How many weeks before the shooting starts?

How many weeks til SHTF?

  • Total voters
You don't need the
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

The bulk of the tens of millions of people who voted for Trump are already prepared to accept his loss. My own father is one of them—or rather he was—until I showed him a certain letter sent by a certain Catholic Archbishop to our President, but that is beside the point. Point is, as someone else mentioned above, Americans have too much to lose if they fight back with anything other than a television remote; using it to mute CNN or MSNBC, and next gen. game consoles just came out so patriotism takes a far back seat to tech toys, don't ya know?

Then there's the actual act of "fighting" back. Even well trained, elite soldiers must, before firing a shot at the enemy, get themselves psychologically over a mental "hump" or obstacle which naturally prevents human beings from taking potshots at each other. If an Army Ranger with months and months of extreme combat training has to talk himself into engaging the enemy, Joe American gun owner patriot is never going to get there, at least not until the "enemy" is kicking down his front door—and maybe not even then.

A shooting war could break out in tiny pockets around the country, but if it does it will be in response to implementation of draconian COVID restrictions—not because the man an American voted for was cheated out of a second term. See . . . people in general need to work themselves up to violence (unless they are very drunk or very angry) and the other thing they need in order to fight is company, lots of it, and assurances. They need other like minded individuals to sort of hold their hands and they need some kind of permission, be it from God, the President or their wives, to quake it up in the streets. Soldiers are no different; it is much easier to fight and kill in war when 127 or 11 other sorry pricks just like you have been given the short end of the same shaft. Been that way in all deployed armies since the beginning of time.

My new and improved prediction is similar to yours but deviates in important areas. I also believe the election will be called for Donald Trump. And I believe mass riots could ensue. But I also believe the mainstream media will never call it for Trump—not unless they want the country to burn. So I think what will happen is they will find some way to let us know Trump actually won but still certify the election for Biden. This will put the "ball" in the hands of Trump supporters and the minute one lowly Trump supporter hints at doing something about it a very nasty example will be made out of that poor guy which will put the renewed fear of Jesus into all other Trump voters.

And then the Great Reset continues to pick up momentum and you have to open the Bible and read the end book to understand what happens next.
It ain't that hard.... people around here will kill over a road rage dispute.
It doesn't take a lot.

If things get out of hand the US military will be dispatched. That’s a far different kettle of fish.
I think the US military is smart enough to stay the hell out of it.
Over half of them all live off post. How many of their houses need to catch fire before they decide to stay on post and let the civilians sort it out?
Marshall Law. They start burning again, and Trump is named winner...he won't be fucking around any more waiting for mayors and governors to ask for help.
Military to handle riots, just pull the cops out and tell the locals they have to do it themselves.

Then go around in the morning and pick up all the bodies.

Not gonna happen that way.
Do you think the first shots take out Leftist politicians or talking heads at a major 'news' network? Would it be too much wishful thinking to hope for both?

Trump already exposed the fake news media and their liars...the damage is done. Democrats will now have to 're-indoctrinate' / 're-educate'/ brainwash Americans all over again. Twitter's owner has already show they are not going to try to convince what ehy are reporting is truth - they will just censor everything except what they report.

Politicians like Pelosi and her $25k freezer and Maxine Waters in her $6 Million dollar mansion OUTSIDE of the broke-down poor district she represents who will feel the wrath, reminding them they are 'SERVANTS of the people', not 'MASTERS!'.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).


You guys have been hoping for a civil war for about a decade now. Grow the fuck up.

And you people have been testing the limits for far longer.

Less yaking, more attacking... bring it on dick less.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

The bulk of the tens of millions of people who voted for Trump are already prepared to accept his loss. My own father is one of them—or rather he was—until I showed him a certain letter sent by a certain Catholic Archbishop to our President, but that is beside the point. Point is, as someone else mentioned above, Americans have too much to lose if they fight back with anything other than a television remote; using it to mute CNN or MSNBC, and next gen. game consoles just came out so patriotism takes a far back seat to tech toys, don't ya know?

