Zone1 How Many White/Black People Do You Normally Interact With on a Daily Basis?

If you're Black how many White people do you normally encounter daily? For Whites, how many Blacks?

  • I'm Black - I don't interact with any White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with one White person on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with two to five White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with six to ten White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with more than ten White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I'm White - I don't interact with any Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with one Black person on a daily basis

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with two to five Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with six to ten Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with more than ten Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 5 25.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
There is a suspicion that we as Black people encounter White people significantly more frequently than White people encounter us. In fact it seems as if a significant portion of the information white people have regarding Black people comes from the things they see in media, the news, things they were taught in school or in their homes, etc.

And by encounter, I don't mean people who wait on you such as the cashier at the supermarket, gas station or any other establishment you patronize for services. I mean people who you actually interact with out of choice or necessity - friends, associates or co-workers, professional colleagues, etc.
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How is that possible?

Any Black / White interaction is, by definition, reciprocal.
I meant "encounter" which I mentioned properly in the poll but for some reason changed in my post. Hopefully it's corrected now.
There is a suspicion that we as Black people encounter White people significantly more frequently than White people encounter us. In fact it seems as if a significant portion of the information white people have regarding Black people comes from the things they see in media, the news, things they were taught in school or in their homes, etc.

And by encounter, I don't mean people who wait on you such as the cashier at the supermarket, gas station or any other establishment you patronize for services. I mean people who you actually interact with out of choice or necessity - friends, associates or co-workers, professional colleagues, etc.
I know that when you see a pitbull without a leash, whom youve never seen before, you are cautious and probably stay away from it. Why? Because that breed is notorious for mauling people. Not all of them bite, but many do. Certainly enough to make you cautious around them, right? Now you know how we all feel about black people.

Generally speaking, white people arent trying to be anywhere near racist, violent, criminal black communities. You people are the worst. Of course that should be expected from any group that has an inferior subculture. If you want to be treated the same as us, act the same. Until then, i will stay the fuck away from you people and always be cautious any time one of you is near me. You can call it racism all you want, but peoples perception of black people will NEVER change until black people as a community change their attitude and overall behavior.
I interacted with more than 10 blacks a day when I worked (Washington, DC), mostly in work-related interactions but occasionally as part of a group for after-work drinks.

Now that I am retired, I interact with blacks infrequently - mostly on Zoom classes I take, but also once a week at services where we have two black families In the membership. I am friendly with the wife of one of the families, the other wife not so much.
I meant "encounter" which I mentioned properly in the poll but for some reason changed in my post. Hopefully it's corrected now.

If by encounter you mean a circumstance where a Black Person will see, but not interact with a White Person, and vice versa then it is natural that a smaller population of Black Persons will see more White people than the larger population of White Persons will see Black people ... it's simple statistics.

However, on a local level, if the number of Black people exceeds the number of White people, then the reverse will be the natural result.

Jews make up under 3% of the US population. It is completely normal for a Jew to encounter many more non-Jews than vice versa, except in predominantly Jewish communities.

However, if by encounter you mean an verbal interaction between two racially different people, then an equal number of each will verbally interact because a single person from each race is required to interact.
However, if by encounter you mean an verbal interaction between two racially different people, then an equal number of each will verbally interact because a single person from each race is required to interact.
I'm pretty sure I explained what I meant in my OP when I asked "how frequently". And you're in a class all your because of your occupation although admittedly I kind of assumed you are a patrol officer, but I guess that's just due to them being the first thing that comes to mind when we think "police".

So, for the record, I'm not talking about white people who go to the same market everyday and think the Black cashier or the Black person who bags their groceries is "pretty nice/friendly". I mean Black people you interact with as in socialize or collaborate or depend on one another or help one another in some way.

I am the only Black person on my team at work but our team is very diverse and I rarely think of this because it's just normal for me in my working life. Even in my business, almost every single person I work with is White and almost 100% male, including my mentor, my firearm instructors, my colleagues, the guys I've trained, etc. again no big deal, that's just how it is.

My grad school mentor is a White male as well and I have to connect with him at least once a week.

These are the kind of situations I'm referring to.
Now you know how we all feel about black people.
You only speak for white racists and the ignorance you're expressing is something we've been hearing from the peanut gallery our whole lives.

Generally speaking, white people arent trying to be anywhere near racist, violent, criminal black communities. You people are the worst. Of course that should be expected from any group that has an inferior subculture. If you want to be treated the same as us, act the same. Until then, i will stay the fuck away from you people and always be cautious any time one of you is near me. You can call it racism all you want, but peoples perception of black people will NEVER change until black people as a community change their attitude and overall behavior.
Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and show us in what way there is any superiority in YOU.

You weren't able to demonstrate any back when I first encountered you on this message board years ago and things certainly improved in your case since you're still a raging racist.

Don't worry, you can submit your evidence at any time, but don't take too long, things are always changing and what advantage you think you may have can suddenly be gone.
I'm pretty sure I explained what I meant in my OP when I asked "how frequently". And you're in a class all your because of your occupation although admittedly I kind of assumed you are a patrol officer, but I guess that's just due to them being the first thing that comes to mind when we think "police".

So, for the record, I'm not talking about white people who go to the same market everyday and think the Black cashier or the Black person who bags their groceries is "pretty nice/friendly". I mean Black people you interact with as in socialize or collaborate or depend on one another or help one another in some way.

I am the only Black person on my team at work but our team is very diverse and I rarely think of this because it's just normal for me in my working life. Even in my business, almost every single person I work with is White and almost 100% male, including my mentor, my firearm instructors, my colleagues, the guys I've trained, etc. again no big deal, that's just how it is.

My grad school mentor is a White male as well and I have to connect with him at least once a week.

These are the kind of situations I'm referring to.

The Native Americans come to mind when I consider interactions. Currently, Native Americans make up just 2% of the US population. There are only 14 states where the population of Native Americans exceeds 100,000. In addition, Native Americans are significantly under-represented in many professions. The is under-representation is even more significant when you compare it to other minority groups of similar percentages. For example, Jews.

It isn't considered a "normal" thing for an average American, regardless of race, to have a Native American friend or co-worker.

However, there are cities and towns in America where the population of Native Americans is significantly higher than the national average and in those places, encounters with Native American can be quite commonplace.

On the other hand, women, of every race and ethnicity are roughly equal in percentages with men. It is perfectly normal in most places for men to encounter a roughly equal number of women, and vice versa. Except in places and professions where men or women dominate the population.

The point is, how normal it is to encounter a person of any race or ethnicity is completely dependent on what percentage of the population consists of that race or ethnicity on a local level.

On a national level, that number should be approximately equal to the national percentage.
I don't interact with a lot of people on a daily basis.

But there are a lot more people than just Black and White out there.

I'm mixed race and don't consider myself Black or White
I don't interact with a lot of people on a daily basis.

But there are a lot more people than just Black and White out there.

I'm mixed race and don't consider myself Black or White
Good point, however the thing that prompted this thread was how often some of the more prolific Black posters here are "lectured" and/or talked down to by White people who consider themselves superior to Black people, even when they deny it and are in the closet most of the time not realizing the closet door is open and we can see them.

Most of them however don't deny what they are and there are at least a couple who are proud racists with a few rabid ones thrown in as well (see post #6 above by Godboy). But one thing they almost all have in common though is they get defensive and angry when you point out the things that they say that make them look as if they honestly believe they and all other White people are superior to all Black people (see post #6 above by Godboy).

Which then begs the question, at least to me, well how many Black people do they actually know/interact with on a personal or professional level, either by choice or as a requirement of their job or profession.

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