How Much Credit Should Obama Get For The Recovery?

I'm just amused that a dyed in the wool liberal like Chris is able to make money BECAUSE of the dozen or so military bases and dozens of defense contractors that are based where he lives yet progressives on this board are constantly calling for deep cuts to defense spending...something that would absolutely cripple an area like Hampton Roads. I wonder what 'ole Chris is for when he's lying in bed at night dreaming of big closings and fat commission checks. I also wonder what Chris' response would be if "income equality" was brought to real estate and commissions were divided evenly amongst his office's brokers despite who sold a house or who booked a listing. Funny how it's usually unfair if someone else is getting more money...yet deserved if you are.

You couldn't win the argument about Obama, so you attack me.

How lame.

And hard working realtors always make money. Why? Because housing is a universal human need.

You really don't know much about economics, do you?

Pointing out that you have a vested interest in big government spending, Chris...isn't an "attack" on you. It's simply an observation. Housing may be a universal need but that doesn't mean that the housing market is always hot. When you've got people unable to get credit...people having full time jobs reduced to part time hours...banks stung by a glut of graduates unable to find work in their chosen field...the housing market doesn't boom it busts.

I have never had problems with people getting credit.

There are hundreds of mortgage lenders out there.

And even if the housing market tanks, it just means that the banks have more houses to sell.

The housing market never goes away.
Nothing but personal insults.

You have nothing.

You are done.

Here's the problem with government spending, order to spend it, the government must first TAKE IT from someone else. That money that props up all those military bases in "your" area? Before the government can spend that money in the Hampton Roads it first has to seize it from someone in the Private Sector. It's robbing Peter to pay Paul. The government spending that helps "your" economy invariably hurts the economy of someone else.

So you want to cut military spending.

I'm all for that.

Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich and cut military spending and balanced the federal budget. What a concept!

And then Bush cut taxes for the rich and started two useless wars which doubled the National Debt.

So lets repeal the Bush tax cuts and cut the military budget.

That's not what really happened, Chris...even though it's Liberal "dogma" ever since. I think if you go back and really look at what happened when Clinton was balancing those budgets you'll find that he was being forced to do so by a Republican Congress. I think one year he submitted four budgets to Congress before he was able to satisfy Newt and his "Contract with America" crowd.

As for cuts? I'm all for cuts across the board. I think military spending is just as out of control as spending elsewhere. Entitlements are the things that are eating us alive though, and progressives like yourself scream bloody murder every time someone tries to reform them.
Here's the problem with government spending, order to spend it, the government must first TAKE IT from someone else. That money that props up all those military bases in "your" area? Before the government can spend that money in the Hampton Roads it first has to seize it from someone in the Private Sector. It's robbing Peter to pay Paul. The government spending that helps "your" economy invariably hurts the economy of someone else.

So you want to cut military spending.

I'm all for that.

Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich and cut military spending and balanced the federal budget. What a concept!

And then Bush cut taxes for the rich and started two useless wars which doubled the National Debt.

So lets repeal the Bush tax cuts and cut the military budget.

That's not what really happened, Chris...even though it's Liberal "dogma" ever since. I think if you go back and really look at what happened when Clinton was balancing those budgets you'll find that he was being forced to do so by a Republican Congress. I think one year he submitted four budgets to Congress before he was able to satisfy Newt and his "Contract with America" crowd.

As for cuts? I'm all for cuts across the board. I think military spending is just as out of control as spending elsewhere. Entitlements are the things that are eating us alive though, and progressives like yourself scream bloody murder every time someone tries to reform them.

Entitlements are not the problem.

The problem is that Bush defunded the government with tax cuts for the rich.

Then he started two unfunded wars.

65% of the federal budget is Social Security, Medicare, and Defense.

Every poll indicates that Americans want Social Security, Medicare, and Defense.

If they want that, they have to pay for it.
You couldn't win the argument about Obama, so you attack me.

How lame.

And hard working realtors always make money. Why? Because housing is a universal human need.

You really don't know much about economics, do you?

Pointing out that you have a vested interest in big government spending, Chris...isn't an "attack" on you. It's simply an observation. Housing may be a universal need but that doesn't mean that the housing market is always hot. When you've got people unable to get credit...people having full time jobs reduced to part time hours...banks stung by a glut of graduates unable to find work in their chosen field...the housing market doesn't boom it busts.

I have never had problems with people getting credit.

There are hundreds of mortgage lenders out there.

And even if the housing market tanks, it just means that the banks have more houses to sell.

The housing market never goes away.