Then there's the actual act of "fighting" back. Even well trained, elite soldiers must, before firing a shot at the enemy, get themselves psychologically over a mental "hump" or obstacle which naturally prevents human beings from taking potshots at each other. If an Army Ranger with months and months of extreme combat training has to talk himself into engaging the enemy, Joe American gun owner patriot is never going to get there, at least not until the "enemy" is kicking down his front door—and maybe not even then.

A shooting war could break out in tiny pockets around the country, but if it does it will be in response to implementation of draconian COVID restrictions—not because the man an American voted for was cheated out of a second term. See . . . people in general need to work themselves up to violence (unless they are very drunk or very angry) and the other thing they need in order to fight is company, lots of it, and assurances. They need other like minded individuals to sort of hold their hands and they need some kind of permission, be it from God, the President or their wives, to quake it up in the streets. Soldiers are no different; it is much easier to fight and kill in war when 127 or 11 other sorry pricks just like you have been given the short end of the same shaft. Been that way in all deployed armies since the beginning of time.

My new and improved prediction is similar to yours but deviates in important areas. I also believe the election will be called for Donald Trump. And I believe mass riots could ensue. But I also believe the mainstream media will never call it for Trump—not unless they want the country to burn. So I think what will happen is they will find some way to let us know Trump actually won but still certify the election for Biden. This will put the "ball" in the hands of Trump supporters and the minute one lowly Trump supporter hints at doing something about it a very nasty example will be made out of that poor guy which will put the renewed fear of Jesus into all other Trump voters.

And then the Great Reset continues to pick up momentum and you have to open the Bible and read the end book to understand what happens next.
It ain't that hard.... people around here will kill over a road rage dispute.
It doesn't take a lot.

If things get out of hand the US military will be dispatched. That’s a far different kettle of fish.
I think the US military is smart enough to stay the hell out of it.
Over half of them all live off post. How many of their houses need to catch fire before they decide to stay on post and let the civilians sort it out?
Marshall Law. They start burning again, and Trump is named winner...he won't be fucking around any more waiting for mayors and governors to ask for help.
In that case you should probably learn how to spell Martial Law. Dumbass.

You the interweb spelling police now?

No but if Gracie is going to fantasize about martial law and civil war, she should at least know how to spell it. Blobbers ain't too smart. As you're proving. Daily.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.
It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.
Prediction: Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).
You guys are now making fools of yourselves.

Just FYI.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).


You guys have been hoping for a civil war for about a decade now. Grow the fuck up.

And you people have been testing the limits for far longer.

Less yaking, more attacking... bring it on dick less.

I really hope we don’t see that in this country, you should too.

But we have heard everything from grabbing our guns, to imprisioning us for voting for Trump...You people are sick, so idk
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

The bulk of the tens of millions of people who voted for Trump are already prepared to accept his loss. My own father is one of them—or rather he was—until I showed him a certain letter sent by a certain Catholic Archbishop to our President, but that is beside the point. Point is, as someone else mentioned above, Americans have too much to lose if they fight back with anything other than a television remote; using it to mute CNN or MSNBC, and next gen. game consoles just came out so patriotism takes a far back seat to tech toys, don't ya know?

Then there's the actual act of "fighting" back. Even well trained, elite soldiers must, before firing a shot at the enemy, get themselves psychologically over a mental "hump" or obstacle which naturally prevents human beings from taking potshots at each other. If an Army Ranger with months and months of extreme combat training has to talk himself into engaging the enemy, Joe American gun owner patriot is never going to get there, at least not until the "enemy" is kicking down his front door—and maybe not even then.

