How Much Credit Should Obama Get For The Recovery?

Personal income in the US has recovered from the Bush recession. It's now higher than it's ever been.

Personal income in the US has recovered from the Bush recession. It's now higher than it's ever been.


The US of what? Not US of A.

Seriously ... personal income for whom? Are you just not counting people with no income at all? Your statement sounds like the opposite of other figures I've heard. Would like to see the source.
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Call yourself an American!!!.......You ARE NOT FIT TO UTTER SUCH WORDS:cool:I'm theliq I kick this GUYS ASS BIG TIME:clap2::clap2:
I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

What recovery? Unless you're talking about the recovery of the communist party in america, he does not deserve credit for shit.
well, at least the moron Chris dropped the 'the GDP is proof of recovery' nonsense.

What I notice is that Chris uses facts to back up what he says. You, on the other hand call people names.

What fact is Chris using to prove his point that some we were saved from a Great Depression ?

And Chris uses a lot of statistics. That somehow imply a relationship. Used car dealers do the same thing. Maybe Chris sells used cars (he makes 100K, but uses government programs to let you and me help pay off his house) ?

Conservative makes good arguments for his relationships.

Please don't confuse misinformation as information. Just because someone posts a graph is no reason to be impressed.
I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

You should have stopped after your second sentence.

Obama deserves neither credit nor blame.

I'm not sure about that. Obama's taken all kinds of crap for using the Federal budget to staunch the bleeding when America's banks were circling the drain. He didn't have to step into the breech like he did. Not every politician would have done it.
Personal income in the US has recovered from the Bush recession. It's now higher than it's ever been.

If there was a graph in didn't work.

Please provide your source....maybe Chris can help you with your facts.
I'm not sure about that. Obama's taken all kinds of crap for using the Federal budget to staunch the bleeding when America's banks were circling the drain. He didn't have to step into the breech like he did. Not every politician would have done it.

He should not have done it.
Personal income in the US has recovered from the Bush recession. It's now higher than it's ever been.

It increased 0.1% in September after decreasing 0.1% in August.

Can you add?

Then look up the word stagnant.
Ho Ho,Sure SHE could help,that is SSSSSHHHHHEEEEEEE but hey I understand your myopia in all things non American......The 1st Family,like all Americans,well mostly All,are always WELCOME AT OUR TABLE FOR AS LONG AS THEY LIKE.:clap2::clap2::cool:and keep well
Of course there is a recovery,4% growth,but NO thanks to the conservative morons,who think they and only they have the answers....which is complete BS as we saw in the death throses of the W Bush administration.

Cons and Repubs should BUTT OUT,because they couldn't organize a PISS UP IN A BREWERY.

VIVA OBAMA Oooooo Yeah..theliq...looking forward to the 1st Family in AUSTRALIA soon,where they will be treated with RESPECT,something Conservative Americans no nothing of,because they have NO SELF RESPECT as has been clearly shown in the past number of YEARS.:clap2:
What "recovery?"

My guess is that if he didn't screw up their economy...they might be happy to see him.

If the PM of Australia does not mess ours...I'd welcome him here.

I am happy to see President Obama go to Australia.....I hope he stays for the next six months.
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Meaningless. This is a debt crisis. You don't fix it by creating more debt. Economies are systems, not pumps or engines, that you can prime. All we did was was stimulate it. We did not fix the problem and the problem is debt.

This is a dead cat bounce. Wall street will crash and the economy will tank.

Count on it.

Want to bet?

I am betting. It called the stock market.

Has the housing crisis gone away? Are the toxic mortgages Fanny and Freddy are holding been paid for? Do you really think the banks are safe?

The European banks that hold Greek debt just suffered a fifty percent lost on that investment. You don't think they will be asking the FED for help? Then it will be Italy's Spain, Portugal and Ireland's turn.

The American banks... they have foreclosed homes, they can't put on the market because doing so will cause housing to crash again. There are home owners that have not paid since 2009. The banks are letting these homeowners live there rent free, because they don't want more REOs on their books.

Our #1 Our number one export is U.S. Dollars. They only have value when both parties agree. One day very soon the Chinese or Saudis are going to reject the dollar and ask us, what else do you got. We need to start trading products that have value with the world. Oh our politicians shall kick the can down the road a little farther if they can. I expect QE3 and maybe QE4, but eventually these debts have to be paid.

In a way you are betting too. Your betting that everything is going to return to normal. That belief frees you form taking any precautionary measures to protect yourself and your family from a possible economic downturn.

If I wrong: My silver and gold still have value, I can eat the food I have stored and I'll buy some IBM stock. If your wrong, the consequences could be devastating.
Personal income in the US has recovered from the Bush recession. It's now higher than it's ever been.

If there was a graph in didn't work.

Please provide your source....maybe Chris can help you with your facts.

