How Much Credit Should Obama Get For The Recovery?

I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?
What recovery?:dunno:
I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

When obama does something for the economy we can talk but not until then.
I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?
What recovery?:dunno:

I agree
I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

There is no recovery you dummy...

Unemployment goes down by .001 and you want to call that bullshit a recovery??

You fucking retarded or just an Obamabot?? which IMO are two-in-the-same.....
Clearly some aspects of the economy (the stock market for example) are either in recovery, or taking a break from the horror until some new shock to the system takes them back down again.

Equally obvious?

The Employment picture is not in looking good.

How much credit does Obama get for the inconsistent recovering that is happening right now?

Not much. About as much as the amount of BLAME he gets for this economy crappying out in the first place.

Read NOT MUCH in both cases.
Clearly some aspects of the economy (the stock market for example) are either in recovery, or taking a break from the horror until some new shock to the system takes them back down again.

Equally obvious?

The Employment picture is not in looking good.

How much credit does Obama get for the inconsistent recovering that is happening right now?

Not much. About as much as the amount of BLAME he gets for this economy crappying out in the first place.

Read NOT MUCH in both cases.

Just because bush isn't president the president no longer get's the blame for a shitty economy. Got it, I'll have to remember that from now on.
If I'm not a real realtor, I want my $1,200 a year that I pay to the association back.

You should probably find out why you sent in $1,200 for something that costs $364 annually.

Not here it doesn't.

And then there's another big fee for the MLS.

But this is what happens when you guys can't win an argument.

You start making things up.

The thing that's most amusing about this is that you seem to think you "won" the argument. As for who's making things up? For someone who's supposedly the best Realtor in Virginia you don't seem to know much about the subject, including what your yearly dues are.
There is no recovery. At best, a stretch, it is temporarily less worse. If the democrats say that obama averted the next great depression it is only because he drove us smack into the obamadepression.

If obama couldn't make things worse, he and the democrats have certainly made a good attempt by planning and implementing the occupy movement which has resulted in MORE unemployment as businesses in the affected areas have been forced to close and fire employees. Not to mention the destruction they caused. Oh yeah, obama did done a fine job.

Your chart is horseshit. Here are the real figures:


Note: "real growth rate" means "adjusted for inflation." It never went higher than 3.5%. That is incredibly anemic after such a sharp downturn.
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Your chart is horseshit. Here are the real figures:


Note: "real growth rate" means "adjusted for inflation." It never went higher than 3.5%. That is incredibly anemic after such a sharp downturn.

Not really.

Wall Street destroyed the world economy, and Bush spent trillions on two useless wars.

It is a lot to overcome.

We are coming back though, in spite of the Republicans in Congress.
obama never spent a dime in two useless wars. Or was it three? How much was wasted in Libya? All to make SURE that Al Quaeda was successful.
Your chart is horseshit. Here are the real figures:


Note: "real growth rate" means "adjusted for inflation." It never went higher than 3.5%. That is incredibly anemic after such a sharp downturn.

Not really.

Wall Street destroyed the world economy, and Bush spent trillions on two useless wars.

It is a lot to overcome.

We are coming back though, in spite of the Republicans in Congress.


You're still trying to blame BOOOOOSH, I see. Don't liberals claim war is what brought us out of the Great Depression? You turds can't seem to make up your mind as to whether war is good for the economy or not. You also claim deficit spending is good for the economy.

Liberals are so scitzo they're always taking both sides of an argument.

You're still trying to blame BOOOOOSH, I see. Don't liberals claim war is what brought us out of the Great Depression? You turds can't seem to make up your mind as to whether war is good for the economy or not. You also claim deficit spending is good for the economy.

Liberals are so scitzo they're always taking both sides of an argument.

When the horse you bet on (President Obama) turns out to be a giant go looking for a way to deflect the critics.

Bush had a GOP Congress and he got a lot of stuff done. Not much of it was good, but he got a lot of stuff done. It took the country six years to finally take away his majority in congress (and thank heavens).

Bush just squeaked by in 2000 and had a small margin in 2004.

President Obama rides a massive wave into the government and manages to come off looking so inept (....because he is inept...imagine that) that it only takes us two years to take the house away from him and he'll lose the senate next year. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

And all his supporters can do is say "It's still Bush's fault." Didn't they get the message in 2010 ? I guess not.

You will notice that the board Fraud (a.k.a. Chris) keeps putting up the same charts somehow expecting people to be hypnotized by them. When asked to explain them, all he does is put them back up again. I am so glad the other side has people like that. It saves us the trouble of putting them down.
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I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

What "recovery?"

I agree. Watching unemployment go down only 1%, after an increase from 7.6%, is HARDLY the recovery many Americans expected.

The unemployment rate
for people 16 to 19 stands at 23.9%;
for 20 to 24 year-olds, it's 13.4%
for 25 to 34 year-olds is 9.3%, only slightly over the average
all other age groups have unemployment rates below 7%

CNN reports that roughly 13.9 million Americans remained unemployed in October, and another 2.6 million were counted as "marginally attached" to the workforce -- they "wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the last year, but were not counted in the unemployment figures because they weren't actively searching for a job in October."

The so-called underemployment rate, which includes the marginally attached as well as part-time workers who want full-time positions, fell to 16.2%.

Overall, the report suggests that President Barack Obama will likely face voters with the highest unemployment rate of any post-war president.

Unemployment Hurting the Oldest and Youngest Workers - DailyFinance

Is this the Left's attempt at trying to hold a "Mission Accomplished" banner tied to President Obama's policies?
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You're still trying to blame BOOOOOSH, I see. Don't liberals claim war is what brought us out of the Great Depression? You turds can't seem to make up your mind as to whether war is good for the economy or not. You also claim deficit spending is good for the economy.

Liberals are so scitzo they're always taking both sides of an argument.

When the horse you bet on (President Obama) turns out to be a giant go looking for a way to deflect the critics.

Bush had a GOP Congress and he got a lot of stuff done. Not much of it was good, but he got a lot of stuff done. It took the country six years to finally take away his majority in congress (and thank heavens).

Bush just squeaked by in 2000 and had a small margin in 2004.

President Obama rides a massive wave into the government and manages to come off looking so inept (....because he is inept...imagine that) that it only takes us two years to take the house away from him and he'll lose the senate next year. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

And all his supporters can do is say "It's still Bush's fault." Didn't they get the message in 2010 ? I guess not.

You will notice that the board Fraud (a.k.a. Chris) keeps putting up the same charts somehow expecting people to be hypnotized by them. When asked to explain them, all he does is put them back up again. I am so glad the other side has people like that. It saves us the trouble of putting them down.

Bush had a GOP Congress and he got a lot of stuff done.
Yep the patriot act and that was way to much. I didn't see obama keep his promise of repealing it either nor did the democrats or the republics try to stop it from being extended. Oh sure some voted against it's repeal but it still was passed and extended by both party's and signed for by obama.

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