A shooting war could break out in tiny pockets around the country, but if it does it will be in response to implementation of draconian COVID restrictions—not because the man an American voted for was cheated out of a second term. See . . . people in general need to work themselves up to violence (unless they are very drunk or very angry) and the other thing they need in order to fight is company, lots of it, and assurances. They need other like minded individuals to sort of hold their hands and they need some kind of permission, be it from God, the President or their wives, to quake it up in the streets. Soldiers are no different; it is much easier to fight and kill in war when 127 or 11 other sorry pricks just like you have been given the short end of the same shaft. Been that way in all deployed armies since the beginning of time.

My new and improved prediction is similar to yours but deviates in important areas. I also believe the election will be called for Donald Trump. And I believe mass riots could ensue. But I also believe the mainstream media will never call it for Trump—not unless they want the country to burn. So I think what will happen is they will find some way to let us know Trump actually won but still certify the election for Biden. This will put the "ball" in the hands of Trump supporters and the minute one lowly Trump supporter hints at doing something about it a very nasty example will be made out of that poor guy which will put the renewed fear of Jesus into all other Trump voters.

And then the Great Reset continues to pick up momentum and you have to open the Bible and read the end book to understand what happens next.
It ain't that hard.... people around here will kill over a road rage dispute.
It doesn't take a lot.

If things get out of hand the US military will be dispatched. That’s a far different kettle of fish.
I think the US military is smart enough to stay the hell out of it.
Over half of them all live off post. How many of their houses need to catch fire before they decide to stay on post and let the civilians sort it out?
Marshall Law. They start burning again, and Trump is named winner...he won't be fucking around any more waiting for mayors and governors to ask for help.
In that case you should probably learn how to spell Martial Law. Dumbass.

You the interweb spelling police now?

No but if Gracie is going to fantasize about martial law and civil war, she should at least know how to spell it. Blobbers ain't too smart. As you're proving. Daily.

You know, you libs are clever at making up little nick names like 3rd graders, but overall, not too bright.
Why does the OP believe that “the courts” will overturn the election when Trump’s legal team has abandoned that hope?

Trump’s ONLY play is to apply pressure to the electors in swing states in an attempt to get them to throw their votes to him in defiance of the election results.

You fucking morons are right there with him on that. Fuck you.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).


You guys have been hoping for a civil war for about a decade now. Grow the fuck up.

And you people have been testing the limits for far longer.

Less yaking, more attacking... bring it on dick less.

I really hope we don’t see that in this country, you should too.

But we have heard everything from grabbing our guns, to imprisioning us for voting for Trump...You people are sick, so idk

Nah, you're hoping for bloodshed. Blob supporters crave violence. This is why you mail bombs to people, create hit lists, plan to kidnap governors, threaten civil war, shoot up wal*marts, run over people in your cars, etc....
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

The bulk of the tens of millions of people who voted for Trump are already prepared to accept his loss. My own father is one of them—or rather he was—until I showed him a certain letter sent by a certain Catholic Archbishop to our President, but that is beside the point. Point is, as someone else mentioned above, Americans have too much to lose if they fight back with anything other than a television remote; using it to mute CNN or MSNBC, and next gen. game consoles just came out so patriotism takes a far back seat to tech toys, don't ya know?

Then there's the actual act of "fighting" back. Even well trained, elite soldiers must, before firing a shot at the enemy, get themselves psychologically over a mental "hump" or obstacle which naturally prevents human beings from taking potshots at each other. If an Army Ranger with months and months of extreme combat training has to talk himself into engaging the enemy, Joe American gun owner patriot is never going to get there, at least not until the "enemy" is kicking down his front door—and maybe not even then.

A shooting war could break out in tiny pockets around the country, but if it does it will be in response to implementation of draconian COVID restrictions—not because the man an American voted for was cheated out of a second term. See . . . people in general need to work themselves up to violence (unless they are very drunk or very angry) and the other thing they need in order to fight is company, lots of it, and assurances. They need other like minded individuals to sort of hold their hands and they need some kind of permission, be it from God, the President or their wives, to quake it up in the streets. Soldiers are no different; it is much easier to fight and kill in war when 127 or 11 other sorry pricks just like you have been given the short end of the same shaft. Been that way in all deployed armies since the beginning of time.

