How Much Credit Should Obama Get For The Recovery?

Does not the market always recover? It's still not back to it's former 3 years time.....

Don't mind Chris. He just lives in his own little Obamaworld high on the idea that his fearless leader of hope and change walks on water.......

It is pathetic to see how blind his devotion has made him.

But someone has to vote for Mr. Community Organizer in 2012.
No thanks to his predecessor....

Still blaming Bush? That's not going to work in 2012............

Just thought you should know..........

Don't care...Just reminding y'all how this mess started. Some of you conveniently forget...

Only blaming Bush for an economy that cratered due in large part to a real estate market collapse...a collapse brought on by rampant abuse of sub-prime loans backed by Fannie and Freddie that Bush was in fact on record saying such a practice was a problem only to have people like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd assure us that there WAS no a bit ridiculous. W. is back at his ranch...Barney Frank is still in Congress and Fannie and Freddie are still costing us BILLIONS!
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Still blaming Bush? That's not going to work in 2012............

Just thought you should know..........

Don't care...Just reminding y'all how this mess started. Some of you conveniently forget...

Only blaming Bush for an economy that cratered due in large part to a real estate market collapse...a collapse brought on by rampant abuse of sub-prime loans backed by Fannie and Freddie that Bush was in fact on record saying such a practice was a problem only to have people like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd assure us that there WAS no a bit ridiculous. W. is back at his ranch...Barney Frank is still in Congress and Fannie and Freddie are still costing us BILLIONS!

Jamie Gorlick walked away with something like 26 million and then was asked to serve on the 9/11 commission.

You can't write stuff as good as this.

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