How Much Credit Should Obama Get For The Recovery?

And that is the point, isn't it. The government does create false economies all the time.

What you point out is true but real estate agents can only take advantage of the hands they are played. If times are good, they do well.

If the government pulls is a royal flush. That is why base closing are such a painful and political mess.

In some ways you can't avoid it.


What about things like GM where the bankruptcy and failure should have been allowed to happen ? When there are base closings, the government often seeks to lessen the pain.

In this case, the propped up a poor deal and painted it a different color all to keep union votes. Now GM workers are getting into line (new workers are making much less than they would have under the old system....) but that would have happened anyway. The economies of the area would adjust and life would go on.

But when the government stands to decide who lives and dies....well that is when all the liberal diasiy chains form up in D.C.

But Chris knows ecoomics !!!

I'm just amused that a dyed in the wool liberal like Chris is able to make money BECAUSE of the dozen or so military bases and dozens of defense contractors that are based where he lives yet progressives on this board are constantly calling for deep cuts to defense spending...something that would absolutely cripple an area like Hampton Roads. I wonder what 'ole Chris is for when he's lying in bed at night dreaming of big closings and fat commission checks. I also wonder what Chris' response would be if "income equality" was brought to real estate and commissions were divided evenly amongst his office's brokers despite who sold a house or who booked a listing. Funny how it's usually unfair if someone else is getting more money...yet deserved if you are.

You couldn't win the argument about Obama, so you attack me.

How lame.

And hard working realtors always make money. Why? Because housing is a universal human need.

You really don't know much about economics, do you?

They weren't attacking you Chris, but brought up a good point with how military base closings could effect your job outlook. Also the left believing in "sharing the wealth" being transpired into a market like realistate so you can comprehend it, isn't an attack either. Did you honestly have no comment in response to the "policies" the liberals are pushing, as a means to bring down the debt and their talk of redistribution?
You really can't get anything right can you? I don't live in the DC area and the reason I do well is that I work seven days a week.

But this is what conservatives do when they can't win an argument. They resort to personal attacks.
I dont see that as an attack Chris.
It is a prsumption based on the facts you offered him.
Truth is, the VB area is largely supported by government...
Without military bases, you may have a much more depressed area....
Now...dont go into "we have our beaches"...

Been to Asbury Park in NJ lately?

So government spending is good for the economy?

Thanks for proving my point.

No - rather cutting military personnel, because the left find it easier to cut defense spending over anything sacrificial on their part (such as entitlement spending, which holds a much bigger piece of government spending in this country), has a more drastic negative effect on the economy. To compare that to "temporary" employment like infrastructure is really apple to oranges and not a real long term solution towards KEEPING employment. Building refineries or lifting the moritorium on off shore drilling, allowing more BUILDING that requires a greater amount of employees to run and maintain, is a more "intelligent" approach the government can take towards creating a stronger economy. Of course bills like this are currently on hold in the senate, so no TRUE economic growth can actually take place beyond the small "quick fix bandaids" Obama and Reed can offer. These quick fix "gimmics", among other crippling policies under this administration, are precisely the reason why the unemployment rate hasn't gone down any further than 1%. Hardly an accomplishment that's worth celebrating by the far left.
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I'm just amused that a dyed in the wool liberal like Chris is able to make money BECAUSE of the dozen or so military bases and dozens of defense contractors that are based where he lives yet progressives on this board are constantly calling for deep cuts to defense spending...something that would absolutely cripple an area like Hampton Roads. I wonder what 'ole Chris is for when he's lying in bed at night dreaming of big closings and fat commission checks. I also wonder what Chris' response would be if "income equality" was brought to real estate and commissions were divided evenly amongst his office's brokers despite who sold a house or who booked a listing. Funny how it's usually unfair if someone else is getting more money...yet deserved if you are.

You couldn't win the argument about Obama, so you attack me.

How lame.

And hard working realtors always make money. Why? Because housing is a universal human need.

You really don't know much about economics, do you?