My new and improved prediction is similar to yours but deviates in important areas. I also believe the election will be called for Donald Trump. And I believe mass riots could ensue. But I also believe the mainstream media will never call it for Trump—not unless they want the country to burn. So I think what will happen is they will find some way to let us know Trump actually won but still certify the election for Biden. This will put the "ball" in the hands of Trump supporters and the minute one lowly Trump supporter hints at doing something about it a very nasty example will be made out of that poor guy which will put the renewed fear of Jesus into all other Trump voters.

And then the Great Reset continues to pick up momentum and you have to open the Bible and read the end book to understand what happens next.
It ain't that hard.... people around here will kill over a road rage dispute.
It doesn't take a lot.

If things get out of hand the US military will be dispatched. That’s a far different kettle of fish.
I think the US military is smart enough to stay the hell out of it.
Over half of them all live off post. How many of their houses need to catch fire before they decide to stay on post and let the civilians sort it out?
Marshall Law. They start burning again, and Trump is named winner...he won't be fucking around any more waiting for mayors and governors to ask for help.
In that case you should probably learn how to spell Martial Law. Dumbass.

You the interweb spelling police now?

No but if Gracie is going to fantasize about martial law and civil war, she should at least know how to spell it. Blobbers ain't too smart. As you're proving. Daily.

You know, you libs are clever at making up little nick names like 3rd graders, but overall, not too bright.

Sometimes irony is pretty ironic. You voted for a guy who assigned nick names to everyone for 5 years.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).


You guys have been hoping for a civil war for about a decade now. Grow the fuck up.

And you people have been testing the limits for far longer.

Less yaking, more attacking... bring it on dick less.

I really hope we don’t see that in this country, you should too.

But we have heard everything from grabbing our guns, to imprisioning us for voting for Trump...You people are sick, so idk

Nah, you're hoping for bloodshed. Blob supporters crave violence. This is why you mail bombs to people, create hit lists, plan to kidnap governors, threaten civil war, shoot up wal*marts, run over people in your cars, etc....

Wow...I do all of that? Really?

Tell you what dumbshit, I work 70hrs a week, I must never sleep.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

The bulk of the tens of millions of people who voted for Trump are already prepared to accept his loss. My own father is one of them—or rather he was—until I showed him a certain letter sent by a certain Catholic Archbishop to our President, but that is beside the point. Point is, as someone else mentioned above, Americans have too much to lose if they fight back with anything other than a television remote; using it to mute CNN or MSNBC, and next gen. game consoles just came out so patriotism takes a far back seat to tech toys, don't ya know?

Then there's the actual act of "fighting" back. Even well trained, elite soldiers must, before firing a shot at the enemy, get themselves psychologically over a mental "hump" or obstacle which naturally prevents human beings from taking potshots at each other. If an Army Ranger with months and months of extreme combat training has to talk himself into engaging the enemy, Joe American gun owner patriot is never going to get there, at least not until the "enemy" is kicking down his front door—and maybe not even then.

A shooting war could break out in tiny pockets around the country, but if it does it will be in response to implementation of draconian COVID restrictions—not because the man an American voted for was cheated out of a second term. See . . . people in general need to work themselves up to violence (unless they are very drunk or very angry) and the other thing they need in order to fight is company, lots of it, and assurances. They need other like minded individuals to sort of hold their hands and they need some kind of permission, be it from God, the President or their wives, to quake it up in the streets. Soldiers are no different; it is much easier to fight and kill in war when 127 or 11 other sorry pricks just like you have been given the short end of the same shaft. Been that way in all deployed armies since the beginning of time.