Are you "really" a Realtor? I find it hard to believe when you make statements like the ones above. You've never had problems with people getting credit? Really? That's ASTOUNDING. Down here in Florida you can't get financing on a condo. There aren't reputable lenders writing loans on them. That portion of the market has done more than "tank" it's cratered. You're not getting anymore liar loans. You're not getting any zero down loans. People aren't buying houses here because they can't sell them where they live now so they can move. But you think the housing market never goes away? Tell that to all the people who now rent because they can't buy.
So you want to cut military spending.

I'm all for that.

Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich and cut military spending and balanced the federal budget. What a concept!

And then Bush cut taxes for the rich and started two useless wars which doubled the National Debt.

So lets repeal the Bush tax cuts and cut the military budget.

That's not what really happened, Chris...even though it's Liberal "dogma" ever since. I think if you go back and really look at what happened when Clinton was balancing those budgets you'll find that he was being forced to do so by a Republican Congress. I think one year he submitted four budgets to Congress before he was able to satisfy Newt and his "Contract with America" crowd.

As for cuts? I'm all for cuts across the board. I think military spending is just as out of control as spending elsewhere. Entitlements are the things that are eating us alive though, and progressives like yourself scream bloody murder every time someone tries to reform them.

Entitlements are not the problem.

The problem is that Bush defunded the government with tax cuts for the rich.

Then he started two unfunded wars.

65% of the federal budget is Social Security, Medicare, and Defense.

Every poll indicates that Americans want Social Security, Medicare, and Defense.

If they want that, they have to pay for it.

Gee, Chris...for a guy that keeps crowing how much he grasps economics you don't seem to understand the numbers in this scenario very well. Entitlements aren't the problem? Did you really just say that? Do you really not know that projected spending for entitlements will soon be greater than our entire GDP? You could take ALL of the money you think the rich have hidden away and it STILL wouldn't pay for those entitlement programs we now have in place. NOT EVEN CLOSE! Yet you come here and say that the problem was tax cuts for the rich? You're amusing, Chris...
Pointing out that you have a vested interest in big government spending, Chris...isn't an "attack" on you. It's simply an observation. Housing may be a universal need but that doesn't mean that the housing market is always hot. When you've got people unable to get credit...people having full time jobs reduced to part time hours...banks stung by a glut of graduates unable to find work in their chosen field...the housing market doesn't boom it busts.

I have never had problems with people getting credit.

There are hundreds of mortgage lenders out there.

And even if the housing market tanks, it just means that the banks have more houses to sell.

The housing market never goes away.

Are you "really" a Realtor? I find it hard to believe when you make statements like the ones above. You've never had problems with people getting credit? Really? That's ASTOUNDING. Down here in Florida you can't get financing on a condo. There aren't reputable lenders writing loans on them. That portion of the market has done more than "tank" it's cratered. You're not getting anymore liar loans. You're not getting any zero down loans. People aren't buying houses here because they can't sell them where they live now so they can move. But you think the housing market never goes away? Tell that to all the people who now rent because they can't buy.

We have 100% money for VA and first time home buyers.

Can't speak about Florida, but I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that realtors down there are making money. If they are willing to work seven days a week like me.

People have to live somewhere, and if property is cheap, the investors will buy it and rent it out.
That's not what really happened, Chris...even though it's Liberal "dogma" ever since. I think if you go back and really look at what happened when Clinton was balancing those budgets you'll find that he was being forced to do so by a Republican Congress. I think one year he submitted four budgets to Congress before he was able to satisfy Newt and his "Contract with America" crowd.

As for cuts? I'm all for cuts across the board. I think military spending is just as out of control as spending elsewhere. Entitlements are the things that are eating us alive though, and progressives like yourself scream bloody murder every time someone tries to reform them.

Entitlements are not the problem.

The problem is that Bush defunded the government with tax cuts for the rich.

Then he started two unfunded wars.

65% of the federal budget is Social Security, Medicare, and Defense.

Every poll indicates that Americans want Social Security, Medicare, and Defense.

If they want that, they have to pay for it.

Gee, Chris...for a guy that keeps crowing how much he grasps economics you don't seem to understand the numbers in this scenario very well. Entitlements aren't the problem? Did you really just say that? Do you really not know that projected spending for entitlements will soon be greater than our entire GDP? You could take ALL of the money you think the rich have hidden away and it STILL wouldn't pay for those entitlement programs we now have in place. NOT EVEN CLOSE! Yet you come here and say that the problem was tax cuts for the rich? You're amusing, Chris...

South Florida home sales remain stronger than 2010

Existing homes sales in September rose compared to last year, although sales were down from the month before, according to data released Thursday morning by the Miami Association of Realtors.

There were 848 single family home sales in Miami-Dade in September, up 46 percent from the same month in 2010, but down 10.8 percent from August. Existing Miami-Dade condo sales reached 1,319, up 58 percent on a year-over-year basis, and flat compared to last month.