They weren't attacking you Chris, but brought up a good point with how military base closings could effect your job outlook. Also the left believing in "sharing the wealth" being transpired into a market like realistate so you can comprehend it, isn't an attack either. Did you honestly have no comment in response to the "policies" the liberals are pushing, as a means to bring down the debt and their talk of redistribution?

Chris pretty much posts the same crapp when cornered.

I am going to start calling him the Black Knight (from Monty Python) know the one that has his arms and legs cut off and is still calling out for the guy who just turned him into a stump to come back and "fight like a man".

Maybe we will just call him stumpy.
Nothing but personal insults.

You have nothing.

You are done.

Here's the problem with government spending, order to spend it, the government must first TAKE IT from someone else. That money that props up all those military bases in "your" area? Before the government can spend that money in the Hampton Roads it first has to seize it from someone in the Private Sector. It's robbing Peter to pay Paul. The government spending that helps "your" economy invariably hurts the economy of someone else.

So you want to cut military spending.

I'm all for that.

Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich and cut military spending and balanced the federal budget. What a concept!

And then Bush cut taxes for the rich and started two useless wars which doubled the National Debt.

So lets repeal the Bush tax cuts and cut the military budget.

Actually Clinton did a financial shuffle to create an illusion of surplus, but the overall National Debt GREW under President Clinton. This would be an equivalent to putting your entire home mortagage on a credit card, then going off bragging to your friends how you managed to have your house paid off. You still have an overall DEBT that has to get paid somehow. Try looking at the overall National Debt under the Clinton administration, a surplus you will not find.
Actually Clinton did a financial shuffle to create an illusion of surplus, but the overall National Debt GREW under President Clinton. This would be an equivalent to putting your entire home mortagage on a credit card, then going off bragging to your friends how you managed to have your house paid off. You still have an overall DEBT that has to get paid somehow. Try looking at the overall National Debt under the Clinton administration, a surplus you will not find.

Can you supply a link that explains this.

I have heard it before and would like to learn more.
Actually Clinton did a financial shuffle to create an illusion of surplus, but the overall National Debt GREW under President Clinton. This would be an equivalent to putting your entire home mortagage on a credit card, then going off bragging to your friends how you managed to have your house paid off. You still have an overall DEBT that has to get paid somehow. Try looking at the overall National Debt under the Clinton administration, a surplus you will not find.

Can you supply a link that explains this.

I have heard it before and would like to learn more.

I have uncovered a few sources of information and posted them under an older thread here: Clinton's Surplus

Also read the following link source as well. A timeline of when President Clinton reduced our military spending to dangerous levels, leaving George W. Bush to take over having to deal with an underfunded, weak military lacking in needed supplies:
Source: Clinton and the Decline of the Military.html
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I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

What "recovery?"

The one FOX News isn't telling you about?


Hahahahahaa ~ If you seriously think that there has been a recovery and FOX is keeping it from us you are drinking Way too much kool-aid and watching MSNBC.
You are Sadly Misinformed....
None. Because there is no recovery. I'm very skeptical of their 9% Unemployment number. Businesses are still going under in droves. So their 9% number seems very fraudulent in my opinion. Things are very very bad. I understand this President will claim everything is just great but that's a very big lie. I fully expect him to claim Unemployment has dropped to around 7% or so right around Election time. But it wont be reality. We'll see if the People buy it though.
It's in the broom closet outside the oval office.

They'll haul it out around April next year so it will still be fresh in people's minds come summer and convention season.

Will April be too early?

Don't worry. They'll figure out the best time. Just have faith.
It's in the broom closet outside the oval office.

They'll haul it out around April next year so it will still be fresh in people's minds come summer and convention season.

Will April be too early?

Don't worry. They'll figure out the best time. Just have faith.
Just as the Left was accusing Bush of hiding bin-laden to spring on the public during the 2004 election.
I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

What recovery do you speak of???
Do we have any polling numbers on who thinks we are in a "recovery" and who does not ?
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

This is from RealClearPolitics.Com

It is the poll on the direction of the country.

Obviously, people are not all that enamored with the economic performance some on this board are so bent on standing behind.

When you have 50 point spread between right direction and wrong direction, you know things are not going well.

How's that stimulus working out for you ?

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