My new and improved prediction is similar to yours but deviates in important areas. I also believe the election will be called for Donald Trump. And I believe mass riots could ensue. But I also believe the mainstream media will never call it for Trump—not unless they want the country to burn. So I think what will happen is they will find some way to let us know Trump actually won but still certify the election for Biden. This will put the "ball" in the hands of Trump supporters and the minute one lowly Trump supporter hints at doing something about it a very nasty example will be made out of that poor guy which will put the renewed fear of Jesus into all other Trump voters.

And then the Great Reset continues to pick up momentum and you have to open the Bible and read the end book to understand what happens next.
It ain't that hard.... people around here will kill over a road rage dispute.
It doesn't take a lot.

If things get out of hand the US military will be dispatched. That’s a far different kettle of fish.
I think the US military is smart enough to stay the hell out of it.
Over half of them all live off post. How many of their houses need to catch fire before they decide to stay on post and let the civilians sort it out?
Marshall Law. They start burning again, and Trump is named winner...he won't be fucking around any more waiting for mayors and governors to ask for help.
In that case you should probably learn how to spell Martial Law. Dumbass.

You the interweb spelling police now?

No but if Gracie is going to fantasize about martial law and civil war, she should at least know how to spell it. Blobbers ain't too smart. As you're proving. Daily.

You know, you libs are clever at making up little nick names like 3rd graders, but overall, not too bright.

Sometimes irony is pretty ironic. You voted for a guy who assigned nick names to everyone for 5 years.

oh come on, you knuckleheads have been doing childish shit like that long before Trump.
Meanwhile..I read somewhere that Lynn Wood says Trump won by 400 electoral votes and they can prove it.

Time will tell.

tRump got schlonged and that has already been proven!!!!


And what’s being proven now is how Democrats cheated...You didn’t win shit.

Show me all these winning court cases so far.

You can't because they do not exist except in yours and tRump's mind.

Ya know...when someone is so childish and idiotic that they have to use stupid names like tRump..they aren't worth reading to get their own viewpoint.

On iggie you go.

Oh no not ignore from 1 of the tard herd.
Meanwhile..I read somewhere that Lynn Wood says Trump won by 400 electoral votes and they can prove it.

Time will tell.

tRump got schlonged and that has already been proven!!!!


And what’s being proven now is how Democrats cheated...You didn’t win shit.

Show me all these winning court cases so far.

You can't because they do not exist except in yours and tRump's mind.


The court cases are just starting....Many cases are lost before the wins come....Clearly you don’t understand hoe the judicial system works.

The hoe is you and tRump.
tRump got schlonged!!!!

We’ll see how you feel during Trumps second term

Wanna bet Dewey?
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

The bulk of the tens of millions of people who voted for Trump are already prepared to accept his loss. My own father is one of them—or rather he was—until I showed him a certain letter sent by a certain Catholic Archbishop to our President, but that is beside the point. Point is, as someone else mentioned above, Americans have too much to lose if they fight back with anything other than a television remote; using it to mute CNN or MSNBC, and next gen. game consoles just came out so patriotism takes a far back seat to tech toys, don't ya know?

Then there's the actual act of "fighting" back. Even well trained, elite soldiers must, before firing a shot at the enemy, get themselves psychologically over a mental "hump" or obstacle which naturally prevents human beings from taking potshots at each other. If an Army Ranger with months and months of extreme combat training has to talk himself into engaging the enemy, Joe American gun owner patriot is never going to get there, at least not until the "enemy" is kicking down his front door—and maybe not even then.

A shooting war could break out in tiny pockets around the country, but if it does it will be in response to implementation of draconian COVID restrictions—not because the man an American voted for was cheated out of a second term. See . . . people in general need to work themselves up to violence (unless they are very drunk or very angry) and the other thing they need in order to fight is company, lots of it, and assurances. They need other like minded individuals to sort of hold their hands and they need some kind of permission, be it from God, the President or their wives, to quake it up in the streets. Soldiers are no different; it is much easier to fight and kill in war when 127 or 11 other sorry pricks just like you have been given the short end of the same shaft. Been that way in all deployed armies since the beginning of time.

