How Much Credit Should Obama Get For The Recovery?

Like I said, you don't know much about economics.

We were in a deflationary spiral.

The stimulus stopped that and turned us around.

The stock market doubled, GDP grew, and we had 19 straight months of private sector job growth.

And I am making more money than I ever have.

Please provide evidence that we were in a deflationary spiral. I don't believe I saw many prices go down.

The one exception was the bloated housing market which needed a major correction...and got it.

The stimulus didn't do squat. It didn't stop any kind of spiral.

The stock market recovery was from the entrance of a different type of investor (BTW we are still below where we were 10 years ago). The GDP growth is slow for a "recovery) and the 19 months is also way below where it needs to be.

And none of this can be correlated to the stimulus in a way that shows a relationship.

I am happy for you. Five people I know recently lost their jobs. Maybe you could tell them we are doing so well.

That's terrible. How many people that you know lost jobs between 2007 and 2009? Odds are, it was a lot more.
Do you think that will be accepted as fact?

Not a freaking chance.

Of course not. This is where nutters go off the tracks. They are unwilling to accept things that are unquestionably true as fact.

We spend an incredible amount of time here arguing about what is and is not factual though facts are always open to dispute.

Once upon a time....on another forum....I challenged people to submit statements of fact. I was hoping to form a basis for productive discussion of issues USING DATA/FACTS that all persons involved accepted as truth.

Anything was long as it was undisputed fact. For example:

Human beings need oxygen in order to live. Fact.

America is the wealthiest nation in the world. Fact

Homosexuality is not a choice. Fact.

Needless to say, this attempt fell right on it's fucking face because people could not agree on even simple, basic facts. Too many nutters have been lied to for too long..........they just don't work with facts.

We borrow 43 cents for every dollar we spend at the federal level. Fact.

Healthcare never has been a recognized "right". Fact.

President Obama's approval ratings are at about 45 while his disapproval ratings are four points higher. Fact.
That's terrible. How many people that you know lost jobs between 2007 and 2009? Odds are, it was a lot more.

If it really matters, I'll tell you. Otherwise the answer just looks self serving.

Regardless, the point is that no matter how you spin it, we are in no kind of a serious recovery.

Is that President Obama's fault ? Not in my book.

Because you don't control the economy. It is to big and to complex for someone to try and explain it in three paragraphs.

The stimulus, on the other hand, was huge waste of money. As was bailing out Wall Street and GM.
That's terrible. How many people that you know lost jobs between 2007 and 2009? Odds are, it was a lot more.

If it really matters, I'll tell you. Otherwise the answer just looks self serving.

Regardless, the point is that no matter how you spin it, we are in no kind of a serious recovery.

Is that President Obama's fault ? Not in my book.

Because you don't control the economy. It is to big and to complex for someone to try and explain it in three paragraphs.

The stimulus, on the other hand, was huge waste of money. As was bailing out Wall Street and GM.

Oh..... you're the crazy kind of nutter that thinks letting our financial markets and primary industries fail is a suitable punishment for government excess. Nice to know.

And....your second fact is unusual as it is an opinion. The third one might be true star for you!, two and too have different meanings.
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Seriously? Paying off? Our economy has not gotten better. Commodoties, pm's, food, gas are all high. It this some type of play on words or something.

The economy we knew is still wound up tigher than tight and not letting go.

Companies are not expanding becasue they don't know what is going ot happen.

The market rate of adjustment does not seem to be very fast.
Oh..... you're the crazy kind of nutter that thinks letting our financial markets and primary industries fail is a suitable punishment for government excess. Nice to know.

If you truly believe in a free market, you accept that these things need to happen. That someone had to rescue them only tells you that someone is screwing with with mother nature.

I also like to know that it is now apparent that the term nutters is anyone who does not see it your way.

[And....your second fact is unusual as it is an opinion. The third one might be true star for you!

Since there were no facts in the post you quoted, I have no idea what you are talking about (but that is usually the case).

[, two and too have different meanings.

And it would be great if the left could add two of the three together and come up with an answer that didn't tank the economy.
Sometimes I think people forget what letting the banks fail would really mean. What would it mean if one day your bank closed? If you couldn't write a check or use a credit card? If your customers or your employer was in the same boat?
Sometimes I think people forget what letting the banks fail would really mean. What would it mean if one day your bank closed? If you couldn't write a check or use a credit card? If your customers or your employer was in the same boat?

