How Many?

This won't be "popular" to the Right .....of which I am one....

But this helping people.....and frankly you should support that.

She is HIV positive and pregnant.
He has Leukemia.
She was diagnosed with breast cancer a short time ago.
She is a paranoid schizophrenic.
He had a car wreck and is in so much pain he can't function.

These people are you.
They are American's who need help, and it is OUR duty to help them.
For the FIRST time in their lives they have hope...and like it or not it is people like YOU/US who are giving that to them.
Grow the fuck up, man the fuck up and just tell them they are welcome.

I'm glad it's helping those 5 people

How many is it hurting?

THAT can't be answered unless and until someone can actually say how many have signed up.

I know there are a few good things about the ACA, but these things could have been worked out over a period of time and NEGOTIATED on instead of forcing it on us

These people were swept under the rug.
I am just one Insurance the math.

This plan while imperfect can be just the starting place....but it will take an open mind from people just like you and me.

Ask LL,Neddly, any of the radical left here if there has been ANYONE more agaist the ACA than me on this board.

They will tell you no, Roo has been the biggest nutter here about this.

You're wrong and your mind is wired shut.....if 5 can be helped 5 miilion can be helped.

If 5 million can be helped and it is OUR duty to help them.
This won't be "popular" to the Right .....of which I am one....

But this helping people.....and frankly you should support that.

She is HIV positive and pregnant.
He has Leukemia.
She was diagnosed with breast cancer a short time ago.
She is a paranoid schizophrenic.
He had a car wreck and is in so much pain he can't function.

These people are you.
They are American's who need help, and it is OUR duty to help them.
For the FIRST time in their lives they have hope...and like it or not it is people like YOU/US who are giving that to them.
Grow the fuck up, man the fuck up and just tell them they are welcome.

I'm glad it's helping those 5 people

How many is it hurting?

THAT can't be answered unless and until someone can actually say how many have signed up.

I know there are a few good things about the ACA, but these things could have been worked out over a period of time and NEGOTIATED on instead of forcing it on us

These people were swept under the rug.
I am just one Insurance the math.

This plan while imperfect can be just the starting place....but it will take an open mind from people just like you and me.

Ask LL,Neddly, any of the radical left here if there has been ANYONE more agaist the ACA than me on this board.

They will tell you no, Roo has been the biggest nutter here about this.

You're wrong and your mind is wired shut.....if 5 can be helped 5 miilion can be helped.

If 5 million can be helped and it is OUR duty to help them.


But willingly
I asked this question on another board. I asked how many there have signed up with Obamacare. I know not everyone has to. My insurance at work is good...I don't have to sign up with the exchanges. But not ONE person on that board admitted to having to do this. Every one of them didn't have to. I even asked for stories of friends and family that had to.....there was nothing! They said most people dont need to. So I asked then WHY did we need this? No good answer.......
I asked this question on another board. I asked how many there have signed up with Obamacare. I know not everyone has to. My insurance at work is good...I don't have to sign up with the exchanges. But not ONE person on that board admitted to having to do this. Every one of them didn't have to. I even asked for stories of friends and family that had to.....there was nothing! They said most people dont need to. So I asked then WHY did we need this? No good answer.......

That's not true!!!

There are, something like, 127 million people without health coverage.

Obama knows what's good for me!

I am happy to sit in front of a downed website to sign up and buy something I didn't know I wanted, with money I don't have for something I can't afford because we passed it before we could read it


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