My new and improved prediction is similar to yours but deviates in important areas. I also believe the election will be called for Donald Trump. And I believe mass riots could ensue. But I also believe the mainstream media will never call it for Trump—not unless they want the country to burn. So I think what will happen is they will find some way to let us know Trump actually won but still certify the election for Biden. This will put the "ball" in the hands of Trump supporters and the minute one lowly Trump supporter hints at doing something about it a very nasty example will be made out of that poor guy which will put the renewed fear of Jesus into all other Trump voters.

And then the Great Reset continues to pick up momentum and you have to open the Bible and read the end book to understand what happens next.
It ain't that hard.... people around here will kill over a road rage dispute.
It doesn't take a lot.

If things get out of hand the US military will be dispatched. That’s a far different kettle of fish.
I think the US military is smart enough to stay the hell out of it.
Over half of them all live off post. How many of their houses need to catch fire before they decide to stay on post and let the civilians sort it out?

Sworn to defend the United States from enemies, foreign, and domestic.
Clearly you and I had different experiences in the army.

Campbell was a dumpster fire. Clarksville was nice though, liked the area.
You don't need the
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

The bulk of the tens of millions of people who voted for Trump are already prepared to accept his loss. My own father is one of them—or rather he was—until I showed him a certain letter sent by a certain Catholic Archbishop to our President, but that is beside the point. Point is, as someone else mentioned above, Americans have too much to lose if they fight back with anything other than a television remote; using it to mute CNN or MSNBC, and next gen. game consoles just came out so patriotism takes a far back seat to tech toys, don't ya know?

Then there's the actual act of "fighting" back. Even well trained, elite soldiers must, before firing a shot at the enemy, get themselves psychologically over a mental "hump" or obstacle which naturally prevents human beings from taking potshots at each other. If an Army Ranger with months and months of extreme combat training has to talk himself into engaging the enemy, Joe American gun owner patriot is never going to get there, at least not until the "enemy" is kicking down his front door—and maybe not even then.

A shooting war could break out in tiny pockets around the country, but if it does it will be in response to implementation of draconian COVID restrictions—not because the man an American voted for was cheated out of a second term. See . . . people in general need to work themselves up to violence (unless they are very drunk or very angry) and the other thing they need in order to fight is company, lots of it, and assurances. They need other like minded individuals to sort of hold their hands and they need some kind of permission, be it from God, the President or their wives, to quake it up in the streets. Soldiers are no different; it is much easier to fight and kill in war when 127 or 11 other sorry pricks just like you have been given the short end of the same shaft. Been that way in all deployed armies since the beginning of time.

My new and improved prediction is similar to yours but deviates in important areas. I also believe the election will be called for Donald Trump. And I believe mass riots could ensue. But I also believe the mainstream media will never call it for Trump—not unless they want the country to burn. So I think what will happen is they will find some way to let us know Trump actually won but still certify the election for Biden. This will put the "ball" in the hands of Trump supporters and the minute one lowly Trump supporter hints at doing something about it a very nasty example will be made out of that poor guy which will put the renewed fear of Jesus into all other Trump voters.

And then the Great Reset continues to pick up momentum and you have to open the Bible and read the end book to understand what happens next.
It ain't that hard.... people around here will kill over a road rage dispute.
It doesn't take a lot.

If things get out of hand the US military will be dispatched. That’s a far different kettle of fish.
I think the US military is smart enough to stay the hell out of it.
Over half of them all live off post. How many of their houses need to catch fire before they decide to stay on post and let the civilians sort it out?
Marshall Law. They start burning again, and Trump is named winner...he won't be fucking around any more waiting for mayors and governors to ask for help.
Military to handle riots, just pull the cops out and tell the locals they have to do it themselves.

Then go around in the morning and pick up all the bodies.