Gloom and Doom !!!

All justification for the intrusion of the current administration.

Letting the banks fail means letting the banks fail. It means a great deal of pain and sorrow on the short term and it wipes out a lot of the control of the wealth that so many of you whine about.

It means lots of opportunity to reconstuct the system so it won't fail and it also allows lot of small businesses back into markets they could not get at before. Housing would never have been cheaper !

But, everyone on the left would like things to be painless. So instead of a crash (which we don't even know if it would happen) that is akin to getting an arm cut off, we are suffering from a cancer that will eventually take the arm all the while we sit there and say....that arm looks healthy. It looks good....when it really looks awful.
First time home buyer tax incentive.

You really don't know much about economics, do you?

Now, Chris...if you really were a Realtor then you'd know that the first time home buyer tax incentive essentially worked the same as the cash for clunkers incentive worked for the car dealers...namely a surge followed by an abrupt decline in demand. So how has Obamanomics been working for your real estate sales since that program ended?

Like I said, you don't know much about economics.

We were in a deflationary spiral.

The stimulus stopped that and turned us around.

The stock market doubled, GDP grew, and we had 19 straight months of private sector job growth.

And I am making more money than I ever have.

If you knew as much about economics as you "say" you do,'d know that the concept of a "deflationary spiral" isn't even accepted as a fact by many economists. It's funny but for someone who says you got A's in economics you only seem to have learned Keynesian economic theory...were you absent when they discussed alternative theories?

You're making more money NOW than you were during the real estate boom? Really? Damn, may be the only Realtor I know who can say that. What's your secret? House sales are down. House prices are WAY down. Yet you're making more money now? Did you not sell anything before? Last time I checked I think house sales were off about 80% from the height of the boom yet you're making more money than you ever have! That's ASTOUNDING.
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Now, Chris...if you really were a Realtor then you'd know that the first time home buyer tax incentive essentially worked the same as the cash for clunkers incentive worked for the car dealers...namely a surge followed by an abrupt decline in demand. So how has Obamanomics been working for your real estate sales since that program ended?

Like I said, you don't know much about economics.

We were in a deflationary spiral.

The stimulus stopped that and turned us around.

The stock market doubled, GDP grew, and we had 19 straight months of private sector job growth.

And I am making more money than I ever have.

If you knew as much about economics as you "say" you do,'d know that the concept of a "deflationary spiral" isn't even accepted as a fact by many economists. It's funny but for someone who says you got A's in economics you only seem to have learned Keynesian economic theory...were you absent when they discussed alternative theories?

You're making more money NOW than you were during the real estate boom? Really? Damn, may be the only Realtor I know who can say that. What's your secret? House sales are down. House prices are WAY down. Yet you're making more money now? Did you not sell anything before? Last time I checked I think house sales were off about 80% from the height of the boom yet you're making more money than you ever have! That's ASTOUNDING.

You really don't know anything, do you?

Home sales are not off 80%. Housing is a universal human need.

Homes will always be bought and sold.

And you just described a defationary spiral in the housing industry.

You just proved yourself wrong in your own post.
You really don't know anything, do you?

Home sales are not off 80%. Housing is a universal human need.

Homes will always be bought and sold.

And you just described a defationary spiral in the housing industry.

You just proved yourself wrong in your own post.

Actually, I think this was his way of calling you ignorant or a liar.

Given your stupid statement about refining, I'd almost agree with him.
You really don't know anything, do you?

Home sales are not off 80%. Housing is a universal human need.

Homes will always be bought and sold.

And you just described a defationary spiral in the housing industry.

You just proved yourself wrong in your own post.

Actually, I think this was his way of calling you ignorant or a liar.

Given your stupid statement about refining, I'd almost agree with him.

When you Republicans have no facts, you fall back on insults.

I feel bad for you.
You really don't know anything, do you?

Home sales are not off 80%. Housing is a universal human need.

Homes will always be bought and sold.

And you just described a defationary spiral in the housing industry.

You just proved yourself wrong in your own post.

Actually, I think this was his way of calling you ignorant or a liar.

Given your stupid statement about refining, I'd almost agree with him.

When you Republicans have no facts, you fall back on insults.

I feel bad for you.

Yeah, righties like to get personal and insulting. It's the 30% way...

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