people would like to see that, and that very much affects the workers of our country," Trump said.

Then Trump says he is "not looking to do anything at this moment.".

So, why bring it up? Because Trump believes meaningless rhetoric accomplishes something. It is how he thinks.

The White House official statement read, “More tax cuts for the American people are certainly on the table, but cutting payroll taxes is not something under consideration at this time.”

Trump wants it both ways. He says one thing. His White House says the very opposite.

The lies in the news conference concerning the state of our current economy and his trade war with China are far too numerous to mention here. Suffice to say the fool still thinks China pays for the tariffs, not the American consumer. Incredible, this is our President?

Trump said that Jewish Americans who vote for the Democratic candidate is either stupid or disloyal. Honest that is what he said.

"I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat -- I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty," Trump said.

Incredible, that just goes to prove there is no end to Trump's stupidity. He may have cost the GOP the Jewish vote with that one. I could hear McConnell cringe when Trump made that mindless remark.

Trump wants Russia admitted to the G-7, making it the G-8 again. Here is Trump's phenomenal reasoning as to why Russia was kicked out.

“I’ve gone to numerous G-7 meetings, and I guess President Obama, because Putin outsmarted him, President Obama thought it wasn’t a good thing to have Russia in so he wanted Russia out. I think it’s much more appropriate to have Russia in and it should be the G-8,” Trump said.

I could not believe the sheep in the room did not question Trump on this whopper. Following this lie from Trump, a reporter who will remain nameless, completely changed the subject.

Obama led the movement to expel Russia because Russia invaded a neighbor, Ukraine, and annexed a part of that neighbor, Crimea. All seven members of the economic group agreed Russia had to be booted out.

Nearly every American adult remembers that 2014 invasion. Our President does not.

We should all be happy with one aspect of all this. Because of the ineffectiveness and cowardice of these reporters, because Trump yearns to be on prime time every day of the week, even if it means making a fool of himself, we learn how inept, how inexperienced Trump is and we learn about his penchant for lying. We know we cannot trust a thing he says.

It is difficult to picture the GOP sticking with this man. Even Trump's base must be having doubts by now.
Do you actually expect anyone in here to believe you're a Republican?
Please, some Trump supporter tell me why you don't actively support Trump.

You can start by explaining this apparent contradiction in almost the same sentence. First, Trump says the trade war with China "isn't my trade war." Then he said while looking heavenward, "Somebody had to do it, so I'm taking on China. I am the chosen one."

The two sentences are mutually exclusive. They both can't be true.

I am beginning to understand why Trump supporters don't support Trump.

What I don't understand is, why do they support a man they can't support. That makes no sense.
But you'll vote for Biden without a regret.

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