The three rules of lying.

Deny, deny, deny,....

Gee Chris,

That wasn' related to the quote at all.

Are you drinking ?

I don't see a graph or anything associated with his post. I am asking for a source.

You have a problem with that ?

Or are you just sharing some of your time tested wisdom ?
Ho Ho,Sure SHE could help,that is SSSSSHHHHHEEEEEEE but hey I understand your myopia in all things non American......The 1st Family,like all Americans,well mostly All,are always WELCOME AT OUR TABLE FOR AS LONG AS THEY LIKE.:clap2::clap2::cool:and keep well

Do you need the number for a drug recovery program ?
If there was a graph in didn't work.

Please provide your source....maybe Chris can help you with your facts.

The three rules of lying.

Deny, deny, deny,....

Gee Chris,

That wasn' related to the quote at all.

Are you drinking ?

I don't see a graph or anything associated with his post. I am asking for a source.

You have a problem with that ?

Or are you just sharing some of your time tested wisdom ?

I don't drink. Never have.

We have added 1.6 million private sector jobs in the last 12 months.

Private-sector jobs slowly returning, but being dragged down by rising government layoffs - The Washington Post

We have had positive GDP growth since 2009.

GDP Gross Domestic Product 2011 real gdp growth 2010 rate united states current statistics 2010 economic growth | EconPost

Which part of this don't you understand?
I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

:cuckoo::cuckoo: Have you got a link to some kind of recovery---:lol::lol:
If there was a graph in didn't work.

Please provide your source....maybe Chris can help you with your facts.

The three rules of lying.

Deny, deny, deny,....

Gee Chris,

That wasn' related to the quote at all.

Are you drinking ?

I don't see a graph or anything associated with his post. I am asking for a source.

You have a problem with that ?

Or are you just sharing some of your time tested wisdom ?

When I quoted Sundial's post in preparation for my reply, there was a long string of weird code which didn't relate to anything visible on my computer screen. Maybe it was a graph only liberals could see. Maybe there's a special program liberals install on their computers? Free with a donation to Obama's reelection fund? :eusa_angel:
The three rules of lying.

Deny, deny, deny,....

Gee Chris,

That wasn' related to the quote at all.

Are you drinking ?

I don't see a graph or anything associated with his post. I am asking for a source.

You have a problem with that ?

Or are you just sharing some of your time tested wisdom ?

I don't drink. Never have.

We have added 1.6 million private sector jobs in the last 12 months.

Private-sector jobs slowly returning, but being dragged down by rising government layoffs - The Washington Post

We have had positive GDP growth since 2009.

GDP Gross Domestic Product 2011 real gdp growth 2010 rate united states current statistics 2010 economic growth | EconPost

Which part of this don't you understand?

None of this was in his post, moron.....

You don't seem to keep context very well.

Now, is that a net increase in jobs ? Or have there been job losses at the same time ? If so, how many ?
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Gee Chris,

That wasn' related to the quote at all.

Are you drinking ?

I don't see a graph or anything associated with his post. I am asking for a source.

You have a problem with that ?

Or are you just sharing some of your time tested wisdom ?

I don't drink. Never have.

We have added 1.6 million private sector jobs in the last 12 months.

Private-sector jobs slowly returning, but being dragged down by rising government layoffs - The Washington Post

We have had positive GDP growth since 2009.

GDP Gross Domestic Product 2011 real gdp growth 2010 rate united states current statistics 2010 economic growth | EconPost

Which part of this don't you understand?

None of this was in his post, moron.....

You don't seem to keep context very well.

Now, is that a net increase in jobs ? Or have there been job losses at the same time ? If so, how many ?

PolitiFact | Nancy Pelosi says more jobs created in Obama's first year than eight years of George W. Bush

As I figured, you didn't even read the link I posted.

WASHINGTON — Conservative Republicans have long clamored for government downsizing. They’re starting to get it — by default.

Crippled by plunging tax revenues, state and local governments have shed over a half million jobs since the recession began in December 2007. And, after adding jobs early in the downturn, the federal government is now cutting them as well.

States cut 49,000 jobs over the past year and localities 210,000, according to an analysis of Labor Department statistics. There are 30,000 fewer federal workers now than a year ago — including 5,300 Postal Service jobs canceled last month.

By contrast, private-sector jobs have increased by 1.6 million over the past 12 months. But the state, local and federal job losses have become a drag on efforts to nudge the nation’s unemployment rate down from its painfully high 9.1 percent.

The economy has been expanding, at least modestly, since the middle of 2009. And state and local governments are usually engines of job growth during recoveries. But not now, said economist Heidi Shierholz of the labor-aligned Economic Policy Institute.

Private-sector jobs slowly returning, but being dragged down by rising government layoffs - The Washington Post

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