In Broward, single-family home sales reached 1,079, up 11 percent year-over-year but down 8.9 percent from the month before. Condo sales totaled 1,281, up 6 percent from the previous year and down 8.4 percent from August.

South Florida home sales remain stronger than 2010 - Business Breaking News -
I have never had problems with people getting credit.

There are hundreds of mortgage lenders out there.

And even if the housing market tanks, it just means that the banks have more houses to sell.

The housing market never goes away.

Are you "really" a Realtor? I find it hard to believe when you make statements like the ones above. You've never had problems with people getting credit? Really? That's ASTOUNDING. Down here in Florida you can't get financing on a condo. There aren't reputable lenders writing loans on them. That portion of the market has done more than "tank" it's cratered. You're not getting anymore liar loans. You're not getting any zero down loans. People aren't buying houses here because they can't sell them where they live now so they can move. But you think the housing market never goes away? Tell that to all the people who now rent because they can't buy.

We have 100% money for VA and first time home buyers.

Can't speak about Florida, but I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that realtors down there are making money. If they are willing to work seven days a week like me.

People have to live somewhere, and if property is cheap, the investors will buy it and rent it out.

You really are clueless to what's going on in the real estate market right now. For the most part the people who are buying property in Florida right now are doing it with their own money. They are cash heavy investors buying up things dirt cheap because nobody else can get financing.

As for how hard Realtors are working in Florida? Chris there are probably a hundred thousand LESS Realtors in Florida now...then there were before the market crashed. It's been a bloodbath down here for Realtors, bankers and builders. The ones that have survived are working twice as hard for half as much. You seem to exist in real estate "heaven" where everything is always hunky dory. It isn't.
What I find amusing is that it's the 1% that you progressives are presently ranting about that are the ones that will be making a killing off this. Those "renters" that you refer to are the middle class people that can't get into houses now and are forced to rent. But you're OK with that I guess, Chris...because you're making your commissions?
Are you "really" a Realtor? I find it hard to believe when you make statements like the ones above. You've never had problems with people getting credit? Really? That's ASTOUNDING. Down here in Florida you can't get financing on a condo. There aren't reputable lenders writing loans on them. That portion of the market has done more than "tank" it's cratered. You're not getting anymore liar loans. You're not getting any zero down loans. People aren't buying houses here because they can't sell them where they live now so they can move. But you think the housing market never goes away? Tell that to all the people who now rent because they can't buy.

We have 100% money for VA and first time home buyers.

Can't speak about Florida, but I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that realtors down there are making money. If they are willing to work seven days a week like me.

People have to live somewhere, and if property is cheap, the investors will buy it and rent it out.

You really are clueless to what's going on in the real estate market right now. For the most part the people who are buying property in Florida right now are doing it with their own money. They are cash heavy investors buying up things dirt cheap because nobody else can get financing.

As for how hard Realtors are working in Florida? Chris there are probably a hundred thousand LESS Realtors in Florida now...then there were before the market crashed. It's been a bloodbath down here for Realtors, bankers and builders. The ones that have survived are working twice as hard for half as much. You seem to exist in real estate "heaven" where everything is always hunky dory. It isn't.

Maybe you should check your numbers before you start making things up.

In 2007 there were 161,000 realtors in Florida.

Last year there were 111,000.

So about a 30% drop.

I am in the top 1% of realtors in my area. That's why the market doesn't worry me.

As housing flounders Realtors leave profession - Business - Real estate -

How Many Realtors are Out There? Per Person? - The Phoenix Real Estate Guy
What I find amusing is that it's the 1% that you progressives are presently ranting about that are the ones that will be making a killing off this. Those "renters" that you refer to are the middle class people that can't get into houses now and are forced to rent. But you're OK with that I guess, Chris...because you're making your commissions?

You are wrong as usually.

Prices are so low now that the mortgages are cheaper than the rents.

And anyone with good credit can get a mortgage.

So this is the golden time for first time home buyers.
South Florida home sales remain stronger than 2010

Existing homes sales in September rose compared to last year, although sales were down from the month before, according to data released Thursday morning by the Miami Association of Realtors.

There were 848 single family home sales in Miami-Dade in September, up 46 percent from the same month in 2010, but down 10.8 percent from August. Existing Miami-Dade condo sales reached 1,319, up 58 percent on a year-over-year basis, and flat compared to last month.

In Broward, single-family home sales reached 1,079, up 11 percent year-over-year but down 8.9 percent from the month before. Condo sales totaled 1,281, up 6 percent from the previous year and down 8.4 percent from August.

South Florida home sales remain stronger than 2010 - Business Breaking News -

Ah, Chris? Did you not see this little blurb from your cite?