Not gonna happen that way.
Yeah, government is always against people solving their own problems.
1. Thankfully, there will be NO civil war.

2. Most Americans just want to get on with their personal lives.

a. Like other nationalities, they will simply adjust to the agenda of President Biden (or President Harris). That's what people are forced to do in every country.

3. What there WILL (eventually) be, however, is a peaceful division of this land into several safe zones where people of like social values can live, work, & play together.

a. This will probably occur sometime around the beginning of the next century when the social & economic situation in this country becomes untenable.
Meanwhile..I read somewhere that Lynn Wood says Trump won by 400 electoral votes and they can prove it.

Time will tell.

tRump got schlonged and that has already been proven!!!!


And what’s being proven now is how Democrats cheated...You didn’t win shit.

Show me all these winning court cases so far.

You can't because they do not exist except in yours and tRump's mind.


The court cases are just starting....Many cases are lost before the wins come....Clearly you don’t understand hoe the judicial system works.

The hoe is you and tRump.
tRump got schlonged!!!!

We’ll see how you feel during Trumps second term

Wanna bet Dewey?

pointless...I’ll just take glee in your meltdown...
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

The bulk of the tens of millions of people who voted for Trump are already prepared to accept his loss. My own father is one of them—or rather he was—until I showed him a certain letter sent by a certain Catholic Archbishop to our President, but that is beside the point. Point is, as someone else mentioned above, Americans have too much to lose if they fight back with anything other than a television remote; using it to mute CNN or MSNBC, and next gen. game consoles just came out so patriotism takes a far back seat to tech toys, don't ya know?

Then there's the actual act of "fighting" back. Even well trained, elite soldiers must, before firing a shot at the enemy, get themselves psychologically over a mental "hump" or obstacle which naturally prevents human beings from taking potshots at each other. If an Army Ranger with months and months of extreme combat training has to talk himself into engaging the enemy, Joe American gun owner patriot is never going to get there, at least not until the "enemy" is kicking down his front door—and maybe not even then.

A shooting war could break out in tiny pockets around the country, but if it does it will be in response to implementation of draconian COVID restrictions—not because the man an American voted for was cheated out of a second term. See . . . people in general need to work themselves up to violence (unless they are very drunk or very angry) and the other thing they need in order to fight is company, lots of it, and assurances. They need other like minded individuals to sort of hold their hands and they need some kind of permission, be it from God, the President or their wives, to quake it up in the streets. Soldiers are no different; it is much easier to fight and kill in war when 127 or 11 other sorry pricks just like you have been given the short end of the same shaft. Been that way in all deployed armies since the beginning of time.

My new and improved prediction is similar to yours but deviates in important areas. I also believe the election will be called for Donald Trump. And I believe mass riots could ensue. But I also believe the mainstream media will never call it for Trump—not unless they want the country to burn. So I think what will happen is they will find some way to let us know Trump actually won but still certify the election for Biden. This will put the "ball" in the hands of Trump supporters and the minute one lowly Trump supporter hints at doing something about it a very nasty example will be made out of that poor guy which will put the renewed fear of Jesus into all other Trump voters.

And then the Great Reset continues to pick up momentum and you have to open the Bible and read the end book to understand what happens next.
It ain't that hard.... people around here will kill over a road rage dispute.
It doesn't take a lot.

If things get out of hand the US military will be dispatched. That’s a far different kettle of fish.
I think the US military is smart enough to stay the hell out of it.
Over half of them all live off post. How many of their houses need to catch fire before they decide to stay on post and let the civilians sort it out?

Sworn to defend the United States from enemies, foreign, and domestic.
Clearly you and I had different experiences in the army.

Campbell was a dumpster fire. Clarksville was nice though, liked the area.

When were you there?
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

The election won’t be overturned. Trump lawyers are being laughed out of court. And you aren’t going to shit about it but eat your hungry man and yell at OANN

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