"Cash investors continued to play a dominant role in the market, with 63 percent of all sales completed in cash."

And the fact that house sales are up this year compared to last is like saying someone isn't drowning because instead of being 40 feet underwater they are only 35 feet underwater.
South Florida home sales remain stronger than 2010

Existing homes sales in September rose compared to last year, although sales were down from the month before, according to data released Thursday morning by the Miami Association of Realtors.

There were 848 single family home sales in Miami-Dade in September, up 46 percent from the same month in 2010, but down 10.8 percent from August. Existing Miami-Dade condo sales reached 1,319, up 58 percent on a year-over-year basis, and flat compared to last month.

In Broward, single-family home sales reached 1,079, up 11 percent year-over-year but down 8.9 percent from the month before. Condo sales totaled 1,281, up 6 percent from the previous year and down 8.4 percent from August.

South Florida home sales remain stronger than 2010 - Business Breaking News -

Ah, Chris? Did you not see this little blurb from your cite?

"Cash investors continued to play a dominant role in the market, with 63 percent of all sales completed in cash."


So what?

I sold a lot of homes to cash investors this year.

40% of homes in the U.S. don't have a mortgage.

I bet a lot of people are selling their homes up north and moving to florida and buying a cheap condo with their equity.
We have 100% money for VA and first time home buyers.

Can't speak about Florida, but I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that realtors down there are making money. If they are willing to work seven days a week like me.

People have to live somewhere, and if property is cheap, the investors will buy it and rent it out.

You really are clueless to what's going on in the real estate market right now. For the most part the people who are buying property in Florida right now are doing it with their own money. They are cash heavy investors buying up things dirt cheap because nobody else can get financing.

As for how hard Realtors are working in Florida? Chris there are probably a hundred thousand LESS Realtors in Florida now...then there were before the market crashed. It's been a bloodbath down here for Realtors, bankers and builders. The ones that have survived are working twice as hard for half as much. You seem to exist in real estate "heaven" where everything is always hunky dory. It isn't.

Maybe you should check your numbers before you start making things up.

In 2007 there were 161,000 realtors in Florida.

Last year there were 111,000.

So about a 30% drop.

I am in the top 1% of realtors in my area. That's why the market doesn't worry me.

As housing flounders Realtors leave profession - Business - Real estate -

How Many Realtors are Out There? Per Person? - The Phoenix Real Estate Guy

Do you even know what a Realtor is? I ask that because you never put the word in caps...something I find strange given how that is such a sticking point with REAL Realtors.
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You really are clueless to what's going on in the real estate market right now. For the most part the people who are buying property in Florida right now are doing it with their own money. They are cash heavy investors buying up things dirt cheap because nobody else can get financing.

As for how hard Realtors are working in Florida? Chris there are probably a hundred thousand LESS Realtors in Florida now...then there were before the market crashed. It's been a bloodbath down here for Realtors, bankers and builders. The ones that have survived are working twice as hard for half as much. You seem to exist in real estate "heaven" where everything is always hunky dory. It isn't.

Maybe you should check your numbers before you start making things up.

In 2007 there were 161,000 realtors in Florida.

Last year there were 111,000.

So about a 30% drop.

I am in the top 1% of realtors in my area. That's why the market doesn't worry me.

As housing flounders Realtors leave profession - Business - Real estate -

How Many Realtors are Out There? Per Person? - The Phoenix Real Estate Guy

Do you even know what a Realtor is? I ask that because you never put the word in caps...something I find strange given how that is such a sticking point that is with REAL Realtors.

If I'm not a real realtor, I want my $1,200 a year that I pay to the association back.
Maybe you should check your numbers before you start making things up.

In 2007 there were 161,000 realtors in Florida.

Last year there were 111,000.

So about a 30% drop.

I am in the top 1% of realtors in my area. That's why the market doesn't worry me.

As housing flounders Realtors leave profession - Business - Real estate -

How Many Realtors are Out There? Per Person? - The Phoenix Real Estate Guy

Do you even know what a Realtor is? I ask that because you never put the word in caps...something I find strange given how that is such a sticking point that is with REAL Realtors.

If I'm not a real realtor, I want my $1,200 a year that I pay to the association back.

You should probably find out why you sent in $1,200 for something that costs $364 annually.
Do you even know what a Realtor is? I ask that because you never put the word in caps...something I find strange given how that is such a sticking point that is with REAL Realtors.

If I'm not a real realtor, I want my $1,200 a year that I pay to the association back.

You should probably find out why you sent in $1,200 for something that costs $364 annually.

Not here it doesn't.

And then there's another big fee for the MLS.

But this is what happens when you guys can't win an argument.

You start making things up.

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